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Everything posted by grouse

  1. Jay Traynor - Up and Over - ABC Yvonne Baker - You Didn't Say A Word - Parkway Adams Apples - Don't Take it out on this world - Brunswick
  2. I can't believe I just watched that all the way through.....
  3. Bought 'standing on the corner - Watson and the Sherlocks' thinking it was Sherlock Holmes.
  4. Just downloaded it, looks great. Thanks for letting us know....
  5. Discussed here Only the stamped white demos are original. The issues were pressed specially for the scene, and it's been booted several times.
  6. Some of us have been doing this for years, without the aid of guides... I don't think 'collectors' have a problem with these as they are just another 'non original' that can be ignored. These are bought by people who want to pretend they are collectors
  7. Just had the same message, Philly 40th not available. Luckily it was a second set I ordered for a friend.
  8. So 4 quid to get in. There's a dancefloor and a bar, they play Northern, and it's full of people who can't dance Sounds like an average soul night to me.
  9. All of these are easy to tell as they are bootleg/reissues with different labels stuck on top. If you don't know the difference you shouldn't be buying records. I can't see anyone being fooled by these. The people buying them for big money are just idiots.
  10. 26.33 Springers - Nothing's too good for my baby Brilliant and seriously seriously rare I wish I had one...............
  11. Mine arrived yesterday, brilliant... I've just ordered another set for a friend. Thanks Ian
  12. Collectors must have a really low IQ to fall for these. There was a time when a certain amount of knowledge was needed to collect northern originals. If you weren't sure that a record was original or not, you asked someone who did...... You either collect originals or you don't, bootlegs have been around for as long as I can remember, these are no different to any other. The fault lies with the idiots paying stupid money for worthless records.
  13. Try changing the stylus for a new one and put some extra weight on. Might work..... You've nothing to lose
  14. I stand corrected on the Martha Reeves. Still done specially for the scene though so not intended for the general record buying public and years after recording.
  15. The Tempests and Martha Reeves on 45 would be a pressings, released specially for the northern scene. They may or may not also be a bootlegs depending on if they were released with permission, but I'll let the people who care about licences worry about that. Personally I'm not bothered. They're not an originals. The permission/licence thing is a totally different argument and as a reluctant PRS PPL fee payer I have views on the subject which I'll save for another thread.
  16. Bloody hell....... that's awful
  17. Don't know why, pressings can be legal or illegal, as you said yourself no one cared in the 70s, we just knew they weren't originals
  18. They would be bootlegs, I was only talking about northern, as I don't collect Beatles records (they're British anyway so don't count) and have never heard of Joy Division
  19. They would be pressings.... specially made
  20. Following from JM's Auction thread, here are my definitions. Original - A record intended for general release to the record buying public, made around the time of the recording. Re-issue - A record made for general release to the record buying public but after the original release. Pressing - A record made specially for the northern scene (Columbia special products, those MGM things you could buy in Russ' little record booth on the balcony, bootlegs, and issues of the Carstairs ect) Pressings can either be legally done with the label owners permission or Illegal bootlegs. Bootleg - A record made specially for the northern scene without the owners permission May or may not look like the original. Counterfeit - A record made specially for the northern scene without the owners permission and intended to look like the original. You may or may not agree with the above but they are what I have always used when trying to describe a record... Edit: All British including Grapevine and Kent etc Who cares, they are just another foreign release, although I do have a few which don't exist as original (Betty Boo etc)
  21. Philly 40th ordered, thanks
  22. That is certainly some playlist.......... I think a trip east is on the cards
  23. To be quite honest Chalky, it puts me off going to anywhere where it will get played. I have to drive for at least a couple of hours to get to any venues and It's not worth the effort. Maybe I'm just getting lazy.
  24. John Drevars Expression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJJYnj29sSc
  25. I sort of half of agree with Phil, in that the rise in popularity of Funk and R&B on the up front scene has diluted the quality of the records played. If I was new to the scene and didn't know anything I would be going to venues playing The Tomangoes and not the ones playing Funk. Then again the last time I heard Mick H and Andy D there was some awesome 'proper northern' played that I hadn't heard before. Probably a topic for it's own thread.

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