Following from JM's Auction thread, here are my definitions.
Original - A record intended for general release to the record buying public, made around the time of the recording.
Re-issue - A record made for general release to the record buying public but after the original release.
Pressing - A record made specially for the northern scene
(Columbia special products, those MGM things you could buy in Russ' little record booth on the balcony, bootlegs, and issues of the Carstairs ect) Pressings can either be legally done with the label owners permission or Illegal bootlegs.
Bootleg - A record made specially for the northern scene without the owners permission
May or may not look like the original.
Counterfeit - A record made specially for the northern scene without the owners permission and intended to look like the original.
You may or may not agree with the above but they are what I have always used when trying to describe a record...
All British including Grapevine and Kent etc
Who cares, they are just another foreign release, although I do have a few which don't exist as original (Betty Boo etc)