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Everything posted by grouse

  1. I'm struggling to understand this.... I've never used discogs, but is everyone saying that the photographs of the records are not of the actual records for sale and are lifted from somewhere else? Is there a reason that you can't use photos of the actual records? If that's the case then I'm glad I don't buy from it.
  2. I've had mint, never been out of the sleeve records that have been unplayable. Just bad pressings. The worst one that I can think of was a mint styrene issue of the Temptations - I want a love I can see. The groove was so lightly stamped that the stylus wouldn't sit in it.
  3. I can understand an artist not being paid for demos on a record that would then go on to be issued nationally. This was never intended for general release and was only pressed up in limited quantity specially for the Northern scene. To me it's no different to the other licenced pressings done in the 70s or the previously unissued releases Kent are doing now. There are some people paying daft money for them. I didn't even buy Milton Wright when it was available because it wasn't an original. I was only 18 at the time and even then I knew better.
  4. I have the red/gold design and it sounds great. I really like the up tempo version.
  5. I've just played them back to back and the boot is definitely quieter than the original.
  6. ​Thanks, I suspected that the originals should be stamped.......
  7. ​I'll do that when I get a chance. Is it the only way to tell? I was expecting someone to say the issue is stamped the same as the demo..... Just looked on UK Ebay and saw this. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Casanova-Two-We-Got-To-Keep-On-70-s-reissue-northern-soul-/141650735771?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item20fb0ab29b These people are nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. This should be a quick and simple yes or no answer I came across a orange issue copy of The Casanova Two - We Go To Keep On - Early Bird, in a box I haven't looked in for years. I have a white demo which is stamped in the runout groove, but this orange copy isn't stamped so I'm guessing it's a boot. I was going to put it in my 'donate to worthy causes' box but if it's not right I'll just bin it. So simple question, Should the original issues be stamped?
  9. I should have bought it when it was £12 on Soul Bowl every other week, but there was always something else I wanted more. It was one of those 'I'll get it next week' records. It's one of my all time favourite records now......
  10. 10.14 - Casinos - If I told you -Del Val
  11. Thanks for the offer Pete. If I knew how to, I would. That's why I usually read threads without logging in... Saves having to click on 'do you want to view this post' all the time. There are loads of people on that list so don't take it personally. Edit I just figured it out, You are now unblocked. 2nd pic down, middle row. Thanks
  12. Great stuff. I'm in one of the photos, dancing in my usual place. Must have been taken in 78 or later judging by what I'm wearing.
  13. I think having a separate funk room is a great idea. Stops it getting played in the main room....
  14. Before the nights moved to the rugby club they were at the cricket club. The Djs were the same but the room was much smaller. When a new record was played it would get passed around the room and eventually end up back at the decks. Happy times.
  15. It's a bootleg.
  16. I remember the days when you walked into a soul venue you had to wait for your eyes to adjust to the dark. They always needed a separate record bar so you could see the records. Now, everywhere is so bright you can look through records sitting beside the dancefloor. It totally ruins the atmosphere. I've heard 'health and safety' used as an excuse on various occasions. Lowton used to be great before they replaced that emergency light above the dancefloor and painted the whole place white. Other venues are just as bad if not worse. Grumpy tries it's best with the lights covered up but even that is brighter than the old venues. Bring back the days when you couldn't see the other side of the room. Does anyone know why venues are so bright nowadays? Is it so people can record Youtube videos?
  17. :lol: They collect LP's...............
  18. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JERRY-BUTLER-MOODY-WOMAN-/301621009959?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item463a035e27 I have a demo but never suspected that the issue was so rare............. Edit: I haven't looked on Ebay for a while, I'm shocked that this example isn't unusual, and at least it's an original........... Has everyone gone mad?..................
  19. The Bishop Auckland nights were great. Andy Rix, Rob Marriot, Kitch, Ion, Frank G, Dean A, Dickie W. Gary Spencer, Andy Dyson were just some of the regular DJs. They were playing stuff that wouldn't be heard in the 'main' venues until years later. I heard The Martiniques, King George, James Bell ages before they became popular, but even with a year head start I still couldn't find any of them. Some great laughs as well, Andy Rix trying to DJ after way too many Budweisers, Dickie dropping Gwen Owens and it rolling the full length of the dancefloor without him even noticing. We would usually all end up at John and Sandra's house afterwards, it was a great opportunity to buy some great records from some very pissed DJ's.....
  20. Quite a rare record, and very hard to get on issue (should have thought of this one for the other thread) I saw an issue for sale about 5 years ago and it was £400.
  21. And I still haven't figured out what 'tittyshakers' are. I don't stand a bloody chance of keeping up with the current trends...........

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