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Everything posted by soulmum

  1. Here we go again!!!! Small minded so called soul fans having a go !! Firstly the original poster needs to get his maths right. During the Sunday night set in question, approximately 50 records would have been played. Of those records maybe 3 were re-issues. All others were NOT!! Now I'm no Eistein but no way does that equate to 80%. Indeed one of the tracks mentioned was played because I asked for it and I would have been unimpressed if they'd not played it because they didn't have an original copy!!! Who cares - it's supposed to be about the music. Secondly, the original poster seems to doubt the credibility of the DJ's in question. Well these guys were there at the start, djing at venues throughout the 70's including the Highland Room, have vast record collections of both rare and easily available tracks and have every right to be up there DJing. Most importantly, the fact that they played to a full dance floor for the entire set speaks volumes. I actually witnessed the guy having a go at the DJ's and like most people thought he was being a bit of a prat! As a life long fan of SOUL MUSIC who went to all the big venues in the 70's and was a regular at the Highland Room I am slightly amused at some of the " fancy dress" brigade who think that donning a pair of baggy pants and doing a couple of back drops makes them experts !! Talk about re-issues - isn't that what they are cos they certainly weren't around at the time. Whilst I think it's great that younger people are part of the scene I think that some of them maybe need to grow up and realise that it's not the anoraks that have kept this scene alive but the music, regardless of what format it's in!! If any one noticed the idiot with the "no boots" sign on his back (and I doubt many did because they were too busy enjoying themsleves on the dance floor) then you'll know the type I'm referring to. I was tempted to replace it with an L plate !! As for all the people leaving early - is he for real? This was by far the busiest Sunday night I've seen ! I guess if it was his first time he wouldn't realise that tho. Kev Roberts and Richard Searling, along with all the DJ's should be extremely proud of this weekend. it was the busiest and by far the best yet !! Rant over.

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