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sir cumference

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Everything posted by sir cumference

  1. Didn`t Colin(Curtis)have it?I can`t think who else it might have been at the time I`m talking about.
  2. Was around well before 84.Recall hearing it in the later 70`s.Could have been the same copy?
  3. Wot do you mean -too old to do gear?Certainly most on this site are old(er) and extoll the virtues of the black art!The records are a side issue-obviously!
  4. At least they didn`t ask for the "Take a Break" magazine tune!
  5. Well-we must all agree that it`s certainly fetched strong money for 40ish years and it`s obviously well loved. But is it any better than a fair few tunes out there?And it is heard out a lot.Definitely not "Rare and Underplayed"
  6. Do we have a definitive(ish) quantity of how few there actually are?
  7. Down by the train station,if looking on google earth.
  8. Was at a wedding last year,when(as they do) the dj told us all he was going to play some "northern soul".He played The Snake and nobody danced and when he played Maxine Nightingale people got up to dance.It said it all to me!
  9. What is it with The Cashmeres? It seems like theres always one for sale-always gets strong money. Do people get fed up with owning it-or is it the allure of profit to fund wants? Lenny Curtis is another example of quantity ,or being moved around regularly.
  10. Top Rankin` reply! I bet he hasn`t even read this thread.
  11. And there we all were under the impression that you were a thoroughly decent chap! Someone inform Rogue Traders
  12. I suppose the question did not arise until the first bootlegger saw the chance to make some money.Surely in the early days it was all original? I think most of us know that by mid 70`s D.J`s themselves were involved in selling emi`s-even putting out lists advertising their "wares" and "pressings" were in the shops by `73 at least.
  13. An interesting statement. Do you think the thread should read Favourite,rather than No1-or is it the World inclusion that bothers you? It was once said that "all men are created equal"-but some are more equal than others!
  14. A very well respected collector/dealer/son of the potteries sold one at Kings Hall,Stoke for £500.00 and he`s not been for about 3 years. Oh how we laughed! I have to say-Cash is King!
  15. It`s not April 1st already is it? Dear oh dear.Maybe it`s me? You did ask for opinions! I`m going back into hibernation!
  16. phild, Sorry-I was being ironic.I assumed people might get my drift(I did qualify by saying not my sentiments) and my emoticons aren`t working at the moment. Peter99, It`s the one entitled "Are youngsters coming through"?
  17. But on another thread it doesn`t matter if a young/female dj starts off with a few boots mixed in a set at a night.(Not my sentiments) Thing is you wouldn`t need to take a peek at the decks if the Combinations or Mello Souls were being played!
  18. What about when the condensation drips from the ceiling and onto the decks!
  19. Great sound from the past.First got it on a tape off a good mate in the 70`s along with Ty Karim/Contenders/Eddie Parker/Clarence Reid-real good northern stuff,but I have to say that I can`t remember hearing it anywhere.Would deffo get me off my arse and on the floor. It`s now on all the underplayed nights to do list!
  20. Tony Hester? The one we are "linked" to is Tony Hestor.
  21. D`ya mean The Bear?
  22. Why not try to get The Four Vandals to reform!
  23. Hey mate-don`t sell yourself short,cos if you dance from the heart and you have the rhythm for the tune on the deck and keep in time then you`ll be fine

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