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sir cumference

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Everything posted by sir cumference

  1. Sorry Pete-Ever Again-again!?Isn`t it too obvious?
  2. Don Varner -Messy? Top quality Northern- surely?
  3. When we all know it`s Marilyn Manson!
  4. "Stevie likes to play alone-even if he has no idea what`s happening" Who was writing these gems?
  5. You`ve missed the u/n/t!
  6. Tell us wot it is-go on!
  7. Problem is-when you sell you see the same titles going for more than you got.Fact.
  8. Does away with the DJ-get a cd multi-changer,switch on at 8 o clock and enjoy
  9. Too many,too ready to be made idiots of!
  10. They`ll be bringing something new to the dance floor also-OXYGEN! That`s a frantic beat going on.
  11. As per usual - it`s "lets knock the Casino", 1)Because it`s easy, 2)Because it`s sure to get some others on board
  12. No-not if you don`t watch it!
  13. Winsford incident-definitely "You Left Me", May have been other tunes/other times. It clearly shows the integrity of the man. First Class!
  14. Gayselad- ees deffo not owsayger-dunner know wheer theyt got that from? Dresden-neyar Longton Park.Neck end.End of.
  15. All of the above-and he`s a Stokie-or maybe I should be more accurate and say he`s from th`neck end!
  16. Bloody Hell nobody`s slagged it off yet!
  17. So,basically all of this thread is irrelevant,given the statement above. You discount the answers that you don`t seem to like? Just speaking plainly,like.
  18. I can hear "It`s Needless To Say" in parts! And "I`m Losing You" in others!
  19. NS-WC=Wigan Casino, RW-WC=Toilet, Oh! same meaning!
  20. Remember Dave Mcadden(RIP) writing about Russ having a machine to take the vocals off any track at the Casino.. Obviously a piss take-but there were a lot of instrumentals doing the rounds at the time. Still got the mag somewhere.
  21. Don`t venture to Kings Hall,then-its terrible for that(amongst other things)
  22. First thing that I thought was-Stephen Fry,also. And the first picture could be Kings Hall?LOL!
  23. No arguments-about anything? Wouldn`t be the same

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