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sir cumference

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Everything posted by sir cumference

  1. Wonder if Al is reading this thread.Ouch
  2. Jerry Williams vs Cecil Washington, what do we reckon people? You would have to agree that IDLTL is an iconic tune-wouldn`t you?
  3. The Phantom Janitor?
  4. At last-someone who actually knows his real name! Never seen it posted before,it`s always Frank Booper!!! Should be Frank " Booper " New. Hooray to that man.
  5. We should remember that most of the "media types" love the sound of their own voice and for the most part it`s just the records getting in the way of the chatter!
  6. Zed-dead right,it`s pretty crap to see so many who can`t move in time to the beat. When I see some people of 30+years of age it makes me think they are just at a niter because they`ve heard about it from regulars and it`s local for them,so there`s no trains/coaches/thumbing lifts to contend with. It`s more often than not the oldies based all-niters that catch this crowd. Humbug.
  7. But what if some youngsters get in? Its happened before!
  8. Would have been a bargain at that price.Superb output(all singles) an unmistakable voice.totally soulful!
  9. Too Late!-Williams & Watson, A Quitter Never Wins-Williams & Watson, The Who Who Song-Jackie Wilson, Original definition of "Boiler Room"
  10. I reckon we could all say that about each other at various times.(Not referring to the actual tune-just the statement)
  11. I have to say-The Belles-it takes you straight back there!Just amazing!
  12. Totally despicable-but he`s not on his own,is he? Good work highlighting these scammers.
  13. Seem to remember an orange one with the hands on, same as the yellow one.
  14. Wonder if the crack will affect play by the time it gets to the winner?
  15. Dave, If you read post 479 you will see that I made a comment about integrity with regard to Butch`s actions and by making that observation,I fully agree with and applaud his decision.I was with Butch at the time-not just a bystander involved in hearsay. I have no feelings of shame or embarrassment and my username is an attempt at humour. The symbol is my exasperation on reading the "extra" information that is rendered in your post referring to the legalities of the use of a hammer and the eternal/inevitable drug references. Sorry if I offended you. All the best.
  16. One of the worst tunes ever played-not Northern-not Soul. So there!
  17. I remember that vividly-it was "you left me" and as soon as it started playing Butch got up and made a bee line for the stage and knocked the arm off the disc. This is the whole point of this thread,basically-INTEGRITY! Who else would have done that? Anyone?
  18. Marvin gaye played my horn,and Smokey was in there doing something? You should know better than post anything that has innuendo written all over it!
  19. The calculation won`t work:- 1) Label info can be accessed/already known, 2) Cover-ups-No Way, 3) Ever ask for a list from Butch
  20. I remember Kell Osborne from Sunday nights at Tiff`s in Stoke.Pep used to play it `74/`75.Did it come from the Mecca?Used to have Colin Curtis/Soul Sam and Pep regulars.
  21. Not asking to play off cd`s-he just wants an idea of what a "DJ" will bring to the night.
  22. Steve G With regard to your small print isn`t number 3 todays latin scene!
  23. Here`s the thing:- Of all the "events" that are on every weekend does absolutely everybody really enjoy themselves because there is a lot of moaning about the "top 500" formula nights,but never a direct criticism in lookbacks,just lots of "backslapping"(sycophantic behaviour). Or don`t most of you have anything else to do?

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