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sir cumference

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Everything posted by sir cumference

  1. We seem to have drifted off course from the original topic thread!
  2. "watch this space"-good one! submarine soul-surely sinking to new depths?
  3. Is that yes to the first part,or the second part of the second line?
  4. Can`t see how Dave is "assuming" as on the soulskin profile you state your gender as male,your age as 45 and your birth year as 1967. You have intentionally mislead fellow posters-or have I assumed incorrectly ,also?
  5. Early sessions and all-dayers was the only time alcohol was served back in the dark ages.
  6. And what about the stuff he hasn`t played out yet?
  7. Of course it`s wrong-kids shouldn`t have mobile phones!
  8. Modern surely is now and the 70`s/80`s/90`s are oldies?
  9. Wasn`t talking about the "Windsor Suite"-it was the main room "Kings Hall" that is done to death,with the obvious tunes. Do you think that if the jocks swapped rooms the big room would still be packed? Nothing wrong with the music in the small room,but it`s packed because it`s small.
  10. Never in all my born days!
  11. Guess you ain`t been to the Kings Hall,Stoke in the last few years then.Why do you(and maybe others)think that the TOP DJ on the northern scene doesn`t frequent it anymore.It`s stale!It`s almost a parody-but it`s friggin packed! So maybe it`s me and a few others?
  12. Yeah-he was in Hollyoaks a bit ago(So I am told! )
  13. First time I saw heels at a niter! Only jokin-could`t resist.
  14. Think back-when we were all asked if WE wanted the cameras,it was a definite no!But they came anyway-that must have been a commercial decision.The die was cast,it was the Casinos fault according to many on here. Re-read Tim Ashibende`s post-he has got it spot on.It`s just not the done thing to actually give the Casino any(or not much)credit. Personally I`ve always shied away from calling the music Northern Soul,I just call it Northern.
  15. The only thing you should put in whisky is-more whisky.
  16. Remember Butch saying it was the most he`d paid for a record at the time.(Not much by today`s rates!)
  17. Have a publication by Dave Mcadden,from years ago,in which he takes the rise out of the Casino by informing us that RW had a faulty set of decks,which removed all the vocals from anything that was played. Absolutely hilarious and spot f**kin` on! The instrumentals came thick and fast in them days!
  18. Local press?-Major piece on Northern? Oh dear. Anyone read The Sentinel?Or is it The Stunner?Or even Leek Post and Times? Gripping stuff.
  19. Shouldn`t this be in the "Records that go on and on and on" thread.
  20. All of the photos on here are of old fookers-and a bit depressing,really. Not saying old fookers shouldn`t enjoy themselves-before anyone has a go! Maybe the youngsters have other priorities,or those that have tried it don`t like it enough to come back for more,in any quantity.
  21. Anyone else wonder what they would have made on Mr.Manships auction?
  22. Is this a new trend?-a soul pack with a listing. Very obliging.
  23. You may be thinking of the Solatio shoes,that were very popular in the 70`s.Can`t post the link.

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