i am looking for a record, which was auctioned by Craig Moerer.
The thing is, i don´t know the artist, A or flip and the lbl. - perfect requirements
what i can remember:
- was auctioned in 2014 or early 2015 but i tend to 2014
- reached a prize between 300 - 400 Dollar
- was a simple designed lbl - white or grey but no promo - pure typo - similar to Al Scott on Genuine.
- male artist, just the first name and the surname, no middle name.
- stated as VG or VG-, tend to VG-
- stated as RARE SOUL that never turns up, rarely seen etc. something like this ..
and i mean to remember it was mentioned some years/month ago here in the forum, cause of the "rareness" - one up to three seen copies over the years - and i think Butch´s name was mentioned
I contacted Craig but they came along with Young Jessie and Sammy Ambrose ... they weren´t - it was f****ing RARER.
Even collectors frenzy can´t help, because the lowest prizes on daily auctions aren´t 300 to 400$ ...
so, im very frustrated ... BUT if anybody got an idea - ITS WELCOME - you´re my last hope
Many, many thanks