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Chris Turnbull

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Everything posted by Chris Turnbull

  1. Ted, re. Blackhearts, what was the big R&B one you played towards the end of your set - a bit like ZZ Hill, something about coffee - great tune
  2. While on the subject of Gwen Owens, just come across this interesting (if knackered looking) Jamaican issue of 'It ain't hardly over' on ebay:- https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1015-GWEN-OWENS-IT-AINT-HARDLY-OVER-KEEP-ON-LIVING-JOSIE-REGGAE-45-7-/191336654446?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item2c8c8da66e The advert lists it as 'reggae' and says recorded in Jamaica, however the audio clip just sounds like my US issue which I assumed was a US recording. Are they correct and it was recorded in Jamaica? Sounds odd to me. Top tune either way
  3. Dug this out of the cupboard, from May 2002 Shades of Soul when 'Little Love Affair' was probably at the height of it's popularity - a quintessential Butch spin of course and a major floorpacker at the time. For me the long intro gives everyone time to hit the floor and get into the groove before the vocals kick in, and so cool how it ends the same way. Used to love hearing it at The Ritz 'Rarest of the Rare' niters, most of which were absolute packers and superb nights, with Butch, Soul Sam, Ady, etc. NB. what happened to the Ritz? Went up to the Neil Rushton one a few months ago and it was virtually deserted - a massive club with hardly anyone in, and no atmosphere apart from downstairs with Ian Dewhirst and about six people in a little room. Doesn't make any sense - one of the last surviving original venues, if there was to be one last great all nighter I would have the Ritz any day of the week - wouldn't that be something! Scan reproduced without kind permission from Derek - hope you don't mind Derek Patrinell Staten.pdf
  4. I live in the East Mids and don't get to nights much currently, but there seems to be a fair selection of do's on - are they all that bad?!
  5. Never knew Hector Rivera had Ray Pollard on vocals - stands out a mile when you hear it now - great double sider
  6. For what it's worth I always have it as a Soul Sam spin, but that was maybe later?
  7. Thanks all - makes sense now Still wish I'd bought one then
  8. Thanks for this link - still confused though as to why if only 70 or so US copies were found they ended up going so cheap in the first place - I remember them quite regularly on lists c. 1993 at £20-25 which always suggested to me that there were plenty around, though of course it was a very different market then in terms of pricing. Wish I had bought one then!!
  9. Yes, as below - strange title given that it doesn't really say that Sounds better every time I listen to it
  10. What a strange story - tell us more! Which shop was it, and who was the shop owner's mate? Were the 200 copies just sat there waiting for someone to come along and find them? How long had they been there? Why only 200? It must have been some kind of repress, or else for such a top tune it would have been selling for much more than say £7 from Rudzi - it would surely have been one of the great finds of the era?! And if it was a repress why didn't the shop owner's mate press up another 200 when the first lot sold? Then again the plot thickens, as Gareth says it was played off an acetate then pressed. Is that correct, and if so who has the acetate?
  11. Great thread - liked the guy playing 'The Night' - wondered what he'd do when he got to the bridge between verse and chorus where it really kicks off, but he absolutely nailed it - quite a hard part to work out too, I reckon A few nice basslines that do it for me - not particularly fancy playing (apart from Brainstorm) but right on the money:- Bobbi Humphrey - Harlem River Drive Bobby Reed - The time is right for love King Tutt - You got me hung up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGc4asrJnB4 Brainstorm - We're on our way home Couple of others that really come to life bass-wise on big sound systems are Cissy Houston 'I just don't know what to do with myself' and Joe Hicks 'Funky', which for me kicks some serious arse in the final furlong Cheers, Chris.
  12. Magic - couldn't imagine ever seeing this - a bit like the Jerry Fuller 'I get carried away' clip, just amazing - thanks for posting
  13. What is a compression hat? I want one I quite like this cover - wouldn't necessarily buy it but nice to hear a proper, old fashioned, understated soulful voice in the pop arena, and while the arrangement doesn't exactly rock it has real quality And anyone who doesn't like '1960 What' must have their compression hat on too tight - one of the best tunes of the last few years - fond memories of Soul Sam ripping up the Cleethorpes modern room with it as a new release
  14. Couple of nice ones for sale at good prices. Please pm if interested. Paypal as gift. Postage £2.50 1st class recorded or £7 special delivery. Youtube clips for reference only, not my copies. Thanks for looking. Cheers, Chris. 1) Eddie Jefferson - Uh Oh (I'm in love again) Stax blue issue M- 75 Really nice clean copy, lovely bright label and shiny vinyl. Finger clicking magic 2) Ernestine Anderson - Keep any eye on love (US Sue) M- 75 Can't imagine you would find a cleaner copy of this classic Cheers, Chris.
  15. Hadn't come across 'Philly Regrooved' until a couple of weeks ago when I was looking for something to download for the hols, and got to say they are absolutely outstanding, particularly '3' which has some amazing stuff (18 tracks in all). Eight quite glorious minutes of Bettye Swann 'Kiss my love goodbye', six of Spinners 'Could it be I'm falling in love'; ten of Blue Magic 'Look me up'. Jaw-droppingly brilliant re-working of The Trammps 'Hold back the night' (I defy anyone not to air guitar through the extended instrumental section) plus many more treats, all very skilfully done and with pristine sound quality. Would have loved to have been in the studio when the masters of these were dusted off. Not got Vol 2 yet but Vol 1 (despite less tracks) is worth the price alone for the 5.16 version of Finishing Touch 'Second Best (is never enough) - the aural equivalent of full cream milk! Better late than never - if you haven't checked these out yet I can't recommend them highly enough
  16. Absolutely fantastic, thanks - love this
  17. 'Urgent Want' on here the other day from Chorley Bloke for this
  18. Thanks Paul, already finished unfortunately
  19. Anyone got a spare one of these in decent nick? (ideally VG+ or better) Please pm with details Cheers, Chris.
  20. Has anyone else seen the email this morning from Ady about licencing problems for this weekend and having to run with reduced hours? Assume it isn't a wind up?! Came on here expecting it to have been big news but no mention. What a hassle for Ady.
  21. Funny, always assumed Brooks Brothers ('Looking for a woman') were a white act - great record but very blue eyed sounding, though I guess along the lines of some of the Fame sides of the time with double tracked vocals (Slippin' Around', or Jimmy Hughes 'Lovely Ladies') which makes them less 'black' sounding
  22. Thanks, but definitely not the Bay Brothers version - much more modern (comparatively) and punchy sounding

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