Interesting couple of hours today - had to go up to Preston for work so decided to call in at Wigan on the way back to see how it has changed with the new shopping centre, etc.
Too young to have gone to Wigan but made a pilgrimage mid-1990's when the Casino site was still completely flat and you could walk up the back and stand looking over what would have been the dancefloor, as per an old RW TV feature. At that time you could look along Station Road to the right with the cinema, and it was essentially as it would have been back in the day, minus of course the most important part. However now Station Road appears to have completely gone, and the whole site is virtually unrecognisable. Am I right in thinking the front of the Casino was where the back end of Debenhams is now, directly opposite the blocks of flats?
Inside the shopping centre of course you could be anywhere, other than the Casino Cafe which has some memorabilia, record mural, etc. Interestingly a big photo on the wall of the 'Major Lance with crowd' shot which David Nowell's book says was Wigan Tiffanys, not the Casino.
NB. imagine living in those flats back then - can't imagine what the residents must have thought, though lucky for some I guess - a short walk home