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Chris Turnbull

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Everything posted by Chris Turnbull

  1. Cheers Kev, not many better soulful 70's sides IMO
  2. Plenty of both Universal Mind's on Discogs
  3. Please note the link doesn't seem to connect to anything, and Man from Soul don't appear to have any copies on 12" - in fact can't find any mention of it on 12"
  4. lol you are right Martyn, I don't need much persuading to dust off the old roller boots Harry Deal great stuff, used to have the same issue but didn't play it a lot so let it go, wish I'd kept it now Kev your Traits one is superb, new to me
  5. Hi Algis, it's just been reissued on 7" this year, otherwise £100 or so for an original - there's a few on Discogs. Sounds fantastic loud
  6. Why are there so few around? To create a buzz? Great track, I've been looking for one as well and missed out on here
  7. On a 70's roll today - love this one, Spirit of Love 'The Power of Your Love' (Birthright). Awesome gospel soul:-
  8. Back to the 70's today for me, love this one - Queen Yahna 'Ain't it time' (P & P)
  9. Top class Kev, big ipod fave of mine
  10. Didn't know that Martyn, great stuff
  11. While we're in the mood, Atmosfear 'Motivation', what a tune
  12. Brilliant, love 'Just can't give you up' as well
  13. Great stuff Kev Went to see Norman Jay in Nottingham the other week but misjudged the time he was on and had to spend four hours drinking double Vodka Red Bulls. Needless to say I had lost control of my legs somewhat by the time Norman appeared
  14. Been spinning this one a lot again recently, top class - Leon Thomas - L-O-V-E (Flying Dutchman)
  15. Like this - got a feel of Pat & Blenders 'Just because'
  16. Imagine being the guy who wrote 'Thriller' - like it or not surely one of the biggest, most iconic pop tunes of the last 50 years
  17. No alcohol allowed lol, I remember one time thinking it would be a good idea to drop some acid I had been given - lasting memory is of Eddie Whitehead 'Just your fool' sounding like it was being played backwards and thinking pint glasses were sliding off the tables
  18. The second verse says "I'm gonna make you feel so proud of your lovin' man", which is something of a giveaway
  19. Couple of modern ones spring to mind for me, Vivian Reed 'Save your love for me' (Atco) and Almeta Latimore 'These memories', love them both to bits and seen quite a few times but never got round to buying. Part of the reason for this I think is that sometimes after loving and wanting a record so much, it's then something of an anti-climax when you do buy it - almost like the journey is better than the arriving. Wade Flemons 'That other place' (Vee Jay) for example, played it so many times on tapes, etc, that when I finally bought the 45 I'd had enough of it - almost like the magic went as soon as I owned a copy
  20. Jimmy Connor 'Let's Get Married' (Shelly)
  21. Me too, almost encyclopedic - used to spend hours reading them. Funny, in the days before youtube half the time it was guesswork as to whether tunes were any good or not
  22. Garland Green top class, made so many good records - did you see the 'Jealous kind of fella' video on here the other day? Great stuff Having a bit of a Holland Dozier week for some reason, and this is top of the pile for me currently. Got to be the instrumental version though, the vocal is too busy. 'Don't leave me' - love it
  23. Top tune Martyn, used to hear it out a lot late 90's - remember it at a really good though short lived niter at Notts County football club - did you get to that? Always thought this one from the same LP (Natural Resources) unfairly overlooked, 'Easily Persuaded' - stormer
  24. Came through out of synch for some reason! Charles Farren a proper record, like that

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