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Everything posted by Townman

  1. First event in 2020 and we have for our guest Dj's 2 guy's to see in the new year who have both played SATS before early doors we have Curt Spittle a young man who is fast gaining a great reputation as a floor-filling DJ & our special guest is none other than one of the original Saints DJ's Peter Thomas who is now resident at The Charles Dickens soul sessions in Wigan, Peter has a wealth of experience on the scene which all points to another great night, Our resident DJ Rod Looker will be filling in all the gaps and we look forward to greeting all our regulars and hopefully some more new faces will come along to help us all to "Keep On Keeping On" and bid farewell to 2019 Some people go to a particular club for it's Classic Oldies room, some for it's modern room, some for it's R n B room or maybe it's Motown room here at the S.A.T.S we have them all rolled into one, so no need to travel the length & breadth of the country searching for a soul night that floats your boat you've got a heaven right here in WIDNES, a vinyl lovers paradise that plays a little bit of something for everyone, Soul At The Services the 2nd Friday of every month, the place to "Keep On Keeping On" You Know You Want To (YKYWT)
  2. Hi I'm looking for an original Stax S 159 copy of Wendy Rene Bar-B-Q C/W Young & Foolish in at least VG+ or better, message me with your price including your shipping cost. Best regards Townman
  3. It came out on Stardust with Tony Middleton / Ray Pollard ‎– Drifting / It's A Sad Thing Stardust Records ‎– URS 007 There was a guy who used to print out a real lookalike label and paste it over Stardust issues, easy way to check is listen to what does yours play on the flip side, if it's Tony Middleton Drifting you have yourself a Stardust copy covered over, but if it plays "All the Things You Are" well it's not the Stardust record but not sure where that leaves you ?
  4. Please PM me with price & condition would prefer it on Earthworld Records ‎– TR 2700 Townman
  5. Hi looking for a copy of Kent Town 118 Albert Washington - I'm The Man / Dorothy Williams The Well's Gone Dry No silly Prices Please
  6. Thanks for letting me know but I'm specifically looking for VH You Ain't Saying Best Regards Townman
  7. Anyone got a copy of Frances Nero - Keep On Loving me or Virgil Henry - You Ain't Saying Nothing New for sale in VG+ or better condition money waiting PM me
  8. Hi anyone got Your So Fine on SMS records for sale PM me Cheers Townman
  9. I'm looking for an original copy of Pearlen Gray & The Passengers I Dont Want To Cry on Green Sea Records PM me with total Price including shipping please Regards Townman
  10. Thanks to everyone for contributing it is that record The Soul Sensations and the Coachman Reviews Band -- No More Than Before (Audiofonics)
  11. My apologies the link in my last post doesn't work but the track is there open you tube and type in Rita Graham enjoy
  12. Geoff soul 2, You are so wrong mate, it is on you tube, I'm listening to it as I'm typing this it was posted on 19 May 2009 bymarcelloj70 on https://youtu.be/CooUyXAgn6U.
  13. Also was pressed on Old Soul records
  14. One for sale on ebay $9.99 has sound file sounds quite scratched though Seller information hi2075 (5326 ) 100% Positive feedback
  15. Hi any one heard the Ringleaders "Baby no more" cover up that's being played out, anyone got any ideas on who it is and what label it's on. cheers Townman
  16. Hi Phil, I have not recieved a reply to my request to buy this record could you please contact me to let me know what's happening. Cheers Rod
  17. Hi Phil, if you would prefer a cheque rather than Paypal just email me at the address I sent you in my last message. Cheers Rod
  18. Hi Phil, I want to buy the Edward Hamilton Record which you have for sale, I can pay you through paypal if you send me your email address. my email is townman@ntlworld.com please reply to me via that and I will set up the payment then once the funds have cleared into your account you can mail me the record to E. Mather 12,Cartmell Close, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 4YS. Best Regards Rod ktf

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