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The Milk Man

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Everything posted by The Milk Man

  1. P&P isn't exact, as it states in the listing. This is how much it would cost to send to USA, UK post much cheaper, if not collected!
  2. Needs must Marc, time to share the tune so hopefully I can enjoy it on the dancefloor instead
  3. I have a copy of the Kings Of Soul - Is Your Love For Me on Down To Earth records Condition is NM Scan & Soundfile on request Please PM your offers, Cheers
  4. Here's what you've all been waiting for! https://www.ebay.com/itm/GWEN-OWENS-JUST-SAY-YOURE-WANTED-VELGO-WHITE-DEMO-RARE-NORTHERN-SOUL-45-7-/131088060395?
  5. I have a copy of Doc Peabody - Here Without You Parts 1 & 2 on Both Sides records Looking for: Wanda McDaniels on Apple Ray Sag War Fare on Libra Brotherly Five on CGA or Chatham Willie Dale on Lovie D. Deceptions on Peace Anubis on Salt City Willie Wright on Hotel Sandi & Matues on Matues Hopkins Bros on Magnetik Fred Williams on Solo ...feel free to recommend other trades. Cheers
  6. I agree with you Nev, although I cannot confess to going to nights up north as I'm stuck in this overpriced capital city which makes these questioned records seem cheaper than a bus ride from one end of London to the other! I don't understand it when people re-issue tunes which are f*cking amazing and just got the air of light, it all seems like their getting involved to make a quick penny. Then in their defense all they can say is 'who are you to keep this music for yourself' when that isn't the intended point & is the exact reason WHY they re-issued it! There's plenty of artists who have created amazing music so if they also focused on the ones that weren't currently in 'vogue' as much as the ones that are then that would be a more noble statement and that's why I really respect Numero as a label. Also, the Sag War Fare issue being part of that box set is a fantastic and interesting way to bring these tunes to light and get a greater following. I spent the afternoon with my girlfriend in a local pub spinning tunes, her from the her Numero box set and mine from original. No one cared what was played as they didn't have a clue but to be honest I was more interested in what she had in her box of tunes that I weren't so familiar with. Looking forward to the day that people get bored of their great tunes from all the bootlegging going on, I'll happily purchase them from you
  7. Update: anyone who has read this thread and instantly got bored of their copy, please get in touch
  8. Surely to response to the question of any records integrity after beig reissued is through observing the reaction of a crowd (or individual) when it gets played. Its also your choice as a punter as to which events/DJs you go to see and also if it bothers you if others are vibing.
  9. EasyJet setter Nev, you can't beat it!
  10. Nev, come down south and/or go to Europe and hear them out, there won't be much room left to dance
  11. To spice things up, I have a Doc Peabody here waiting to be traded
  12. Tried Marco, didn't seem like it was going to happen but like you said, you never know! Also onto the Florida connection so hopefully that will come up with something. Still holding out for that copy on here to make an appearance!
  13. You work fast, where did it come from?
  14. From the Numero box set?
  15. Exactly mate! No harm in asking as they'll eventually come along one way or another..
  16. Ecstatic and content at authenticating my copy. Thanks for all the replies.
  17. Looking for: Sag War Fare on Libra Wanda McDaniels on Appleray All conditions considered, excellent trades or cash waiting. Thanks
  18. Thanks for your input. Does anyone have any relevant information? Would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks
  19. It's Trying To Survive / Bump Your Thang.
  20. Harvey Scales on Magic Touch
  21. Not sure if this is in the right section but a record arrived today which is in pristine condition and considering there isn't many of them around I'm a little dubious as to whether it's a counterfeit. Can anyone share how to tell the difference between an original and counterfeit please? Thanks
  22. Looking for these 2 records: Darker shades ltd on Acr Hifidelics on Quip
  23. PMd yesterday about Caesars, still there matey?

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