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The Milk Man

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Everything posted by The Milk Man

  1. From an inferior seller
  2. Have been collecting for 3 years so everythings relatively new to me, never with the intention to be defined as being a interested in a limited, specific sound. A tune's a tune, and a great tune is a funky number known as the world to-day! (can someone sort me out with a copy so I stop blabbering)
  3. Can't fault you mate
  4. Funk scene Nev? Where's that then. Except for Soul Funktion I'm otherwise unaware of any nights that dedicate themselves to this genre. Might sound naive but let me know otherwise and I'll see you there
  5. I'll clip it later, didn't realise there was a difference
  6. Tune indeed but I'm hard pressed to think of many soul nights where this would be played, which hopefully reduces that list
  7. Yellow label, tracks are JR/The World To-Day
  8. J, are you replying to PMs?
  9. Surely asking a forum of collectors and DJs if they can piece 2 tunes together should be a given, however I've witnessed sets before that rely on the laurels of the individual tunes rather than creating a fluidity and consistency over their set, I've been guilty of this too. It becomes a lot more interesting when a DJ is able to create a set that flows and works together encompassing a variety of sounds but then interjects an 'oddball' (new discovery, cover up, whatever) that fits in perfectly with the more commonly known. Just my two pennies worth, here's two tunes I think work well - elois scott - broadway love into al glover - till the end of time ;)
  10. Super Soul Movement - Bad Bad Bad pt. 1 / pt. 2 - APM NM £800 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQeVkQbumMM Funka Fize - Because You`re Funky / No Words - Royce NM £500
  11. Still looking for a copy of this Pittsburgh 45. Wanda McDaniels ' Gangster Boy', flip is Charles B. Wimberly 'All you need is time to mess around' A copy was sold recently indicating price, PM if you can help out
  12. No worries my man, let's get it right when it comes to selling records
  13. Hi John, the video has the wrong label. The sound is actually the issue and not the promo. Thanks for highlighting
  14. Sublime Bay Area Crossover Carrie Cleveland - Make Love To Me / I Need Love - Audio Ent. Issue EX £125 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBFWH8xtJh8
  15. After a copy of Gwen Mcrae - all this love that I'm giving on Cat Cheers
  16. Looking for a copy of New World - The World To-Day / J.R on Virtue All conditions considered Thanks
  17. The Singers - You gotta go on Lebam PMs please
  18. Master Force on Rain Forest Lucy Stone on Fire Mountain Queen Yahna on P&P Lynn Williams on Suncut
  19. Looking for this, cheers
  20. Just Bobby - I'm A Winner / Love Is Powerful - R/R NM £325
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  21. Epitaph - Epitaph Movement (Tombstone) NM - £175 sold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fu0BZjSPztc
  22. Afternoon Pete, Ever woken up and thought what a plonker? I did because my previous comment would have just stirred on a never ending conversation and it would have been easier just to forget it. Although with your internet wizardry you have managed to resurrect my post, funny that it being Good Friday n all. First of all, I don't know who you are, nor Chalky and I don't come on here to disrespect anyone. I got sucked into the 'debate' after Henning said I was mentioned and thought I'd give my 2 pennies worth - which I do stand by, except for the handbag slurs. In all seriousness though, I do enjoy relating to and reminiscing about certain things, sometimes I'll watch Only Fool & Horses, I'm not really a Time Team kinda fella, then sometimes, when I'm feeling really nostalgic, I'll look on these forums and realise the importance of doings things in a circumscribed fashion by your traditions. Wouldn't be right for someone to come along, be inspired and overwhelmed about what he/she's experiencing, enjoy its various eccentricities and want to pursue their own directions? Nope? Didn't think so. So please save us both the hassle of prolonging this conversation and let's give it a rest. Now go and enjoy your Easter eggs
  23. Pete, is this you from Sweden?

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