Afternoon Pete,
Ever woken up and thought what a plonker? I did because my previous comment would have just stirred on a never ending conversation and it would have been easier just to forget it. Although with your internet wizardry you have managed to resurrect my post, funny that it being Good Friday n all.
First of all, I don't know who you are, nor Chalky and I don't come on here to disrespect anyone. I got sucked into the 'debate' after Henning said I was mentioned and thought I'd give my 2 pennies worth - which I do stand by, except for the handbag slurs. In all seriousness though, I do enjoy relating to and reminiscing about certain things, sometimes I'll watch Only Fool & Horses, I'm not really a Time Team kinda fella, then sometimes, when I'm feeling really nostalgic, I'll look on these forums and realise the importance of doings things in a circumscribed fashion by your traditions. Wouldn't be right for someone to come along, be inspired and overwhelmed about what he/she's experiencing, enjoy its various eccentricities and want to pursue their own directions? Nope? Didn't think so.
So please save us both the hassle of prolonging this conversation and let's give it a rest. Now go and enjoy your Easter eggs