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  • Birthday 16/02/1968

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  1. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOUTH FUNK BLVD.: Skying High (Be Together) / Skying High (Getting Off On Your Loving) * CAPTAIN FUNK, M-, 325.- Euro Mindblowing good 70's soul dancer, that I first heard at one of the Great Yarmouth weekenders, spun by Arthur Fenn. Some of the members of the TSU Toronadoes where involved in recording this.- Flipside is fantastic as well and lurks slightly into boogie territory. Clean copy, that never needs an upgrade. soundfile 1: http:// https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/southfunkbetogether1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/southfunkskyinhigh1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE BOB: I Got Loaded / Nobody But You * LA LOUISIANNE, promo, VG+, 150.- Euro Indemand New Orleans 60's soul dancer about getting drunk. Flip it over for an excellent cover of a Dee Clark tune. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlebobigotloaded.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlebobnobodybutyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE VOLUMES: My Kind Of Girl / My Road Is The Right Road * INFERNO promo, M-, mild water staiuns on lbl, 100.- Euro No matter which side you put the needle o, you get the blasting Detroit 60's soul sound, that shaped the Northern Soul scene. Extra clean promo copy arranged by Dennis Coffey and produced by Duke Browner. Motor city sound at it's very best! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/volumesmykindof1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/volumesmyroad1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE MOORE: Hang Right In There * TRU-GLO-TOWN, promo, VG+, 100.- Euro Powerhouse Chicago Northern Soul dancer. Vinyl would be M-, but it has a small scratch, that causes some clicks during the fade-out at the end of the record. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joemoorehangrightin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOUNGHEARTS: Hey Love / I've Got Dancing Fever * SOULTOWN, VG++, 75.- Euro, on hold Fantastic cali sweet soul 45 backed up by an 80's boogie funk dancer. The Younghearts formed in 1967 and their first record on Canterbury "Little Togetherness" found fame on the Northern Soul circuit. This is their last release from 1980 before they quit making music and they left the stage with a gem of a record. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsheylove1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsibvegot.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INVITATIONS: Look On The Good Side * SILVER BLUE, promo, VG++, 75.- Euro, sold Nice clean copy of this excellent 70's dancefloor winner. Arranged and produced by Bobby Martin in Philadelphia. Simply superb! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/invitationslookonthegood1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALLSPICE: Slipped Away * AT-HOME, promo, VG+, 75.- Euro Sophisticated Wayne Henderson production with ethereal vocals and a bassline to die for. 70's dance soul never sounded better. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/allspiceslipped.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE VEL TONES: I Do / Darling * GOLDWAX, M-, drill hole in lbl, 75.- Euro A Memphis 60's group soul rarity on Quinton Claunch's legendary Goldwax output. Extra clean vinyl and surely a thing of beauty. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/veltonesido.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/veltonesdarling.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN WILLIAMS & THE TICK TOCKS: Do Me Like You Do Me / Blues, Tears And Sorrows * SANSU, promo, M-, 70.- Euro Bargain price for a legendary New Orleans soul 45. One side provides a top notch 60's dancer, that had plays on the Northern Soul scene. Flipside is one of the finest deep soul ballads recorded in the crescent city. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsdome1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsblues1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEON JACKSON: That's What You Do To Me * CARLA, promo VG to VG+, 60.- Euro, sold Banging Detroit Mike Terry 60's production, that never fails to get the floor moving. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deonjacksonthatswhat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE LA RAYS: Yesterday And You / A Woman Like You * ARLEN, M-, 60.- Euro Rare and great mid-sixties Los Angeles soul dancer with a more than decent flip. This comes in it's original Arlen distribution sleeve and I bet most of you, have never seen one. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/laraysyesterdayand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/laraysawoman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FABULOUS PEPS: She's Going To Leave You / The Love I Have For You * GE GEE, VG++, "x" on lbl, two small label tears on flipside, 50.- Euro Great mid-sixties Detroit dancer produced by the mighty Don Davis backed up by a nice ballad. Not an easy pull these days in nice condition. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fabulouspepsshegonna.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fabulouspepsthislove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, M-, 75.- Euro, sold Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MAYBERRY MOVEMENT: I Think I'm In Love * EVENT, VG++, "x" on lbl, 60.- Euro, sold The genius of Patrick Adams is written all over this breath taking 1974 production. Sweet strings, banging drums and superb harmony vocals blend together to a perfect record. Soul heaven! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mayberyymovementithinkim.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE "SHOT" WILLIAMS: You're Welcome To The Club * FEDERAL, promo, VG, 50.- Euro,. sold Some records just sound better with a drink parked in your hand. This midtempo R&B belter is taylormade for starting your set with. If the off beat horns and the blood-curdling voice of Lee Williams doesn't get you in the mood for a night out, you should visit a doctor. Playing surface has mild marks, not affecting the loud and strong play of this 1964 beauty. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leeshotwilliamsyourewelcome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WINFIELD PARKER: Sweet Little Girl * ATCO, M-, wol, 50.- Euro, sold Great uptempo Northern dancer backed up by a deep ballad with a super nice vibrato guitar. Writings on both sides of the label even more on the flipside. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/winfieldparkersweet.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/winfieldparkerwhatdoyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RUDI STEWART: I Wanna Love You All Over * DELMAR INTERNATIONAL; M-, 40.- Euro 1980 uptempo Modern Soul winner from New York city. Way better than most big ticket items and surely a record, that won't last long in the midprice range. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rudistewartiwannalove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOMMY HUNT: Words Can Never Tell It * DYNAMO, promo, wol, VG++, 50.- Euro, sold Way rarer promo copy of this 60's soul masterpiece by Tommy Hunt. In my book, the best record he ever recorded and a dancefloor favourite whenever a DJ drops this beauty. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tommyhuntwordscannever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DELLA REESE: It Was A Very Good Year * ABC, VG+, 50.- Euro, sold Mod Jazz 60's belter by quirky voiced Della Reese, who was rather a Jazz singer than a soulgirl, but on this record she let's out all the energy inside her and turns a ballad (think of Frank Sinatra's fabulous version "It Was A Very Good Year") into a dancefloor bomb. A weird and wonderful record with funky drums, an incredible organ and killer vocals. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dellareeseitwasaverygood.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DELLA REESE: Compared To What * AVCO, VG++, 15.- Euro, sold Another Jazz Soul dancer by Della Reese, this time she takes a Gene McDaniels composition and puts a heavy beat behind it. Great and cheap late 60's dancer in nice condition. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dellareesecomparedto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SOUL SET: I Don't Want Her, But I Need Her * JOHNSON, VG++, 40.- Euro Upotempo, banging 60's dancer from 1968 and the last record The Soul Set released before thgey vanished without a trace. Clean vinyl witrh one cosmetic mark, that doesn't affect play atall. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulsetidontwanther.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx McKINLEY SANDIFER: Get Up If You Want To Be Somebody * U.S.A., VG+, 40.- Euro Raw and uncompromising bluesy Funk from the streets of Chicago. Just imagine hearing this in a blues shag on the southside in 1968, when this 45 was released. Where is a time machine, when you need one? Complete with it's original USA-company sleeve. soundfile: http:// Datei Datum Aktion mckinleysandifergetup.mp3 https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mckinleysandifergetup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BUDDY ACE: Pleasing You * PAULA; VG, 40.- Euro, sold Houston / Texas born guitar player and singer Buddy Ace with his finest soul record. Early 70's crossover delight from the top shelf! This record had a little repair job on it and it's priced accordingly. It had a scratch, that caused a skip, around the 45 second mark. You now hear mild swoosh sounds, but nothing that drives you away from the fabulous music. Check the soundfile before ordering. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/buddyacepleasingyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L.J. REYNOLDS: Intruder / Call On Me * MAINSTREAM, M-, 40.- Euro Hard hitting funky edged soul for all of you, who like their soul on the rougher side of things. Flip it over for a bluesy deep soul cut. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ljreynoldsintruder.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ljreynoldscallonme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIR WALES WALLACE: Whatever You Want * INNOVATION 2, visually VG, plays great, wol, 40.- Euro Chicago crossover soul goodie, that ticks all the boxes. Production credits go to Willie Henderson and Carl Davis is one half of the songwriting team. 1975 Chicago soul perfection plaxying surface has surface marks, but plays like a champ. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/waleswallacewhatever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GIN AND THE GENTS: Teenage National Anthem Boy And Girl / Dreams For Sale * MISS THING, M-, 40.- Euro Here is a weird, but great record by a group, that later morphed to the Versatile Gents, who had a great record on Linco and then changed their name again to the Vee Gees, best known for their magnificient "Talkin" on Jump Off records. The featured side is superb sweet soul, while the flipside offers a swinging dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandtheteenage.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandthedreams.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CAROLYN SULLIVAN: Dead * PHILIPS, VG+, "x" on lbl, 40.- Euro Suicide Soul from the pen of Moses Dillard and surely one of the strangest records ever produced in Texas. A slow funky beat underlines Carolyn's death wish, because her lover left her. Deadly and great sounds from deep south. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/carolynsullivandead1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE GROUP: Spinning Around * AVALANCHE, VG-, label damage, 30.- Bargain price for a rare and great falsetto sweet soul ballad from 1973. Please check the soundfile before ordering, it plays with crackles and pops, but still absolutely enjoyable. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/groupspinningaround.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEBBIE TAYLOR: Just Don't Pay / I Don't Wanna Leave You * ARISTA, VG, wol, 35.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul dancer on featured side backed up by a facemelting deep soul bomp. The record has mild surface marks and plays with light crackles, especially during the first few bars of either side. Still good for playing out and priced accordingly. A trailblazing double sider soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/debbietaylorjustdontpay.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/debbietayloridontwanna1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MANFREDO FEST: Jungle Kitten * TABU, promo, VG+, 35.- Euro, sold Incredible great jazzy discoish late 70's upbeat dancer by Manfredo Fest, a blind brazilian piano player, who is best known for being a member of Bossa Rio. Record looks clean, but plays with mild crackles in parts, check the soundbyte before ordering. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/manfredofestjunglekitten.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ADMIRATIONS: Don't Leave Me / All For You * ONE-DERFUL, M-, 35.- Euro Awesome Chicago Northern Soul dancer backed up by an immense group soul midtempo tune. Extra clean copy, that never seen a needle before I lifted the soundfile. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/admirationsdontleave.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/admirationsallforyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE CONTRIBUTORS OF SOUL: You Can't Help But Fall In Love * TAD, VG+, residue from removed stickers on lbl, and run-out-grooves 35.- Euro They indeed contributed to soul with this crossover masterpiece. Perfect harmonies, a floating backing beat and a masterful arrangement by Eddie Silvers add to an almost perfect 1970 record. Some noise towards the end of the record, check the soundbyte before ordering. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/contributorsofsoulyoucant.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEGATON: Diggin' * DCA, M-, 30.- Euro Meco Monardo's first record and it's a groovy masterpiece with a mindblowing good arrangement. Meco is best known for his retakes of popular tunes like "Beethoven's fifth Symphony" or the "Star Wars Theme" and turn them into galactic disco funk anthems. This 45 marks his starting point and to my ears, it's a killer. Meco loved to play around with words and the band name Megaton is a conglomerate of the first name of his partner in crime Tony Bongiovi. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/megatondiggin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE AND THE MIGHTY MAGNIFICIENTS: Funky (8) Corners Part 1 & 2 * ALL PLATINUM, VG+, 30.- Euro, sold The poor man's "Ton Of Dynamite" by Frankie Crocker. A Tighten-Up-inspired groove, that leads you straight to the dancefloor. Part 1 has the band talking trash above their track, it's Part 2, the instrumental, that you need for your DJ box. So the second soundfile is it! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/funky8corners1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/funky8corners2.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMIE "BO" HORNE: If You Want My Love * ALSTON, VG+, 30.- Euro In my book, the best record on Henry Stone's Alston label, better than the overplayed "I Can't Speak" and it costs a fraction of his Dade release. Clarence Reid, Steve Alaimo and Willie Clarke on the controls. Florida soul to die for! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmybohorneifyouwant.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OTTO DE ROJAS Y LOS ULTRAS 76: Al Ritmo De Bump Bump * RCA; made in Peru, VG-, 30.- Euro Latin funk bomp only released in Peru. This is of course a cover of "Soulful Strut" by Young Holt Unlimited. Numerous mild scratches on vinyl, due to that some surface noise. But surely a bargain for someone. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Ottobumbump.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOUSTON: I Can't Go Wrong / That's How Much * CAPITOL, Made in France, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 30.- Euro Fantastic slice of funky R&B on a beautiful looking french artsleeve issue. Top side is an underrated 60's club soul banger, that sounds ace played out loud. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul ballad (the actual A-side of this record, but this record will most likely sell for the dance side) soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonicantgowrong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonthatshowmuch1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RONNIE TAYLOR: I Can't Take It * NASSAU, M-/VG++, 30.- Euro Hard hitting uptempo 60's soul mover out of Columbus / Ohio. One for a DJ with some imagination. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ronnietayloricanttakeit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNITED VOICE BLACK WHITE FAMILY: Make It Last * UNITED VOICE, M-, 30.- Euro Great early 70's gospel message song with a crossover feel to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/unitedvoicemakeitlast.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELLOIT SMALL: Girls Are Made For Loving * NEW SOUND, VG+, warped plays through with no problems, 30.- Euro Half price on this rare local first release before Bang took over for national distribution. Record is mildly warped, but plays without extra tracking on both of my turntables. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Elloitsmallgirlsaremade.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WHIRLWIND: Don't Let Him Get The Best Of You * ROULETTE, promo, strong VG+, 30.- Euro Superb 70's dancer written by Ronald Foster, the producer of Lee McDonald. The only record this group ever recorded. Buy it and you have a complete discography. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whirlwinddontlethim.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusno11.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY JENKINS: Mr. Naylor * FLAMBO, M-, 30.- Euro A lengthy intro leads you stright to a nice soulful bayou funk track. Great record and pretty obscure too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyjenkinssmrnaylor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 30.- Euro Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHNNY SCOTT: Hide & Seek With Me * PORTRA, M-, 30.- Euro Cool Memphis 60's soul double sider. One side for the dancefloor, flip it over for a great down- to midtempo groove. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscotthideandseek.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscottwontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ARTIE CHRISTOPHER: My Baby's Crying / Don't Try It Again * 5-HIGH, M-, 30.- Euro A fantastic deep soul record with an equally great uptempo cut on the flip. Let's hear what sir shambling has to say about this record: "Although he recorded a few 45s under the name “Artie Christopher” I’m 99% sure that this is really Johnny Christopher, the guitarist/songwriter who is best known in soul circles for his work with Chips Moman at his American Studio in Memphis. Christopher’s musical credits are both lengthy and impressive but I want to concentrate here on the soul side of his personality. His initial single under his nom-de-disque included the superb deep soul ballad "My Baby's Crying". This has all the ingredients that I love in this genre – some simple gospel chord changes, fine organ/piano accompaniment, a gently cooing chorus and some rich horns. On top of which “Artie” does a really bang-up job of expressing the emotional angst of his own lyric. Was this cut in Nashville? Or Atlanta – where Johnny came from? I don’t know. The flip – and both sides of the second Atlantic 45 were certainly cut at American." soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristophermybabyscry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristopherdonttry.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THESE GENTS: Yesterday Standing By * SOULVATION ARMY; M-, 25.- Euro Fantastic sweet group soul and still cheap. Much better than most 3 figure records from the same genre. Extra clean copy, that never needs an upgrade. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/thesegentsyesterday12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NOLAN CHANCE: I'll Never Forget You`* THOMAS, promo, VG+, 30.- Euro Look at the credits on this diamond of a record and you know, you have something special on your decks. Written by Donny Hathaway and Leroy Hutson, produced by Curtis Mayfield and arranged again by Donny Hathaway. And Nolan Chance isn't too shabby either as a singer. This is mindblowing good crossover soul on windy city's recordman Eddie Thomas own labe. Heel is a slice of soulmusic at the peak of it's creativity! Highly recomended. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/nolanchanceillnever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOEY GILMORE: Somebody Done Took My Baby And Gone / Do It To Me One More Time * PHIL-L.A. OF SOUL, VG++, mild warp, nap, 30.- Euro Guitar player and singer Joshua (Joey) Gilmore's debut 45 and nothing short of a masterpiece. A Florida soul floater from 1971 with two remarkable sides to choose from. Top side is crossover heaven, flip it over for a funkier effort. Midprice records like this are the future of the soul scene; affordable, danceable and simply quality. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joeygilmoresomebody1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joeygilmoredoittome1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARY WELLS: If You Can't Give Her Love (Give Her Up) * REPRISE, promo, VG++, 25.- Euro Fabulous crossover dancer with Bobby Womack written all over it. It's Bobby's voice speaking the opening words, it's Bobby's unique guitar plaiying and Bobby's production too. Did I already say, that Mary Wells output after Motown is excellent without any exceptions? More name dropping: Phillip Mitchell and Chet Ivey wrote this beauty. A must have in my book. Check the soundbyte!° soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marywellsifyoucant.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE WILLIAMS: Since I Fell For You / Chokin' Kind * TEARDOP, VG+, 25.- Euro 1976 Philly soul ballad by Lee Williams, best known for his fantastic records he recorded for Carnival. Flip it over for a funkier effort. This is the first local release without the "J/G" distribution logo on the label. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leewilliamssinceifell.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leewilliamschokin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BONNIE & LEE: The Way I Feel About You * FAIRMOUNT, promo, VG++, close to M-, 20.- Euro Catchy 60's dancer and the rarer promo too. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bonnieandleethewayifeel1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MANDRILL: Mango Meat * POLYDOR, VG++, 25.- Euro, sold Latin tingled funk bomb from Mandrill, that sounds just incredible played out loud. A record that Cut Chemist used to play in his funk sets and it was sampled by De La Soul if memory strikes me right. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mandrillmangomeat1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SELENO CLARKE: Memphis Boogaloo / Soulful Drop * M.O.C., promo, M-, 20.- Euro Great little funky Memphis double header adapting the New York Boogaloo style and filling it up with some southern soul licks. Two great instro sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/selenoclarkememphis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/selenoclarkesoulful.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY CRUMLEY: All The Way In Love With You * MAGNET, Made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG+, sticker and writings on sleeve, 20.- Euro German art sleeve issue of this magnificient 70's dancer by Ray Crumley, lead singer of the Solid Gold Revue, who recorded an extremeley great and rare LP and an indemand 45. This 45 came out on thge Shreveport / Louisiana label Alarm in the US and god knows how this ended up being licensed to a Kraut label in germany. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raycrumleyalltheway123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CWCP: You Blew My Mind * DAN JOHN, VG, 20.- Euro Great early 80's smooth stepper. Plays witrh mild crackles during playback, check the soundbyte before ordering. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cwcpyoublewmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INCREDIBLES: I Can't Get Over Losing Your Love * AUDIO ARTS, M-, 20.- Euro Excellent slice of 60's Northern Group Soul in perfect shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/incrediblesicantgetover.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BENNETT: Big New York / Baby, Try Me * LONDON, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / VG to VG+, stamp on lbl, 20.- Euro Two driving 60's dance sides on this hard to come by german picture sleeve issue. Originally released on Phil-L.A.-Of-Soul in 1969 and good know why the german London A&R guys thought, there's a market for this in Krautland. Of course there wasn't and it sold next to nothing in the late 60's. Anyway, nice looking and even better sounding artefact from the past. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbignewyork1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbabytryme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEON HAYWOOD: It's Got To Be Mellow * DECCA; VG++, 25.- Euro Late 60's midtempo sound, that some call crossover and some Northern, who cares? It's simply great danceable soulmusic from the top shelf for the price of a few pints at the pub. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leonhaywoodmellow1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOMMY BRYANT: I Wanna Come Home To You Baby * T NECK, promo, VG+, 25.- Euro Overlooked Northern dancer on the Isley Brothers label. Just very few cosmetical blemishes on the vinyl, sounds fantastic and looks very nice in it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tommybryantiwnnacome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaytheprice1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE BO: You Are Going To Be Somebodys Fool Too * NOLA; M-, 25.- Euro Edwin Bocage alias Eddie Bo, better know for his mindboggling funk sides from the 70's, with a superb 60's soul mover. Pure New Orleans class on extra clean wax. Don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddieboyouaregoing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SPENCE JAMES: I Won't Be Back * CIRCLE, VG+, wol, 20.- Euro Knock out semi know R&B dancer, that sounds way better then 25.- Euro to my ears. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spencejamesiwontbeback.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIMMIE & THE DYNAMICS: Don't Make Me Burn * BELLA, VG+, 20.- Euro Obscure southern funk with some production involvement by George Perkins. Obscure record and totally on the spot! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/simmiedontmakemeburn.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLOATERS AND SHU-GA: For Your Love * FEE, VG++ very close to M-, 20.- Euro Detroit stepper of the highest order and cheap too. The label design alone is worth the asking price, but this is no art exhibtion here; it's in the grooves that counts and to my ears, this sounds brillinat. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/floatersandsugaforyour.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOM AND JERROO: (Papa Chew) Do The Boo-Ga-Loo * JERRY-O, VG++, 20.- Euro A fun record and one of the many attempts of label owner Jerry O to create a dance craze. How to dance to this properly is shown on this adorable youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EA7ggRdmsY soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tomanjerroopapachew.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SAM BAKER: I'm Number One / I Believe In You * SOUND STAGE 7, M-, 20.- Euro Mighty fine 60's uptempo dancer backed up by facemelting deeps soul cut. Jackson Mississippi born Sam Baker fuels his gospel schooled voice with heartfelt lyrics and natural timing. I always thought he sounds like a gritty Clyde McPhatter and that's surely big compliment. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sambakerimnumberone.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sambakeribelievein.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARV JOHNSON: I'm Not A Plaything / Why Do You Want To Let Me Go * GORDY, VG+, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro 1965 Motown double sider by R&B veteran Marv Johnson. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvjohnsonplaything.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvjohnsonwhydoyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE RIGHT COMBINATION: How Can Your Heart Be Free / Everything I Do * SOH, VG+, 15.- Euro Two great mid 70's Memphis group soul sides on the Gene "Bowlegs" Miller production. One side uptempo and one side for a rainy sunday afternoon. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rightcombinationhowcan.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rightcombinationeverythingido.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOW: Country Girl * KENT, M-, 15.- Euro Raw funky late 60's groover by Johnny Otis and his bunch of great musicians. This is the first record where Johnny's son Shuggie Otis is featured as a guitar player. Shuggie later recorded some legendary sides for Epic records. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyotiscountrygirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MAD LADS: Whatever Hurts You / No Time Is Better Than Right Now * VOLT, VG++, some label damage, 20.- Euro Sweet soul magic by the mighty Mad Lads. So much soul on these two Memphis sides and another proff, that top quality soul doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladswhatever1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladsnotimeisbetter.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ACCENTS: New Girl * M-PAC, M-, 20.- Euro Mighty fine Chicago mid-sixties group soul dancer on George & Earnest Leaners One-Der-Ful/M-Pac! outlet. Eric Leaner, the son of Earnest, is now licensing unissued and rare stuff from the Vaults of the labels to Secret Stash records in Minneapolis. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/accentsnewgirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOON PEOPLE: Land Of Love * SPEED, VG+, small warp, not affecting play, 20.- Euro Funky latin soul instrumental, that sounds just right for troday's more open minded scene. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/moonpeoplelandoflove12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PAT LUNDY: Party Music * VIGOR, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Big Apple 70's dancer of the highest order. Ignore the title "Party Music", this is fantastic and sophisticated dancefloor friendly soulmusic. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/patlundyparty.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEROY RANDOLPH: Good To The Last Drop * SPRING, M-, 15.- Euro Extra clean copy, housed in it's original company sleeve, of this great uptempo early 70's dancer, that sounds rather like late 60's to me. Groovy to the max and Leroy surely sings his heart out here! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyrandolphgoodtothe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEL HUESTON: Time And Patience / Double Confusion * CHANSON, M-, 15.- Euro Immense very soulful funk double sider from Toledo / Ohio. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestontimeand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestondoubleconf.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STARFIRE: Don't Come Back / Almost Insane * DYNAMIC ARTISTS, VG+, label tear, 15.- Euro Great boogie funk out of Richmond /Virginia with an ice slow jam on the flip. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfiredontcomeback.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfirealmostinsane.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRIEF ENCOUNTER: I'm So Satisfied / Don't Let Them Tell You * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 20.- Euro Two fantastic 70's sides by a band completely unable to make a bad record. These two songs are 7" only and are not on their rare LP. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterimsosatis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterdontletthem.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUNDRAY TUCKER: If It Was Me * TK, M-, 15.- Euro Two stepper from 1981 produced by Clarence Reid and another proof, that quality doesn't have to break the bank. Clean copy in it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sundraytuckerifitwas.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. W: SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 15.- Euro Awesome west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SPINNERS: It's A Shame * V.I.P., M-, 15.- Euro, sold A Motown classic up for grabs in extra clean condition. Sampled by Salt & Peppa when I was a youngster and this record never fails to make me praise the greatness of soulmusic. The guitar intro is nothing less than iconic, the vocals are heavenly and the arrangement by Paul Riser is outsatnding. Steve Wonder produced this and if the sales phrase "every home should own a copy" ever made sense, it's with this record. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spinnersitsashame1234.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN GAYE: You're The Man * TAMLA, M-, 15.- Euro Non-LP-track by Marvin Gaye, who recorded this funky soul masterpiece with members of Bohannon's band in 1972. The record didn't have much success and Gaye canceled the plan to make a whole LP as a follow-up of his million seller "What's Going On". This is actually the only 45, that was released in it's time, from what most Gaye devotees called Marvin's lost album. Marvin Gayes anger with the political system shines through every line of this record, but in the end one must admit, that he just didn't like to pay taxes (who does?) and to call this attitude rebellious is slightly pathetic. He later on waved America goodbye due to endless conflicts with the taxman and moved to Belgium. Long background story for a record, that is simply mindblowing in my book. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinyouretheman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 15.- Euro Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A superb and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CODY BLACK: Going, Going, Gone / Enp Up Lovin * RAM-BROCK, M-, 15.- Euro Born in Cincinnati/Ohio, but his career really took off, when he moved to Detroit as youngster. This is Cody Black's most succesfull release from 1967 and this might fine disc provides two blasting dance sides from the Motor City. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/codyblackgoing.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/codyblackendup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY COPNEY: Love Au-Go-Go * TUFF, VG+, some label stains, 15.- Euro The most Detroit sounding New York record i'm aware of. Superb spooky 60's soul dancer, that shoulkd go massive in a better world. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbycopneyloveaugogo1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SMOKE: Have I Really Lost You * J.BRIDGE, M- / VG+, 15.- Euro Crossover group soul from Kansas City, thatb ticks all the boxes. A fantastic record and surprisingly still cheap. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smokehaveireally.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARGIE HENDRIX: Don't Destroy Me / Jim Dandy * SOUND STAGE 7, VG+, 15.- Euro, sold Gritty southern soul two-sider with a Joshie Jo Armstead song on featured side, that was originally written for Carol Jones on Mutt. Flip it over for a funky retake of LaVerne Baker's immortal "Jim Dandy". soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/margiehendrixdontdestroy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/margiehendrixjimdandy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOLLAND: Candy To Me * MOTOWN, VG++, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro, sold 1964 Holland-Dozier-Holland production and what a nice shuffling handclapper this is. Motor City history for the price of Pizza. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehollandcandy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: (I'm Just A) Fool For You It A Shame / Buddy Ain't It A Shame * CONSTELLATION, M-, 15.- Euro Two great Chicago 60's dance sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlerfoolforyou1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandleraintitashame.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HARRY DEAL & THE GALAXIES: Fonky, Fonky * ECLIPSE, M-, 12.- Euro Slick funk instrumnetal hidden away on the B-side of a mediocre ballad. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/harrydealfonky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE GAUFF & THE LOVE BROTHERS: Communicate Not Hate * EUREKA; M-, 12.- Euro Nice and extra clean copy of this funky Cali disc. Guitar driven funky soul with banging drums and Willie Gauff (what a name!) screams his heart out to get his message to you. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williegauffcommunicate.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 12.- Euro Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper then all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ISLEY BROTHERS: Between The Sheets * TNeck, VG++, 10.- Euro Mellow boogie, bedrooom soul, one of the most sampled grooves ever... whatever you say about this, it's an infectious groover by the Isleys and always nice to have the original. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/isleysbetweenthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARY WELLS: (Hey You) Set My Soul On Fire / Coming Home * ATCO, VG+, drill hole in lbl, 10.- Euro, sold Post Motown Mary Wells record that ticks all the boxes. Mary collaborated with Bobby Womack's brother Cecil on both sides and the ycreated two mindblowing 60's dance sides. Cheap as chips and top quality, what more do you want? soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marywellsmysoulsonfire.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marywellscominghome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SPICE: Everything Is You * LPG, M-, 10.- Euro This group recorded the highly collectable "Let There Be Spice" on the tax scam subsidiary label TSG. Both labels, TSG and LPG where owned by the notorious gangster Lloyd Price, who used the music business in parts for washing his dirty money. Abnyway, this is a nice and cheap ballad, the vinyl is clean and the sound incredible. What's not to like for 10.- Euro? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spiceeverything.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE PAINE: Go Go Train * JET STREAM, M-, 10.- Euro Romping, stomping 60's soul mover from Louisian, produced Huey P. Meaux for "Crazy Cajun" productions. Cheap as chips and groovy as f*ck. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiepaynegogotrain.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MARK IV: Honey I Still Love You * NATION-WIDE, VG++, 10.- Euro Funny to call a label Nation-Wide and then license it to Mercury to get a nation wide distribution. Anyway, this is the first local issue of this fine ballad and they later on recorded two immense Modern Soul anthems: "Signs Of A Dying Love" and "If You Can't Tell Me Something Good". soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/markivhoneyistill.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ISLEY BROTHERS: Behind A Painted Smile * TAMLA MOTOWN, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG+, 10.- Euro, sold German picture sleeve issue of this great Motown 60's dancer on thick vinyl and in great shape! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/isleysbehindapainted.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KENI LEWIS: Ba'e Brother * MIGUEL, VG+, 1000.- Euro Crazy rare Washington D.C. 45 and Keni Lewis first solo release. His other two solo records, "Ain't Gonna Make It Easy" on De-Val and "What's Her Name" on Buddah, are established dancefloor favorites. Keni Lewis was a member of the Cairos, whose Shrine release "Stop Overlooking Me" is a well known rarity. He also wrote for other Shrine artists like Shirley Edwards, The Epsilons and The Counts. This one used to be a cover-up for Andy Dyson and got a re-release through Epsilon records in the UK. The last copies sold some 15 years ago through ebay. Your chance to own a rarity with phenomenal musical content. Trades and cash offers are welcome. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kenilewisbaebrother.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JADE: Music Slave * PESANTE, M-, 300.- Euro, on hold Keb Darge spin from round about 15 years ago, Keb played this from the exclusive LP, simply because no one knew back then, that this 45 existed. A few copies popped up during the years and here is a rare opportunity to grab a super clean copy. Funky soul from 1975, that also fits into more progressive Modern sets. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jademusicslave.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE EXCEPTIONALS: What Is Living * RED COACH, M-, 200.- Euro, sold Barbara Mason penned and indemand Sweet Soul nugget on Gene Redd Jr. Red Coach output. Gene Redd Jr. later managed Kool & The Gang and he was a major figure in New Yorks vibrating music scene. Outstanding record if Sweet Soul is your sound! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/exceptionalswhatis.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JONATHAN SETTEL: Gotta Find A Woman * SIREN, VG+, 300.- Euro Widely unknown and great Miami Modern Soul. Has a surface mark, but plays excellent. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jonathansettlegottafind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE TOWNSEL: Mr. Boon Tang / Can't Stop A Poor Man From Making Love * AH-LA-VI, M-, 350.- Euro Fantastic crossover soul and Gene Townsels debut 45 from 1970 in immaculate condition. Both sides are prime examples of sophisticated west coast independent soul and deserve the love of the international soul scene. Gene is still alive and kicking after a long succesfull career he now resides in Deerfield Beach / Florida and owns a music studio and conducts workshops for aspiring singers. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselmrboon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselcantstop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TRADE MARTIN: Work Song * RCA VICTOR, promo, strong VG+, 100.- Euro The ultimate dancefloor version of Oscar Brown Jr.'s soul jazz classic. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/trademartinworksong1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE MOORE: Hang Right In There * TRU-GLO-TOWN, promo, VG+, 100.- Euro Powerhouse Chicago Northern Soul dancer. Vinyl would be M-, but it has a small scratch, that causes some clicks during the fade-out at the end of the record. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joemoorehangrightin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOUNGHEARTS: Hey Love / I've Got Dancing Fever * SOULTOWN, VG++, 100.- Euro Fantastic cali sweet soul 45 backed up by an 80's boogie funk dancer. The Younghearts formed in 1967 and their first record on Canterbury "Little Togetherness" found fame on the Northern Soul circuit. This is their last release from 1980 before they quit making music and they left the stage with a gem of a record. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsheylove1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsibvegot.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEON JACKSON: That's What You Do To Me * CARLA, promo VG to VG+, 75.- Euro Banging Detroit Mike Terry 60's production, that never fails to get the floor moving. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deonjacksonthatswhat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SHARON SOUL: How Can I Get To You? / Don't Say Goodbye Love * WILD DEUCE, promo, some ringwear on lbl, M-, 75.- Euro, sold Two groovy 60's side to chose from. The dancefloor fav "How Can I Get To You?" with excellent arranged horn stabs and delicious girl backings or the midtempo masterpiece "Don't Say Goodbye Love"? No matter which side you put the needle on, you get big apple 60's soul from the highest order. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sharonsoulhowcaniget.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sharonsouldontsaygoodbye.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE LA RAYS: Yesterday And You / A Woman Like You * ARLEN, M-, 60.- Euro Rare and great mid-sixties Los Angeles soul dancer with a more than decent flip. This comes in it's original Arlen distribution sleeve and I bet most of you, have never seen one. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/laraysyesterdayand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/laraysawoman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FABULOUS PEPS: She's Going To Leave You / The Love I Have For You * GE GEE, VG++, "x" on lbl, two small label tears on flipside, 50.- Euro Great mid-sixties Detroit dancer produced by the mighty Don Davis backed up by a nice ballad. Not an easy pull these days in nice condition. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fabulouspepsshegonna.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fabulouspepsthislove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx REV. T.L. BARRETT: Lord's Prayer * GOSPEL ROOTS, M-, 75.- Euro, sold Banging soulful Florida Modern Soul gospel dancer in immaculate condition. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/revbarrettlordsprayer.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, M-, 75.- Euro Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN WILLIAMS & THE TICK TOCKS: Do Me Like You Do Me / Blues, Tears And Sorrows * SANSU, promo, M-, 70.- Euro Bargain price for a legendary New Orleans soul 45. One side provides a top notch 60's dancer, that had plays on the Northern Soul scene. Flipside is one of the finest deep soul ballads recorded in the crescent city. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsdome1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsblues1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MAYBERRY MOVEMENT: I Think I'm In Love * EVENT, VG++, "x" on lbl, 60.- Euro The genius of Patrick Adams is written all over this breath taking 1974 production. Sweet strings, banging drums and superb harmony vocals blend together to a perfect record. Soul heaven! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mayberyymovementithinkim.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE ANDERSON: You And I - LONG / SHORT * BUDDAH, M-, sticker on lbl, 50,- Euro Slick Modern Soul goodie produced in New York by Tom Moulton just before the Disco explosion took over. It already has all the ingredients, that made Disco to a worldwide phenomenon, but must be classified as soulmusic due to the brilliant vocals of Joe Anderson. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joeandersonyouandi12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FOUR WONDERS: Just Looking For My Love * SOLID FOUNDATION, VG++, 50.- Euro Cleveland / Ohio midtempo soul from 1974 and a prime example of the talent, that where around during the 60's and 70's in the midwest. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fourwondersjustlooking.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RUDI STEWART: I Wanna Love You All Over * DELMAR INTERNATIONAL; M-, 50.- Euro 1980 uptempo Modern Soul winner from New York city. Way better than most big ticket items and surely a record, that won't last long in the midprice range. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rudistewartiwannalove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DELLA HUMPHREY: Don't Make The Good Girls Go Bad / You Love Is All I Need * ARCTIC, M-, 50.- Euro Miami songstress Della Humphrey with a follow up to Betty Wrights "Girls Can't Do What The Guys Do", both songs are written and produced by Clarence "Blowfly" Reid. Two excellent sides form 1968 in excellent condition this highly collectable Philly label. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dellahumphreydontmake1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dellahumphreyyourloveis1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx McKINLEY SANDIFER: Get Up If You Want To Be Somebody * U.S.A., VG+, 50.- Euro Raw and uncompromising bluesy Funk from the streets of Chicago. Just imagine hearing this in a blues shag on the southside in 1968, when this 45 was released. Where is a time machine, when you need one? Complete with it's original USA-company sleeve. soundfile: http:// Datei Datum Aktion mckinleysandifergetup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WINFIELD PARKER: Sweet Little Girl * ATCO, M-, wol, 50.- Euro Great uptempo Northern dancer backed up by a deep ballad with a super nice vibrato guitar. Writings on both sides of the label even more on the flipside. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/winfieldparkersweet.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/winfieldparkerwhatdoyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SOUL SET: I Don't Want Her, But I Need Her * JOHNSON, VG++, 50.- Euro Upotempo, banging 60's dancer from 1968 and the last record The Soul Set released before thgey vanished without a trace. Clean vinyl witrh one cosmetic mark, that doesn't affect play atall. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulsetidontwanther.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BUDDY ACE: Pleasing You * PAULA; VG, 50.- Euro Houston / Texas born guitar player and singer Buddy Ace with his finest soul record. Early 70's crossover delight from the top shelf! This record had a little repair job on it and it's priced accordingly. It had a scratch, that caused a skip, around the 45 second mark. You now hear mild swoosh sounds, but nothing that drives you away from the fabulous music. Check the soundfile before ordering. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/buddyacepleasingyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE GROUP: Spinning Around * AVALANCHE, VG-, label damage, 40.- Bargain price for a rare and great falsetto sweet soul ballad from 1973. Please check the soundfile before ordering, it plays with crackles and pops, but still absolutely enjoyable. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/groupspinningaround.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L.J. REYNOLDS: Intruder / Call On Me * MAINSTREAM, M-, 40.- Euro Hard hitting funky edged soul for all of you, who like their soul on the rougher side of things. Flip it over for a bluesy deep soul cut. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ljreynoldsintruder.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ljreynoldscallonme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GIN AND THE GENTS: Teenage National Anthem Boy And Girl / Dreams For Sale * MISS THING, M-, 40.- Euro Here is a weird, but great record by a group, that later morphed to the Versatile Gents, who had a great record on Linco and then changed their name again to the Vee Gees, best known for their magnificient "Talkin" on Jump Off records. The featured side is superb sweet soul, while the flipside offers a swinging dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandtheteenage.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandthedreams.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BASIC BLACK AND PEARL: There'll Come A Time There'll Come A Day * POLYDOR promo, VG to VG+, tiny edge chip nap, 35.- Euro, sold Fair price for a slightly wounded copy of one of the finest 70's Modern Soul 45s out there. Super soulful with a slick production and mindblowing vocals by Sharon Lee Williams. This was actually a canadian band, that licensed their stuff to Polydor in the USA. Mild surface marks, but excellent soundquality check the soundfile and grab a bargain. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/basicblackantherellcome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMY ELLEDGE: You Can't Stop A Man In Love * SONG BIRD, strong VG+, 35.- Euro 1979 Modern Soul mover written by Terry Woodford and George Soule in Muscle Shoals. Beautiful Art Deco label design as well. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmyelledgeyoucantstop1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARV JOHNSON: I Miss You Baby * GORDY, M-, drill hole in lbl, 35.- Euro 1966 Motown greatness! Fantastic 60's dancer by R&B veteran Marv Johnson in extra nice condition. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvjohnsonimissmybaby.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ADMIRATIONS: Don't Leave Me / All For You * ONE-DERFUL, M-, 35.- Euro Awesome Chicago Northern Soul dancer backed up by an immense group soul midtempo tune. Extra clean copy, that never seen a needle before I lifted the soundfile. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/admirationsdontleave.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/admirationsallforyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BIG MAYBELLE: That's A Pretty Good Love * SAVOY, VG, 35.- Euro 1956 R&B nugget by the great Big Maybelle. Record has barely visible scratch, that causes some clicks during playback, nothing to distract from the sensational musical contact. Priced accordingly! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bigmaybelleprettygood1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEGATON: Diggin' * DCA, M-, 30.- Euro Meco Monardo's first record and it's a groovy masterpiece with a mindblowing good arrangement. Meco is best known for his retakes of popular tunes like "Beethoven's fifth Symphony" or the "Star Wars Theme" and turn them into galactic disco funk anthems. This 45 marks his starting point and to my ears, it's a killer. Meco loved to play around with words and the band name Megaton is a conglomerate of the first name of his partner in crime Tony Bongiovi. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/megatondiggin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE SOULE: Get Involved * FAME, VG++, wol, 30.- Euro Mindblowing 70's dancer produced by Rick Hall for Muscle Shoals Sound" and co-written by the great George Jackson. A fabulous record! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgesoulegetinvolved12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OTTO DE ROJAS Y LOS ULTRAS 76: Al Ritmo De Bump Bump * RCA; made in Peru, VG-, 30.- Euro Latin funk bomp only released in Peru. This is of course a cover of "Soulful Strut" by Young Holt Unlimited. Numerous mild scratches on vinyl, due to that some surface noise. But surely a bargain for someone. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Ottobumbump.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOUSTON: I Can't Go Wrong / That's How Much * CAPITOL, Made in France, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 30.- Euro Fantastic slice of funky R&B on a beautiful looking french artsleeve issue. Top side is an underrated 60's club soul banger, that sounds ace played out loud. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul ballad (the actual A-side of this record, but this record will most likely sell for the dance side) soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonicantgowrong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonthatshowmuch1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RONNIE TAYLOR: I Can't Take It * NASSAU, M-/VG++, 30.- Euro Hard hitting uptempo 60's soul mover out of Columbus / Ohio. One for a DJ with some imagination. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ronnietayloricanttakeit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNITED VOICE BLACK WHITE FAMILY: Make It Last * UNITED VOICE, M-, 30.- Euro Great early 70's gospel message song with a crossover feel to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/unitedvoicemakeitlast.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELLOIT SMALL: Girls Are Made For Loving * NEW SOUND, VG+, warped plays through with no problems, 30.- Euro Half price on this rare local first release before Bang took over for national distribution. Record is mildly warped, but plays without extra tracking on both of my turntables. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Elloitsmallgirlsaremade.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WHIRLWIND: Don't Let Him Get The Best Of You * ROULETTE, promo, strong VG+, 30.- Euro Superb 70's dancer written by Ronald Foster, the producer of Lee McDonald. The only record this group ever recorded. Buy it and you have a complete discography. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whirlwinddontlethim.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusno11.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY JENKINS: Mr. Naylor * FLAMBO, M-, 30.- Euro A lengthy intro leads you stright to a nice soulful bayou funk track. Great record and pretty obscure too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyjenkinssmrnaylor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 30.- Euro Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ARTIE CHRISTOPHER: My Baby's Crying / Don't Try It Again * 5-HIGH, M-, 30.- Euro A fantastic deep soul record with an equally great uptempo cut on the flip. Let's hear what sir shambling has to say about this record: "Although he recorded a few 45s under the name “Artie Christopher” I’m 99% sure that this is really Johnny Christopher, the guitarist/songwriter who is best known in soul circles for his work with Chips Moman at his American Studio in Memphis. Christopher’s musical credits are both lengthy and impressive but I want to concentrate here on the soul side of his personality. His initial single under his nom-de-disque included the superb deep soul ballad "My Baby's Crying". This has all the ingredients that I love in this genre – some simple gospel chord changes, fine organ/piano accompaniment, a gently cooing chorus and some rich horns. On top of which “Artie” does a really bang-up job of expressing the emotional angst of his own lyric. Was this cut in Nashville? Or Atlanta – where Johnny came from? I don’t know. The flip – and both sides of the second Atlantic 45 were certainly cut at American." soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristophermybabyscry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristopherdonttry.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHNNY SCOTT: Hide & Seek With Me * PORTRA, M-, 30.- Euro Cool Memphis 60's soul double sider. One side for the dancefloor, flip it over for a great down- to midtempo groove. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscotthideandseek.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscottwontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BONNIE & LEE: The Way I Feel About You * FAIRMOUNT, promo, VG++, close to M-, 20.- Euro Catchy 60's dancer and the rarer promo too. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bonnieandleethewayifeel1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DAVID RUFFIN: Rode By The Place (Where We Used To Stay) * MOTOWN; M-, 25.- Euro, on hold One of the mighty Temptations with his finest solo release from 1977. A smooth and classy dancer. David Ruffin might not have been the finest human being ever walked on planet earth, but the man could ride a song. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/davidruffinrodebythe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx VALENTINOS: I Can Understand It * CLEAN, visually VG to VG+, plays VG++, 25.-, "x" on lbl, Euro Excellent early 70's dancer with the great Bobby Womack on lead vocals. On of these records that are soul with capital "S" and you can shake a leg to it as well. Pure class! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/valentinosicanunder1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY EASTON: Why Can't This Time / I Was A Fool * DISPO, M-, 25.- Euro Two great windy city sides both lurking into crossover category. Produced by ABC A&R man Barry Despenza and Donny Hathaway was responsible for the arrangements. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyeastonwhycantthistime.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyeastoniwasafool1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SELENO CLARKE: Memphis Boogaloo / Soulful Drop * M.O.C., promo, M-, 20.- Euro Great little funky Memphis double header adapting the New York Boogaloo style and filling it up with some southern soul licks. Two great instro sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/selenoclarkememphis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/selenoclarkesoulful.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVA WHITNEY: It's My Thing / Ball Of Fire * KING, VG+, 20.- Euro 1969 was James Brown finest year, he threw out record after record and every single one is a winner. The featured side offers rambling sister funk, but the true sensation hides away on the B-side. A proper soul tune, lurking into crossover territiry and Marva is singing her heart out. Minimal surface wear and some background noise, due to the rather bad King pressings during this period. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyitsmything12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyballoffire1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Tried And Convicted * MINIT, M-, 25.- Euro In my humble opinion Bobby Womack's finest 60's recording. Midtempo crossover magic produced in Memphis by Chips Moman. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacktiredand1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HUTCH: Brothers Gonna Work It Out / Slick * TAMLA MOTOWN, made in Netherlands, Vinyl strong VG+ / Sleeve: VG-, wol, 20.- Euro, on hold Two mindblowing sides from a blaxploitation flick called "The Mack". "Brothers Gonna Work It Out" stands the test of time and sounds as fresh and club-friendly as ever, while slick is what the name of the song might suggest. The ultra-talented Willie Hutch at the peak of his art on this nice looking durtch picture sleeve issue. The sleeve has an open spine on the left and looks slightly used, but hey, it's in the grooves what counts. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williehutchbrothers.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williehutchslick1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY CRUMLEY: All The Way In Love With You * MAGNET, Made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG+, sticker and writings on sleeve, 20.- Euro German art sleeve issue of this magnificient 70's dancer by Ray Crumley, lead singer of the Solid Gold Revue, who recorded an extremeley great and rare LP and an indemand 45. This 45 came out on thge Shreveport / Louisiana label Alarm in the US and god knows how this ended up being licensed to a Kraut label in germany. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raycrumleyalltheway123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE WHISPERS: P.O.W.-M.I.A. * Janus, strong VG+, "x" on lbl, 20.- Euro Ear candy to my ears and of the most underrated 70's dancers in my book. A song about prisoners of war and of course Vietnam related. Great "what's going on"-vibes on this and as per usual super soulful singing by the mighty Whispers. Don't sleep on this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whispoerspowmia.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INCREDIBLES: I Can't Get Over Losing Your Love * AUDIO ARTS, M-, 20.- Euro Excellent slice of 60's Northern Group Soul in perfect shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/incrediblesicantgetover.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BENNETT: Big New York / Baby, Try Me * LONDON, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / VG to VG+, stamp on lbl, 20.- Euro Two driving 60's dance sides on this hard to come by german picture sleeve issue. Originally released on Phil-L.A.-Of-Soul in 1969 and good know why the german London A&R guys thought, there's a market for this in Krautland. Of course there wasn't and it sold next to nothing in the late 60's. Anyway, nice looking and even better sounding artefact from the past. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbignewyork1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbabytryme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 20.- Euro, on hold Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HEARTSTOPPERS: Marching Out Of Your Life / Court In mama * ALL PLATINUM, M-, 20.- Euro Clean copy of this mighty fine early 70's Northern Soul dancer backed up by an equally good crossover dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/heartstoppersmarchingout.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/heartstopperscourtin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEON HAYWOOD: It's Got To Be Mellow * DECCA; VG++, 25.- Euro Late 60's midtempo sound, that some call crossover and some Northern, who cares? It's simply great danceable soulmusic from the top shelf for the price of a few pints at the pub. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leonhaywoodmellow1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOMMY BRYANT: I Wanna Come Home To You Baby * T NECK, promo, VG+, 25.- Euro Overlooked Northern dancer on the Isley Brothers label. Just very few cosmetical blemishes on the vinyl, sounds fantastic and looks very nice in it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tommybryantiwnnacome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SPENCE JAMES: I Won't Be Back * CIRCLE, VG+, wol, 25.- Euro Knock out semi know R&B dancer, that sounds way better then 25.- Euro to my ears. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spencejamesiwontbeback.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 20.- Euro Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaytheprice1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE BO: You Are Going To Be Somebodys Fool Too * NOLA; M-, 25.- Euro Edwin Bocage alias Eddie Bo, better know for his mindboggling funk sides from the 70's, with a superb 60's soul mover. Pure New Orleans class on extra clean wax. Don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddieboyouaregoing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SPENCE JAMES: I Won't Be Back * CIRCLE, VG+, wol, 20.- Euro Knock out semi know R&B dancer, that sounds way better then 25.- Euro to my ears. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spencejamesiwontbeback.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIMMIE & THE DYNAMICS: Don't Make Me Burn * BELLA, VG+, 20.- Euro Obscure southern funk with some production involvement by George Perkins. Obscure record and totally on the spot! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/simmiedontmakemeburn.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SHARPEES: I've Got A Secret * ONE-DERFUL, strong VG+, drill hole in lbl, tear on label, 20.- Euro No way to spend 20 Euro better. Excellent Chicago Northern Soul, that sounds like 3 figures to these eras. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sharpeesivegotasecret.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SAM BAKER: I'm Number One / I Believe In You * SOUND STAGE 7, M-, 20.- Euro Mighty fine 60's uptempo dancer backed up by facemelting deeps soul cut. Jackson Mississippi born Sam Baker fuels his gospel schooled voice with heartfelt lyrics and natural timing. I always thought he sounds like a gritty Clyde McPhatter and that's surely big compliment. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sambakerimnumberone.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sambakeribelievein.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WOOD BRASS AND STEEL: Hey What's That You Say * ASTROSCOPE, M-, 20.- Euro The man behind this record is most likely Ineffie Woods, writer of some of the tracks of the legendary Skullsnaps LP on GSF. This is basically the same song as the breakbeat classic "It's A New Day" by the Skullsnaps and I believe, that this 45 came out before the Skullsnaps. Anyway it's a great funky soul track and this copy for sale is shiny and clean. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/woodbrassandheywhatsthat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLOATERS AND SHU-GA: For Your Love * FEE, VG++ very close to M-, 20.- Euro Detroit stepper of the highest order and cheap too. The label design alone is worth the asking price, but this is no art exhibtion here; it's in the grooves that counts and to my ears, this sounds brillinat. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/floatersandsugaforyour.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOM AND JERROO: (Papa Chew) Do The Boo-Ga-Loo * JERRY-O, VG++, 20.- Euro A fun record and one of the many attempts of label owner Jerry O to create a dance craze. How to dance to this properly is shown on this adorable youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EA7ggRdmsY soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tomanjerroopapachew.mp3 vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PALLBEARERS: Gettin' Fired Up * FONTANA, promo, M-, 15.- Euro Action packed blue eyed soul dancer with a lot of Northern potential. A band, that failed completely to have any success, maybe they should have thought more about their name? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pallbearersgettinfiredup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOW: Country Girl * KENT, M-, 15.- Euro Raw funky late 60's groover by Johnny Otis and his bunch of great musicians. This is the first record where Johnny's son Shuggie Otis is featured as a guitar player. Shuggie later recorded some legendary sides for Epic records. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyotiscountrygirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MAD LADS: Whatever Hurts You / No Time Is Better Than Right Now * VOLT, VG++, some label damage, 20.- Euro Sweet soul magic by the mighty Mad Lads. So much soul on these two Memphis sides and another proff, that top quality soul doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladswhatever1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladsnotimeisbetter.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ACCENTS: New Girl * M-PAC, M-, 20.- Euro Mighty fine Chicago mid-sixties group soul dancer on George & Earnest Leaners One-Der-Ful/M-Pac! outlet. Eric Leaner, the son of Earnest, is now licensing unissued and rare stuff from the Vaults of the labels to Secret Stash records in Minneapolis. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/accentsnewgirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOON PEOPLE: Land Of Love * SPEED, VG+, small warp, not affecting play, 20.- Euro Funky latin soul instrumental, that sounds just right for troday's more open minded scene. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/moonpeoplelandoflove12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE POETS: She Blew A Good Thing * SYMBOL, M-, 15.- Euro Fabulous group soul dancer produced by Juggy Murray. Just a great soul record and affordable too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/poetssheblewagood1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SPELLBINDERS: We're Acting Like Lovers * COLUMBIA, VG++, 15.- Euro, sold Van McCoy produced group soul dancer and another proof, that quality doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spellbinderswereactinglike.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEROY RANDOLPH: Good To The Last Drop * SPRING, M-, 15.- Euro Extra clean copy, housed in it's original company sleeve, of this great uptempo early 70's dancer, that sounds rather like late 60's to me. Groovy to the max and Leroy surely sings his heart out here! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyrandolphgoodtothe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEL HUESTON: Time And Patience / Double Confusion * CHANSON, M-, 15.- Euro Immense very soulful funk double sider from Toledo / Ohio. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestontimeand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestondoubleconf.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STARFIRE: Don't Come Back / Almost Insane * DYNAMIC ARTISTS, VG+, label tear, 15.- Euro Great boogie funk out of Richmond /Virginia with an ice slow jam on the flip. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfiredontcomeback.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfirealmostinsane.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRIEF ENCOUNTER: I'm So Satisfied / Don't Let Them Tell You * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 20.- Euro Two fantastic 70's sides by a band completely unable to make a bad record. These two songs are 7" only and are not on their rare LP. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterimsosatis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterdontletthem.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUNDRAY TUCKER: If It Was Me * TK, M-, 15.- Euro Two stepper from 1981 produced by Clarence Reid and another proof, that quality doesn't have to break the bank. Clean copy in it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sundraytuckerifitwas.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. W: SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 15.- Euro Awesome west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SPINNERS: It's A Shame * V.I.P., M-, 15.- Euro A Motown classic up for grabs in extra clean condition. Sampled by Salt & Peppa when I was a youngster and this record never fails to make me praise the greatness of soulmusic. The guitar intro is nothing less than iconic, the vocals are heavenly and the arrangement by Paul Riser is outsatnding. Steve Wonder produced this and if the sales phrase "every home should own a copy" ever made sense, it's with this record. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spinnersitsashame1234.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN GAYE: You're The Man * TAMLA, M-, 15.- Euro Non-LP-track by Marvin Gaye, who recorded this funky soul masterpiece with members of Bohannon's band in 1972. The record didn't have much success and Gaye canceled the plan to make a whole LP as a follow-up of his million seller "What's Going On". This is actually the only 45, that was released in it's time, from what most Gaye devotees called Marvin's lost album. Marvin Gayes anger with the political system shines through every line of this record, but in the end one must admit, that he just didn't like to pay taxes (who does?) and to call this attitude rebellious is slightly pathetic. He later on waved America goodbye due to endless conflicts with the taxman and moved to Belgium. Long background story for a record, that is simply mindblowing in my book. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinyouretheman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 15.- Euro Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A superb and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CODY BLACK: Going, Going, Gone / Enp Up Lovin * RAM-BROCK, M-, 15.- Euro Born in Cincinnati/Ohio, but his career really took off, when he moved to Detroit as youngster. This is Cody Black's most succesfull release from 1967 and this might fine disc provides two blasting dance sides from the Motor City. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/codyblackgoing.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/codyblackendup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY COPNEY: Love Au-Go-Go * TUFF, VG+, some label stains, 15.- Euro The most Detroit sounding New York record i'm aware of. Superb spooky 60's soul dancer, that shoulkd go massive in a better world. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbycopneyloveaugogo1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MANHATTENS: I Bet'Cha (Couldn't Love Me) / Sweet Little Girl * CARNIVAL, VG++, 15.- Euro Two magnificiant group soul sides from 1966 on this iconic New Jersey label. In fact, a company, that failed to release a bad record. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/manhattensibetcha.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/manhattenssweetlittle.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: (I'm Just A) Fool For You It A Shame / Buddy Ain't It A Shame * CONSTELLATION, M-, 15.- Euro Two great Chicago 60's dance sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlerfoolforyou1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandleraintitashame.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PRINCE HAROLD: Baby, You've Got It * MERCURY, M-, wol, stiucker on either side of the label, 15.- Euro Raunchy 60's uptempo stomper with a drummer getting wicked A record that deserves some love from the soul scene and just needs a brave DJ behind it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/princeharoldbabyyouvegot1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HARRY DEAL & THE GALAXIES: Fonky, Fonky * ECLIPSE, M-, 12.- Euro Slick funk instrumnetal hidden away on the B-side of a mediocre ballad. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/harrydealfonky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE GAUFF & THE LOVE BROTHERS: Communicate Not Hate * EUREKA; M-, 12.- Euro Nice and extra clean copy of this funky Cali disc. Guitar driven funky soul with banging drums and Willie Gauff (what a name!) screams his heart out to get his message to you. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williegauffcommunicate.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 12.- Euro Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper then all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ISLEY BROTHERS: Between The Sheets * TNeck, VG++, 12.- Euro Mellow boogie, bedrooom soul, one of the most sampled grooves ever... whatever you say about this, it's an infectious groover by the Isleys and always nice to have the original. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/isleysbetweenthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY STEWART: I'm In Love (Oh, Yes I Am) / Crazy `Bout You Baby * CHESS, drill hole in lbl, M-, 12.- Euro Two fantastic sides of Windy City soul on this shiny clean Chess issue. Billy Stewart could sing the phone book and sound great. American high culture for the price of two pints. What's not to like? soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartiminlove.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartcrazybout.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE RADIANTS: Hold On * CHESS, M-, drill hole in lbl, 10.- Euro Extra clean copy of this uptempo 60's dancer. Simply unreal, that a 50 year old record in this condition is just 10.- bloody Euros. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/radiantsholdon12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SHIRLEY WAHLS: Cry Myself to Sleep * SMASH, M-, drill hole in lbl, 12.- Euro Great slow and and super soulful cheapo written by Joshie "Jo" Armstead and arranged by Willie Henderson. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/shirleywahlscrymyself1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY STEWART: Summertime * CHESS, VG+, 10.- Euro, sold Billy Stewart's immortal take on George Gershwin's classic "Summertime", Stewart's unique singing style shines through every second of this recording - a classic, that should be in everybodys collection. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartsummertime1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MARK IV: Honey I Still Love You * NATION-WIDE, VG++, 10.- Euro Funny to call a label Nation-Wide and then license it to Mercury to get a nation wide distribution. Anyway, this is the first local issue of this fine ballad and they later on recorded two immense Modern Soul anthems: "Signs Of A Dying Love" and "If You Can't Tell Me Something Good". soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/markivhoneyistill.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ISLEY BROTHERS: Behind A Painted Smile * TAMLA MOTOWN, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG+, 10.- Euro German picture sleeve issue of this great Motown 60's dancer on thick vinyl and in great shape! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/isleysbehindapainted.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  3. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KENI LEWIS: Ba'e Brother * MIGUEL, VG+, offers over 1000.- Euro Crazy rare Washington D.C. 45 and Keni Lewis first solo release. His other two solo records, "Ain't Gonna Make It Easy" on De-Val and "What's Her Name" on Buddah, are established dancefloor favorites. Keni Lewis was a member of the Cairos, whose Shrine release "Stop Overlooking Me" is a well known rarity. He also wrote for other Shrine artists like Shirley Edwards, The Epsilons and The Counts. This one used to be a cover-up for Andy Dyson and got a re-release through Epsilon records in the UK. The last copies sold some 15 years ago through ebay. Your chance to own a rarity with phenomenal musical content. Trades and cash offers are welcome. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kenilewisbaebrother.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRENCH COFFE Y feat. ROZLIN: Nothing From Nothing * PICK-A-HIT, VG+, mild warp, nap, 375.- Euro, sold Sensational L.A. early 70's soul and later covered by Little Anthony on Pure Gold records. This is the rare first outing of this fabulous Bobby Sanders penned tune and it features the sweet and dreamy voice of Rozlin, whoever Rozlin was, the girl gave her heart and soul on this Art Freeman production. Nothing short of a masterpiece. This copy has mild marks and a small edge lift , but plays like a champ. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frenchcoffeynothing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JONATHAN SETTEL: Gotta Find A Woman * SIREN, VG+, 300.- Euro Widely unknown and great Miami Modern Soul. Has a surface mark, but plays excellent. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jonathansettlegottafind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE TOWNSEL: Mr. Boon Tang / Can't Stop A Poor Man From Making Love * AH-LA-VI, M-, 450.- Euro Fantastic crossover soul and Gene Townsels debut 45 from 1970 in immaculate condition. Both sides are prime examples of sophisticated west coast independent soul and deserve the love of the international soul scene. Gene is still alive and kicking after a long succesfull career he now resides in Deerfield Beach / Florida and owns a music studio and conducts workshops for aspiring singers. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselmrboon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselcantstop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MAXINE BROWN: Let Me Give You My Lovin' * WAND, VG+, wol, 125.- Euro, sold One of the absolutely finest examples of 60's dance soul by the incredible, fantastic, out of this world... (drumroll)... Mrs. Maxine Brown! Northern Soul never sounded better! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maxinebrownletmegive.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DUSTY SPRINGFIELD: Haunted * ATLANTIC, promo, M- 100.- Euro, sold Mindblowing 60's dancer by the talented Dusty Springfield, a girl born in the UK and blessed with an incomparable solfulu voice. This US Atlantic copy got some attention from Northern Soul jocks and sounds fantastic played out loud. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dustyspringfieldhaunted.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P. J. SMITH & CO.: Hold On To It / Hey Mister * SHANE, M-, sticker on lbl, 100.- Euro, on hold Rare and great 70's soul written and produced by the omipresent Bert DeCoteuax. P.J. by the way is no one else then Patti Jo, who recorded two marvelous 45s under the aegis of Curtis Mayfield for Scepter and Wand. "Smith" is Barry Smith, who recorded two 45s for GSF records and a couple of 45s for his own Shane outlet. Flipside is a great ballad and is suitable for all these sunday alldayer sessions these days. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pjsmithholdontoit.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pjsmithheymister.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DARRELL BANKS: I'm The One Who Loves You * VOLT, VG+, 100.- Euro, sold For many collectors the best crossover soul record ever recorded and who am I to disagree? Produced by Don Davis, a producer who was hired by Stax records in Memphis, but continued to live and record in Detroit. He later turned his back on the music business and moved into the banking field and founded one of the most succesful afro-american owned banks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksimtheone.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOUNGHEARTS: Hey Love / I've Got Dancing Fever * SOULTOWN, VG++, 100.- Euro Fantastic cali sweet soul 45 backed up by an 80's boogie funk dancer. The Younghearts formed in 1967 and their first record on Canterbury "Little Togetherness" found fame on the Northern Soul circuit. This is their last release from 1980 before they quit making music and they left the stage with a gem of a record. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsheylove1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsibvegot.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SHARON SOUL: How Can I Get To You? / Don't Say Goodbye Love * WILD DEUCE, promo, some ringwear on lbl, M-, 75.- Euro Two groovy 60's side to chose from. The dancefloor fav "How Can I Get To You?" with excellent arranged horn stabs and delicious girl backings or the midtempo masterpiece "Don't Say Goodbye Love"? No matter which side you put the needle on, you get big apple 60's soul from the highest order. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sharonsoulhowcaniget.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sharonsouldontsaygoodbye.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE LA RAYS: Yesterday And You / A Woman Like You * ARLEN, M-, 65.- Euro Rare and great mid-sixties Los Angeles soul dancer with a more than decent flip. This comes in it's original Arlen distribution sleeve and I bet most of you, have never seen one. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/laraysyesterdayand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/laraysawoman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FABULOUS PEPS: She's Going To Leave You / The Love I Have For You * GE GE, VG++, "x" on lbl, two small label tears on flipside, 60.- Euro Great mid-sixties Detroit dancer produced by the mighty Don Davis backed up by a nice ballad. Not an easy pull these days in nice condition. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fabulouspepsshegonna.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fabulouspepsthislove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx REV. T.L. BARRETT: Lord's Prayer * GOSPEL ROOTS, M-, 75.- Euro Banging soulful Florida Modern Soul gospel dancer in immaculate condition. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/revbarrettlordsprayer.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, M-, 75.- Euro Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN WILLIAMS & THE TICK TOCKS: Do Me Like You Do Me / Blues, Tears And Sorrows * SANSU, promo, M-, 70.- Euro Bargain price for a legendary New Orleans soul 45. One side provides a top notch 60's dancer, that had plays on the Northern Soul scene. Flipside is one of the finest deep soul ballads recorded in the crescent city. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsdome1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsblues1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SOUL SET: I Don't Want Her, But I Need Her * JOHNSON, VG++, 60.- Euro Upotempo, banging 60's dancer from 1968 and the last record The Soul Set released before thgey vanished without a trace. Clean vinyl witrh one cosmetic mark, that doesn't affect play atall. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulsetidontwanther.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE ANDERSON: You And I - LONG / SHORT * BUDDAH, M-, sticker on lbl, 50,- Euro Slick Modern Soul goodie produced in New York by Tom Moulton just before the Disco explosion took over. It already has all the ingredients, that made Disco to a worldwide phenomenon, but must be classified as soulmusic due to the brilliant vocals of Joe Anderson. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joeandersonyouandi12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FOUR WONDERS: Just Looking For My Love * SOLID FOUNDATION, VG++, 50.- Euro Cleveland / Ohio midtempo soul from 1974 and a prime example of the talent, that where around during the 60's and 70's in the midwest. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fourwondersjustlooking.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RUDI STEWART: I Wanna Love You All Over * DELMAR INTERNATIONAL; M-, 50.- Euro 1980 uptempo Modern Soul winner from New York city. Way better than most big ticket items and surely a record, that won't last long in the midprice range. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rudistewartiwannalove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ROCKY ROBERTS & THE AIRDALES: So Good * VOGUE, made in Germany, Vinyl: VG+ / Sleeve: VG- (tape repaired with some wrinkles), stamp and minor wol on lbl, 50.- Euro, sold Cool uptempo dancer, that only got released in Germany and Italy. What a weird phenomenon Rocky Roberst was, a semi professional boxer and a talented soul singer from Miami, who moved to Italy where he became a prolific life entertainer and he had a big hit in Pasta-Paradise with "Stasera Mi Butto". This one is a way harder to find release by him and it's a great gritty 60's soul dancer, that deserves some DJ attention. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rocjyrobertrssogood.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx McKINLEY SANDIFER: Get Up If You Want To Be Somebody * U.S.A., VG+, 50.- Euro Raw and uncompromising bluesy Funk from the streets of Chicago. Just imagine hearing this in a blues shag on the southside in 1968, when this 45 was released. Where is a time machine, when you need one? Complete with it's original USA-company sleeve. soundfile: http:// Datei Datum Aktion mckinleysandifergetup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE TEE: Sweet Thing / Man That I Am * GATUR, VG+, H2O damaged labels, 50.- Euro Awesome funky soul by New Orleans legend Willie Tee on his own Gatur label. This is the misspelled version, credited to "Willie Lee". Hurricane Kathrina did some damage to the labels. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteesweetthing1234.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteemanthatiam123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE GROUP: Spinning Around * AVALANCHE, VG-, label damage, 40.- Bargain price for a rare and great falsetto sweet soul ballad from 1973. Please check the soundfile before ordering, it plays with crackles and pops, but still absolutely enjoyable. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/groupspinningaround.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SOUL SURVIVORS: Mama Soul * ATCO, M-, 40.- Euro, sold The rarest and best 45 by the Soul Survivors, produced by Rick Hall in Muscle Shoals Alabama. Clean copy, that never needs an upgrade and a must for any lovers of Rick Hall's unique sound. Funky drums, great vocals and dramatic hornsn combine to a soulful tour.-de-force. Great record! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulsurvivorsmamasoul.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY BARRETTO: Soul Drummers / Mercy Mercy Baby * PINK ELEPHANT, Made in Netherlands, VG++ / VG++, centre is missing, 40.- Euro Dutch picture sleeve issue of one of the finest Latin Soul double siders ever pressed on wax. Two DJ-essentials, that never fail to get the floor moving. Almost perfect copy with shiny vinyl and a surface mark on eitherh side, that doesn't affect play at all, the centre hole is pressed out. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raybarettosouldrum1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raybarettomercy123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE COASTERS: Down Home Girl / Soul Pad * DATE, VG+, 35.- Euro Two slow and funky sides by the Coasters, a group best known for their novelty doo-wop hits in the 50's like "Charlie Brown". A mighty fine double header written, produced and arranged by Leiber and Stoller, a duo responsible for some of the most important post WW2 music. They wrote hits for Elvis and - yes, of course - The Coasters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coastersdownhome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coasterssoulpad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMY ELLEDGE: You Can't Stop A Man In Love * SONG BIRD, strong VG+, 35.- Euro 1979 Modern Soul mover written by Terry Woodford and George Soule in Muscle Shoals. Beautiful Art Deco label design as well. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmyelledgeyoucantstop1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEZLI VALENTINE: I Won't Do Anything / I've Got To Keep On Loving You * ALL PLATINUM, strong VG+, 35.- Euro, sold Two great sides from Sylvia Robinson's record imperium. Top side provides a mighty fine crossover soul winner with distinctive vocals and a floating backing band. Flip it over for some excellent dreamy low rider business. Highly recomended! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lezlivalentineiwontdo.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lezlivalentineivegotto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ADMIRATIONS: Don't Leave Me / All For You * ONE-DERFUL, M-, 35.- Euro Awesome Chicago Northern Soul dancer backed up by an immense group soul midtempo tune. Extra clean copy, that never seen a needle before I lifted the soundfile. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/admirationsdontleave.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/admirationsallforyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEGATON: Diggin' * DCA, M-, 30.- Euro Meco Monardo's first record and it's a groovy masterpiece with a mindblowing good arrangement. Meco is best known for his retakes of popular tunes like "Beethoven's fifth Symphony" or the "Star Wars Theme" and turn them into galactic disco funk anthems. This 45 marks his starting point and to my ears, it's a killer. Meco loved to play around with words and the band name Megaton is a conglomerate of the first name of his partner in crime Tony Bongiovi. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/megatondiggin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LOVE, PEACE & HAPPINESS: Strip Me Naked * RCA, VG++, 30.- Euro, sold A big favorite for the punters at soul essence and other progressive venues, that features quality over rarity. Super soulful, early 70's soul and a perfect example, of the subgenre "crossover soul". soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lovepeacestripme12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOUSTON: I Can't Go Wrong / That's How Much * CAPITOL, Made in France, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 30.- Euro Fantastic slice of funky R&B on a beautiful looking french artsleeve issue. Top side is an underrated 60's club soul banger, that sounds ace played out loud. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul ballad (the actual A-side of this record, but this record will most likely sell for the dance side) soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonicantgowrong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonthatshowmuch1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RONNIE TAYLOR: I Can't Take It * NASSAU, M-/VG++, 30.- Euro Hard hitting uptempo 60's soul mover out of Columbus / Ohio. One for a DJ with some imagination. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ronnietayloricanttakeit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNITED VOICE BLACK WHITE FAMILY: Make It Last * UNITED VOICE, M-, 30.- Euro Great early 70's gospel message song with a crossover feel to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/unitedvoicemakeitlast.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JESUS ALVAREZ: Please Stay Don't Go * VIBRATION, M-, drill hole in label, 30.- Euro, on hold Excellent 70's soul by a latin american singer, who found fame on the Northern Soul scene with his one-off-group The Nicky Newarkers and their uptempo dance favorite "Woman" on Mercury records. All his solo records are great with this one being no exception; a funky slice of 70's soul totally capable for todays scene. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jesusalvarezpleasestaydont.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusno11.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY JENKINS: Mr. Naylor * FLAMBO, M-, 30.- Euro A lengthy intro leads you stright to a nice soulful bayou funk track. Great record and pretty obscure too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyjenkinssmrnaylor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 30.- Euro Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BROWN: Why / A Woman And Some Soul * VERVE, promo, VG+, 30.- Euro Two streetwise 60's soul sides. The featured side definitely has some Northern appeal while the flipside has a catchy groove and Bobby Brown's gritty voice shines out. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownwhy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownawoman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHNNY SCOTT: Hide & Seek With Me * PORTRA, M-, 30.- Euro Cool Memphis 60's soul double sider. One side for the dancefloor, flip it over for a great down- to midtempo groove. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscotthideandseek.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscottwontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLARD KING: Lady Be Mine * CAPITOL, promo, VG, 30.- Euro, on hold Hard to find major label release and a stunning slice of 70's soul. Produced by William "Mickey" Stevenson best know for his time during the heydays of Motown. This is Willard King's debut from 1973 and only the rare soul scene keeps talented guys like this from being forgotten. Some mild crackles, but nothing, that should distract you from listening to a masterpiece of 70's Detroit soul. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willardkingladybe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BONNIE & LEE: The Way I Feel About You * FAIRMOUNT, promo, VG++, close to M-, 25.- Euro Catchy 60's dancer and the rarer promo too. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bonnieandleethewayifeel1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B.W. & THE NEXT EDITION: Work, Work, Work / Chosen One * DAKAR, VG++, 25.- Euro, sold Back in 1995 I found 10 unplayed copies of this and sold them for 100 a pop. So here is a rare example of a record, where the price has significantly going down. The promo with "Work, Work, Work" was easy to find, but it was all about the issue with "Chosen One" on the flipside; a fine crossover sound and pretty indemand back then. Anyway, it's still a great record and cheap for the phenomenal musical content. And the trick is, to buy records against the trend, it safes you big bucks and keeps you from being called a "hotboxer". soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwandthework.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwandthechosenone.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHANGE: The Glow Of Love * RFC, VG, plays great, 25.- Euro, sold Awesome Modern Soul with vocals by Luther Vandross. Change was actually an italian group, but nothing sounds european here. Records has some mild marks and a few crackles during the first few bars, plays great afterwards. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/changetheglowoflove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SELENO CLARKE: Memphis Boogaloo / Soulful Drop * M.O.C., promo, M-, 25.- Euro Great little funky Memphis double header adapting the New York Boogaloo style and filling it up with some southern soul licks. Two great instro sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/selenoclarkememphis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/selenoclarkesoulful.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: What Is This / What You Gonna Do * MINIT, strong VG+, sticker on lbl, 25.- Euro, sold Great dance side by the mighty Womack backed up the original version of "What You Gonna Do", that Margie Joseph recorded later for Volt records. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomackwhatisthis1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomackwhatyou1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVA WHITNEY: It's My Thing / Ball Of Fire * KING, VG+, 25.- Euro 1969 was James Brown finest year, he threw out record after record and every single one is a winner. The featured side offers rambling sister funk, but the true sensation hides away on the B-side. A proper soul tune, lurking into crossover territiry and Marva is singing her heart out. Minimal surface wear and some background noise, due to the rather bad King pressings during this period. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyitsmything12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyballoffire1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Tried And Convicted * MINIT, M-, 25.- Euro In my humble opinion Bobby Womack's finest 60's recording. Midtempo crossover magic produced in Memphis by Chips Moman. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacktiredand1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PATTI & THE LOVELITES: Love Bandit / I'm The One That You Need * COTILLION, M-, 25.- Euro, sold Awww, Patti Hamilton and her sultry voice gets me everytime I hear it. Especially on this infectious crossover dancer by the talented south-side Chicago girls. Flip it over for a facemelting ballad. Unplayed stock copy here, don't sleep! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pattilovebandit.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pattiimtheonethatyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE WHISPERS: P.O.W.-M.I.A. * Janus, strong VG+, "x" on lbl, 25.- Euro Ear candy to my ears and of the most underrated 70's dancers in my book. A song about prisoners of war and of course Vietnam related. Great "what's going on"-vibes on this and as per usual super soulful singing by the mighty Whispers. Don't sleep on this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whispoerspowmia.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INCREDIBLES: I Can't Get Over Losing Your Love * AUDIO ARTS, M-, 30.- Euro Excellent slice of 60's Northern Group Soul in perfect shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/incrediblesicantgetover.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BENNETT: Big New York / Baby, Try Me * LONDON, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / VG to VG+, stamp on lbl, 25.- Euro Two driving 60's dance sides on this hard to come by german picture sleeve issue. Originally released on Phil-L.A.-Of-Soul in 1969 and good know why the german London A&R guys thought, there's a market for this in Krautland. Of course there wasn't and it sold next to nothing in the late 60's. Anyway, nice looking and even better sounding artefact from the past. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbignewyork1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbabytryme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HEARTSTOPPERS: Marching Out Of Your Life / Court In mama * ALL PLATINUM, M-, 25.- Euro Clean copy of this mighty fine early 70's Northern Soul dancer backed up by an equally good crossover dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/heartstoppersmarchingout.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/heartstopperscourtin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEON HAYWOOD: It's Got To Be Mellow * DECCA; VG++, 25.- Euro Late 60's midtempo sound, that some call crossover and some Northern, who cares? It's simply great danceable soulmusic from the top shelf for the price of a few pints at the pub. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leonhaywoodmellow1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOMMY BRYANT: I Wanna Come Home To You Baby * T NECK, promo, VG+, 25.- Euro Overlooked Northern dancer on the Isley Brothers label. Just very few cosmetical blemishes on the vinyl, sounds fantastic and looks very nice in it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tommybryantiwnnacome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SPENCE JAMES: I Won't Be Back * CIRCLE, VG+, wol, 25.- Euro Knock out semi know R&B dancer, that sounds way better then 25.- Euro to my ears. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spencejamesiwontbeback.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 25.- Euro Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaytheprice1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE BO: You Are Going To Be Somebodys Fool Too * NOLA; M-, 25.- Euro Edwin Bocage alias Eddie Bo, better know for his mindboggling funk sides from the 70's, with a superb 60's soul mover. Pure New Orleans class on extra clean wax. Don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddieboyouaregoing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TYRONE ST. GERMAN: In A World So Cold / Don't Cop No Attitude * MORNING DOVE, M-, 25.- Euro, on hold Two classy Oakland/California Modern Soul sides. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermaninaworld.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermandontcopno1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY CALDWELL: What You Won't Do For Love * CLOUDS, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Probably unplayed copy of this TK-distributed Florida midtempo 70's gem. A record, that seems to be epitomizing the sound of the sunshine state in the 70's. A must have for any DJ or collector! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbycaldwellwhatyou123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIMMIE & THE DYNAMICS: Don't Make Me Burn * BELLA, VG+, 25.- Euro Obscure southern funk with some production involvement by George Perkins. Obscure record and totally on the spot! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/simmiedontmakemeburn.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SHARPEES: I've Got A Secret * ONE-DERFUL, strong VG+, drill hole in lbl, tear on label, 20.- Euro No way to spend 20 Euro better. Excellent Chicago Northern Soul, that sounds like 3 figures to these eras. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sharpeesivegotasecret.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SAM BAKER: I'm Number One / I Believe In You * SOUND STAGE 7, M-, 20.- Euro Mighty fine 60's uptempo dancer backed up by facemelting deeps soul cut. Jackson Mississippi born Sam Baker fuels his gospel schooled voice with heartfelt lyrics and natural timing. I always thought he sounds like a gritty Clyde McPhatter and that's surely big compliment. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sambakerimnumberone.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sambakeribelievein.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BULL AND THE MATADORS: I Can't Forget / Move With The Groove * TODDLIN' TOWN, drill hole in lbl, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Two superb 60's soul sides back to back from this St. Louis group, that got signed by George Leaner for his Toddlin' Town outlet in 1968. They only released three 45s before they faded away as a group. James "Bull" Parks, leadsinger of the group, released two 12" singles in the 80's and founded the Bean Brothers, who occasionally released some 45s and another indemand Boogie 12". soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bullandtheicantforget1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bullandthemovewiththe1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLOATERS AND SHU-GA: For Your Love * FEE, VG++ very close to M-, 20.- Euro Detroit stepper of the highest order and cheap too. The label design alone is worth the asking price, but this is no art exhibtion here; it's in the grooves that counts and to my ears, this sounds brillinat. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/floatersandsugaforyour.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ARTIE CHRISTOPHER: My Baby's Crying / Don't Try It Again * 5-HIGH, VG+, 25.- Euro A fantastic deep soul record with an equally great uptempo cut on the flip. Let's hear what sir shambling has to say about this record: "Although he recorded a few 45s under the name “Artie Christopher” I’m 99% sure that this is really Johnny Christopher, the guitarist/songwriter who is best known in soul circles for his work with Chips Moman at his American Studio in Memphis. Christopher’s musical credits are both lengthy and impressive but I want to concentrate here on the soul side of his personality. His initial single under his nom-de-disque included the superb deep soul ballad "My Baby's Crying". This has all the ingredients that I love in this genre – some simple gospel chord changes, fine organ/piano accompaniment, a gently cooing chorus and some rich horns. On top of which “Artie” does a really bang-up job of expressing the emotional angst of his own lyric. Was this cut in Nashville? Or Atlanta – where Johnny came from? I don’t know. The flip – and both sides of the second Atlantic 45 were certainly cut at American." soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristophermybabyscry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristopherdonttry.mp3 vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PALLBEARERS: Gettin' Fired Up * FONTANA, promo, M-, 20.- Euro Action packed blue eyed soul dancer with a lot of Northern potential. A band, that failed completely to have any success, maybe they should have thought more about their name? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pallbearersgettinfiredup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOW: Country Girl * KENT, M-, 20.- Euro Raw funky late 60's groover by Johnny Otis and his bunch of great musicians. This is the first record where Johnny's son Shuggie Otis is featured as a guitar player. Shuggie later recorded some legendary sides for Epic records. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyotiscountrygirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MAD LADS: Whatever Hurts You / No Time Is Better Than Right Now * VOLT, VG++, some label damage, 20.- Euro Sweet soul magic by the mighty Mad Lads. So much soul on these two Memphis sides and another proff, that top quality soul doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladswhatever1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladsnotimeisbetter.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOON PEOPLE: Land Of Love * SPEED, VG+, small warp, not affecting play, 20.- Euro Funky latin soul instrumental, that sounds just right for troday's more open minded scene. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/moonpeoplelandoflove12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE POETS: She Blew A Good Thing * SYMBOL, M-, 20.- Euro Fabulous group soul dancer produced by Juggy Murray. Just a great soul record and affordable too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/poetssheblewagood1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SPELLBINDERS: We're Acting Like Lovers * COLUMBIA, VG++, 20.- Euro Van McCoy produced group soul dancer and another proof, that quality doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spellbinderswereactinglike.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEROY RANDOLPH: Good To The Last Drop * SPRING, M-, 20.- Euro Extra clean copy, housed in it's original company sleeve, of this great uptempo early 70's dancer, that sounds rather like late 60's to me. Groovy to the max and Leroy surely sings his heart out here! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyrandolphgoodtothe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEL HUESTON: Time And Patience / Double Confusion * CHANSON, M-, 20.- Euro Immense very soulful funk double sider from Toledo / Ohio. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestontimeand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestondoubleconf.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STARFIRE: Don't Come Back / Almost Insane * DYNAMIC ARTISTS, VG+, label tear, 20.- Euro Great boogie funk out of Richmond /Virginia with an ice slow jam on the flip. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfiredontcomeback.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfirealmostinsane.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRIEF ENCOUNTER: I'm So Satisfied / Don't Let Them Tell You * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 20.- Euro Two fantastic 70's sides by a band completely unable to make a bad record. These two songs are 7" only and are not on their rare LP. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterimsosatis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterdontletthem.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUNDRAY TUCKER: If It Was Me * TK, M-, 20.- Euro Two stepper from 1981 produced by Clarence Reid and another proof, that quality doesn't have to break the bank. Clean copy in it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sundraytuckerifitwas.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. W: SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 20.- Euro Awesome west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 20.- Euro Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A superb and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CODY BLACK: Going, Going, Gone / Enp Up Lovin * RAM-BROCK, M-, 20.- Euro Born in Cincinnati/Ohio, but his career really took off, when he moved to Detroit as youngster. This is Cody Black's most succesfull release from 1967 and this might fine disc provides two blasting dance sides from the Motor City. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/codyblackgoing.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/codyblackendup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MACEO & ALL THE KING'S MEN: Got To Get'cha * HOUSE OF THE FOX, M-, 15.- Euro Extra clean copy of this early 70's funk bomb by James Brown's sax player Maceo Parker. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maceogottogetcha.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOUL AMBASSADORS: I've Got The Feeling * SOUND STAGE 7, strong VG, plays great, 15.- Euro, sold Action packed 60's dancer with great vocals and a driving backing track. Not sure why this is still on the cheap side of soul collecting. It sounds like a 3 figurte record to ym ears. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulambassadorsivegot.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY COPNEY: Love Au-Go-Go * TUFF, VG+, some label stains, 15.- Euro The most Detroit sounding New York record i'm aware of. Superb spooky 60's soul dancer, that shoulkd go massive in a better world. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbycopneyloveaugogo1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SATISFACTIONS: One Light Two Lights / Turn Back The Tears * LIONEL, M-/VG+, 15.- Euro, sold Two fabulous group soul sides back to back. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/satisfactionsonelight1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/satisfactionsturnback.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE STEELERS: Get It From The Bottom * DATE, promo, M-, wol, 15.- Euro, sold Great looking and even better sounding promo copy of this cheapo NS dancer housed in it's original birth sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/steelersgetitfromthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARGIE JOSEPH: Let's Stay Together * ATLANTIC, M-, 15.- Euro, sold Sometimes - and only sometimes - a cover version is better than the original. Al Green's immortal "Let's Stay Together" by Margie Joseph is such a rare case. Check the soundfile and melt away.... pure soul music by a lady with a truly impressive discography. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/margiejosephletsstay1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE HIDEAWAYS: Jolly Joe / Hide Out * MIRWOOD, M-, 15.- Euro, sold Cool Mod Jazz double header with the Mirwood sound. L.A.'s finest Soul and R&B label, founded by Randall Wood, former president of Vee-Jay Records in Chicago. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hideawaysjollyjoe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hideawayshideout.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MANHATTENS: I Bet'Cha (Couldn't Love Me) / Sweet Little Girl * CARNIVAL, VG++, 15.- Euro Two magnificiant group soul sides from 1966 on this iconic New Jersey label. In fact, a company, that failed to release a bad record. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/manhattensibetcha.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/manhattenssweetlittle.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: (I'm Just A) Fool For You It A Shame / Buddy Ain't It A Shame * CONSTELLATION, M-, 15.- Euro Two great Chicago 60's dance sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlerfoolforyou1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandleraintitashame.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LENNY O'HENRY: Across The Street * ATCO, VG to VG+, 15.- Euro Great sounding handclapper produced by Bob Crewe before he went easy listening. A few mild marks on vinyl, plays great and priced accordingly. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lennyohenryacrossthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PRINCE HAROLD: Baby, You've Got It * MERCURY, M-, wol, stiucker on either side of the label, 15.- Euro Raunchy 60's uptempo stomper with a drummer getting wicked A record that deserves some love from the soul scene and just needs a brave DJ behind it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/princeharoldbabyyouvegot1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HARRY DEAL & THE GALAXIES: Fonky, Fonky * ECLIPSE, M-, 15.- Euro Slick funk instrumnetal hidden away on the B-side of a mediocre ballad. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/harrydealfonky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE GAUFF & THE LOVE BROTHERS: Communicate Not Hate * EUREKA; M-, 15.- Euro Nice and extra clean copy of this funky Cali disc. Guitar driven funky soul with banging drums and Willie Gauff (what a name!) screams his heart out to get his message to you. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williegauffcommunicate.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 15.- Euro Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper then all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY STEWART: I'm In Love (Oh, Yes I Am) / Crazy `Bout You Baby * CHESS, drill hole in lbl, M-, 12.- Euro Two fantastic sides of Windy City soul on this shiny clean Chess issue. Billy Stewart could sing the phone book and sound great. American high culture for the price of two pints. What's not to like? soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartiminlove.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartcrazybout.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE RADIANTS: Hold On * CHESS, M-, drill hole in lbl, 10.- Euro Extra clean copy of this uptempo 60's dancer. Simply unreal, that a 50 year old record in this condition is just 10.- bloody Euros. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/radiantsholdon12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BETTYE SWANN: (My Heart Is) Closed For The Season * CAPITOL, VG++, 10.- Euro There's absolutely no way to spend 10.- Euro better than on this gem of a record. Simply wonderful 1970 soul floater by L.A.'s queen of soul Bettye Swann. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettyeswannclosedforthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY STEWART: Summertime * CHESS, VG+, 10.- Euro Billy Stewart's immortal take on George Gershwin's classic "Summertime", Stewart's unique singing style shines through every second of this recording - a classic, that should be in everybodys collection. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystewartsummertime1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PERSIANS: I Can't Take It Anymore / Detour * GWP'S GRAPEVINE, M-, 10.- Euro, sold What price if rare? Two immaculate New n York city group soul dancers for almost no money. Postage from the US for one 45 costs twice as much as this beauty. A no brainer to buy it, if you don't own it already. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/persiansicanttakeit.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/persiansdetour1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ISLEY BROTHERS: Behind A Painted Smile * TAMLA MOTOWN, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG+, 10.- Euro German picture sleeve issue of this great Motown 60's dancer on thick vinyl and in great shape! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/isleysbehindapainted.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KOOL & THE GANG: Funky Stuff * POLYDOR, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 10.- Euro And another german picture sleeve issue, this time from the funky side of things. Cool looking and great sounding Krautland release from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/koolandthefunkystuff.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: Mother Popcorn * POLYDOR, made in. Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG with splits, 10.- Euro Clean copy of this super funky James Brown jam. Released in Germany in 1969 and it comes with a nice looking picture sleeve. Way better sounding than the US King issues too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrmotherpop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: Let A Man Come In And Do The Popcorn * POLYDOR, Made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve VG with splits, wol, writings on sleeve, 10.- Euro One of the funkiest J.B. release from 1969 with a stunning picture sleeve, only available on the german Polydor issue. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrletamancome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: I Got Ants In My Pants * POLYDOR, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG with splits, 10.- Euro Another funky gem by James Brown with a stunning looking german only picture sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrownigotantsinmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: World * POLYDOR, Made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG with splits, sticker on lbl, 10.- Euro Another J.B. german picture sleeve issue, nice looking and great sounding stuff by the soubrother #1. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrownworld1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY SHIELDS: I Was A Boy (When You Needed A Man) * HARBOUR, M-, drill hole in lbl, 10.- Euro, on hold Great and cheap slice of dramatic crossover soul. So much better then it's price tag and keeping in mind, that shipping a 45 from the US is almost $20 these days, 10 Euro for an original record is more then a bargain. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyshieldsiwasaboy1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PONDEROSA TWINS PLUS ONE: Come Back Sunshine * ASTROSCOPE promo, M-, 10.- Euro, on hold Kiddie soul midtempo goodie on Sylvia Robinson's Astrroscope outlet. Overlooked and way to cheap to be true. Check the soundfile! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ponderosatwinscomeback.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE PAINE: Go Go Train * JET STREAM, M-, 10.- Euro Romping, stomping 60's soul mover from Louisian, produced Huey P. Meaux for "Crazy Cajun" productions. Cheap as chips and groovy as f*ck. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiepaynegogotrain.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  4. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JONATHAN SETTEL: Gotta Find A Woman * SIREN, VG+, 325.- Euro Widely unknown and great Miami Modern Soul. Has a surface mark, but plays excellent. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jonathansettlegottafind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx VAN JONES & THE JAYS: Time Has Made A New Man Out Of Me * NORFOLK SOUND, VG++, 275.- Euro, sold Rare and great sweet soul 45 out of Norfolk / Virginia and mixed by the main man in Norfolk Mr. Lennis Guess, who recorded everything soulful from this area. Superb and semi know sound, that is taylormade for all these sunday sessions these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vanjonestimehasmadeanew.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOUTH FUNK BLVD.: Skying High (Be Together) / Skying High (Getting Off On Your Loving) * CAPTAIN FUNK, M-, 275.- Euro, sold Mindblowing good 70's soul dancer, that I first heard at one of the Great Yarmouth weekenders, spun by Arthur Fenn. Some of the members of the TSU Toronadoes where involved in recording this.- Flipside is fantastic as well and lurks slightly into boogie territory. Clean copy, that never needs an upgrade. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/southfunkbetogether1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/southfunkskyinhigh1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MAXINE BROWN: Let Me Give You My Lovin' * WAND, VG+, wol, 150.- Euro One of the absolutely finest examples of 60's dance soul by the incredible, fantastic, out of this world... (drumroll)... Mrs. Maxine Brown! Northern Soul never sounded better! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maxinebrownletmegive.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE TOWNSEL: Mr. Boon Tang / Can't Stop A Poor Man From Making Love * AH-LA-VI, M-, 550.- Euro Fantastic crossover soul and Gene Townsels debut 45 from 1970 in immaculate condition. Both sides are prime examples of sophisticated west coast independent soul and deserve the love of the international soul scene. Gene is still alive and kicking after a long succesfull career he now resides in Deerfield Beach / Florida and owns a music studio and conducts workshops for aspiring singers. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselmrboon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselcantstop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DARRELL BANKS: I'm The One Who Loves You * VOLT, VG+, 100.- Euro For many collectors the best crossover soul record ever recorded and who am I to disagree? Produced by Don Davis, a producer who was hired by Stax records in Memphis, but continued to live and record in Detroit. He later turned his back on the music business and moved into the banking field and founded one of the most succesful afro-american owned banks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksimtheone.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEE EDWARDS: (I Can) Deal With That * DE-TO, Testpress, VG, 300.- Euro, sold Dr. William Kyle was a doctor in Detroit and run a clinic on the Grand River Avenue. He was a man of many talents and above his hospital he operated a recording studio and operated his De-To, Music Now and Detroit Sound labels form there. He must have really believed in Dee Edwards iconic "(ICan) Deal With That", a song he wrote for her as he released it twice, once with added strings and once with a simple, but very effective drum, bass and guitar accompany. Here is the original Test Press of the version without strings, pressed by Superdisc in Detroit. Run-Out details are (scratched in): "Superdisc" "DT2286-A-R-I", "#611426A 323 OM". A piece of Detroit Soul history and definitely one of the best 70's steppers on planet earth. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deeedwardsdealwiththat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PRESTON EPPS TRIO: Say Yeah!! * POLO, M-, 100.- Euro, sold Uptempo, bongo driven R&B crazyness for the dancefloor. Vocals are by Andre Franklin and Preston Epps on percussion took good care, thar Andre's name was printed rather small on the beautiful looking label. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/prestoneppssayyeah.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NICK ASHFORD: I Don't Need No Doctor * VERVE, promo, VG++, very close to M-, 100.- Euro, sold Nick Ashford's debut 45 from 1965 and this is of course the same song, that Ray Charles covered for ABC records a year later. Nick Ashford found fame together with his wife Valerie Simpson as Ashford & Simpson. This one is hard to find especially in this nice condition and it's a great dancer for all the DJs out there. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackashfordnodoctor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY J.: Right Place Wrong Time * HEP' ME, M-, 100.- Euro Fabulous slab of New Orleans funky soul written by Mac Rebenack aka Dr. John, who (I guess) plays the terrific E-Piano-Riff, that kicks off the song. Dancefloor pleasing sounds from the crescent city, that should also be recognized by more progressive Northern Soul jocks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rayjrightplace.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOUNGHEARTS: Hey Love / I've Got Dancing Fever * SOULTOWN, VG++, 100.- Euro Fantastic cali sweet soul 45 backed up by an 80's boogie funk dancer. The Younghearts formed in 1967 and their first record on Canterbury "Little Togetherness" found fame on the Northern Soul circuit. This is their last release from 1980 before they quit making music and they left the stage with a gem of a record. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsheylove1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsibvegot.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BUDDY MILES: I'm Just A Kiss Away * COLUMBIA, VG+, 80.- Euro Definitely the best record Buddy Miles ever recorded and not an easy pull nowadays. Written and produced by Johnny Bristol in 1974 and you get everything Johnny Bristol stands for: soulful, dancefloor-friendly stuff with a perfect production. A few mild surface marks, soundquality is excellent. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/buddymilesimjustakiss.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE LA RAYS: Yesterday And You / A Woman Like You * ARLEN, M-, 75.- Euro Rare and great mid-sixties Los Angeles soul dancer with a more than decent flip. This comes in it's original Arlen distribution sleeve and I bet most of you, have never seen one. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/laraysyesterdayand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/laraysawoman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, M-, 75.- Euro Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN WILLIAMS & THE TICK TOCKS: Do Me Like You Do Me / Blues, Tears And Sorrows * SANSU, promo, M-, 70.- Euro Bargain price for a legendary New Orleans soul 45. One side provides a top notch 60's dancer, that had plays on the Northern Soul scene. Flipside is one of the finest deep soul ballads recorded in the crescent city. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsdome1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsblues1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE ANDERSON: You And I - LONG / SHORT * BUDDAH, M-, sticker on lbl, 60,- Euro Slick Modern Soul goodie produced in New York by Tom Moulton just before the Disco explosion took over. It already has all the ingredients, that made Disco to a worldwide phenomenon, but must be classified as soulmusic due to the brilliant vocals of Joe Anderson. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joeandersonyouandi12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FOUR WONDERS: Just Looking For My Love * SOLID FOUNDATION, VG++, 60.- Euro Cleveland / Ohio midtempo soul from 1974 and a prime example of the talent, that where around during the 60's and 70's in the midwest. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fourwondersjustlooking.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RUDI STEWART: I Wanna Love You All Over * DELMAR INTERNATIONAL; M-, 60.- Euro 1980 uptempo Modern Soul winner from New York city. Way better than most big ticket items and surely a record, that won't last long in the midprice range. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rudistewartiwannalove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRANK POLK: Love Is Dangerous * CAPITOL, VG++, 50.- Euro, sold Classic Northern Soul, that was comped on one of the Kent LPs from back in the days, produced by the great David Axelrod. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankpolkloveisdangerous.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHUCK BERNARD: Bessie Girl * ZODIAC, VG+, 50.- Euro, sold Detroit soul, produced and penned by Fred Bridges, Richard Knight and Bobby Eaton, better known as the Brothers Of Soul. They put all their undeniable talent in this fantastic slice of late 60's soul and Chuck Bernard is a hell of a great vocalist too. Stunning record and my impression is, that this is flying under the radar way too long. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chuckbernardbessiegirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE GROUP: Spinning Around * AVALANCHE, VG-, label damage, 50.- Bargain price for a rare and great falsetto sweet soul ballad from 1973. Please check the soundfile before ordering, it plays with crackles and pops, but still absolutely enjoyable. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/groupspinningaround.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE COASTERS: Down Home Girl / Soul Pad * DATE, VG+, 40.- Euro Two slow and funky sides by the Coasters, a group best known for their novelty doo-wop hits in the 50's like "Charlie Brown". A mighty fine double header written, produced and arranged by Leiber and Stoller, a duo responsible for some of the most important post WW2 music. They wrote hits for Elvis and - yes, of course - The Coasters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coastersdownhome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coasterssoulpad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMY ELLEDGE: You Can't Stop A Man In Love * SONG BIRD, strong VG+, 40.- Euro 1979 Modern Soul mover written by Terry Woodford and George Soule in Muscle Shoals. Beautiful Art Deco label design as well. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmyelledgeyoucantstop1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEZLI VALENTINE: I Won't Do Anything / I've Got To Keep On Loving You * ALL PLATINUM, strong VG+, 35.- Euro Two great sides from Sylvia Robinson's record imperium. Top side provides a mighty fine crossover soul winner with distinctive vocals and a floating backing band. Flip it over for some excellent dreamy low rider business. Highly recomended! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lezlivalentineiwontdo.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lezlivalentineivegotto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ADMIRATIONS: Don't Leave Me / All For You * ONE-DERFUL, M-, 35.- Euro Awesome Chicago Northern Soul dancer backed up by an immense group soul midtempo tune. Extra clean copy, that never seen a needle before I lifted the soundfile. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/admirationsdontleave.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/admirationsallforyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEGATON: Diggin' * DCA, M-, 35.- Euro Meco Monardo's first record and it's a groovy masterpiece with a mindblowing good arrangement. Meco is best known for his retakes of popular tunes like "Beethoven's fifth Symphony" or the "Star Wars Theme" and turn them into galactic disco funk anthems. This 45 marks his starting point and to my ears, it's a killer. Meco loved to play around with words and the band name Megaton is a conglomerate of the first name of his partner in crime Tony Bongiovi. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/megatondiggin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "DOC" & THE INTERNS: Baby I Know / We Can Work It Out * NOW, M-, 35.- Euro, sold Extra clean copy of this excellent double header with two equally good 60's dance sides. Comes with it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/docandthebabyiknow.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/docandthewecanwork.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LOVE, PEACE & HAPPINESS: Strip Me Naked * RCA, VG++, 30.- Euro A big favorite for the punters at soul essence and other progressive venues, that features quality over rarity. Super soulful, early 70's soul and a perfect example, of the subgenre "crossover soul". soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lovepeacestripme12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BETTY HARRIS: There's A Break In The Road * EXIT, Made in Italy, Vinyl VG++ (close to M-) minimal warp, / Sleeve: VG+, minor wol, 30.- Euro Great looking italian picture sleeve issue of this New Orleans sister funk bomb written by Allen Toussaint. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettyharrisbreakinthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOUSTON: I Can't Go Wrong / That's How Much * CAPITOL, Made in France, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 30.- Euro Fantastic slice of funky R&B on a beautiful looking french artsleeve issue. Top side is an underrated 60's club soul banger, that sounds ace played out loud. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul ballad (the actual A-side of this record, but this record will most likely sell for the dance side) soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonicantgowrong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonthatshowmuch1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RONNIE TAYLOR: I Can't Take It * NASSAU, M-/VG++, 30.- Euro Hard hitting uptempo 60's soul mover out of Columbus / Ohio. One for a DJ with some imagination. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ronnietayloricanttakeit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNITED VOICE BLACK WHITE FAMILY: Make It Last * UNITED VOICE, M-, 30.- Euro Great early 70's gospel message song with a crossover feel to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/unitedvoicemakeitlast.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JESUS ALVAREZ: Please Stay Don't Go * VIBRATION, M-, drill hole in label, 30.- Euro Excellent 70's soul by a latin american singer, who found fame on the Northern Soul scene with his one-off-group The Nicky Newarkers and their uptempo dance favorite "Woman" on Mercury records. All his solo records are great with this one being no exception; a funky slice of 70's soul totally capable for todays scene. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jesusalvarezpleasestaydont.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusno11.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY JENKINS: Mr. Naylor * FLAMBO, M-, 30.- Euro A lengthy intro leads you stright to a nice soulful bayou funk track. Great record and pretty obscure too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyjenkinssmrnaylor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 30.- Euro Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BROWN: Why / A Woman And Some Soul * VERVE, promo, VG+, 30.- Euro Two streetwise 60's soul sides. The featured side definitely has some Northern appeal while the flipside has a catchy groove and Bobby Brown's gritty voice shines out. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownwhy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownawoman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHNNY SCOTT: Hide & Seek With Me * PORTRA, M-, 30.- Euro Cool Memphis 60's soul double sider. One side for the dancefloor, flip it over for a great down- to midtempo groove. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscotthideandseek.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscottwontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLARD KING: Lady Be Mine * CAPITOL, promo, VG, 30.- Euro Hard to find major label release and a stunning slice of 70's soul. Produced by William "Mickey" Stevenson best know for his time during the heydays of Motown. This is Willard King's debut from 1973 and only the rare soul scene keeps talented guys like this from being forgotten. Some mild crackles, but nothing, that should distract you from listening to a masterpiece of 70's Detroit soul. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willardkingladybe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHANGE: The Glow Of Love * RFC, VG, plays great, 25.- Euro Awesome Modern Soul with vocals by Luther Vandross. Change was actually an italian group, but nothing sounds european here. Records has some mild marks and a few crackles during the first few bars, plays great afterwards. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/changetheglowoflove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NANCY PRESTON: I Got A Right * BANWARD, strong VG+, 25.- Euro, sold Semi known and underrated 60's soul with social conscious lyrics. Produced by Pittsburgh born guitar slinger Chuck Edwards, best known for "Downtown Soulville" on Punch, the opening record for Mr. Finewine's fabulous radio show. A great collectors item and way better then it's surprisingly low price tag. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/nancyprestonigotaright.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SELENO CLARKE: Memphis Boogaloo / Soulful Drop * M.O.C., promo, M-, 25.- Euro Great little funky Memphis double header adapting the New York Boogaloo style and filling it up with some southern soul licks. Two great instro sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/selenoclarkememphis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/selenoclarkesoulful.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: What Is This / What You Gonna Do * MINIT, strong VG+, sticker on lbl, 25.- Euro Great dance side by the mighty Womack backed up the original version of "What You Gonna Do", that Margie Joseph recorded later for Volt records. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomackwhatisthis1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomackwhatyou1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVA WHITNEY: It's My Thing / Ball Of Fire * KING, VG+, 25.- Euro 1969 was James Brown finest year, he threw out record after record and every single one is a winner. The featured side offers rambling sister funk, but the true sensation hides away on the B-side. A proper soul tune, lurking into crossover territiry and Marva is singing her heart out. Minimal surface wear and some background noise, due to the rather bad King pressings during this period. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyitsmything12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyballoffire1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Tried And Convicted * MINIT, M-, 25.- Euro In my humble opinion Bobby Womack's finest 60's recording. Midtempo crossover magic produced in Memphis by Chips Moman. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacktiredand1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PATTI & THE LOVELITES: Love Bandit / I'm The One That You Need * COTILLION, M-, 25.- Euro Awww, Patti Hamilton and her sultry voice gets me everytime I hear it. Especially on this infectious crossover dancer by the talented south-side Chicago girls. Flip it over for a facemelting ballad. Unplayed stock copy here, don't sleep! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pattilovebandit.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pattiimtheonethatyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE WHISPERS: P.O.W.-M.I.A. * Janus, strong VG+, "x" on lbl, 25.- Euro Ear candy to my ears and of the most underrated 70's dancers in my book. A song about prisoners of war and of course Vietnam related. Great "what's going on"-vibes on this and as per usual super soulful singing by the mighty Whispers. Don't sleep on this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whispoerspowmia.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INCREDIBLES: I Can't Get Over Losing Your Love * AUDIO ARTS, M-, 30.- Euro Excellent slice of 60's Northern Group Soul in perfect shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/incrediblesicantgetover.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BENNETT: Big New York / Baby, Try Me * LONDON, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / VG to VG+, stamp on lbl, 25.- Euro Two driving 60's dance sides on this hard to come by german picture sleeve issue. Originally released on Phil-L.A.-Of-Soul in 1969 and good know why the german London A&R guys thought, there's a market for this in Krautland. Of course there wasn't and it sold next to nothing in the late 60's. Anyway, nice looking and even better sounding artefact from the past. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbignewyork1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbabytryme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FIRE AND RAIN: Hello Stranger * MERCURY, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Great slice of Low Rider Soul from 1972 and of course a cover of Barbara Lewis song from the 60's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fireandrainhellostranger1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HEARTSTOPPERS: Marching Out Of Your Life / Court In mama * ALL PLATINUM, M-, 25.- Euro Clean copy of this mighty fine early 70's Northern Soul dancer backed up by an equally good crossover dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/heartstoppersmarchingout.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/heartstopperscourtin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEON HAYWOOD: It's Got To Be Mellow * DECCA; VG++, 25.- Euro Late 60's midtempo sound, that some call crossover and some Northern, who cares? It's simply great danceable soulmusic from the top shelf for the price of a few pints at the pub. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leonhaywoodmellow1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 25.- Euro Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaytheprice1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FABULOUS SHALIMARS: Funky Line * RACK, M-, 25.- Euro Incredible good New Orleans Funk from 1968. This group only released four 45s and every one of them is worth tracking down. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fabulousshaslimarsfunky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE BO: You Are Going To Be Somebodys Fool Too * NOLA; M-, 25.- Euro Edwin Bocage alias Eddie Bo, better know for his mindboggling funk sides from the 70's, with a superb 60's soul mover. Pure New Orleans class on extra clean wax. Don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddieboyouaregoing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TYRONE ST. GERMAN: In A World So Cold / Don't Cop No Attitude * MORNING DOVE, M-, 25.- Euro Two classy Oakland/California Modern Soul sides. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermaninaworld.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermandontcopno1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY CALDWELL: What You Won't Do For Love * CLOUDS, M-, 20.- Euro Probably unplayed copy of this TK-distributed Florida midtempo 70's gem. A record, that seems to be epitomizing the sound of the sunshine state in the 70's. A must have for any DJ or collector! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbycaldwellwhatyou123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIMMIE & THE DYNAMICS: Don't Make Me Burn * BELLA, VG+, 25.- Euro Obscure southern funk with some production involvement by George Perkins. Obscure record and totally on the spot! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/simmiedontmakemeburn.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEROY HUTSON: All Because Of You * CURTOM, VG, some heat damage on playing surface and mildly warped, 20.- Euro Bargain price for a fine playing, slightly wounded, copy of this 70's soul dance classic. Heat warped and due to this some rumble during playback, that clears up nicely. Check the soundbyte before ordering! Priced accordingly. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyhutsonallbecause.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLOATERS AND SHU-GA: For Your Love * FEE, VG++ very close to M-, 20.- Euro Detroit stepper of the highest order and cheap too. The label design alone is worth the asking price, but this is no art exhibtion here; it's in the grooves that counts and to my ears, this sounds brillinat. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/floatersandsugaforyour.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PALLBEARERS: Gettin' Fired Up * FONTANA, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Action packed blue eyed soul dancer with a lot of Northern potential. A band, that failed completely to have any success, maybe they should have thought more about their name? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pallbearersgettinfiredup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOW: Country Girl * KENT, M-, 20.- Euro Raw funky late 60's groover by Johnny Otis and his bunch of great musicians. This is the first record where Johnny's son Shuggie Otis is featured as a guitar player. Shuggie later recorded some legendary sides for Epic records. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyotiscountrygirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOWLIN' WOLF: Smokestack Lightnin' * PYE INTERNATIONAL, Made in England, VG, 20.- Euro, sold Great looking UK copy of this classic R&B spin by the ever great Howlin' Wolf. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/howlinwolfsmokestack.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MAD LADS: Whatever Hurts You / No Time Is Better Than Right Now * VOLT, VG++, some label damage, 20.- Euro Sweet soul magic by the mighty Mad Lads. So much soul on these two Memphis sides and another proff, that top quality soul doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladswhatever1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladsnotimeisbetter.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOON PEOPLE: Land Of Love * SPEED, VG+, small warp, not affecting play, 20.- Euro Funky latin soul instrumental, that sounds just right for troday's more open minded scene. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/moonpeoplelandoflove12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEROY RANDOLPH: Good To The Last Drop * SPRING, M-, 20.- Euro Extra clean copy, housed in it's original company sleeve, of this great uptempo early 70's dancer, that sounds rather like late 60's to me. Groovy to the max and Leroy surely sings his heart out here! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyrandolphgoodtothe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEL HUESTON: Time And Patience / Double Confusion * CHANSON, M-, 20.- Euro Immense very soulful funk double sider from Toledo / Ohio. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestontimeand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestondoubleconf.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STARFIRE: Don't Come Back / Almost Insane * DYNAMIC ARTISTS, VG+, label tear, 20.- Euro Great boogie funk out of Richmond /Virginia with an ice slow jam on the flip. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfiredontcomeback.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfirealmostinsane.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRIEF ENCOUNTER: I'm So Satisfied / Don't Let Them Tell You * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 20.- Euro Two fantastic 70's sides by a band completely unable to make a bad record. These two songs are 7" only and are not on their rare LP. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterimsosatis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterdontletthem.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUNDRAY TUCKER: If It Was Me * TK, M-, 20.- Euro Two stepper from 1981 produced by Clarence Reid and another proof, that quality doesn't have to break the bank. Clean copy in it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sundraytuckerifitwas.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. W: SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 20.- Euro Awesome west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 20.- Euro Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A superb and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARY LOVE: The Hurt Is Just Beginning / If You Change Your Mind * JOSIE, M-, wol and drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro, sold Jesus, what a record! Mary Love indeed turned my bitter into sweet while I recorded the soundfile from this. "The Hurt Is Just Beginning" is a thing of beauty; it builds and builds and Mrs Loves soft, soulful controlled voice just stands out. A perfect soul record in my book. As a bonus you'll get a gritty dancer on the flip. Oh, and it's a cheapo too... soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marylovethehurt.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maryloveifyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MACEO & ALL THE KING'S MEN: Got To Get'cha * HOUSE OF THE FOX, M-, 15.- Euro Extra clean copy of this early 70's funk bomb by James Brown's sax player Maceo Parker. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maceogottogetcha.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOUL AMBASSADORS: I've Got The Feeling * SOUND STAGE 7, strong VG, plays great, 15.- Euro Action packed 60's dancer with great vocals and a driving backing track. Not sure why this is still on the cheap side of soul collecting. It sounds like a 3 figurte record to ym ears. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulambassadorsivegot.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY COPNEY: Love Au-Go-Go * TUFF, VG+, some label stains, 15.- Euro The most Detroit sounding New York record i'm aware of. Superb spooky 60's soul dancer, that shoulkd go massive in a better world. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbycopneyloveaugogo1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE HIDEAWAYS: Jolly Joe / Hide Out * MIRWOOD, M-, 15.- Euro Cool Mod Jazz double header with the Mirwood sound. L.A.'s finest Soul and R&B label, founded by Randall Wood, former president of Vee-Jay Records in Chicago. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hideawaysjollyjoe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hideawayshideout.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MANHATTENS: I Bet'Cha (Couldn't Love Me) / Sweet Little Girl * CARNIVAL, VG++, 15.- Euro Two magnificiant group soul sides from 1966 on this iconic New Jersey label. In fact, a company, that failed to release a bad record. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/manhattensibetcha.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/manhattenssweetlittle.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: (I'm Just A) Fool For You It A Shame / Buddy Ain't It A Shame * CONSTELLATION, M-, 15.- Euro Two great Chicago 60's dance sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlerfoolforyou1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandleraintitashame.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LENNY O'HENRY: Across The Street * ATCO, VG to VG+, 15.- Euro Great sounding handclapper produced by Bob Crewe before he went easy listening. A few mild marks on vinyl, plays great and priced accordingly. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lennyohenryacrossthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE GAUFF & THE LOVE BROTHERS: Communicate Not Hate * EUREKA; M-, 15.- Euro Nice and extra clean copy of this funky Cali disc. Guitar driven funky soul with banging drums and Willie Gauff (what a name!) screams his heart out to get his message to you. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williegauffcommunicate.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 15.- Euro Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper then all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BETTYE SWANN: (My Heart Is) Closed For The Season * CAPITOL, VG++, 10.- Euro There's absolutely no way to spend 10.- Euro better than on this gem of a record. Simply wonderful 1970 soul floater by L.A.'s queen of soul Bettye Swann. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettyeswannclosedforthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ISLEY BROTHERS: Behind A Pianted Smile * TAMLA MOTOWN, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG+, 10.- Euro German picture sleeve issue of this great Motown 60's dancer on thick vinyl and in great shape! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/isleysbehindapainted.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KOOL & THE GANG: Funky Stuff * POLYDOR, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 10.- Euro And another german picture sleeve issue, this time from the funky side of things. Cool looking and great sounding Krautland release from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/koolandthefunkystuff.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: Mother Popcorn * POLYDOR, made in. Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG with splits, 10.- Euro Clean copy of this super funky James Brown jam. Released in Germany in 1969 and it comes with a nice looking picture sleeve. Way better sounding than the US King issues too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrmotherpop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: Let A Man Come In And Do The Popcorn * POLYDOR, Made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve VG with splits, wol, writings on sleeve, 10.- Euro One of the funkiest J.B. release from 1969 with a stunning picture sleeve, only available on the german Polydor issue. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrletamancome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: I Got Ants In My Pants * POLYDOR, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG with splits, 10.- Euro Another funky gem by James Brown with a stunning looking german only picture sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrownigotantsinmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: World * POLYDOR, Made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG with splits, sticker on lbl, 10.- Euro Another J.B. german picture sleeve issue, nice looking and great sounding stuff by the soubrother #1. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrownworld1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE PAINE: Go Go Train * JET STREAM, M-, 10.- Euro Romping, stomping 60's soul mover from Louisian, produced Huey P. Meaux for "Crazy Cajun" productions. Cheap as chips and groovy as f*ck. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiepaynegogotrain.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  5. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOMMY NEAL: Goin' To A Happening * PAMELINE, M-, wol, 225.- Euro, on hold Detroit Northern Soul, that needs no introduction, an in-your-face dancefloor bomb, produced by Popcorn Wylie and arranged by Mike Terry. You usually see this played to death, but this copy is shiny and clean. Apropos "Goin' To. a Happening", I will be at the Bamberg Soul Shakers weekender and you can arrange a pick-up with me for anything on the list and hear me DJ among the very best soul spinners this world has to offer: Butch, David Ripolles, Brad Hales and many more are on the bill. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tommynealgointto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE TOWNSEL: Mr. Boon Tang / Can't Stop A Poor Man From Making Love * AH-LA-VI, M-, 550.- Euro Fantastic crossover soul and Gene Townsels debut 45 from 1970 in immaculate condition. Both sides are prime examples of sophisticated west coast independent soul and deserve the love of the international soul scene. Gene is still alive and kicking after a long succesfull career he now resides in Deerfield Beach / Florida and owns a music studio and conducts workshops for aspiring singers. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselmrboon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselcantstop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SMALL SOCIETY: If You Stand By Me / Just Loving You * CADDE, M-, 450.- Euro I really had a hard time which side I feature on this fabulous double sider. "If You Stand By Me" is floating dancer with a tighten-up-inpsired guitar lick and a funky beat topped by Willie (William) Bollinger's sweet vocals. But the true sensation hides away on the mindblowing flipside. A ballad of immense proportions. Mellow, sweet and then some with amazing guitar work by Larry Gray, who also recorded a hard to find funk 45 on Stepping Stone. A fabulous record without a doubt! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smallsocietyifyoustand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smallsocietyjustloving.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEE EDWARDS: (I Can) Deal With That * DE-TO, Testpress, VG, 325.- Euro Dr. William Kyle was a doctor in Detroit and run a clinic on the Grand River Avenue. He was a man of many talents and above his hospital he operated a recording studio and operated his De-To, Music Now and Detroit Sound labels form there. He must have really believed in Dee Edwards iconic "(ICan) Deal With That", a song he wrote for her as he released it twice, once with added strings and once with a simple, but very effective drum, bass and guitar accompany. Here is the original Test Press of the version without strings, pressed by Superdisc in Detroit. Run-Out details are (scratched in): "Superdisc" "DT2286-A-R-I", "#611426A 323 OM". A piece of Detroit Soul history and definitely one of the best 70's steppers on planet earth. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deeedwardsdealwiththat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PRESTON EPPS TRIO: Say Yeah!! * POLO, M-, 125.- Euro Uptempo, bongo driven R&B crazyness for the dancefloor. Vocals are by Andre Franklin and Preston Epps on percussion took good care, thar Andre's name was printed rather small on the beautiful looking label. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/prestoneppssayyeah.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx H. B. BARNUM: Heartbreaker * CAPITOL, promo, strong VG, 125.- Euro, sold Classic Northern Soul with a superb David Axelrod production. Great playing VG copy. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hbbarnumheartbreaker.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBIE SMITH: Walk On Into My Heart * AMERICAN ARTS, VG-, plays better! Tear, ringwear and wol on lbl, 125.- Euro, on hold Midtempo Northern Soul of the highest calibre, unfortunately slightly wounded, but priced accordingly. No deep scratches, just a lot of surface marks. I hate the term, but "fine for DJing" as the saying goes. Check the sounbyte, always taken from the actual record for sale! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbiesmithwalkoninto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FEMININE TOUCH: Groove Me * FEM-TOUCH; M-, 100.- Euro, on hold Under the radar Northern/Crossover dancer and a record with a lot of potential, just check the sounbyte and get blown away. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/femininetouchgrooveme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MAYBERRY MOVEMENT: I Think I'm In Love * EVENT, VG++, 75.- Euro, on hold The genius of Patrick Adams is written all over this magnificient 70's dancer. Very clean copy with only the slightest surface blemish, that doesn't affect play at all. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mayberrymovementithink.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE GASLIGHT: Just Because Of You / It's Just Like Magic * POLYDOR, M-, 75.- Euro The group formerly known as Butch & The Newports, who had a highly collectable release on Black Rock records, changed their name to The Gaslight and released four excellent 45s, three of them on Grand Junction label. Ironically their only major label release is the rarest and their best. Here you have a magnificient sweet soul two sider with the featured side lurking into crossover territory. Lead singer Oliver Chetham later had a major hit with "Get Down Saturday Night" and Dave Welding of Soul Junction records unearthed "Don't Pop The Question..." some 10 years ago by Oliver Cheatham, that made big waves on the international soul scene. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gaslightjustbecauseof.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gaslightjustlikemagic.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE WILSON: Because Of You * BRUNSWICK, VG, 60.- Euro, sold Great playing VG copy of this massive Northern Soul sound from the early 70's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiewilsonbecauseof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PRECISIONS: Treason / Me And My Gal * Reissue from an acetate, VG++, 60.- Euro A few years back Eli "Paperboy" Reed pressed 40 copies of one of his acetates and gave it away to friends and sold a handful via facebook. So, what you see here is an unreleased slice of 60's dance soul, that only exists as an original acetate and in very limited numbers on this great sounding reissue. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionstreason.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionsmeandmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRANK POLK: Love Is Dangerous * CAPITOL, VG+++, 60.- Euro Classic Northern Soul, that was comped on one of the Kent LPs from back in the days, produced by the great David Axelrod. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankpolkloveisdangerous.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELDER WARD & THE WARD SINGERS: It'll All Be Over * HOB IS GOSPEL, promo, G, wol, 75.- Euro, sold I usually don't list records in this condition, but this is a rare disc and a great and raunchy sound and it plays fine for it's visual grade. Action packed gospel, with breaks and things . This usually sells for 300+, so this is your chance to grab a bargain, but please listen to the soundclip before you order. What you hear is what you get. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/elderwarditllallbeover.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, M-, 75.- Euro Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LINDA JONES & THE WHATNAUTS: I'm So Glad I Found You * STANG, M-, 70.- Euro, sold George Kerr produced uptempo Northern Soul dancer from 1972, released shortly before she passed away at the tender age of 27. This is the cleanest copy you will ever see, if you ain't got a mirror at home, you can use the playing surface of this beauty. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lindajonesimsoglad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN WILLIAMS & THE TICK TOCKS: Do Me Like You Do Me / Blues, Tears And Sorrows * SANSU, promo, M-, 70.- Euro Bargain price for a legendary New Orleans soul 45. One side provides a top notch 60's dancer, that had plays on the Northern Soul scene. Flipside is one of the finest deep soul ballads recorded in the crescent city. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsdome1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsblues1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY BARRETTO: Soul Drummers / Mercy, Mercy Baby * FANIA; VG++, 60.- Euro Two dancefloor pleasin g latin soul sides back to back. In fact, this is one of the records, that really never fails to get the dancers up. Afro Cuban dancefloor madness from the latin community in New York City of the 60's. A DJs must have! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raybarettosouldrummers12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raybarrettomercy1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FOUR WONDERS: Just Looking For My Love * SOLID FOUNDATION, VG++, 60.- Euro Cleveland / Ohio midtempo soul from 1974 and a prime example of the talent, that where around during the 60's and 70's in the midwest. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fourwondersjustlooking.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RUDI STEWART: I Wanna Love You All Over * DELMAR INTERNATIONAL; M-, 60.- Euro 1980 uptempo Modern Soul winner from New York city. Way better than most big ticket items and surely a record, that won't last long in the midprice range. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rudistewartiwannalove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx REV. T.L. BARRETT: Lord's Prayer * GOSPEL ROOTS, strong VG, label gloued on slightly off-centre, nap, 50.- Euro Gospel Modern Soul from the sunshine state. Great and soulful dance groove on this, if I would only like gospel, I would keep it. Mild surface marks, plays great! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/revtllordsprayer.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEON THOMAS: Love Each Other * FLYING DUTCHMAN, promo, VG++, 50.- Euro, sold Mindblowing good jazzy crossover soul, that pops up on playlists here and there for all the right reasons in this world. This ewon't stay long in the midprice range for sure! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leonthomasloveeach.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE TEE: Sweet Thing / Man That I Am * GATUR, VG+, H2O damaged labels, 50.- Euro Awesome funky soul by New Orleans legend Willie Tee on his own Gatur label. This is the misspelled version, credited to "Willie Lee". Hurricane Kathrina did some damage to the labels. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteesweetthing123.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteemanthatiamm.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OTTO DE ROJAS Y LOS ULTRA 76: Al Ritmo Del Bump-Bump * RCA, Made in Peru, VG, 40.- Euro Monster Latin Soul/Funk bomb, that crossed over to the Northern Soul scene. This is of an uncredited cover of Young Holt Unlimnited's "Soulful Strut" played with tighten-up-vibes. To find a clean copy is a task and this one is nice and shiny and plays great. Don't sleep on this! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ottoderojasnearmint.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE COASTERS: Down Home Girl / Soul Pad * DATE, VG+, 40.- Euro Two slow and funky sides by the Coasters, a group best known for their novelty doo-wop hits in the 50's like "Charlie Brown". A mighty fine double header written, produced and arranged by Leiber and Stoller, a duo responsible for some of the most important post WW2 music. They wrote hits for Elvis and - yes, of course - The Coasters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coastersdownhome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coasterssoulpad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GIN AND THE GENTS: Teenage National Anthem Boy And Girl / Dreams For Sale * MISS THING, M-, 40.- Euro Here is a weird, but great record by a group, that later morphed to the Versatile Gents, who had a great record on Linco and then changed their name again to the Vee Gees, best known for their magnificient "Talkin" on Jump Off records. The featured side is superb sweet soul, while the flipside offers a swinging dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandtheteenage.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandthedreams.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMY ELLEDGE: You Can't Stop A Man In Love * SONG BIRD, strong VG+, 40.- Euro 1979 Modern Soul mover written by Terry Woodford and George Soule in Muscle Shoals. Beautiful Art Deco label design as well. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmyelledgeyoucantstop1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WRECKIN CREW: You Don't Care / Found The Groove * STARVILLE, M-, drill hole in lbl, 35.- Euro, sold Great and underappreciated Modern Soul dancer on the featured side, flip it over for some serious Boogie business. Clean copy and due to the length of the songs, you need a clean copy as narrow pressed 45s sound shitty, when they got the slightest amount of surface wear. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/wreckincrewyoudont.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/wreckincrefoundthegroove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANN SEXTON: I'm His Wife (You're Just A Friend) * SOUND STAGE 7, M-, 35.- Euro Mindblowing 70's soul dancer by Miss "Gone Too Long" and a record, that definitely stands the test of time. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/annsextonimhiswife.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OSCAR PERRY: Wind Me Up * YELLOW HORIZON, M-, 35.- Euro Ask anybody outside your soul-bubble if he ever heard of an artist named Oscar Perry and the answer will be "Oscar who? NO". Houston / Texas born Perry has an impressive discography and his recording career spans over three decades. Oscar Perry recorded this punchy dancer in 1979 in Memphis / Tennesse and it's a prime example, why independently produced soulmusic has worldwide followers. Simply a great and cleverly arranged record, that got everything to fill a modern soul dancefloor. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oscarperrywindmeup1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEGATON: Diggin' * DCA, M-, 35.- Euro Meco Monardo's first record and it's a groovy masterpiece with a mindblowing good arrangement. Meco is best known for his retakes of popular tunes like "Beethoven's fifth Symphony" or the "Star Wars Theme" and turn them into galactic disco funk anthems. This 45 marks his starting point and to my ears, it's a killer. Meco loved to play around with words and the band name Megaton is a conglomerate of the first name of his partner in crime Tony Bongiovi. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/megatondiggin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUGARPIE DeSANTO: The Whoo Pee / Get To Steppin' * BRUNSWICK, strong VG+, tiny sticker on label flipside, 35.- Euro, sold Action packed soul dancer by a veteran of the Soul and R&B scene of the 60''s. She worked with Johnny Otis, James Brown and with her childhood friend Etta James. Flip ain't too shabby either! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sugarpiedothewhoopie1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sugrapiegettosteppin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PRECISIONS: If This Is Love (I'd Rather Be Lonely) * DREW, VG+, some ringwear on lbl, 30.- Euro, sold All time 60's classic and an iconic Detroit recording, a pretty clean copy. A record, that has stood the test of time. Overplayed? Maybe, but these kind of records are so because of how good they are. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisisionsifthisislove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOUSTON: I Can't Go Wrong / That's How Much * CAPITOL, Made in France, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 30.- Euro Fantastic slice of funky R&B on a beautiful looking french artsleeve issue. Top side is an underrated 60's club soul banger, that sounds ace played out loud. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul ballad (the actual A-side of this record, but this record will most likely sell for the dance side) soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonicantgowrong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonthatshowmuch1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNITED VOICE BLACK WHITE FAMILY: Make It Last * UNITED VOICE, M-, 30.- Euro Great early 70's gospel message song with a crossover feel to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/unitedvoicemakeitlast.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusno11.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELLOIT SMALL: Girls Are Made For Loving * NEW SOUND, VG+, mild storage warp, nap, 30.- Euro Half price on this rare local first release before Bang took over for national distribution. Record is mildly warped, but plays without extra tracking on both of my turntables. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/elloitsmallgirlsaremade1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY JENKINS: Mr. Naylor * FLAMBO, M-, 30.- Euro A lengthy intro leads you stright to a nice soulful bayou funk track. Great record and pretty obscure too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyjenkinssmrnaylor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 30.- Euro Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BROWN: Why / A Woman And Some Soul * VERVE, promo, VG+, 30.- Euro Two streetwise 60's soul sides. The featured side definitely has some Northern appeal while the flipside has a catchy groove and Bobby Brown's gritty voice shines out. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownwhy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownawoman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHNNY SCOTT: Hide & Seek With Me * PORTRA, VG+, 25.- Euro Cool Memphis 60's soul double sider. One side for the dancefloor, flip it over for a great down- to midtempo groove. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscotthideandseek.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscottwontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NANCY PRESTON: I Got A Right * BANWARD, strong VG+, 25.- Euro Semi known and underrated 60's soul with social conscious lyrics. Produced by Pittsburgh born guitar slinger Chuck Edwards, best known for "Downtown Soulville" on Punch, the opening record for Mr. Finewine's fabulous radio show. A great collectors item and way better then it's surprisingly low price tag. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/nancyprestonigotaright.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Tried And Convicted * MINIT, M-, 25.- Euro In my humble opinion Bobby Womack's finest 60's recording. Midtempo crossover magic produced in Memphis by Chips Moman. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacktiredand1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PATTI & THE LOVELITES: Love Bandit / I'm The One That You Need * COTILLION, M-, 25.- Euro Awww, Patti Hamilton and her sultry voice gets me everytime I hear it. Especially on this infectious crossover dancer by the talented south-side Chicago girls. Flip it over for a facemelting ballad. Unplayed stock copy here, don't sleep! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pattilovebandit.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pattiimtheonethatyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE WHISPERS: P.O.W.-M.I.A. * Janus, strong VG+, "x" on lbl, 25.- Euro Ear candy to my ears and of the most underrated 70's dancers in my book. A song about prisoners of war and of course Vietnam related. Great "what's going on"-vibes on this and as per usual super soulful singing by the mighty Whispers. Don't sleep on this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whispoerspowmia.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. B. KING: Heartbreaker * BLUESWAY, M-, 25.- Euro, sold Shiny mint copy of this Johnny Pate produced slice of dancefloor pleasing R&B. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bbkingheartbreaker12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY "MR. BLUES" MERRELL: I Ain't Mad At You * BARGAIN, VG++, 25.- Euro, sold Raunchy R&B mover from 1961 and the only record Bobby Merrell ever released. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbymerrelliaintmad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BENNETT: Big New York / Baby, Try Me * LONDON, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / VG to VG+, stamp on lbl, 25.- Euro Two driving 60's dance sides on this hard to come by german picture sleeve issue. Originally released on Phil-L.A.-Of-Soul in 1969 and good know why the german London A&R guys thought, there's a market for this in Krautland. Of course there wasn't and it sold next to nothing in the late 60's. Anyway, nice looking and even better sounding artefact from the past. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbignewyork1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybennettbabytryme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TYRONE ST. GERMAN: In A World So Cold / Don't Cop No Attitude * MORNING DOVE, M-, 25.- Euro Two classy Oakland/California Modern Soul sides. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermaninaworld.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermandontcopno1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANN SEXTON: You're Losing Me * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 25.- Euro Funky, soulful and then some... If there is a perfect soul record, this surely comes close. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/annsextonyourelosing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HEARTSTOPPERS: Marching Out Of Your Life / Court In mama * ALL PLATINUM, M-, 25.- Euro Clean copy of this mighty fine early 70's Northern Soul dancer backed up by an equally good crossover dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/heartstoppersmarchingout.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/heartstopperscourtin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEON HAYWOOD: It's Got To Be Mellow * DECCA; VG++, 25.- Euro Late 60's midtempo sound, that some call crossover and some Northern, who cares? It's simply great danceable soulmusic from the top shelf for the price of a few pints at the pub. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leonhaywoodmellow1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 25.- Euro Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaytheprice1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE BO: You Are Going To Be Somebodys Fool Too * NOLA; M-, 25.- Euro Edwin Bocage alias Eddie Bo, better know for his mindboggling funk sides from the 70's, with a superb 60's soul mover. Pure New Orleans class on extra clean wax. Don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddieboyouaregoing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHANGE: The Glow Of Love * RFC, VG, plays great, 25.- Euro Awesome Modern Soul with vocals by Luther Vandross. Change was actually an italian group, but nothing sounds european here. Records has some mild marks and a few crackles during the first few bars, plays great afterwards. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/changetheglowoflove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LARRY SAUNDERS: Fly Away Love Bird * SOUL INTERNATIONAL, VG++, 25.- Euro Crossover Soul masterpiece by blind soul singer Larry Saunders. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/larrysaundersaflyawaylove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY CALDWELL: What You Won't Do For Love * CLOUDS, M-, 25.- Euro Probably unplayed copy of this TK-distributed Florida midtempo 70's gem. A record, that seems to be epitomizing the sound of the sunshine state in the 70's. A must have for any DJ or collector! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbycaldwellwhatyou123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BLAND: I'm So Tired * DUKE, VG+, 25.- Euro, sold Probably the best 25 Euro you can spend. Simply mindblowing funky soul by the great Bobby Bland and a record, that everybody is raving about. Don't sleep on this mighty fine dancefloor winner, it's better than 99% of all the big ticket items and the price is right as well. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyblandimsotired123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIMMIE & THE DYNAMICS: Don't Make Me Burn * BELLA, VG+, 25.- Euro Obscure southern funk with some production involvement by George Perkins. Obscure record and totally on the spot! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/simmiedontmakemeburn.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PALLBEARERS: Gettin' Fired Up * FONTANA, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Action packed blue eyed soul dancer with a lot of Northern potential. A band, that failed completely to have any success, maybe they should have thought more about their name? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pallbearersgettinfiredup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TWO TONS OF LOVE: Brown And Beautiful / It's A Bad Situation In A Beautiful Place * KAPP, M-, 20.- Euro, sold East L.A. Chicano Soul double header. Top side is great crossover soul, flip it over for some serious funky business. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/twotonsofbrown.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/twotonsoflovebadsituation.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE JOHNNY OTIS SHOW: Country Girl * KENT, M-, 20.- Euro Raw funky late 60's groover by Johnny Otis and his bunch of great musicians. This is the first record where Johnny's son Shuggie Otis is featured as a guitar player. Shuggie later recorded some legendary sides for Epic records. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyotiscountrygirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 20.- Euro Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A supern and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOWLIN' WOLF: Smokestack Lightnin' * PYE INTERNATIONAL, Made in England, VG, 20.- Euro Great looking UK copy of this classic R&B spin by the ever great Howlin' Wolf. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/howlinwolfsmokestack.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE JOHNNY TAYLOR: Somewhere Down The Line * GALAXY, VG to VG+, plays ex, 20.- Euro, sold Driving R&B with an incredible Harmonica on the lead. Such a cool record and a guaranteed floorfiller too. Vinyl has mild marks, but plays loud and proud. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejohnnysomewhere.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MAD LADS: Whatever Hurts You / No Time Is Better Than Right Now * VOLT, VG++, some label damage, 20.- Euro Sweet soul magic by the mighty Mad Lads. So much soul on these two Memphis sides and another proff, that top quality soul doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladswhatever1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/madladsnotimeisbetter.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE EVA: Take A Step In My Direction * VERVE, VG+, 20.- Euro Great 60's soul dancer by the Locomotion-Girl. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littleevatakeastep.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOON PEOPLE: Land Of Love * SPEED, VG+, small warp, not affecting play, 20.- Euro Funky latin soul instrumental, that sounds just right for troday's more open minded scene. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/moonpeoplelandoflove12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ARTISTICS: Hope We Have / I'm Gonna Miss You * BRUNSWICK, VG+, 20.- Euro, sold Chicago south side 60's soul from the top shelf. Featured side offers a migty fine Northern Soul dancer, flip it over for some windy city midtempo magic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artisticshopewehave1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artisticsimgonnamissyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEROY RANDOLPH: Good To The Last Drop * SPRING, M-, 20.- Euro Extra clean copy, housed in it's original company sleeve, of this great uptempo early 70's dancer, that sounds rather like late 60's to me. Groovy to the max and Leroy surely sings his heart out here! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyrandolphgoodtothe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MEL HUESTON: Time And Patience / Double Confusion * CHANSON, M-, 20.- Euro Immense very soulful funk double sider from Toledo / Ohio. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestontimeand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/melhuestondoubleconf.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOM AND JERROO: (Papa Chew) Do The Boo-Ga-Loo * JERRY-O, VG++, 20.- Euro A fun record and one of the many attempts of label owner Jerry O to create a dance craze. How to dance to this properly is shown on this adorable youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EA7ggRdmsY soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tomandjeroopapachew.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MUTT AND JEFFO: Soul L-O-V-E-R * JERRY-=, M-, 20.- Euro Another groovy Jerry Murray aka Jerry-O production. This is the last release on this Chicago label with glued over labels, this first came out on Sherwood Production Records and you can still the the original label shining through. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/muttandjeffosoulover.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STARFIRE: Don't Come Back / Almost Insane * DYNAMIC ARTISTS, VG+, label tear, 20.- Euro Great boogie funk out of Richmond /Virginia with an ice slow jam on the flip. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfiredontcomeback.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfirealmostinsane.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRIEF ENCOUNTER: (Don't You See) I'm Crazy About You / We're Going To Make It * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, water damaged labels, 20.- Euro Superb cheap 70's soul by this North Carolina group, that ended up on John Richbourg's excellent Seventy-Seven records in Nashville. Easily as good as most of the big ticket items and highly recomended to the not-so-deep-pocket-collectros out there. soundfile1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencountercrazy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterweregonna.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRIEF ENCOUNTER: I'm So Satisfied / Don't Let Them Tell You * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 20.- Euro Two fantastic 70's sides by a band completely unable to make a bad record. These two songs are 7" only and are not on their rare LP. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterimsosatis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterdontletthem.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMY ROBINS: I Can't Please You / I Made It Over * JERHART, VG++, mild label damage, 20.- Euro, sold Hard as nails R&B fueld Northern Soul dancer backed up by an excellent, churchy deep soul ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmyrobinsicantplease.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmyrobinsimadeit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. W: SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 20.- Euro Awesome west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MACEO & ALL THE KING'S MEN: Got To Getr'cha * HOUSE OF THE FOX, M-, 15.- Euro Extra clean copy of this early 70's funk bomb by James Brown's sax player Maceo Parker. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maceogottogetcha.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GLORIA LYNNE: I Can't Stand It / Foolish Dreamer * FONTANA, promo, VG+, stamp on lbl, 15.- Euro Gloria Lynne, better known for her jazzy pop standards, goes rowdy on this mighty fine 60's dance double header. Two uptempo sides back to back and how good does this platter look in it's original company sleeve? soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/glorialynneicantstand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/glorialynnefoolish.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE JADES: You're So Right For Me * MGM, VG+, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro 1965 Girl Group Northern Soul housed in it's original birth sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jadesyouresorightfor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE JOHNNY TRUITT: Don't Let Me Be A Cryin' Man * ABET, M-, 15.- Euro, on hold Underrated southern soul dancer with Johnny Truitt in top form. Very soulful and backed up by an extra tight band. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul tune. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejohnnytruitdontletme.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejohnnytruittheregoesagirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY COPNEY: Love Au-Go-Go * TUFF, VG+, some label stains, 15.- Euro The most Detroit sounding New York record i'm aware of. Superb spooky 60's soul dancer, that shoulkd go massive in a better world. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbycopneyloveaugogo1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE HIDEAWAYS: Jolly Joe / Hide Out * MIRWOOD, M-, 15.- Euro Cool Mod Jazz double header with the Mirwood sound. L.A.'s finest Soul and R&B label, founded by Randall Wood, former president of Vee-Jay Records in Chicago. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hideawaysjollyjoe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hideawayshideout.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MANHATTENS: I Bet'Cha (Couldn't Love Me) / Sweet Little Girl * CARNIVAL, VG++, 15.- Euro Two magnificiant group soul sides from 1966 on this iconic New Jersey label. In fact, a company, that failed to release a bad record. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/manhattensibetcha.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/manhattenssweetlittle.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: (I'm Just A) Fool For You It A Shame / Buddy Ain't It A Shame * CONSTELLATION, M-, 15.- Euro Two great Chicago 60's dance sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlerfoolforyou1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandleraintitashame.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LENNY O'HENRY: Across The Street * ATCO, VG to VG+, 15.- Euro Great sounding handclapper produced by Bob Crewe before he went easy listening. A few mild marks on vinyl, plays great and priced accordingly. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lennyohenryacrossthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DARRELL BANKS: Our Love (Is In The Pocket) / Open The Door To Your Heart * REVILOT, VG, label tear, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro Slightly wounded copy of this blueprint Detroit Northern Soul double header, that many collectors believe, is the best 60's record ever produced. Who am I to disagree? soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksourlove12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksopenthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SMOKE: Have I Really Lost You * J.BRIDGE, M-, 15.- Euro, sold Crossover group soul from Kansas City, thatb ticks all the boxes. A fantastic record and surprisingly still cheap. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smokehaveirteallylost.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE GAUFF & THE LOVE BROTHERS: Communicate Not Hate * EUREKA; M-, 15.- Euro Nice and extra clean copy of this funky Cali disc. Guitar driven funky soul with banging drums and Willie Gauff (what a name!) screams his heart out to get his message to you. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williegauffcommunicate.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 15.- Euro Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper than all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: Dresses Too Short * TWINIGHT, M-, 12.- Euro Excellent funky soul by the great Syl Johnson. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsondresses.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BETTYE SWANN: (My Heart Is) Closed For The Season * CAPITOL, VG++, 10.- Euro, on hold There's absolutely no way to spend 10.- Euro better than on this gem of a record. Simply wonderful 1970 soul floater by L.A.'s queen of soul Bettye Swann. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettyeswannclosedforthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ISLEY BROTHERS: Behind A Painted Smile * TAMLA MOTOWN, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG+, 10.- Euro German picture sleeve issue of this great Motown 60's dancer on thick vinyl and in great shape! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/isleysbehindapainted.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KOOL & THE GANG: Funky Stuff * POLYDOR, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 10.- Euro And another german picture sleeve issue, this time from the funky side of things. Cool looking and great sounding Krautland release from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/koolandthefunkystuff.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE PAINE: Go Go Train * JET STREAM, M-, 10.- Euro, on hold Romping, stomping 60's soul mover from Louisian, produced Huey P. Meaux for "Crazy Cajun" productions. Cheap as chips and groovy as f*ck. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiepaynegogotrain.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HUGH BOYNTON: Funky Grasshopper * LANOR, M-, 10.- Euro, sold Super nice slice of Bayou Lo-Fi Funk. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hughboyntonfunkygrass.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDWIN STARR: Twenty-Five Miles * GORDY, VG+, drill hole in label, 10.- Euro Powerhouse Motown dancer by the mighty Edwin Starr. Every home should have one! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/edwinstarr25miles.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  6. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE TOWNSEL: Mr. Boon Tang / Can't Stop A Poor Man From Making Love * AH-LA-VI, M-, 550.- Euro Fantastic crossover soul and Gene Townsels debut 45 from 1970 in immaculate condition. Both sides are prime examples of sophisticated west coast independent soul and deserve the love of the international soul scene. Gene is still alive and kicking after a long succesfull career he now resides in Deerfield Beach / Florida and owns a music studio and conducts workshops for aspiring singers. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselmrboon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselcantstop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SMALL SOCIETY: If You Stand By Me / Just Loving You * CADDE, M-, 450.- Euro I really had a hard time which side I feature on this fabulous double sider. "If You Stand By Me" is floating dancer with a tighten-up-inpsired guitar lick and a floating beat topped by Willie (William) Bollinger's sweet vocals. But the true sensation hides away on the mindblowing flipside. A ballad, lurking in crossover category, of immense proportions. Mellow, sweet and then some with amazing guitar work by Larry Gray, who also recorded a hard to find funk 45 on Stepping Stone. A fabulous record without any doubt! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smallsocietyifyoustand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smallsocietyjustloving.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEE EDWARDS: (I Can) Deal With That * DE-TO, Testpress, VG, 375.- Euro Dr. William Kyle was a doctor in Detroit and run a clinic on the Grand River Avenue. He was a man of many talents and above his hospital he operated a recording studio and operated his De-To, Music Now and Detroit Sound labels form there. He must have really believed in Dee Edwards iconic "(ICan) Deal With That", a song he wrote for Dee Edwards as he released it twice, once with added strings and once with a simple, but very effective drum, bass and guitar accompany. Here is the original Test Press of the version without strings, pressed by Superdisc in Detroit. Run-Out details are (scratched in): "Superdisc" "DT2286-A-R-I", "#611426A 323 OM". A piece of Detroit Soul history and definitely one of the best 70's steppers on planet earth. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deeedwardsdealwiththat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BARBARA COOPER: What's One More Tear * RCA VICTOR, promo, VG++, 200.- Euro Excellent midtempo major label release from the mid-sixties and a proven rarity. It alwaqys surprises me, how many great records are hiding in the RCA vaults. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaracooperwhatsonemore.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FEMININE TOUCH: Groove Me * FEM-TOUCH; M-, 100.- Euro Under the radar Northern/Crossover dancer and a record with a lot of potential, just check the sounbyte and get blown away. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/femininetouchgrooveme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMIE "PREACHER" ELLIS: That's The Way I Am * HIP-DELIC, M-, wol, 100.- Euro, on hold Westcoast funky R&B banger of the highest order. An indemand 60's club spin and a record, that rarely comes to market in this nice condition. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmieeliisthatstheway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx REPARATA & THE DELRONS: Panic * BELL, Made in England, M-, 100.- Euro, sold Clean copy with intact centre of this Northern Soul oldie on the original UK Bell label. Hard to find in that nice condition. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/reperatapanic.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE WILSON: Because Of You * BRUNSWICK, VG, 75.- Euro Great playing VG copy of this massive Northern Soul sound from the early 70's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiewilsonbecauseof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PRECISIONS: Treason / Me And My Gal * Reissue from an acetate, VG++, 75.- Euro A few years back Eli "Paperboy" Reed pressed 40 copies of one of his acetates and gave it away to friends and sold a handful via facebook. So, what you see here is an unreleased slice of 60's dance soul, that only exists as an original acetate and in very limited numbers on this great sounding reissue. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionstreason.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionsmeandmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, M-, 75.- Euro Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN WILLIAMS & THE TICK TOCKS: Do Me Like You Do Me / Blues, Tears And Sorrows * SANSU, promo, M-, 70.- Euro Bargain price for a legendary New Orleans soul 45. One side provides a top notch 60's dancer, that had plays on the Northern Soul scene. Flipside is one of the finest deep soul ballads recorded in the crescent city. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsdome1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsblues1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRANK POLK: Love Is Dangerous * CAPITOL, VG+++, 60.- Euro Classic Northern Soul, that was comped on one of the Kent LPs from back in the days, produced by the great David Axelrod. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankpolkloveisdangerous.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRENTON WOOD: Better Believe It * WARNER BROTHERS, VG+, 60.- Euro, sold Breathtaking 70's soul dancer by the Oogum-Boogum-guy and not an easy pull considering that this is a major label release. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/brentonwoodbetterbelieve.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RUDI STEWART: I Wanna Love You All Over * DELMAR INTERNATIONAL; M-, 60.- Euro 1980 uptempo Modern Soul winner from New York city. Way better than most big ticket items and surely a record, that won't last long in the midprice range. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rudistewartiwannalove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOMMY HUNT: Words Can Never Tell It * DYNAMO, M-, some label smudge on flip, 60.- Euro, sold Classy 60's soul dancer by the great Tommy Hunt. His finest release in my book and I tip my Stetson to the UK soul scene, that they unearthed gems like this and kept them from being forgotten. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tommyhuntwordscanever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LENNY WELCH: A Hundred Pounds Of Pain * MAINSTREAM, VG++, 50.-, sold Powerhouse 70's Northern Soul by a veteran of the R&B world, who started recording in 1958 and scored a big hit in 1963 with "Since I Fell For You". "A Hundred Pounds Of Pain" was big at the Cleethorpes Winter Gardens allnighters and still sounds like it could set a dancefloor on fire. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lennywelchahundred.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEE DEE GARTRELL: Second Hand Love * MAVERICK, promo, VG++, 50.- Euro Phew, what a record. A steady tight funky beat backs up Dee Dee (Deliah) Gartrell's unbelievable soulful performance. Hopefully one brave DJ gets behind this at one point, it deserves so much more exposure. Check the soundbyte and get blown away... soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deedeegartrellsecondhand.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE TEE: Sweet Thing / Man That I Am * GATUR, VG+, H2O damaged labels, 50.- Euro Awesome funky soul by New Orleans legend Willie Tee on his own Gatur label. This is the misspelled version, credited to "Willie Lee". Hurricane Kathrina did some damage to the labels. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteesweetthing123.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteemanthatiamm.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SMOKE: Oh Love * MO-SOUL, M-, 50.- Euro, sold Barry White produced west coast mellow groover, that ticks all the boxes. This has all the ingredients, that rocketed Barry White to super stardom, but it was recorded before the big man found his audience. It sounds like he tried all his studio tricks here, before he decided to go solo. Nice clean copy, that never needs an upgrade. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smokeohlove1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE SHERMAN & THE MOD SWINGERS: The Price Of Love * ABC, VG++, 50.- Euro Chicago crossover soul heaven recorded for Jim Porter and Joe Zano's Sagport productions. A sophisticated, classy record, that sounds awesome played out loud. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littleshermnanprice.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIR WALES WALLACE: Whatever You Want * INNOVATION 2, M-, 50.- Euro, sold Chicago crossover soul goodie, that ticks all the boxes. Production credits go to Willie Henderson and Carl Davis is one half of the songwriting team. 1975 Chicago soul perfection in beautiful nick. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sirwaleswallacewhatever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE COASTERS: Down Home Girl / Soul Pad * DATE, VG+, 50.- Euro Two slow and funky sides by the Coasters, a group best known for their novelty doo-wop hits in the 50's like "Charlie Brown". A mighty fine double header written, produced and arranged by Leiber and Stoller, a duo responsible for some of the most important post WW2 music. They wrote hits for Elvis and - yes, of course - The Coasters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coastersdownhome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coasterssoulpad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Across 110th Street * UNITED ARTIST, M-, 40.- Euro The title track of a Blaxploitation flick called "Across 110th Street" (and in fact the only Blaxploitation movie, that leaves a lasting impression) and the mighty Womack was hired to record the soundtrack. He was at the prime of his creativity in the early 70's and took the chance to leave a musical masterpiece. Here you have a clean copy of this awesome slice of 70's dance soul with a message and it looks and sounds just beautiful. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywmackacross110th.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE BO: Check Your Bucket * BO SOUND, VG++, 40.- Euro, on hold Excellent New Orleans Funk by Piano player and singer Eddie Bo, who recorded a handful of great and collectable 45s in the Crescent City during the 60's and 70's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiebocheckyour12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GIN AND THE GENTS: Teenage National Anthem Boy And Girl / Dreams For Sale * MISS THING, M-, 40.- Euro Here is a weird, but great record by a group, that later morphed to the Versatile Gents, who had a great record on Linco and then changed their name again to the Vee Gees, best known for their magnificient "Talkin" on Jump Off records. The featured side is superb sweet soul, while the flipside offers a swinging dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandtheteenage.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandthedreams.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALVIN THOMAS: The Hesitation * GREAT SOUTHERN, VG+, H2O damaged labels, 35.- Euro, sold Scarce New Orleans funk with more vibes then a anybody can stand. Simply awesome instrumental sound, that ticks all the right boxes. Kathrina damaged labels. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/alvinthomasthehesitation12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANN SEXTON: I'm His Wife (You're Just A Friend) * SOUND STAGE 7, M-, 35.- Euro Mindblowing 70's soul dancer by Miss "Gone Too Long" and a record, that definitely stands the test of time. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/annsextonimhiswife.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (JOE) BATAAN: Woman Don't Want To Love Me * EPIC, Promo, M-, 35.- Euro, on hold Great Latin tingled funky soul by the mighty Joe Bataan. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joebataanwomandont.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEROY HUTSON: Never Know What You Can Do (Give It A Try) * CURTOM, strong VG+, 35.- Euro, sold Leroy Hutson recorded so many great tracks, but this one shines out for me. Midtempo heaven for the dancefloor with an infectious groove and some amazing vocals by the man himself. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyhutsonneverknow.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OSCAR PERRY: Wind Me Up * YELLOW HORIZON, M-, 35.- Euro Ask anybody outside your soul-bubble if he ever heard of an artist named Oscar Perry and the answer will be "Oscar who? NO". Houston / Texas born Perry has an impressive discography and his recording career spans over three decades. Oscar Perry recorded this punchy dancer in 1979 in Memphis / Tennesse and it's a prime example, why independently produced soulmusic has worldwide followers. Simply a great and cleverly arranged record, that got everything to fill a modern soul dancefloor. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oscarperrywindmeup1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PRECISIONS: If This Is Love (I'd Rather Be Lonely) * DREW, VG+, some ringwear on lbl, 35.- Euro All time 60's classic and an iconic Detroit recording, a pretty clean copy. A record, that has stood the test of time. Overplayed? Maybe, but these kind of records are so because of how good they are. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisisionsifthisislove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE DELCOS: Arabia * SHOWCASE, VG, 35.- Euro, sold Used but not abused copy of this infectious R&B groupsoul dancer. Priced accordingly! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/delcosarabia.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FASCINATIONS: Girls Are Out To Get You * MAYFIELD, M-, drill hole in run-out-grooves (not affecting play), some label smudge, 35.- Euro, sold Curtis Mayfield produced and written blueprint girlie Northern Soul dancer, that never sold big in America, but charted in England during the heydays of the Northern Soul scene. Anyway, an iconic, catchy 60's masterpiece iin very nice condition. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fascinationsgirlsareout.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JERRY TOWNES: You Are My Sunshine / Nevermore * PENNY, VG+, wol, 35.- Euro Two magnficient Chicago sides back to back; "Sunshine" got everything a 60's dancer needs and the flipside is soulful midtempo soul from the top shelf, also recorded by Renaldo Domino for Twinight records in 1969. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jerrytownesyouaremy1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jerrytownesnevermore1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY STORM: Baby, Don't Look Down / Never Want To Dream Again * LOMA, VG+, tiny edge chip not going near the grooves, 35.- Euro Two classy Northern Soul sides for you to consider. Flipside has a certain garage feel to it, for those of you, who like stuff like that. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystormbabydontlook.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billystormineverwant.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNITED VOICE BLACK WHITE FAMILY: Make It Last * UNITED VOICE, M-, 30.- Euro Great early 70's gospel message song with a crossover feel to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/unitedvoicemakeitlast.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TNT BAND: The Meditation * COTIQUE, VG+, 30.- Euro, sold The influence of Archie Bell's "Tighten Up" is rather obvious on this latin soul winner, that came out shortly after "Tighten Up" shook the airwaves of the USA. Someone should start a list with records, that copied the tighten-up-riff, well, I could add at least 50 records without much brainwork. Anyway, this is dancefloor pleasing big apple latin soul banger from the top shelf and a guaranteed dancefloor pleaser. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tntbandthemeditation.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusno11.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY JENKINS: Mr. Naylor * FLAMBO, M-, 30.- Euro A lengthy intro leads you stright to a nice soulful bayou funk track. Great record and pretty obscure too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyjenkinssmrnaylor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MICKEY & THE SOUL GENERATION: Football / Joint Session * MAXWELL, VG+, 30.- Euro, sold San Antonio / Texas Funk band, that recorded a handful of great 45s and Josh Davis (aka DJ Shadow) reissued their material on his Cali-Tex label in 2002. Two great sides for you to consider! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mickeyfootball.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mickeyjointsession.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY CRUMLEY: All The Way In Love With You * ALARM, M-, 30.- Euro If quality would be the indication for the price of a record, this baby here would fly out for three figures easily. Ray Crumley was the lead singer for the Solid Gold Revue, who recorded an incredible rare and great LP and he had 3 releases on Alarm records, that are all worth checking out. This is pure dancefloor dynamite, that got ignored by all major jocks for reasons unknown to me. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raycrumleyallthewayin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE AMAZERS: Without A Warning * THOMAS, VG++, 30.- Euro Top notch Chicago Northern Soul dancer on of Eddie Thomas' outputs. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/amazerswithoutawarning.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BROWN: Why / A Woman And Some Soul * VERVE, promo, VG+, 30.- Euro Two streetwise 60's soul sides. The featured side definitely has some Northern appeal while the flipside has a catchy groove and Bobby Brown's gritty voice shines out. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownwhy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybrownawoman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAHNI HARRIS & FAMILY LOVE: He's My Friend * EMPRISE, promo, VG-, 30.- Euro Indemand funky gospel mover with a mind-boggling ethereal feel to it. Clicks, pops and surface noise during the lenghthy intro, that a DJ would skip anyway, otherwise a solid play copy. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rahniharrishesmyfriend1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Tried And Convicted * MINIT, M-, 30.- Euro In my humble opinion Bobby Womack's finest recording. Midtempo crossover magic produced in Memphis by Chips Moman. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacktiredand1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 35.- Euro Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PACE-SETTERS: Push On Jessie Jackson / Freedom And Justice * KENT, M-, 25.- Euro Funky edged soul with a message, that recently crossed over to more open minded Northern Soul dos. I actually prefer the inbstrumental B-side, but both sides are great and this copy is clean as a whistle. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesetterspushon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesettersfreedomand.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 25.- Euro Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaytheprice1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PATTI & THE LOVELITES: Love Bandit / I'm The One That You Need * COTILLION, M-, 25.- Euro Awww, Patti Hamilton and her sultry voice gets me everytime I hear it. Especially on this infectious crossover dancer by the talented south-side Chicago girls. Flip it over for a facemelting ballad. Unplayed stock copy here, don't sleep! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pattilovebandit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE WHISPERS: P.O.W.-M.I.A. * Janus, strong VG+, "x" on lbl, 25.- Euro Ear candy to my ears and of the most underrated 70's dancers in my book. A song about prisoners of war and of course Vietnam related. Great "what's going on"-vibes on this and as per usual super soulful singing by the mighty Whispers. Don't sleep on this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whispoerspowmia.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HI-LITES: That's Love * INVICTUS, M-, 25.- Euro Under the radar 70's dancer with a lot of potential. Still affordable and way better than many big ticker items. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hilitesthatslove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIAMOND JOE: The ABC Song / Look Way Back * DEESU, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Excellent, hard hitting Nola funky soul produced by Allen Touissant and Marshall Sehorn. Diamond Joe recorded some fabulous 60's side for Sansu records and is surely one of the most underrated vocalists from the the Big Easy. I'm down to my last copy of this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeabcsong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeelookway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TYRONE ST. GERMAN: In A World So Cold / Don't Cop No Attitude * MORNING DOVE, M-, 25.- Euro Two classy Oakland/California Modern Soul sides. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermaninaworld.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermandontcopno1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANN SEXTON: You're Losing Me * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 25.- Euro Funky, soulful and then some... If there is a perfect soul record, this surely comes close. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/annsextonyourelosing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: I'm Free To Live / The Commerce Thang * DCA, VG++, wol, 25.- Euro Funky Soul from Washington, D.C. with a banging production and great vocals. Flip it over for an excellent funk instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chamberofcommerceimfreeto.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chamberofcommercethecom.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE H. FRANKLIN: That's How It Is When You're In Love / Gone For Good * FACES, M-, warped, plays without extra tracking, 25.- Euro, sold Great cover of an Otis Clay tune, released in 1967 on One-Derful. This came out 10 years later on this highly collectable Shreveport/Louisiana label. The flipside ain't too shabby either! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgehfranklinthatshow.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgehfranklingoneforgood.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIMMIE & THE DYNAMICS: Don't Make Me Burn * BELLA, VG+, 25.- Euro Obscure southern funk with some production involvement by George Perkins. Obscure record and totally on the spot! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/simmiedontmakemeburn.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KO KO TAYLOR: Wang Dang Doodle * CHECKER, VG+, 25.- Euro Chicago R&B banger produced by veteran bluesman Willie Dixon. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kokotaylorwangdang12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. W. SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 20.- Euro Awesome west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SKIP MAHONEY & THE CASUALS: Town Called No-Where * DC INTERNATIONAL, VG, 20.- Euro, sold Funky edged churchy 70's soul banger, that crossed over to the more progressive Northern venues. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/skipmahoneytowncalled1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BLAND: I'm So Tired / If You Could Just Read My Mind * DUKE, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Everytime I listen to "I'm So Tired" I can't believe what I hear. How can a band be that tight? How can someone sing like Bobby Bland? Why has this record been ignored by soul collectors? Why doesn't it cost 500 bucks? Anyway, this is as good as it gets and the flip is a facemelting ballad, that alone should make you buy this. Vinyl is shiny and clean, but has a surface mark from start to finish; the good news is, that it doesn't sound at all. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyblandimsotired12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyblandreadmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE McLEAN: Let's Talk About Love * EGO, VG, 20.- Euro, sold Banging, funky edged Steve Mancha produced Detroit 60's soul for the dancefloor. Totally underrated in my book and if you dig action packed, rowdy sounds from the past, this one is for you. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joemcleanletstalkabout.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE EVA: Take A Step In My Direction * VERVE, VG+ Great 60's soul dancer by the Locomotion-Girl. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littleevatakeastep.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEROY RANDOLPH: Good To The Last Drop * SPRING, M-, 20.- Euro Extra clean copy, housed in it's original company sleeve, of this great uptempo early 70's dancer, that sounds rather like late 60's to me. Groovy to the max and Leroy surely sings his heart out here! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyrandolphgoodtothe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BELITA WOODS: I Just Love Ypu * EPIC, promo, M-, 20.- Euro Belita Woods two 60's 45s for Moira are surely iconic Detroit recordings. After that she took a kind of break and tried to come back with this Barrett Strong produced crossover gem. It went nowhere and Belita turned her back on the music business. Another talent, who never really earned the artistic merits she deserves. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/belitawoodsijustlove1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRIEF ENCOUNTER: I'm So Satisfied / Don't Let Them Tell You * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 20.- Euro Two fantastic 70's sides by a band completely unable to make a bad record. These two songs are 7" only and are not on their rare LP. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterimsosatis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterdontletthem.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HERMAN GRIFFIN & THE BOYS IN THE BAND: Are You For Me Or Against Me * MAGIC TOUCH, M-, 20.- Euro I remember being in Rivers Records in Memphis sometimes in the 90's and seeing several hundred unplayed copies of this on the shelves. Rivers Records is long gone and the stock is absorbed into collections. No surprise, as this is a top quality Detroit banger with Popcorn Wylie, Tony Hester and Herman Griffin involvement. Everything I like about 60's Detroit soul is in here and the question is, what price if rare? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hermangriffinareyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BARBARA LYNN: Take Your Love & Run / (Until Then) I Suffer * ATLANTIC, VG++, label damage, 20.- Euro Fantastic 60's soul by the unique Barbara Lynn, a gifted (left handed) guitar queen and a singer of immense proportions. One side uptempo and lovely ballad on the flip. A great record and nothing to be taken lightly. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaralynntakeyourlove.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaralynnuntilthen.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 20.- Euro Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A supern and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ROY AYERS /WAYNE HENDERSON: No Deposit No Return / Heat Of The Beat * POLYDOR, M-, 15.- Euro, sold Two side of Roy-Ayers-magic on shiny mintish Polydor issue. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/royayersnodeposit.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/royayersheat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARGIE JOSEPH: Let's Stay Together * ATLANTIC, M-, 15.- Euro Sometimes - and only sometimes - a cover version is better than the original. Al Green's immortal "Let's Stay Together" by Margie Joseph is such a rare case. Check the soundfile and melt away.... pure soul music by a lady with a truly impressive discography. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/margiejosephletsstay.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE DRAMATICS: And I Panicked * VOLT, M-, 15.- Euro A big spin for Sean Hampsey at Soul Essence in Great Yarmouth and Sean knows his onions. The Groovesville Tony Hester production is out of this world and the Dramatics are working their way to a soulful tour de force on this diamond of a record. Soul with a capital "S" and the the price is right as well. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dramaticsandipanicked.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MACEO & ALL THE KING'S MEN: Got To Getr'cha * HOUSE OF THE FOX, M-, 15.- Euro Extra clean copy of this early 70's funk bomb by James Brown's sax player Maceo Parker. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maceogottogetcha.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 15.- Euro, sold Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: (I'm Just A) Fool For You It A Shame / Buddy Ain't It A Shame * CONSTELLATION, M-, 15.- Euro Two great Chicago 60's dance sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlerfoolforyou1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandleraintitashame.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DARRELL BANKS: Our Love (Is In The Pocket) / Open The Door To Your Heart * REVILOT, VG, label tear, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro Slightly wounded copy of this blueprint Detroit Northern Soul double header, that many collectors believe, is the best 60's record ever produced. Who am I to disagree? soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksourlove12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrellbanksopenthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TAMMY LEVON: Show Me The Way * NATION promo, VG+, residue from removed sticker on lbl "x" on label flipside, 15.- Euro Proper female 60's dancer by Tammy Levon aka Jackie Bee, this is her only release on Nation records, under her alias Jackie Bee she recorded a handful of 45s for Salem records. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tammylevonshowme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UP FROM THE BOTTOM: The Way The World Would Be * TRUE, M-, 15.- Euro Uptempo 70's dancer, that made it on one of the Goldmine Modern Soul comps from back in the days. Nice clean copy, that never needs an upgrade! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/upfromthebottom.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx W.J. MOORE & THE DYNAMIC UPSETTERS: Everything Good To You (Don't Have To Be Good For You * GUTTER, M-, 15.- Euro, sold Great cover of the classic Bobby Patterson song by a Carolinas band. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/wjmooreeverythinggood.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY SHEEN: If I Ever Dreamed I Hurt You * WARNER BROTHERS, promo, VG+, wol, 15.- Euro Overlooked 70's soul by the "Something New To Do"-guy. Terry Woodford and Clayton Ivey where on the production decks for this and gave the record a beautiful majestic, southern feel. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbysheenifiever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE GAUFF & THE LOVE BROTHERS: Communicate Not Hate * EUREKA; M-, 15.- Euro Nice and extra clean copy of this funky Cali disc. Guitar driven funky soul with banging drums and Willie Gauff (what a name!) screams his heart out to get his message to you. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williegauffcommunicate.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: Dresses Too Short * TWINIGHT, M-, 12.- Euro Excellent funky soul by the great Syl Johnson. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsondresses.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: We Did It / Any Way The Wind Blows * HI, M- 12.- Euro Excellent 70's dancer by Syl Johnson, who made his way up south in the 70's to record under the aegis of Willie Mitchell and to spend the rest of his career in the shadow of the allmighty Al Green. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonwedidit123.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonanyway1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE BAY BROTHERS: Baby Don't Give Up * MILLENIUM, Promo, M-, 10.- Euro Super nice midtempo Modern Soul in extra fine nick. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/baybrothersbabydontgive.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE BOOGIEMAN ORCHESTRA: Lady, Lady, Lady * BOOGIE MAN RECORDS, M-, 10.- Euro Fantastic 70's dance soul from 1975 and everytime I list this, I get a ton of requests, so be quick. A-Side (the short version) is slightly off-centre, but you will play the long b-side anyway, because the record is so unbelievable good. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/boogiemanladylady.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHARLES BRINKLEY: In The Pocket / I'll Be What You Want Me To Be * MUSIC MACHINE, M-, 10.- Euro Nice and clean copy of this banging funky soul record. Just listen to rthe drums, they are so very well produced and lift this record in unbelievable heights. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlesbrtinkleyinthepock.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlesbrinkleyillbewhat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDWIN STARR: Twenty-Five Miles * GORDY, VG+, drill hole in label, 10.- Euro Powerhouse Motown dancer by the mighty Edwin Starr. Every home should have one! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/edwinstarr25miles.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BARBARA ACKLIN: Seven Days Of Night / A Raggedy Ride * BRUNSWICK, M-, 10.- Euro Groovy to the bone! Whilst the Artists are pretty special, let’s not forget the unsung hero’s in the studio, Willie Henderson, Carl Davis, Eugene Record, Sonny Sanders, to name a few stalwarts from Chicago’s Brunswick empire, that should remind us how talented the back room team was and how this was the hallmark of a catalogue of fabulous releases from this label. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaraacklinsevendays1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaraacklinaraggedy12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx O.V. WRIGHT: Monkey Dog / You're Gonna Make Me Cry * BACK BEAT, VG+, 8.- Euro The master of the sophisticated deep soul ballad with one of his rare uptempo sides. Flip it over for serious ballad business. Real Soul with a capital "S". soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ovwrightmonkey.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ovwrightyouregonna.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NATURAL FOUR: Try Love Again * CURTOM, VG+, 8.- Euro Excellent 70's group soul co-written by Leroy Hutson and a really nice cheapie. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/naturalfourtryloveagain.mp3
  7. That absolutely makes sense Sebastian. I've got this acetate here, including the original sleeve it was send in and I have a couple more 45s and acetates on the label. Some of the releases on the label are musically really good, but most sound like they where recorded under a blanket. There's a Philly guy, whose name escapes me right now, who collects the label. He might have more information.
  8. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE TOWNSEL: Mr. Boon Tang / Can't Stop A Poor Man From Making Love * AH-LA-VI, M-, 650.- Euro Fantastic crossover soul and Gene Townsels debut 45 from 1970 in immaculate condition. Both sides are prime examples of sophisticated west coast independent soul and deserve the love of the international soul scene. Gene is still alive and kicking after a long succesfull career he now resides in Deerfield Beach / Florida and owns a music studio and conducts workshops for aspiring singers. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselmrboon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genetownselcantstop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CAFFEY BROTHERS: Make Me Over * AURA, M-, 250.- Euro Incredible good gospel funk out of Youngstown / Ohio and as clean as it was pressed yesterday, A record not just to praise the lord, also to set some hellfire on the dancefloor. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/caffeybrothersmakeme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EVIE SANDS: Picture Me Gone * CAMEO PARKWAY promo, mini wol, Made in England, strong VG, 250.- Euro, sold Rare UK promo of this alltime classic Northern Soul dancer. Strong VG vinyl, that plays at least VG+. A rare record and true collectors item if british pressed 60's soul is your bag soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eviesandspictureme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEAN COURTNEY: I'll Always Love You * RCA VICTOR, promo, VG+, slight edge warp not affecting play, 225.- Euro, sold Excellent uptempo 60's Northern Soul written by Leon Huff and Len Barry from the Vaults of RCA, a company with countless hidden gems in their huge catalogue. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deancourtneyillalways.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FREEWAY: Keep On Shinin' * IEMPSA, Made in Peru, strong VG+, sticker on label, 200.- Euro, sold Here is a complete unknown 70's Modern Soul Boogie tune, only released in Peru and needless to say, that this is a rare one. I found 4 copies of this lately, I kept one and sold two on my last list, this is the last copy I have for sale. Freeway where an american band touring in Peru and they recorded two 45s in South America before they split up. It's a catchy funky song with a great production, nice vocals and a spaced out synth solo towards the end. Who said there are no new discoveries out there? This the last copy of the few I had and probably your only chance to lay you hands on this. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/freewaykeepshhining.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SEBASTIAN WILLIAMS: Get Your Point Over * OVIDE, M-, 150.- Euro, sold Indemand 1970 Houston / Texas dancer, that sounds just to be good to be true. Dancefloor hype galore and a DJ-essential. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sebastianwilliamsgetyourpoint.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx VIRGIL HENRY: I'll Be True * POLYDOR 4-Track EP, made in Brazil, M- / Sleeve: VG-, 125.- Euro One of the most obscure rare soul releases I ever came across. This is a brazilian 4-Track EP containing 4 different artists among them is Virgil Henry with his breathtaking 70's dancer "I'll Be True". How the hell did this end up with Polydor in Brazil and why did somebody there saw it as agood idea to put this next to Shocking Blue "Venus" and The Roadrunners? So many questions, but who cares? This is as obscure as it gets and Virgil Henry's "I'll Be True" sounds like heaven no matter where the pressing comes from. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/virgilhenryillbetrue.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RUBY WINTERS: Better * DIAMOND, VG++, promo stamp on lbl flipside, 125.- Euro, sold One of these records why I fell in love with soulmusic back in the days. Majestic, soulful 60's dance record with lyrics to get on your knees for. Northern Soul never sounded better and how good does it look with it's original Diamond sleeve? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rubywintersbetter.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DOROTHY WILLIAMS: The Well's Gone Dry * GOLDWAX, VG++ (UK ex), 125.- Euro, sold Superb R&B fueled 60's mover on a nice and clean Goldwax issue. Great record and definitely a hard one to find on this beloved Memphis label. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dorothywilliamsthewellsgone.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNELL PITMAN: Your Love Is Dynamite * AFTER FIVE, VG++ very close to M-, 100.- Euro, sold Essential Modern Soul stepper from 1986, sounds earlier to my ears, but who cares for a release date, when a record is as good as this. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnellpitmanyourlove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE WILSON: Because Of You * BRUNSWICK, VG, 75.- Euro Great playing VG copy of this massive Northern Soul sound from the early 70's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiewilsonbecauseof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PRECISIONS: Treason / Me And My Gal * Reissue from an acetate, VG++, 75.- Euro A few years back Eli "Paperboy" Reed pressed 40 copies of one of his acetates and gave it away to friends and sold a handful via facebook. So, what you see here is an unreleased slice of 60's dance soul, that only exists as an original acetate and in very limited numbers on this great sounding reissue. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionstreason.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionsmeandmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRANK POLK: Love Is Dangerous * CAPITOL, VG+++, 75.- Euro Classic Northern Soul, that was comped on one of the Kent LPs from back in the days, produced by the great David Axelrod. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankpolkloveisdangerous.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONALD BYRD: (Fallin' Like) Dominoes / Just my Imagination * BLUE NOTE, VG++, 75.- Euro, on hold Jazz Funk classic, that crossed over to the soul scene and what an incredible double sider this is! "Dominoes" kicks off with a monstrous bassline and then morphes into a soulful jazzy dancer. Flip it over for another treat. Great record! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donaldbyrddominoes1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donaldbyrdjustmyimagination.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, M-, 75.- Euro Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PROFILES: I Still Love You * BAMBOO, promo, VG+, , warped, not affecting play, drill hole in lbl, 75.- Euro, sold Northern/Crossover Soul of the highest order. Amazing group harmonies, a catchy beat and most important; a really great song. Record is slightly warped and plays fine with no extra tracking. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/profilesistillloveyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN WILLIAMS & THE TICK TOCKS: Do Me Like You Do Me / Blues, Tears And Sorrows * SANSU, promo, M-, 70.- Euro Bargain price for a legendary New Orleans soul 45. One side provides a top notch 60's dancer, that had plays on the Northern Soul scene. Flipside is one of the finest deep soul ballads recorded in the crescent city. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsdome1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsblues1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ESTHER PHILLIPS: Home Is Where The Hatred Is * KUDU, VG++, dish warp, not affecting play, 60.- Euro, sold Facemelting cover of the Gil Scott Heron classic and a way rarer promo copy too. The arrangement is by James Brown's Sax player Pee Wee Ellis and boy did he do a splendid job here; not just the horn arrangement is simply out of this world, just listen to the strings! And we did not mentioned Esther Phillip's grandezza yet, she spits out the words with her bitter sweet voice and tells a ghetto tale, that can't leave anybody cold. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/estherphilipshomeiswhere.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE ANDERSON: You And I * BUDDAH, M-, 60.- Euro I never realized, that this one got remixed by Tom Moulton and it all makes sense now. Superb sounding slice of 1975 Modern Soul on the edge of the upcoming Disco boom, but definitely rooted in the classic soul era. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joeandersonyouandi1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY KING & THE RELATION: Don't Give Up Hope * LUNAR, VG++, very close to M-, 60.- Euro, sold Uplifting slice of 1970 soul for the dancefloor with constantly rising demand. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbykingdontgiveup1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE WHATNAUTS: Help Is On The Way * HARLEM INTERNATIONAL, VG++, 50.- Euro, sold Modern Soul Boogie dancer from the top shelf and a record, that never fails to get the dancers up. A catchy and tight call to the dancefloor by the mighty Whatnauts after they left Sylvia Robinson's All Platinum group. Some very light surface marks, that do not affect play. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whatnautshelpisonthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CYRIL NEVILLE: Gossip * JOSIE, VG, 50.- Euro Hard hitting Nola Funk by Cyril Neville. Essential 45 if you like your records sweaty, funky and raw. Vinyl has some surface marks but plays loud and proud. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cyrilnevillegossdip.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GARLAND GREEN: Just Loving You * SPRING, promo, M-, 50.- Euro, sold Shiny clean promotional copy of this awesome midtempo mover by Chicago's Garland Green. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/garlandgreenjustloving.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOSES DILLARD & THE TEX TOWN DISPLAY: I've Got To Find A Way * CURTOM, VG++, 50.- Euro, sold One of the tougher pulls on Curtom and a great one too. Funky mid- to downtempo beats coupled with some excellent guitar work and superb vocals by Moses Dillard, who was originally from South Carolina and was also one part of Moses & Dillard, who recorded the Modern Soul anthem "Here We Go, Loving Again" along with handfull of other highly collectable 45s for Shout, Mala and 123. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mosesdillardivegottofind1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SIR WALES WALLACE: Whatever You Want * INNOVATION 2, M-, 50.- Euro Chicago crossover soul goodie, that ticks all the boxes. Production credits go to Willie Henderson and Carl Davis is one half of the songwriting team. 1975 Chicago soul perfection in beautiful nick. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sirwaleswallacewhatever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE BOBO: Always There * COLUMBIA, promo, M-, 40.- Euro, on hold Funky Latin 70's dancer by the great Willie Bobo and of course this is a cover of the classic Blackbyrds tune. Great record and a true floorfiller. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieboboalwaysthere.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE BO: Check Your Bucket * BO SOUND, VG++, 40.- Euro Excellent New Orleans Funk by Piano player and singer Eddie Bo, who recorded a handful of great and collectable 45s in the Crescent City during the 60's and 70's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiebocheckyour12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BETA BIZARRE BOOGIE BAND: Chattahoochee Chugalug * RAFTER, M- / M-, 40.- Euro, sold Super cool Budweiser promotion record with a killer disco boogie side. Super clean copy, that comes complete with it's picture sleeve. The flipside of this indeed bizarre release is country. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/betabizarreboogie.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHET McDOWELL: I Guess You Don't Know (The Golden Rule) * DART, VG++, 40.- Euro, sold Semi known 60's dancer and a sound for the rare and underplayed room. Way better then it's till rather low price tag. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chetmcdowelliguessyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE YOUNG HOLT TRIO: Ain't There Something That Money Can't Buy * BRUNSWICK, VG++, 40.- Euro The mother of all Mod Jazz dancers in great nick. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngholtainttheresome1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE & EDDIE: Sweet Little Girl / It's So Hard * RU-JAC, promo, wol, VG+, 40.- Euro, sold Baltimore Northern Soul stomper on the featured side and actually the better version of "Sweet Little Girl" compared to Winfield Parker's take for the same label. But the true sensation hides away on the ignored flipside; a great lowrider type deep soul cut, that sounds brilliant to these ears. Way rarer promo copy and a fantastic slice of 60's soul. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/geneandeddiesweetlittle.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/geneandeddieitssohard.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RISING LOVE: You Take My Heart Away * VENTURE promo, M-, 40.- Euro Sermi know Modern Soul dancer with a lot of milleage in the grooves. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/risingloveyoutakemy1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (JOE) BATAAN: Woman Don't Want To Love Me * EPIC, Promo, M-, 35.- Euro Great Latin tingled funky soul by the mighty Joe Bataan. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joebataanwomandont.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GIN AND THE GENTS: Teenage National Anthem Boy And Girl / Dreams For Sale * MISS THING, M-, 40.- Euro Here is a weird, but great record by a group, that later morphed to the Versatile Gents, who had a great record on Linco and then changed their name again to the Vee Gees, best known for their magnificient "Talkin" on Jump Off records. The featured side is superb sweet soul, while the flipside offers a swinging dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandtheteenage.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandthedreams.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILL MERRIWEATHER: That's Love * FEE DETROIT, M-, 30.- Euro Uptempo Detroit Modern Soul dancer, that deserves way more exposure. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billmerriweatherthatslove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusno11.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY CRUMLEY: All The Way In Love With You * ALARM, M-, 30.- Euro If quality would be the indication for the price of a record, this baby here would fly out for three figures easily. Ray Crumley was the lead singer for the Solid Gold Revue, who recorded an incredible rare and great LP and he had 3 releases on Alarm records, that are all worth checking out. This is pure dancefloor dynamite, that got ignored by all major jocks for reasons unknown to me. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raycrumleyallthewayin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANGELA DAVIS & REUBIN FISHER: Time Don't Wait On No One * FLAMING ARROW, M-, 30.- Euro Semi known Detroit crossover goodie on Eugene Davis Flaming Arrow output. And yes, this is the same Angela Davis, who recorded the floorfiller "My Love Is So Strong", her duet partner Reubin Fisher remains a mystery though, I couldn't find out anything about him, except singing on this little gem here. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/angeladavistimewaits.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAHNI HARRIS & FAMILY LOVE: He's My Friend * EMPRISE, promo, VG-, 30.- Euro Indemand funky gospel mover with a mind-boggling ethereal feel to it. Clicks, pops and surface noise during the lenghthy intro, that a DJ would skip anyway, otherwise a solid play copy. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rahniharrishesmyfriend1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHUCK RAY: Baby Please Don't Let Go * BUDDAH, VG++, drill hole in lbl, 30.- Euro Superb 1970 Crossover Soul, that never really got the attention it deserves. A fine floating arrangement topped by Chuck's pleading and melodic vocals and actually a great dancer. Trust your ears, this is as good as it gets! A side looks and plays VG++, the ignorable flip has some surface marks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chuckraybabyplease.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Tried And Convicted * MINIT, M-, 30.- Euro In my humble opinion Bobby Womack's finest recording. Midtempo crossover magic produced in Memphis by Chips Moman. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacktiredand1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELLOIT SMALL: Girls Are Made For Loving * NEW SOUND, VG+, warped plays through with no problems, 30.- Euro, sold Half price on this rare local first release before Bang took over for national distribution. Record is mildly warped, but plays without extra tracking on both of my turntables. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Elloitsmallgirlsaremade.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN FOX: It's Up To You / Election Day, I'm Goin Fishin' * CAPITOL, M-, sticker on both labels, 30.- Euro Superb major label 70's soul, that never got issued properly, at least I haven't seen anything but promos in my collecting life. A great soulful midtempo dancer backed up by a cool instrumental. Funny, that "It's Up To You" is a rather social conscious song and the title of the flip isn't at all. Anyway a highly recomended record! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnfoxitsuptoyou1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnfoxelectionday1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CORDELLS: You Do A Thing To My Mind * STEEL TOWN SOUND, INC., strong VG, near VG+, mild label damage, 30.- Euro Frantic 60's uptempo dancer on a tiny Pittsburgh label. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cordellsyoudoathing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 35.- Euro Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SPINNERS: I'll Always Love You * MOTOWN, M-, 30.- Euro Shiny clean copy of this beautiful Motown dancer from 1965. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spinnersillalaways.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELDRIDGE HOLMES: The Book / No Substitute * DEESU, VG+, 30.- Euro, on hold Another Marshall Sehorn and Allen Toussaint production from the Crescent City. Uptempo funky soul on the featured side and deep and slow magic on the flip. Such a good record! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eldridgeholmesthebook.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eldridgeholmessubstitute.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FANTOMS: Take Me There / Who Cares * PWER FUNKTION, water damaged labels, VG+, 30.- Euro, on hold Two hard hitting bayou funk sides from 1972. Unfortunately hurricane Kathrina did some major damage to the labels, but you don't play the labels, do you? soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fantomstakemethere1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fantomswhocares1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JUICE: Catch A Groove * GREEDY, M- , 30.- Euro, sold Fantastic Disco-Funk in immaculate condition. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/juicecatchagroove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PACE-SETTERS: Push On Jessie Jackson / Freedom And Justice * KENT, M-, 25.- Euro Funky edged soul with a message, that recently crossed over to more open minded Northern Soul dos. I actually prefer the inbstrumental B-side, but both sides are great and this copy is clean as a whistle. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesetterspushon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesettersfreedomand.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE QUARTERMAN: Get Down Baby * MERCURY promo, VG++, close to M-, 25.- Euro, sold Totally underrated 1974 dance soul by Joe Quarterman and Free Soul, the guy who recorded some heavy funk tunes for GSF records earlier in the 70's. This record got it all and it just needs a brave DJ behind it to go big. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joequatermangetdown.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 25.- Euro Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaytheprice1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIAMOND JOE: The ABC Song / Look Way Back * DEESU, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Excellent, hard hitting Nola funky soul produced by Allen Touissant and Marshall Sehorn. Diamond Joe recorded some fabulous 60's side for Sansu records and is surely one of the most underrated vocalists from the the Big Easy. I'm down to my last copy of this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeabcsong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeelookway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FREDDY BUTLER: There Was A Time * KAPP, Promo, VG++, very close to M-, 25.- Euro Excellent Detroit 60's soul produced by the Pied Piper guys and written By Nick Ashford, Lorraine Chandler (who's real name was Ermastine Lewis) and Joe Hunter. Top side is M- and the flip is VG++. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/freddybutlertherewas.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOUNG HEARTS: Get Yourself Together / Oh, I'll Never Be The Same * MINIT, M-, 25.- Euro Simply awesome 60's group harmony dancer backed up by a mighhty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsgetyourself.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsohillnever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FLIRTATIONS: Nothing But A Heartache * DERAM, VG+, 25.- Euro Nice copy of this classic 60's dancer complete with it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/flirtationsnothingbut1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GATEWAY: Can't Accept The Fact * COLUMBIA, promo, M-, 25.- Euro, sold Another major label Modern Soul winner, that sounds awesome played out loud. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gatewaycantaccept.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TYRONE ST. GERMAN: In A World So Cold / Don't Cop No Attitude * MORNING DOVE, M-, 25.- Euro Two classy Oakland/California Modern Soul sides. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermaninaworld.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermandontcopno1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANN SEXTON: You're Losing Me * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 25.- Euro Funky, soulful and then some... If there is a perfect soul record, this surely comes close. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/annsextonyourelosing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHNNY SCOTT: Hide & Seek With Me * PORTRA, VG+, 25.- Euro Cool 60's uptempo dancer out of Memphis. sondfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscotthideandseek1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. W. SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 20.- Euro Awesome west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY GLOVER: Your Spell * COLUMBIA promo, VG++, radio station stamp on lbl, stickewr on labels, 25.- Euro, on hold Overlooked major label Modern Soul / Boogie track, that ticks all the boxes. A nice bassline, great vocals and clubby production. One for the DJs with some imagination! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbygloveryourspell.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx J.G. LEWIS: Dance Lady Dance * AL & THE KIDD, VG+, 25.- Euro Totally underrated Modern Soul dancer by J.G. Lewis, who is in fact Johnny Gilliam, who recorded some remarkable 45s on Cancer, Paula and ICA records. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jglewisdancelady.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVA WHITNEY: It's My Thing / Ball Of Fire * KING VG to VG+, mild warp, plays Ex, 20.- Euro Make no mistakes, this is one of the greatest sister funk records ever recorded. The Isley Brother's song put on another level, a James Brown production of immense funkyness and a great soulful, desperate performance by Marva Whitney. Great soulful flipside on top. A must have record! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyitsmything1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyballoffire.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JUNIOR & THE CLASSICS: Kill The Pain * MAGIC TOUCH, strong VG, drill hole in lbl, 20.- Euro James Brown styled funk 45 with extr desperate vocals. Record has some surface marks, but plays closer to VG+. A great DJ copy and priced accordingly. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/juniorandthekillthepain.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 20.- Euro Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A supern and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES CRAWFORD: Much Too Much * MERCURY, M-, 20.- Euro Great 60's James Brown production for James Crawford, who was a member of his revue for several years. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamescrawfordmuchtoomuch.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GLORIA TAYLOR: Grounded * SILVER FOX, VG+, 20.- Euro Powerhouse female funky soul for the dancefloor. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gloriataylorgrounded12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE JOHNNY TAYLOR: Somewhere Down The Line * GALAXY, VG+, 20.- Euro R&B fueled 60's dancer, that never fails to fill the floor. Some mild marks on vinyl, but this copy plays like a champ. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejohnnysomewherdown.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ROSCO ROBINSON: That's Enough * WAND, M-, drill hole in lbl, 20.- Euro, sold Extra clean copy of this Northern Soul classic. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/roscorobinsonthatenough.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE CLIMATES: Breaking Up Again * SUN promo, VG+, wol, 20.- Euro Might fine Impressions inspired 60's dancer on Sam Phillips' Sun label out of MemphisSam Phillips is best known for being the guy who discovered Elvis Presley, Johny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and many more, who changed the music world forever. Well, Mr. Phillips also had some great soul records on his label... soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/climatesbreakingup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE METERS: Be My Lady * WARNER BROTHERS, VG++, 20.- Euro Who said the Meters could just play funky stuff? Here they are with a super soulful midtempo Modern Soul side taken from their "New Directions"-LP. A fantastic and very underrated sound, check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/metersbemylady.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SMOKEY JOHNSON: It Ain't My Fault * NOLA; VG++, 20.- Euro New Orleans session drummer Smokey Johnson on one of his two solo 45s for Nola records. I'm not aware of any other record, that features the Hi-Hat so much then this funky masterpiece. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smokeyjohnsonitaintmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MACEO & ALL THE KING'S MEN: Got To Getr'cha * HOUSE OF THE FOX, M-, 15.- Euro Extra clean copy of this early 70's funk bomb by James Brown's sax player Maceo Parker. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maceogottogetcha.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE JAMES: Her Mama Won't Leave Us Alone / Sad Sad Feeling * STARTOWN, M-, 15.- Euro Funky soul bomb form Chattanooga / Tennessee backed up by great deep soul ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejameshermama1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejamessadsad1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ARTISTICS: Love Song / I'll Always Love You * BRUNSWICK, VG/VG+, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro Two storming uptempo 60's dancers back to back. "Love Song" has some visible scratches on the playing surface, but plays at least VG+ - priced accordingly. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artisticslovesong1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artisticsiloveyoualways.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ARTISTICS: I'm Gonna Miss You * BRUNSWICK, VG++ / VG-, 15.- Euro Great group soul 60's mover backed up by an uptempo Northern Soul dancer. "Hope We Have" has some visible scratches on the playing surface, but plays fantastic - way better than the visual grade. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artisticsimgonnamiss12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artisticshopewehave.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EMMETT GARNER, JR.: So Much Better / Check Out What You've Got * MAXWELL VG++, mild warp not affecting play, sticker on lbl flipside,15.- Euro Underrated Chicago 70's soul double header arranged by Donny Hathaway. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/emmettgranersomuchbetter.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eviesandspictureme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHNNY BRISTOL: Love No Longer Has A Hold On Me * HANSA, Made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, sold Stone mint german picture sleeve issue of this mindblowing Modern Soul dancer. Surely a thing of beauty! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnybristollovenolonger1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SAM DEES: Child Of The Streets / The Show Must Go On * ATLANTIC, M-, 15.- Euro 1975 deep soul masterpiece by the great Sam Dees. A ghetto tale of immense proportions and a soulful testimony. A must have in my book and thisa copy is as clean as it gets. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/samdeeschildofthe1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/samdeestheshowmust.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY POWELL: Funky Broadway '69 * WHIT, VG+, 15.- Euro, on hold Hard hitting late 60's Louisiana funk obviously inspired by Dyke & The Blazers. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbypowellfunkybroadway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE NILSMEN: The Sand Step / Le Winston * RJR, VG++/VG++, 15.- Euro, sold A swedish band getting funky on this obscure Camel cigarettes promotion item. Two great sides, that Keb Darge championed during the glory deep funk days. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/nilsmensandstep1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/nilsmenlewinston1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: I've Got To Get Over / Falling In Love Again * TMP-TING, M-, 15.- Euro 1965 Chicago double sider by Syl Johnson, who recorded a string of legendary records for local labels in the Windy City. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonivegottogetover.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonfallinginlove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNIVERSAL MIND: Reach Out For Me * RED COACH, promo, strong VG, 15.- Euro Majestic 70's take on arguably one of the best Burt Bacharach / Hal David songs. Actually an interesting record as it marks the gap between the classic soul era and the disco boom of the late 70's. This record meanders inbetween both worlds and has a unique charm to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/universalmindreachout.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 15.- Euro Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PAUL "SIR RAGGEDY" FLAGG: Shoo Fly Pie / Papa-Momma-Romper-Stomper * ATLANTIC, M-, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro Two hard hitting 60's sides back to back on this tough to find Atlantic issue. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/paulflaggshooflypie.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/paaulflaggpapamomma.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MALEMEN: Baby Doll * MERCURY promo, M-, 12.- Euro 1984 Modern Soul Boogie midpacer, that sounds to good to be ignored. A perfect record for all these sunday sessions! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/malemenbabydoll.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ESCORTS: Love Is Like A Dream * KNOCKOUT, M-, 12.- Euro A perfect 70's dance soul record with sweet vocals by the Escorts, a group formed by George Kerr while they were prison convicts in New Jersey's Rahway State Prison. This is their last relase from the early 80's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/escortsloveislike.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper than all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: We Did It / Anyway The Wind Blows * HI, VG++, 12.- Euro, sold Two fantastic sides back to back. "We Did It" provides 70's dance soul from the top shelf, while the flip goes straight to the heart with an incredible good ballad. Memphis producer Willie Mitchell and Chicago singer Syl Johnson treamed up for a masterpiece and it's affordable too! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonwedidit12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonanywaythewind1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MASQUERADERS: I Got It / I Ain't Got To Love Nobody Else * BELL, M-, drill hole in lbl, 10.- Euro, sold Two great sides back to back - uptempo on the featured side, flip it over for a haunting, deep ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/masqueradersigotit12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/masqueradersiaintgottolove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HUTCH: Theme Of Foxy Brown * MOTOWN, VG to VG+, mild warp not affecting play, 10.- Euro Title song of the Blaxploitation flick "Foxy Brown" starring Pam Grier. Great funky soul by Willie Hutch and cool to have on the original 7". Flipside has a few more marks and plays with slight crackles, but igt's the great playing A-side you need this record for. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williehutchfoxybrown.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOUTH SHORE COMISSION: We're On The Right Track * WAND, M-, 10.- Euro Tom Moulton mixed pre disco 70's mover, that ticks all the boxes. Just a great dancer and you will struggle to find a cleaner copy than this. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/southshorewereontheright.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MOMENTS: Nine Times * STANG, M-, 10.- Euro Uplifting slice of 70's dance soul for the price of a London pint. What's not to like? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/momentsninetimesblue.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NOTATIONS: Think Before You Stop * GEMIGO, VG++, 10.- Euro Cheap and cheerful 70's soul dancer with a blasting Richard Tufo production. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/notationsthinkbefore.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JESSE JAMES: I Know I'll Never Find Another One * ZAY, M-, 10.- Euro, sold What price if rare? Excellent uptempo 60's soul mover for the price of two pints in the pub. Every reissue costs you 15 quid meanwhile and superb originals like this are stilöl cheap as chips. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jessejamesiknowillnever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ORANGE SUNSHINE: Who's Cheating On Who * PRODIGAL, promo, M-, 10.- Euro,. sold Superb funky cheapo produced by Don Boddie of Boddie records fame. So much better then it's price tag and a proof, that record collecting doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/orangesunshinewhoscheating.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAISUN: I Fall In Love Everyday * JETT SETT, M-, 10.- Euro Extra clean copy of this uplifting slice of 70's dance soul. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jaisunifallinloveevery.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  9. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GREEN LIGHT: In The Sky * SHAMMARA, M-, 1200.- Euro, sold Super rare Modern Soul and of course a cover of the much loved Rance-Allen-tune. Only two copies sold online in the last 15 years and this might be your only chance ever to obtain this rarity. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/greenlightinthesky1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TRACE OF SMOKE: Treasure Mind / U.R. * B.J., VG, 1000.- Euro, sold Great playing VG copy of this monster Modern Soul winner from Austin / Texas. This is my old DJ copy (I recently minted up) and "Treasure Mind" plays great. The flipside has a few more crackles, but it's the uptempo side you going to play anyway. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/traceofsmoketreasure1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/traceofsmokeur1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FREE YOUTH: You Take To Much Time To Change * TMI, M-, 250.- Euro, sold Beautiful sweet crossover soul and a very rare record. The good side is only available on the issue copies. Super clean copy in it's original birth sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/freeyouthyoutake.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEAN COURTNEY: I'll Always Love You * RCA VICTOR, promo, VG+, slight edge warp not affecting play, 250.- Euro Excellent uptempo 60's Northern Soul written by Leon Huff and Len Barry from the Vaults of RCA, a company with countless hidden gems in their huge catalogue. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deancourtneyillalways.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE REGENTS: What'Cha Gonna Do / I Tried With You * MAD, strong VG, 225.- Euro Widely unknown Northern Soul double sider with a nice and catchy garage feel to it. Two good sides back to back! Mild surface marks on vinyl, that most dealers would grade VG+. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/regentswhatcha.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/regentsitriedwithyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FREEWAY: Keep On Shinin' * IEMPSA, Made in Peru, VG++, 200.- Euro, sold Here is a complete unknown 70's Modern Soul Boogie tune, only released in Peru and needless to say, that this is a rare one. Freeway were an american band touring in Peru and they recorded two 45s in South America before they split up. It's a catchy funky song with a great production, nice vocals and a spaced out synth solo towards the end. Who said there are no new discoveries out there? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/freewaykeepshining.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DOROTHY WILLIAMS: The Well's Gone Dry * GOLDWAX, VG++ (UK ex), 150.- Euro Superb R&B fueled 60's mover on a nice and clean Goldwax issue. Great record and definitely a hard one to find on this beloved Memphis label. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dorothywilliamsthewellsgone.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RUBY WINTERS: Better * DIAMOND, VG++, promo stamp on lbl flipside, 150.- Euro One of these records why I fell in love with soulmusic back in the days. Majestic, soulful 60's dance record with lyrics to get on your knees for. Northern Soul never sounded better and how good does it look with it's original Diamond sleeve? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rubywintersbetter.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx COLD BLOOD: I'm A Good Woman * SAN FRANCISCO, M-, 150.- Euro Condition, condition, condition! A totally Mint copy of this massive club banger, that never fails to set some fire on the dancefloor. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coldbloodimagood1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE WILSON: Because Of You * BRUNSWICK, VG, 100.- Euro Great playing VG copy of this massive Northern Soul sound from the early 70's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiewilsonbecauseof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PRECISIONS: Treason / Me And My Gal * Reissue from an acetate, VG++, 100.- Euro A few years back Eli "Paperboy" Reed pressed 40 copies of one of his acetates and gave it away to friends and sold a handful via facebook. So, what you see here is an unreleased slice of 60's dance soul, that only exists as an original acetate and in very limited numbers on this great sounding reissue. Not sure, if these are the Detroit Precisions, they don't sound motorcity-like to my ears, but whoever this is, it's mindblowing good 60's dance soul. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionstreason.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionsmeandmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRANK POLK: Love Is Dangerous * CAPITOL, VG+++, 75.- Euro Classic Northern Soul, that was comped on one of the Kent LPs from back in the days, produced by the great David Axelrod. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankpolkloveisdangerous.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE WHATNAUTS: Help Is On The Way * HARLEM INTERNATIONAL, VG++, 65.- Euro Modern Soul Boogie dancer from the top shelf and a record, that never fails to get the dancers up. A catchy and tight call to the dancefloor by the mighty Whatnauts after they left Sylvia Robinson's All Platinum group. Some very light surface marks, that do not affect play. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whatnautshelpisonthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CYRIL NEVILLE: Gossip * JOSIE, VG, 60.- Euro Hard hitting Nola Funk by Cyril Neville. Essential 45 if you like your records sweaty, funky and raw. Vinyl has some surface marks but plays loud and proud. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cyrilnevillegossdip.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PARIS: I Choose You / Punkin Funkin * KELLI-ARTS, M-, 50.- Euro, sold Classic windy city stepper with an overlooked boogie flipside. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/parisichooseyou.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/parisfunkin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE KENDRICKS: Date With The Rain * MOTOWN, Made in Germany, Vinyl: VG+ / Sleeve: VG+, with some writings on it, 50.- Euro, sold Hard to find german picture sleeve issue of this massive 70's soul spin by the falsetto voice of the Temptation, the great Eddie Kendricks. What a fantastic record this is... Vinyl has some strange looking marks on it, but plays absolutely flawless. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiekendricksdatewiththe1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOSES DILLARD & THE TEX TOWN DISPLAY: I've Got To Find A Way * CURTOM, VG++, 50.- Euro One of the tougher pulls on Curtom and a great one too. Funky mid- to downtempo beats coupled with some excellent guitar work and superb vocals by Moses Dillard, who was originally from South Carolina and was also one part of Moses & Dillard, who recorded the Modern Soul anthem "Here We Go, Loving Again" along with handfull of other highly collectable 45s for Shout, Mala and 123. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mosesdillardivegottofind1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE LEE (aka Willie Tee): Sweet Thing / Man That I Am * GATUR, VG++, H2O damaged labels, 50.- Euro, sold Awesome funky soul by New Orleans legend Willie Tee on his own Gatur label. This is the misspelled version, credited to "Willie Lee". Hurricane Kathrina did some damage to the labels, but the vinyl is shiny and clean. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieleesweetthing.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieleemanthatiam.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JEAN WELLS: What Have I Got To Lose * CALLA, M-, 45.- Euro, sold Simply one of the finest soul records under gods sun! A beauty without any doubt. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jeanwellswhathave.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE BOBO: Always There * COLUMBIA, promo, M-, 40.- Euro Funky Latin 70's dancer by the great Willie Bobo and of course this is a cover of the classic Blackbyrds tune. Great record and a true floorfiller. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieboboalwaysthere.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RANDY JACKSON: How Can I Be Sure * EPIC, promo, VG++, almost M-, 40.- Euro, sold Mesmerizing midtempo 70's soul winner by Randy Jackson, the ex bass player for the Jackson 5. Randy was the youngest of the brothers and he was the unofficial 6th member playing percussion in the background. When the Jackson 5 signed to Epic, they changed their name to the Jacksons and from this point on Randy was an offical member of the band. This is his only solo release from 1978 and it's simply brilliant. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/randyjacksonhowcanibesure.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHET McDOWELL: I Guess You Don't Know (The Golden Rule) * DART, VG++, 40.- Euro Semi known 60's dancer and a sound for the rare and underplayed room. Way better then it's till rather low price tag. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chetmcdowelliguessyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ONCOMING TIMES: If You Had my Love / What Is Life Without Love * DUO, VG++, 40.- Euro Two might fine sides arranged by the great Donny Hathaway. Top side provides a catchyand melodic girlie dancer and the ballad flip ain't too shabby either. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oncmingtimesifyouhadmy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oncomingtimeswhatislife.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ETHICS: Look At Me Now * VENT, VG+/VG-, 40.- Euro, sold One of the greatest Philly dancers in my book. Arranged by the talented Vince Montana and here you have everything I like about uptempo soul; a free floating band with a strong uptempo beat and mindblowing group harmonies. The flipside has a larger rubmark and plays with repeating clicks, but you need this for the uptempo side anyway. soundfiile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ethicslookatmenow.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARK MURPHY: Why Don't You Do Right? * RIVERSIDE, VG+, 40.- Euro, sold Mod Jazz dancer from the top shelf and the best version of this beloved Joe McCoy tune. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/markmurphywhydontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BETA BIZARRE BOOGIE BAND: Chattahoochee Chugalug * RAFTER, M- / M-, 40.- Euro Super cool Budweiser promotion record with a killer disco boogie side. Super clean copy, that comes complete with it's picture sleeve. The flipside of this indeed bizarre release is country. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/betabizarreboogie.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MANHATTENS: I Can't Stand For You To Leave Me * DeLUXE, VG++, 35.- Euro, sold The poor mans Universal Sound as Tim Ashibende once called this. And indeed, it sounds like "It's All Over Baby" and it is 200 times cheaper than the record, than the one on everybdodys want list. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankpolkloveisdangerous.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 35.- Euro Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Tired And Convicted * MINIT, M-, 30.- Euro, sold In my humble opinion Bobby Womack's finest recording. Midtempo crossover magic produced in Memphis by Chips Moman. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacktiredand1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx J.B. TROY: Ain't It The Truth * MUSICOR, VG to VG+, drill hole in label, 30.- Euro, sold Uptempo 60's soul mover written by James Bailey, former member of the Doo-Wop group the Cadillas and later a succesfuk songwriter for the likes of Isaac Hayes, Main Ingredient and many more. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jbtroyaintitthetruth1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOUSTON: I Can't Go Wrong / That's How Much * CAPITOL, Made in France, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 30.- Euro Fantastic slice of funky R&B on a beautiful looking french artsleeve issue. Top side is an underrated 60's club soul banger, that sounds ace played out loud. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul ballad (the actual A-side of this record, but this record will most likely sell for the dance side) soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonicantgowrong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonthatshowmuch1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELDRIDGE HOLMES: The Book / No Substitute * DEESU, VG+, 30.- Euro Another Marshall Sehorn and Allen Toussaint production from the Crescent City. Uptempo funky soul on the featured side and deep and slow magic on the flip. Such a good record! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eldridgeholmesthebook.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eldridgeholmessubstitute.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARIE FRANKLIN: Bad Bad Woman * WESTBOUND, promo, wol, M-, 30.- Euro Sister Funk banger on Detroit's legendary Westbound imprint. Heavy writings on Mono side, clean labels on the Stereo side. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mariefranklinbadbad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMY DOTSON: Heartbreak Avenue * MERCURY promo, VG+, 30.- Euro Excellent, heart wrenching deep soul ballad and pretty hard to find on a yellow demo. A few mikld ticks on the first rotations, plays clean afterwards. Priced accordingly. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmydotsonheartbreak.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY CRUMLEY: All The Way In Love With You * ALARM, M-, 30.- Euro If quality would be the indication for the price of a record, this baby here would fly out for three figures easily. Ray Crumley was the lead singer for the Solid Gold Revue, who recorded an incredible rare and great LP and he had 3 releases on Alarm records, that are all worth checking out. This is pure dancefloor dynamite, that got ignored by all major jocks for reasons unknown to me. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raycrumleyallthewayin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANGELA DAVIS & REUBIN FISHER: Time Don't Wait On No One * FLAMING ARROW, M-, 30.- Euro Semi known Detroit crossover goodie on Eugene Davis Flaming Arrow output. And yes, this is the same Angela Davis, who recorded the floorfiller "My Love Is So Strong", her duet partner Reubin Fisher remains a mystery though, I couldn't find out anything about him, except singing on this little gem here. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/angeladavistimewaits.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILL MERRIWEATHER: That's Love * FEE DETROIT, M-, 30.- Euro Uptempo Detroit Modern Soul dancer, that deserves way more exposure. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billmerriweatherthatslove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELLOIT SMALL: Girls Are Made For Loving * NEW SOUND, VG+, warped plays through with no problems, 30.- Euro Half price on this rare local first release before Bang took over for national distribution. Record is mildly warped, but plays without extra tracking on both of my turntables. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Elloitsmallgirlsaremade.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PEGGY GAINES: Sweet Way Of Living / Just To Satisfy My Baby * REF-O-REE, M-, 30.- Euro, sold Clean copy of this very underrated Nashville goodie. Two fantastic sides for you to consider with "Sweet Way Of Living" being my side of choice. The song is only 1:30 long (allthogh the label states 2:40), but these 1:30 are surely soul heaven! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/peggygainessweetway.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/peggygainesjusttosatisfy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CORDELLS: You Do A Thing To My Mind * STEEL TOWN SOUND, INC., strong VG, near VG+, mild label damage, 30.- Euro Frantic 60's uptempo dancer on a tiny Pittsburgh label. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cordellsyoudoathing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ARTIE CHRISTOPHER: My Baby's Crying / Don't Try It Again * 5-HIGH, VG+, 30.- Euro A fantastic deep soul record with an equally great uptempo cut on the flip. Let's hear what sir shambling has to say about this record: "Although he recorded a few 45s under the name “Artie Christopher” I’m 99% sure that this is really Johnny Christopher, the guitarist/songwriter who is best known in soul circles for his work with Chips Moman at his American Studio in Memphis. Christopher’s musical credits are both lengthy and impressive but I want to concentrate here on the soul side of his personality. His initial single under his nom-de-disque included the superb deep soul ballad "My Baby's Crying". This has all the ingredients that I love in this genre – some simple gospel chord changes, fine organ/piano accompaniment, a gently cooing chorus and some rich horns. On top of which “Artie” does a really bang-up job of expressing the emotional angst of his own lyric. Was this cut in Nashville? Or Atlanta – where Johnny came from? I don’t know. The flip – and both sides of the second Atlantic 45 were certainly cut at American." soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristophermybabyscry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristopherdonttry.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SPINNERS: I'll Always Love You * MOTOWN, M-, 30.- Euro Shiny clean copy of this beautiful Motown dancer from 1965. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spinnersillalaways.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PACE-SETTERS: Push On Jessie Jackson / Freedom And Justice * KENT, M-, 25.- Euro Funky edged soul with a message, that recently crossed over to more open minded Northern Soul dos. I actually prefer the inbstrumental B-side, but both sides are great and this copy is clean as a whistle. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesetterspushon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesettersfreedomand.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE BO: You Are Going To Be Somebodys Fool Too * NOLA; VG++, 25.- Euro Edwin Bocage alias Eddie Bo, better know for his mindboggling funk sides from the 70's, with a superb 60's soul mover. Pure New Orleans class on extra clean wax. Don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddieboyouaregoing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE DORSEY: Vista, Vista * AMY, VG++, drill hjole in lbl, 25.- Euro, sold Lee Dorsey's only Northern Soul dancer and what an underrated record this is. My last spare went to a big name DJ and be assured, that records of this calibre don't fly under the radar for too long. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leedorseyvista.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIAMOND JOE: The ABC Song / Look Way Back * DEESU, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Excellent, hard hitting Nola funky soul produced by Allen Touissant and Marshall Sehorn. Diamond Joe recorded some fabulous 60's side for Sansu records and is surely one of the most underrated vocalists from the the Big Easy. I'm down to my last copy of this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeabcsong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeelookway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FREDDY BUTLER: There Was A Time * KAPP, Promo, VG++, very close to M-, 25.- Euro Excellent Detroit 60's soul produced by the Pied Piper guys and written By Nick Ashford, Lorraine Chandler (who's real name was Ermastine Lewis) and Joe Hunter. Top side is M- and the flip is VG++. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/freddybutlertherewas.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOUNG HEARTS: Get Yourself Together / Oh, I'll Never Be The Same * MINIT, M-, 25.- Euro Simply awesome 60's group harmony dancer backed up by a mighhty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsgetyourself.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsohillnever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FLIRTATIONS: Nothing But A Heartache * DERAM, VG+, 25.- Euro Nice copy of this classic 60's dancer complete with it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/flirtationsnothingbut1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx VERNON GARRETT: Running Out / Slow And Easy * KENT, VG+, slight label damage, 25.- Euro, sold Action packed 60's dancer written by Nick Ashford and Valerie Simpson. As gopod as it gets and the flipside ain't too shabby either. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vernongarrettrunningout.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vernonhgarrettslowand.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TYRONE ST. GERMAN: In A World So Cold / Don't Cop No Attitude * MORNING DOVE, M-, 25.- Euro Two classy Oakland/California Modern Soul sides. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermaninaworld.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermandontcopno1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANN SEXTON: You're Losing Me * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 25.- Euro Funky, soulful and then some... If there is a perfect soul record, this surely comes close. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/annsextonyourelosing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. W. SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 25.- Euro Awesome west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY GLOVER: Your Spell * COLUMBIA promo, VG++, radio station stamp on lbl, stickewr on labels, 25.- Euro Overlooked major label Modern Soul / Boogie track, that ticks all the boxes. A nice bassline, great vocals and clubby production. One for the DJs with some imagination! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbygloveryourspell.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVA WHITNEY: It's My Thing / Ball Of Fire * KING VG to VG+, mild warp, plays Ex, 20.- Euro Make no mistakes, this is one of the greatest sister funk records ever recorded. The Isley Brother's song put on another level, a James Brown production of immense funkyness and a great soulful, desperate performance by Marva Whitney. Great soulful flipside on top. A must have record! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyitsmything1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvawhitneyballoffire.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JUNIOR & THE CLASSICS: Kill The Pain * MAGIC TOUCH, strong VG, drill hole in lbl, 20.- Euro James Brown styled funk 45 with extr desperate vocals. Record has some surface marks, but plays closer to VG+. A great DJ copy and priced accordingly. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/juniorandthekillthepain.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 20.- Euro Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A supern and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES CRAWFORD: Much Too Much * MERCURY, M-, 20.- Euro Great 60's James Brown production for James Crawford, who was a member of his revue for several years. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamescrawfordmuchtoomuch.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE CONTOURS: Just A Little Misunderstanding * GORDY, M-, drill hole in lbl, 20.- Euro, sold Simply superb Detroit 1966 dancer on Berry Gordy's Motown subsidiary. A furious slice of dance soul and a nice clean copy up for grabs! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/contoursalittlemisunder.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: After The Laughter * CHECKER, VG++, 20.- Euro, sold Great Chicago Northern Soul dancer with a banging Carl Davis production. Record has a tiny mark towards the end, that causes a few very light clicks and some mild label flaking. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlerafterthe1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE VIBRATIONS: Finding Out The Hard Way * OKEH, VG+, 20.- Euro, sold Beautiful Chicago midtempo 60's soul on the iconic Okeh label. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vibrationsfindingouthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE DELLS: Make Sure * CADET, M-, drill hole in lbl, 20.- Euro, sold One of the most soulful records ever pressed on wax. A haunting masterpiece and the lead voice of Marvin Junior on this must be one of the most powerful musical expressions in the world. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dellsmakesure.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BARBARA ACKLIN: Just Ain't No Love * BRUNSWICK, M-, 20.- Euro, promo sticker on label flipsisde, sold I'm always amazed how good these 60's Brunwick 45s sound. Carl Davis and Eugene Record created a unique sound, sophisticated and banging at the same time. Anyway, just a really great 60's dancer by Mrs. Acklin, a lady who failed to make a bad record. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaraacklinjustaintno.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY CHARLES: I Don't Need No Doctor, ABC, VG+, wol, 20.- Euro Classic 60's uptempo dancer that needs no introduction. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raycharlesidontneedno.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: But I Couldn't * ALON, VG+, 20.- Euro, sold Brassy New Orleans R&B tingled 60's mover with a piano player on fire. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperbutiocouldnt.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE METERS: Be My Lady * WARNER BROTHERS, VG++, 20.- Euro Who said the Meters could just play funky stuff? Here they are with a super soulful midtempo Modern Soul side taken from their "New Directions"-LP. A fantastic and very underrated sound, check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/metersbemylady.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SMOKEY JOHNSON: It Ain't My Fault * NOLA; VG++, 20.- Euro New Orleans session drummer Smokey Johnson on one of his two solo 45s for Nola records. I'm not aware of any other record, that features the Hi-Hat so much then this funky masterpiece. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smokeyjohnsonitaintmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MACEO & ALL THE KING'S MEN: Got To Getr'cha * HOUSE OF THE FOX, M-, 20.- Euro Extra clean copy of this early 70's funk bomb by James Brown's sax player Maceo Parker. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maceogottogetcha.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE JAMES: Her Mama Won't Leave Us Alone / Sad Sad Feeling * STARTOWN, M-, 15.- Euro Funky soul bomb form Chattanooga / Tennessee backed up by great deep soul ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejameshermama1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejamessadsad1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNIVERSAL MIND: Reach Out For Me * RED COACH, promo, strong VG, 15.- Euro Majestic 70's take on arguably one of the best Burt Bacharach / Hal David songs. Actually an interesting record as it marks the gap between the classic soul era and the disco boom of the late 70's. This record meanders inbetween both worlds and has a unique charm to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/universalmindreachout.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 15.- Euro Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PAUL "SIR RAGGEDY" FLAGG: Shoo Fly Pie / Papa-Momma-Romper-Stomper * ATLANTIC, M-, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro Two hard hitting 60's sides back to back on this tough to find Atlantic issue. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/paulflaggshooflypie.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/paaulflaggpapamomma.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BARBARA JEAN ENGLISH: Breakin' Up A Happy Home * ALITHIA; VG++, 15.- Euro, sold 1974 dancer produced by the great George Kerr. Stunning record andf another proof, that top quality doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbarajeanenglishstop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SAMMY DAVIS JR.: I Like The Way You Dance * UNITED ARTISTS, Made in Germany, VG+/VG+, sticker on label, 12.- Euro, sold Action packed 60's Mod Soul dancer from 1968 by Ratpack member Sammy Davis Jr. Complete with it's nice looking german only picture sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sammydavisiliketheway1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES RIVERS: Bird Brain / Tighten Up * EIGHT-BALL, M-, some ringwear on lbl, 12.- Euro, sold Two great instro dance sides from New Orleans. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesriversbirdbrain.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesriverstightenup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ESCORTS: Love Is Like A Dream * KNOCKOUT, M-, 12.- Euro A perfect 70's dance soul record with sweet vocals by the Escorts, a group formed by George Kerr while they were prison convicts in New Jersey's Rahway State Prison. This is their last relase from the early 80's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/escortsloveislike.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper than all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KIM WESTON: That's Groovy * MGM, VG+, drill hole in lbl, 10.- Euro, sold Groovy indeed! My favorite Kim Weston track; beautiful midtempo feelgood sound by an standout artist. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kimwestonthatsgroovy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MASQUERADERS: I Got It / I Ain't Got To Love Nobody Else * BELL, M-, drill hole in lbl, 10.- Euro Two great sides back to back - uptempo on the featured side, flip it over for a haunting, deep ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/masqueradersigotit12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/masqueradersiaintgottolove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HUTCH: Theme Of Foxy Brown * MOTOWN, VG to VG+, mild warp not affecting play, 10.- Euro Title song of the Blaxploitation flick "Foxy Brown" starring Pam Grier. Great funky soul by Willie Hutch and cool to have on the original 7". Flipside has a few more marks and plays with slight crackles, but igt's the great playing A-side you need this record for. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williehutchfoxybrown.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOUTH SHORE COMISSION: We're On The Right Track * WAND, M-, 10.- Euro, sold Tom Moulton mixed pre disco 70's mover, that ticks all the boxes. Just a great dancer and you will struggle to find a cleaner copy than this. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/southshorewereontheright.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Daylight * UNITED ARTISTS, promo, VG to VG+, wol, 10.- Euro, sold Incredible good 70's soul by the mighty Womack. Mild marks on vinyl, plays VG+ or better. Drop this at 5 in the morning when the sun goes up and see what's happening! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomackdaylight123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE IMPRESSIONS: Seven Years * CURTOM, VG++, 10.- Euro, sold Nice clean copy of this fabulous 70's soul dancer with some involvement by Donny Hathaway. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/impressionssevenyears.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JERRY BUTLER: Lost / You Don't Know What You Got Until You Lose It * MERCURY promo, VG++, 10.- Euro, sold Nice looking and even better sounding promo copy of this Chicago /Philadelphia cooperation. Former Impressions singer Jerry Butler teamed up with Gamble and Huff and so much talent in a recording studio resulted in two magnificient songs. The uptempo side "Lost" and the mindboggling ballad on the flip. Way rarer promo copy, the "Lost" side has a kind of pressing flaw in the run-out-grooves which keeps it from being Mint, both sides play flawlessly and 5 bucks for either side seems like a baragin to me. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jerrybutlerlost.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jerrybutleryoudontknow.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ORANGE SUNSHINE: Who's Cheating On Who * PRODIGAL, promo, M-, 10.- Euro Superb funky cheapo produced by Don Boddie of Boddie records fame. So much better then it's price tag and a proof, that record collecting doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/orangesunshinewhoscheating.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TED TAYLOR: Something Strange Is Goin' On In My House * RONN, VG+, 10.- Euro,sold Excellent crossover soul by quirky voiced Ted Taylor and my favourite side by him by a country mile. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tedtaylorsomethingstrange.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BLAND: Good Time Charlie * DUKE, M-, wol, 10.- Euro, sold Uptempo 60's raw soul for the dancefloor by the incomparable Bobby Bland. Every bloody reissue sets you back to more money and it's beyond me, why anybody spends his hard earned dosh on represses, when quality records like this are available for less. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyblandgoodtime.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY SHIELDS: I Was A Boy When You Needed A Man * HARBOUR, M-, drill hole in label, 10.- Euro Melodic midtempo crossover soul for next to nothing. Nice record, great value! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyshieldsiwasaboy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MOMENTS: Nine Times * STANG, M-, 10.- Euro Uplifting slice of 70's dance soul for the price of a London pint. What's not to like? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/momentsninetimess.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE OTHER BOTHERS: Precious Memories * RENAISSANCE "76", M-, 10.- Euro Charming Detroit 70's soul. The basic track is recorded in Mono and the synths and the vocals are in Stereo - a weird but wonderful recording technique. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/otherbrosprecious.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAISUN: I Fall In Love Everyday * JETT SETT, M-, 10.- Euro Extra clean copy of this uplifting slice of 70's dance soul. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jaisunifallinloveevery.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LENNY WILLIAMS: Shoo Doo Fu Fu Ohh! * ABC, M-, 8.- Euro Extra clean copy of this feel good 70's dancer with a fake live audience. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lennywilliamsshgoodoodfoo.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILL HATCHER: What Is Best For Me Is Better For You * WAND, M-, 8.- Euro, sold Stunning mintish copy of this midtempo Detroit masterpiece from 1975. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willhatcherwhatsbesst.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE IMPRESSIONS: Sooner Or Later * CURTOM, VG++, 8.- Euro, sold The post Curtis Mayfield Impressions with an awesome slice of 70's midtempo soul. Way better than 99% of all big ticket items, check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/impressionssoonerorlater.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LOLEATTA HOLLOWAY: Cry To Me * AWARE, M-, 8.- Euro, sold Sam Dees penned deep soul ballad and surely one of the most soulful records out there. I can't think of a better record to close this list. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/loleattacrytome.mp3
  10. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MASTER FORCE: Hey Girl / Don't Fight The Feeling * RAIN FORREST, M-, 1000.- Euro, on hold A 70's dance soul masterpiece with two sublime sides back to back. No salestalk needed for a record of this calibre. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/masterforceheygirl1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/masterforcedontfightthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE TOPICS: Booking Up / Giving Up * MERCURY, M-, 1000.- Euro, on hold For many long time soul collectors the finest 70's soul 45 ever recorded and who am I to disagree? Sophisticated midtempo group soul by the fantastic Topics, who recorded a string of mindblowing records between 1966 and 1987 for Carnival, Noodles and other labels and released a legendary LP on the tax scam label TSG owned by Lloyd Price. Anyway, a clean copy of a true masterpiece and the flipside (the actual A-side) should get some attention too as it's a brilliant sweet soul number. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/topicsbookingup.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/topicsgivingup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx REACHERS: I Just Want To Do My Own Thing * MAGIC DISC, M-, 600.- Euro, on hold Uptempo Modern Soul for the dancefloor and a record, that rarely comes to market. Check the soundfile and get blown away... soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/reachersijustwantto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOMEGROWN SYNDROME: Confrontation * ARISTA, promo, M-, mild warp, nap, light stains on label, 300.- Euro, sold A 1981 club banger of immense proportions. Call it Modern Soul, call it Boogie, call it what you want - as soon as the needle hits the groove you will have a full dancefloor. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/homegrownsyndrome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE REGENTS: What'Cha Gonna Do / I Tried With You * MAD, strong VG, 250.- Euro Widely unknown Northern Soul double sider with a nice and catchy garage feel to it. Two good sides back to back! Mild surface marks on vinyl, that most dealers would grade VG+. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/regentswhatcha.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/regentsitriedwithyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ODIA COATES: Make It Up To Me Baby * BUDDAH, promo, VG+, some ringwear on lbl, 200.- Euro, sold One of the finest 70's soul records on the iconic Buddah label, home of so many great soul sounds from the 70's. A perfect record for all these sunday sessions, soulful, perfectly produced and a song to get on your knees for. Playing surface has mild marks and plays great. Check the soundbyte before placing an order! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/odiacoatesmakeitup.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE WILSON: Because Of You * BRUNSWICK, VG, 125.- Euro Great playing VG copy of this massive Northern Soul sound from the early 70's. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackiewilsonbecauseof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PRECISIONS: Treason / Me And My Gal * Reissue from an acetate, VG++, 100.- Euro A few years back Eli "Paperboy" Reed pressed 40 copies of one of his acetates and gave it away to friends and sold a handful via facebook. So, what you see here is an unreleased slice of 60's dance soul, that only exists as an original acetate and in very limited numbers on this great sounding reissue. Not sure, if these are the Detroit Precisions, they don't sound motorcity-like to my ears, but whoever this is, it's mindblowing good 60's dance soul. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionstreason.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/precisionsmeandmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FOUR WONDERS: Just Looking For My Love * SOLID FOUNDATION, M-, wol, 75.- Euro, sold Cleveland Ohio midtempo soul harmony record, that ticks all the boxes. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fourwondersjustlookingfor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE WHATNAUTS: Help Is On The Way * HARLEM INTERNATIONAL, VG++, 75.- Euro Modern Soul Boogie dancer from the top shelf and a record, that never fails to get the dancers up. A catchy and tight call to the dancefloor by the mighty Whatnauts after they left Sylvia Robinson's All Platinum group. Some very light surface marks, that do not affect play. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/whatnautshelpisonthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CYRIL NEVILLE: Gossip * JOSIE, VG, 75.- Euro Hard hitting Nola Funk by Cyril Neville. Essential 45 if you like your records sweaty, funky and raw. Vinyl has some surface marks but plays loud and proud. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cyrilnevillegossdip.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ELECTRIFYING CASHMERES: What Does It Take (To Win Your Love) / Ooh, I Love You * SOUND STAGE 7, VG-, 60.- Euro The best version of "What Does It Take" by a country mile. Yes, there are other good ones by Motherlode, Jr. Walker etc., but this beats the shit out of them. Smooth catchy midtempo soul with slick vocals and an arrangement to die for. Flip it over for a superb and overlooked slice of sweet lowrider soul. This copy is slightly wounded with a couple of marks on the playing surface, but plays surprisingly well and it goes without saying, that it's priced accordingly to it's slightly used condition. You need a copy to DJ? Here you go... soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/electrifyingcashmereswhatdoes.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eleictrifyingcashmeresooohi.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE KENDRICKS: Date With The Rain * MOTOWN, Made in Germany, Vinyl: VG+ / Sleeve: VG+, with some writings on it, 60.- Euro Hard to find german picture sleeve issue of this massive 70's soul spin by the falsetto voice of the Temptation, the great Eddie Kendricks. What a fantastic record this is... Vinyl has some strange looking marks on it, but plays absolutely flawless. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiekendricksdatewiththe1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOSES DILLARD & THE TEX TOWN DISPLAY: I've Got To Find A Way * CURTOM, VG++, 60.- Euro One of the tougher pulls on Curtom and a great one too. Funky mid- to downtempo beats coupled with some excellent guitar work and superb vocals by Moses Dillard, who was originally from South Carolina and was also one part of Moses & Dillard, who recorded the Modern Soul anthem "Here We Go, Loving Again" along with handfull of other highly collectable 45s for Shout, Mala and 123. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mosesdillardivegottofind1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY BARRETTO: Soul Drummers / Mercy, Mercy Baby * FANIA, VG, 60.- Euro, sold Two mindblowing big apple Latin Soul sides for the dancefloor. Vinyl has light marks, but plays without any major issues. Check the soundfiles before placing an order. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raybarettosouldrum.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raybarettomercy12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DORIS DUKE: Woman Of The Ghetto * SAM, M-, 50.- Euro, sold Extra clean copy of this monster funky 70's soul sound. Most of you will be familiar with Marlena Shaw's original version, as good as it is, but I think Doris Duke nailed it compared to Marlena. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dorisdukewomanofthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE TEE: Sweet Thing / Man That I Am * GATUR, VG, H2O damaged labels, 50.- Euro, sold Awesome funky soul by New Orleans legend Willie Tee on his own Gatur label. This is the misspelled version, credited to "Willie Lee". Hurricane Kathrina did some damage to the labels, amd a few crackles during playback, but still a great play out copy. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteesweetthing12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteemanthatiam12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NO NO STARR: Swing Your Love My Way / Pull Yourself Together * MIDAS, VG++, some pressing bubbles nap, 50.- Euro, sold Proper Chicago Northern Soul backed up by an equally great crossover winner. Vinyl has some small pressing bubbles, not affecting play. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/nonostarrswingyour.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/nonostarrpullyourself.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BETTY HARRIS: Ride Your Pony / Trouble With My Lover * SANSU, VG+, drill hole in lbl, 50.- Euro, sold Mindblowing Nola two sider produced by Marshall Seehorn and Allen Toussaint. "Ride Your Pony" is a classic form the Crescent City, but this version tops all the others - action packed and hard hitting. Flip it over for an awesome production with a phased out bassline setting the tone for an incredible midtempo groove. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettyharrisrideyour.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettyharristroublewith.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHET McDOWELL: I Guess You Don't Know (The Golden Rule) * DART, VG++, 50.- Euro Semi known 60's dancer and a sound for the rare and underplayed room. Way better then it's till rather low price tag. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chetmcdowelliguessyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ONCOMING TIMES: If You Had my Love / What Is Life Without Love * DUO, VG++, 40.- Euro Two might fine sides arranged by the great Donny Hathaway. Top side provides a catchyand melodic girlie dancer and the ballad flip ain't too shabby either. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oncmingtimesifyouhadmy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oncomingtimeswhatislife.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE ANDREWS AND THE HEARTS: Quiet As It Kept / You're Taking A Long Time Coming Back * RCA VICTOR, Promo, VG+, 40.- Euro Doo Wop veterans Lee Andrews with his Hearts provide a great latin influenced dancer on the top side. Flipside goes into slow group soul territory and is very nice on it's own. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leeandrewsquietasitskept.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leeandrewsyouretaking.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARK MURPHY: Why Don't You Do Right? * RIVERSIDE, VG+, 40.- Euro Mod Jazz dancer from the top shelf and the best version of this beloved Joe McCoy tune. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/markmurphywhydontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALVIN THOMAS: The Hesitation * GREAT SOUTHERN, VG+, mild warp nap, 40.- Euro Scarce New Orleans funk with more vibes then a anybody can stand. Simply awesome instrumental sound, that sticks all the right boxes. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/alvinthomasthehesitation1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE JONESES: Who Loves You * EPIC, promo, VG+, 40.- Euro, sold Bobby Eli produced 70's Philly masterpiece, nothing less then an immense soulful 70's floater. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joneseswholovesyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx COKE ESCOVEDO: Make It Sweet * MERCURY, M-, "x" on lbl, 40.- Euro, sold Nice and clean copy of this stunning funky 70's soul dancer. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cokeescovedomakeit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BETA BIZARRE BOOGIE BAND: Chattahoochee Chugalug * RAFTER, M- / M-, 40.- Euro Super cool Budweiser promotion record with a killer disco boogie side. Super clean copy, that comes complete with it's picture sleeve. The flipside of this indeed bizarre release is country. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/betabizarreboogie.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WOMACK: Tired And Convicted * MINIT, M-, 35.- Euro In my humble opinion Bobby Womack's finest recording. Midtempo crossover magic produced in Memphis by Chips Moman. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywomacktiredand1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BARBARA MASON: I'm No Good For You / Don't Ever Go Away * ARCTIC, promo, VG+/VG, 35.- Euro Fantastic Philly 60's ballad by the incomparable Barbara Mason. Such a good song and such a great performance by her. Flipside ain't too shabby either. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaramasonimnogood.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbaramasondontevergo.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: A Certain Girl / I Don't Need You Anymore * TOU-SEA, promo, storage warp, not affecting play, M-, 35.- Euro Stone mint promo of this mindblowing New Orleans double header and Nola vinyl after Kathrina in great condition is so hard to find. Topside is written by Naomi Neville and has been recorded by Ernie K-Doe as well, but Willie Haper's cut has the guts. Flip it over for a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperacertaingirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperidontneed1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOUSTON: I Can't Go Wrong / That's How Much * CAPITOL, Made in France, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 30.- Euro Fantastic slice of funky R&B on a beautiful looking french artsleeve issue. Top side is an underrated 60's club soul banger, that sounds ace played out loud. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul ballad (the actual A-side of this record, but this record will most likely sell for the dance side) soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonicantgowrong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonthatshowmuch1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHNNY SCOTT: Hide & See k With Me * PORTRA, M-, 30.- Euro Cool Memphis 60's soul double sider. One side for the dancefloor, flip it over for a great down- to midtempo groove. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscotthideandseek.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnnyscottwontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx J.B. TROY: Ain't It The Truth * MUSICOR, VG to VG+, drill hole in label, 30.- Euro Uptempo 60's soul mover written by James Bailey, former member of the Doo-Wop group the Cadillas and later a succesfuk songwriter for the likes of Isaac Hayes, Main Ingredient and many more. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jbtroyaintitthetruth1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELDRIDGE HOLMES: The Book / No Substitute * DEESU, VG+, 30.- Euro Another Marshall Sehorn and Allen Toussaint production from the Crescent City. Uptempo funky soul on the featured side and deep and slow magic on the flip. Such a good record! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eldridgeholmesthebook.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eldridgeholmessubstitute.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARIE FRANKLIN: Bad Bad Woman * WESTBOUND, promo, wol, M-, 30.- Euro Sister Funk banger on Detroit's legendary Westbound imprint. Heavy writings on Mono side, clean labels on the Stereo side. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mariefranklinbadbad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMY DOTSON: Heartbreak Avenue * MERCURY promo, VG+, 30.- Euro Excellent, heart wrenching deep soul ballad and pretty hard to find on a yellow demo. A few mikld ticks on the first rotations, plays clean afterwards. Priced accordingly. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmydotsonheartbreak.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY CRUMLEY: All The Way In Love With You * ALARM, M-, 30.- Euro If quality would be the indication for the price of a record, this baby here would fly out for three figures easily. Ray Crumley was the lead singer for the Solid Gold Revue, who recorded an incredible rare and great LP and he had 3 releases on Alarm records, that are all worth checking out. This is pure dancefloor dynamite, that got ignored by all major jocks for reasons unknown to me. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raycrumleyallthewayin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FATBACK BROTHER BILL CURTIS: Dance Girl * PERCEPTION, promo, VG++, 30.- Euro, sold Hot sizzling funky 45 with the Fatback Band in full swing. One of my all time favorites when it comes to funk 45s and it's affordable too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fatbackbrotherdancing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANGELA DAVIS & REUBIN FISHER: Time Don't Wait On No One * FLAMING ARROW, M-, 30.- Euro Semi known Detroit crossover goodie on Eugene Davis Flaming Arrow output. And yes, this is the same Angela Davis, who recorded the floorfiller "My Love Is So Strong", her duet partner Reubin Fisher remains a mystery though, I couldn't find out anything about him, except singing on this little gem here. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/angeladavistimewaits.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SONJA GRIER: Right Here, Right Now * SPIRIT, M-, 30.- Euro, on hold Uplifting piece of Modern Soul from 2002. Long out of print and a fantastic slice of dance soul. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sonjagrierrighthere.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, M-, mild dish warp not affecting play at all, 30.- Euro Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY JENKINS: Mr. Naylor * FLAMBO, M-, 30.- Euro A lengthy intro leads you stright to a nice soulful bayou funk track. Great record and pretty obscure too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyjenkinsmrnaylor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELLOIT SMALL: Girls Are Made For Loving * NEW SOUND, VG+, warped plays through with no problems, 30.- Euro Half price on this rare local first release before Bang took over for national distribution. Record is mildly warped, but plays without extra tracking on both of my turntables. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Elloitsmallgirlsaremade.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CORDELLS: You Do A Thing To My Mind * STEEL TOWN SOUND, INC., strong VG, near VG+, mild label damage, 30.- Euro Frantic 60's uptempo dancer on a tiny Pittsburgh label. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cordellsyoudoathing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ARTIE CHRISTOPHER: My Baby's Crying / Don't Try It Again * 5-HIGH, VG+, 30.- Euro A fantastic deep soul record with an equally great uptempo cut on the flip. Let's hear what sir shambling has to say about this record: "Although he recorded a few 45s under the name “Artie Christopher” I’m 99% sure that this is really Johnny Christopher, the guitarist/songwriter who is best known in soul circles for his work with Chips Moman at his American Studio in Memphis. Christopher’s musical credits are both lengthy and impressive but I want to concentrate here on the soul side of his personality. His initial single under his nom-de-disque included the superb deep soul ballad "My Baby's Crying". This has all the ingredients that I love in this genre – some simple gospel chord changes, fine organ/piano accompaniment, a gently cooing chorus and some rich horns. On top of which “Artie” does a really bang-up job of expressing the emotional angst of his own lyric. Was this cut in Nashville? Or Atlanta – where Johnny came from? I don’t know. The flip – and both sides of the second Atlantic 45 were certainly cut at American." soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristophermybabyscry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristopherdonttry.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIAMOND JOE: The ABC Song / Look Way Back * DEESU, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Excellent, hard hitting Nola funky soul produced by Allen Touissant and Marshall Sehorn. Diamond Joe recorded some fabulous 60's side for Sansu records and is surely one of the most underrated vocalists from the the Big Easy. I'm down to my last copy of this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeabcsong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeelookway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOUNG HEARTS: Get Yourself Together / Oh, I'll Never Be The Same * MINIT, M-, 25.- Euro Simply awesome 60's group harmony dancer backed up by a mighhty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsgetyourself.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/youngheartsohillnever.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B. W: SOULS: Marvins Groove * ROUND, M-, 25.- Euro Awesome west coast funk with a slick groove and some incredible open drum breaks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bwsoulsmarvins.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JUNIOR & THE CLASSICS: Kill The Pain * MAGIC TOUCH, strong VG, drill hole in lbl, 20.- Euro James Brown styled funk 45 with extr desperate vocals. Record has some surface marks, but plays closer to VG+. A great DJ copy and priced accordingly. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/juniorandthekillthepain.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES DUNCAN: You've Gotta Be Strong / All Goodbyes Ain't Gone * FEDERAL, M-, 20.- Euro Banging raw funk on the top side and a nice little shuffler on the flip. A supern and very underrated 45 in my book and still on the affordable side of things. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanyouvegottabe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesduncanallgodbyes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES CRAWFORD: Much Too Much * MERCURY, M-, 20.- Euro Great 60's James Brown production for James Crawford, who was a member of his revue for several years. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamescrawfordmuchtoomuch.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMY NORMAN: This I Beg Of You * SAMAR, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Clean copy of this great Northern Soul dancer from Rochester New York. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmynormanthisibegof1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE HARPER: But I Couldn't * ALON, VG+, 20.- Euro Brassy New Orleans R&B tingled 60's mover with a piano player on fire. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieharperbutiocouldnt.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE METERS: Be My Lady * WARNER BROTHERS, VG++, 20.- Euro Who said the Meters could just play funky stuff? Here they are with a super soulful midtempo Modern Soul side taken from their "New Directions"-LP. A fantastic and very underrated sound, check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/metersbemylady.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PROFESSOR LONGHAIR: Big Chief * WATCH, strong VG, 20.- Euro, sold A rolling piano riff, some horn stabs and a tight funky drummer, that's all you need to get the party started. If someone asks me to epitomizes the sound of New Orleans, I would chose this funky little oddity by Nola legend Professor Longhair. Vinyl has a strange looking mark on side 1, that doesn't sound at all. Playgrade is closer to excellent. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/proflongharirbigchief.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SMOKEY JOHNSON: It Ain't My Fault * NOLA; VG++, 20.- Euro New Orleans session drummer Smokey Johnson on one of his two solo 45s for Nola records. I'm not aware of any other record, that features the Hi-Hat so much then this funky masterpiece. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smokeyjohnsonitaintmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FAMILY CIRCLE: I Hope You Really Love Me * SKY DISC, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Extra clean copy of this amazing soul harmony midtempo mover. One of the best records you can buy with a limited budget. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/familycircleihopeyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALVIN THOMAS: The Roach * GREAT SOUTHERN, VG+, 20.- Euro, sold Atmospheric Nola funk by flute and saxophone player Alvin Thomas, wo recorded two collectable records for the local Great Southern output. (Both are on this list) soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/alvinthomastheroach1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MACEO & ALL THE KING'S MEN: Got To Getr'cha * HOUSE OF THE FOX, M-, 20.- Euro Extra clean copy of this early 70's funk bomb by James Brown's sax player Maceo Parker. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/maceogottogetcha.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BARBARA JEAN ENGLISH: Comin' Or Goin' * ALITHIA, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Superb George Kerr produced slice of Crossover Soul. A great record and another proof, that quality doesn't start at 3-figure price tag. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/barbarajeanenglishcomin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JEFREE: Mr. Fix-It * MCA; VG++, 15.- Euro, sold Affordable 70's dancer in super nice nick. This is of course Jeff Perry under his alias Jefree. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jefreemrfixit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE JAMES: Her Mama Won't Leave Us Alone / Sad Sad Feeling * STARTOWN, M-, 15.- Euro Funky soul bomb form Chattanooga / Tennessee backed up by great deep soul ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejameshermama1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejamessadsad1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARGIE JOSEPH: Ridin' High * ATLANTIC, VG++, 15.- Euro, on hold Maybe the most underrated record by Margie Joseph. TRhis is nothimg less then a great 70's midtempo gem with sensual lyrics a fantastic production and it's soulful to the max. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/margiejosephridinhigh.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, M-, 15.- Euro Super nice 670's soul dancer by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnutto12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SAMMY DAVIS JR.: I Like The Way You Dance * UNITED ARTISTS, Made in Germany, VG+/VG+, sticker on label, 12.- Euro Action packed 60's Mod Soul dancer from 1968 by Ratpack member Sammy Davis Jr. Complete with it's nice looking german only picture sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sammydavisiliketheway1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PARLIAMENTS: Time / Good Old Music * REVILOT, VG+, 10.- Euro, on hold Two awesome Detroit 60's sides back to back by George Clinton and the gang. Featured side offers a great 60's shuffler, flip it over for superb psychedelic funk; a prophecy of things to come when Clinton formed Funkadelic a few years later. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/parliamnetstime.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/parliamentsgoodoldmusic.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper than all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KIM WESTON: Detroit * RAHKIM, M-, 10.- Euro, on hold Ex-Motown-Diva Kim Weston with a declaration of love for her hometown Detroit and it's a superb 70's dancer as well. No surprise as Ronnie McNeir was involved in this independent production form 1975. Get down to the sound of the Motor City, home of more great music then you can throw a stick at. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kimwestondetroit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE IMPRESSIONS: Seven Years * CURTOM, VG++, 10.- Euro Nice clean copy of this fabulous 70's soul dancer with some involvement by Donny Hathaway. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/impressionssevenyears.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CATHY DAVIS: Come Back Home * TWELVE O'CLOCK, M-, 10.- Euro, sold soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cathydaviscomeback.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOSANNA: Hipit * CALLA; M-, 12.- Euro, sold Superb pre-disco groover with a catchy bassline, a touch of wah-wah and mighty fine vocals. Played as a new release on the Northern Soul scene. Nice and shiny, super clean copy here, don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hosannahipit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JANICE: I Told You So * FANTASY, M-, 10.- Euro, sold Actually, my favorite of the cheapos on the list; uplifting slice of 70's dance soul and something I would love to hear blasting out of club speakers. Super clean copy too! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/janiceitoldyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ORANGE SUNSHINE: Who's Cheating On Who * PRODIGAL, promo, M-, 10.- Euro Superb funky cheapo produced by Don Boddie of Boddie records fame. So much better then it's price tag and a proof, that record collecting doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/orangesunshinewhoscheating.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE OTHER BOTHERS: Precious Memories * RENAISSANCE "76", M-, 10.- Euro Charming Detroit 70's soul. The basic track is recorded in Mono and the synths and the vocals are in Stereo - a weird but wonderful recording technique. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/otherbrosprecious.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOPHISTICATED LADIES: Check It Out * MAYHEW, M-, 10.- Euro, sold Femme cover of a Bobby Womack classic and the ladies indeed did an sophisticated job on Womack's song. Another quality cheapo, don't sleep on this! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sophisticatedlöadiescheckit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAISUN: I Fall In Love Everyday * JETT SETT, M-, 10.- Euro Extra clean copy of this uplifting slice of 70's dance soul. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jaisunifallinloveevery.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOUTH SHORE COMISSION: We're On The Right Track * WAND, M-, 10.- Euro Tom Moulton mixed pre disco 70's mover, that ticks all the boxes. Just a great dancer and you will struggle to find a cleaner copy than this. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/southshorewereontheright.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHERYL LYNN: Got To Be Real * COLUMBIA, promo, M-, 8.- Euro, wol, on hold The mother of all soulful 80's club records with a bassline tighter than a hangmans's knot. Yes, only 8.- Euro, you can thank me later. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ceryllynntobereal1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  11. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOUTHERN COMFORT & FRIENDS: It's In My Letter * SUN CITY, VG+, 1800.- Euro Driving uptempo Modern Soul and a record, that never really reached a wider audience. Probably due to it's rarity with less than 10 copies in collectors hands. It popped up lately on some playlists by the likes of Butch and Mr. Fish. This is a spare copy and I would never give away my mine. A few light marks on vinyl, that doesn't affect play. Trades are welcome on this... soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/southerncomfortitsinmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE REGENTS: What'Cha Gonna Do / I Tried With You * MAD, strong VG, 250.- Euro Widely unknown Northern Soul double sider with a nice and catchy garage feel to it. Two good sides back to back! Mild surface marks on vinyl, that most dealers would grade VG+. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/regentswhatcha.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/regentsitriedwithyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MONROE TAYLOR: Proud Guy / Monkey Jerk * CHESAPEAKE, M-, 80.- Euro, sold Two great 60's dance sides back to back. Nice clean issue copy, that never needs an upgrade. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/monroetaylorproudguy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/monroetaylormonkeyjerk.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MAMIE BRADLEY: I Feel Like A Million / The Patty Cake * SUE, VG to VG+, mild warp nap, 75.- Euro, on hold R&B Northern Soul rarity, recorded in the late 50's and sounding way ahead of it's time. I'm not a big R&B fan, but I really like this one. Flipside is quality as well. Record has a mild warp and surface marks, but plays like a champ and I believe I priced it accordingly - a minter would easily fetch 150! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mamiebradleyiffellike.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mamiebradleythepatty.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: There Was A Time * BRUNSWICK, VG+, 50.- Euro Great funky edged soul dancer by Chicago's native Gene Chandler. Action packed 3 and a half minutes for the DJs out there. Vinyl has mild surface marks and plays without any issues. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlertherewasatime.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHARLES GRAY with LES WATSON AND THE PANTHERS: Don't Do It / I Found A Love * VILLAGE, VG, wol, 50.- Euro Rocking early soul from Dallas / Texas and the very first single by local show and soul band Les Watson & The Panthers. Flipside offers a nice take on the Falcons classic "I Found A Love". A hard to find record and a piece of Texas Soul history. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlesgreydontdoit.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlesgrayifound.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE PAZANT BROTHERS: Work Song / Juicy Lucy * GWP, promo, VG+, small label tear on flip, 40.- Euro, on hold This record could not have recorded somewhere else then New Orleans. Sophisticated chaos defines what happens here with a second line beat and honking horns - I guess the musicians had a lot of fun in the studio when recording this. I adore records like this and you should too! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pazantbrosworksong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pazantbrosjuicy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUADE: Open Up Your Mind (To My Mind) * RED LINE, VG-, wol, 40.- Euro Detroit 70's midtempo rarity, lurking into sweet soul category. The record plays slightly crackly during the first few bars, but clears up nicely. Great and rare record with some legendary names on the production and songwriting side.. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/suaveopenupyour.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ONCOMING TIMES: If You Had my Love / What Is Life Without Love * DUO, VG++, 40.- Euro Two might fine sides arranged by the great Donny Hathaway. Top side provides a catchyand melodic girlie dancer and the ballad flip ain't too shabby either. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oncmingtimesifyouhadmy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/oncomingtimeswhatislife.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE ANDREWS AND THE HEARTS: Quiet As It Kept / You're Taking A Long Time Coming Back * RCA VICTOR, Promo, VG+, 40.- Euro Doo Wop veterans Lee Andrews with his Hearts provide a great latin influenced dancer on the top side. Flipside goes into slow group soul territory and is very nice on it's own. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leeandrewsquietasitskept.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leeandrewsyouretaking.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE OHIO PLAYERS: You Don't Mean It / Trespassin' * COMPASS, VG+, 40.- Euro The original version of "You Don't Mean It" from 1967, that found fame on the Northern scene by Towanda Barnes' performance on A&M. The flipside was covered by the Skullsnaps for their legendary LP on GSF. Light marks on vinyl and the whole thing plays excellent! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ohioplayersyoudontmean.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ohioplayerstrespassing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARK MURPHY: Why Don't You Do Right? * RIVERSIDE, VG+, 40.- Euro Mod Jazz dancer from the top shelf and the best version of this beloved Joe McCoy tune. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/markmurphywhydontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx COKE ESCOVEDO: Make It Sweet * MERCURY, M-, "x" on lbl, 40.- Euro Nice and clean copy of this stunning funky 70's soul dancer. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cokeescovedomakeit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOUSTON: I Can't Go Wrong / That's How Much * CAPITOL, Made in France, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 30.- Euro Fantastic slice of funky R&B on a beautiful looking french artsleeve issue. Top side is an underrated 60's club soul banger, that sounds ace played out loud. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul ballad (the actual A-side of this record, but this record will most likely sell for the dance side) soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonicantgowrong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonthatshowmuch1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx N. F. PORTER: Keep On Keeping On * LIZARD, VG+, 30.- Euro, on hold Northern Soul classic by N.F. (Nolan) Porter in immaculate shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/nfporterkeeepon.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx J.B. TROY: Ain't It The Truth * MUSICOR, VG to VG+, drill hole in label, 30.- Euro Uptempo 60's soul mover written by James Bailey, former member of the Doo-Wop group the Cadillas and later a succesfuk songwriter for the likes of Isaac Hayes, Main Ingredient and many more. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jbtroyaintitthetruth1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARIE FRANKLIN: Bad Bad Woman * WESTBOUND, promo, wol, M-, 30.- Euro Sister Funk banger on Detroit's legendary Westbound imprint. Heavy writings on Mono side, clean labels on the Stereo side. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mariefranklinbadbad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY CRUMLEY: All The Way In Love With You * ALARM, M-, 35.- Euro If quality would be the indication for the price of a record, this baby here would fly out for three figures easily. Ray Crumley was the lead singer for the Solid Gold Revue, who recorded an incredible rare and great LP and he had 3 releases on Alarm records, that are all worth checking out. This is pure dancefloor dynamite, that got ignored by all major jocks for reasons unknown to me. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raycrumleyallthewayin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FREDDIE WILSON: What Would It Be Like * GRANDVILLE, M-, 30.- Euro Albany/Georgia funky banger from 1972, co-written by Jesse Boone, who recorded some remarkable 45s on Soul-Po-Tion and Albradella records. Super dancefloor filling funky soul with some soulful hollering by Mr. Wilson. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/freddiewilsonwhatwoulditbe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANGELA DAVIS & REUBIN FISHER: Time Don't Wait On No One * FLAMING ARROW, M-, 30.- Euro Semi known Detroit crossover goodie on Eugene Davis Flaming Arrow output. And yes, this is the same Angela Davis, who recorded the floorfiller "My Love Is So Strong", her duet partner Reubin Fisher remains a mystery though, I couldn't find out anything about him, except singing on this little gem here. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/angeladavistimewaits.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELLOIT SMALL: Girls Are Made For Loving * NEW SOUND, VG+, warped plays through with no problems, 30.- Euro Half price on this rare local first release before Bang took over for national distribution. Record is mildly warped, but plays without extra tracking on both of my turntables. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Elloitsmallgirlsaremade.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CORDELLS: You Do A Thing To My Mind * STEEL TOWN SOUND, INC., strong VG, near VG+, mild label damage, 30.- Euro Frantic 60's uptempo dancer on a tiny Pittsburgh label. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cordellsyoudoathing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ARTIE CHRISTOPHER: My Baby's Crying / Don't Try It Again * 5-HIGH, VG+, 30.- Euro A fantastic deep soul record with an equally great uptempo cut on the flip. Let's hear what sir shambling has to say about this record: "Although he recorded a few 45s under the name “Artie Christopher” I’m 99% sure that this is really Johnny Christopher, the guitarist/songwriter who is best known in soul circles for his work with Chips Moman at his American Studio in Memphis. Christopher’s musical credits are both lengthy and impressive but I want to concentrate here on the soul side of his personality. His initial single under his nom-de-disque included the superb deep soul ballad "My Baby's Crying". This has all the ingredients that I love in this genre – some simple gospel chord changes, fine organ/piano accompaniment, a gently cooing chorus and some rich horns. On top of which “Artie” does a really bang-up job of expressing the emotional angst of his own lyric. Was this cut in Nashville? Or Atlanta – where Johnny came from? I don’t know. The flip – and both sides of the second Atlantic 45 were certainly cut at American." soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristophermybabyscry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristopherdonttry.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WOOD BRASS AND STEEL: Hey What's That You Say / A Love Of My Own * ASTROSCOPE, M-, mild warp not affecting play, 30.- Euro Another original, that the Skull Snaps covered for their legendary GSF LP. "Hey What's That You Say" is the same song as the funk breakbeat classic "It's A New Day. A great slab of funky soul on a subsidiary of All Platinum and not the easiest record to find. Flip it over for a great ballad, way better then some of the big ticket items, that sweet soul collectors throw money at. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/woodbrassheywhats.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/woodbrassaloveofmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CYMANDE: The Message * JANUS, VG++, 25.- Euro A fantastic funk 45 by this London based Band, that formed in 1971. Members of Cymande came from Jamaica, Guyana and St. Vincent and they played a mixture of Funk, Reggae, Soul and African Rhythms. This 45 was taken from their debut LP from 1972 and sold quite well in the USA. Simply a great funky record and so nice to have this on 45! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cymandemessage.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RICHARD RUSSELL: No Body Can Stop Me / Wish You Were Here * KASHE, M-, 25.- Euro One of only four releases on New York's Kashe label. Richard Russell was a Cleveland / Ohio native and recorded a handful 45s for different companies. One side uptempo and one side very nice deep soul on this record. Clean vinyl, that plays with slight surface noise due to a mediocre pressing. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/richardrussellnobody.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/richardrussellwishyouwere.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STARFIRE: Don't Come Back / Almost Insane * DYNAMIC ARTISTS, VG+, label tear, 20.- Euro Great boogie funk out of Richmond /Virginia with an ice slow jam on the flip. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfiredontcomeback.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/starfirealmostinsane.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIAMOND JOE: The ABC Song / Look Way Back * DEESU, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Excellent, hard hitting Nola funky soul produced by Allen Touissant and Marshall Sehorn. Diamond Joe recorded some fabulous 60's side for Sansu records and is surely one of the most underrated vocalists from the the Big Easy. I'm down to my last copy of this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeabcsong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeelookway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JESSE JOHNSON: Kickin' The Habit / Down The Line * TURF, M-, 25.- Euro Great funky soul by a Los Angeles based group and a record, that never really took off and remained cheap. Flipside is a great jazzy funk jam credited to Johnson's band the Chocolate Fudge Express. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jessejohnsonkickin.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chocolatefudgedowntheline.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LOU JOHNSON: Magic Potion / Reach Out For Me * BIG HILL, M-, wol, 25.- Euro Two great Burt Bacharach/Hal David compositions; one uptempo and one magical midtempo. Lou Johnson definitely was the second best performer of Bacharach songs, closely after Dionne Warwick. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/loujohnsonmagicpotion12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/loujohnsonreachoutfor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DAMARIS: What About My Love * COLUMBIA; promo, M-, 20.- Euro Classy take on Johnnie Taylor's immortal "What About My Love" by singer Damaris Carbaugh, who released one LP in the eraly 80's and then turned to gospel. This is punchier and more dancefloor friendly then Johnny Taylor's original and she sure was a great singer! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/damariswhataboutmy1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAY DEE: Strange Funky Games And Things * WARNER BROTHERS, Made in Germany, M- / M- condition, 20.- Euro A rare groove classic on a nice looking german art sleeve issue. Produced by Barry White to perfection and this is on thick and great sounding vinyl, not like the US issues, that where pressed on brittle styrene. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jaydeestrangefunky1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN HOLMES & JUSTICE: Tell The Truth / Summer Of '73 * BROWN DOOR, M-, 20.- Euro The debut 45 of Marvin Holmes & Justice in Mint shape, whose "You Better Keep Her" is a classic Mecca spin and indemand for decades on the soul scene. Two great sides here, taken from their ultra rare debut LP. Top sides provides a funky 70's mover with soulful vocals and tight backings. Flip it over for an excellent instrumental. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmestellthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvinholmessummerof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BLAND: I'm So Tired / If You Could Just Read My Mind * DUKE, VG+, 20.- Euro, on hold Everytime I listen to "I'm So Tired" I can't believe what I hear. How can a band be that tight? How can someone sing like Bobby Bland? Why has this record been ignored by soul collectors? Why doesn't it cost 500 bucks? Anyway, this is as good as it gets and the flip is a facemelting ballad, that alone should make you buy this. Vinyl is shiny and clean, but has a surface mark from start to finish; the good news is, that it doesn't sound at all. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyblandimsorry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyblandifyoucould.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx VARETTA DILLARD: I'm Gonna Tell My Daddy * GROOVE, VG, 20.- Euro, on hold Bargain price for a nice playing, but slightly wounded copy of this R&B banger from 1956. The original Groove distribution sleeve has open borders and some writings on it, but still looks super nice after all theses years. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/varettadillardimgonnatellmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIAM BELL: The Man In The Street * STAX, M-, 15.- Euro, on hold Extra clean copy of this 1972 slice of social conscious crossover soul. One of the finest records coming from this iconic Memphis label and a must have in my humble opinion. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williambellthemaninthe1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JACKIE ROSS: New Lover / Jerk And Twine * CHESS, VG++, some label damage, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro Two great Chicago 60's sides back to back. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackierossnewlover1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jackierossjerkand1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARVIN GAYE: Heavy Love Affair * TAMLA, promo, M-, 15.- Euro Simply superb early 80's soul by the great Marvin Gaye. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marvingayeheavylove1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JIMMY DELPHS: Almost * KAREN, VG to VG-, 15.- Euro A few crackles during the first few bars, but after a few rotations, the record cleans up nicely. Bargain price for a haunting slice of Detroit 60's dance soul. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jimmydelphsalmost1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RONNIE BAXTER: True Love Is A Stranger * AGON, VG+, 15.- Euro Under the radar 60's dancer in the style of Doug Banks "I Just Kept on Dancing". A record for the 60's DJ with some imagination. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ronniebaxtertruelove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DORIS ALLEN: A Shell Of A Woman * SSS INTERNATIONAL, M-, wol, 12.- Euro, on hold soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dorisallenshellofawoman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHOCOLATE MILK: Action Speaks Louder Than Words / Ain't Nothin' But A Thing * RCA, VG++, 12.- Euro Cheap as chips Allen Toussaint 1975 production, that ticks all the boxes. Funky and then some and a record, that deserves way more attention than it's low price tag might suggest. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chocolatemilkaction1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chocolatemilkaintnothingbut1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper then all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ORANGE SUNSHINE: Who's Cheating On Who * PRODIGAL, promo, M-, 10.- Euro Superb funky cheapo produced by Don Boddie of Boddie records fame. So much better then it's price tag and a proof, that record collecting doesn't have to break the bank. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/orangesunshinewhoscheating.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: Ode To Soul man / I'll Take Those Skinny Legs * TWINIGHT, M-, 10.- Euro Two action packed funky soul sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonodetosoul1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonilltakethose1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE OTHER BOTHERS: Precious Memories * RENASSANCE "76", M-, 10.- Euro Charming Detroit 70's soul. The basic track is recorded in Mono and the synths and the vocals are in Stereo - a weird but wonderful recording technique. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/otherbrosprecious.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILL HATCHER: What Is Best For Me Is Better For You * SCEPTER, VG++, wol, 10.- Euro Detroit singer Willie Calvin Hatcher, cousin of Edwin Starr and brother of Roger "Sweetest Girlk In The World" Hatcher on a 70's masterpiece from the endless talent pool of the Motor City. A great record by any means and cheap as chips too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willhatcherwhatsbest.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SPINNERS: I'll Be Around * ATLANTIC, VG+, 10.- Euro The epitome of 70's soul and a truly majestic performance by the mighty Spinners. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spinnersillbearound1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx J. R. BAILEY: After Hours * TOY; VG++, wol, 10.- Euro Working class 70's soul celebrating the after-work hours and a midtempo gem of the highest order. No idea why an unknown artist used the fattest edding available to show off his talents on the label, but the music is crisp and clear and that's what counts. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jrbaileyafterhours1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRANKIE KARL & THE DREAMS: Don't Be Afraid * D.C., VG, drill hole in lbl, 10.- Euro A beautiful sweet harmony soul song with slightly spooky mansplaining lyrics. A few marks on vinyl - priced accordingly. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankiekarldontbeafraid1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankiekarlimsoglad1.mp3
  12. I have three tickets for the 100 club anniversary on Sept. 23rd available. 25ukp each + postage. PM please
  13. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DARROW FLETCHER: What Have I Got Now / Sitting There That Night * JACKLYN, M-, 175.- Euro Clean copy of this Northern Soul masterpiece. Flip it over for one of the finest downtempo songs ever put on wax. If you buy it for the flip, take the UNI issue for a fraction of the price soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrowfletcherwhathave.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/darrowfletchersitting.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MONROE TAYLOR: Proud Guy / Monkey Jerk * CHESAPEAKE, M-, 125.- Euro Two great 60's dance sides back to back. Nice clean issue copy, that never needs an upgrade. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/monroetaylorproudguy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/monroetaylormonkeyjerk.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THEOLA KILGORE: It's Gonna Be All Right / I Can't Stand It * MERCURY, VG++, large sticker and some wol on label flipside, 100.- Euro, on hold One of the finest, most soulful, sixties dancers ever released on a major label, but the brainmeltig side is the deep ballad flip. Have a listen! soundfie 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/theolakilgoreitsgonnabe.mp3 soundfie 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/theolakilgoreicantstand.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY CLARKE: Ghetto Man / Love Power * CHICORY, VG to VG+, plays like a champ 80.- Euro, sold Two mindblowing funky soul sides from the late 60's -, pure dancefloor dynamite for all the DJs out there. Record has mild marks, but plays without any issues, check the soundbytes! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyclarkeghettoman.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyclarkelovepower1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MOSES DILLARD & THE TEX TOWN DISPLAY: I've Got To Find A Way * CURTOM, VG++, 75.- Euro One of the tougher pulls on Curtom and a great one too. Funky mid- to downtempo beats coupled with some excellent guitar work and superb vocals by Moses Dillard, who was originally from South Carolina and was also one part of Moses & Dillard, who recorded the Modern Soul anthem "Here We Go, Loving Again" along with handfull of other highly collectable 45s for Shout, Mala and 123. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/mosesdillardivegottofind1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, sticker on lbl, M-, 60.- Euro Mislabeled copy, that has a sticker with the correct title on it (see picture). Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE TEE: Sweet Thing / Man That I Am * GATUR, VG+, H2O damaged labels, 60.- Euro, on hold Awesome funky soul by New Orleans legend Willie Tee on his own Gatur label. This is the misspelled version, credited to "Willie Lee". Hurricane Kathrina did some damage to the labels, but the vinyl is shiny and clean. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteesweetthing1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteemanthatiam1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN WILLIAMS & THE TICK TOCKS: Do Me Like You Do Me / Blues, Tears And Sorrows * SANSU, promo, VG+, 60.- Euro, sold Bargain price for a legendary New Orleans soul 45. One side provides a top notch 60's dancer, that had plays on the Northern Soul scene. Flipside is one of the finest deep soul ballads recorded in the crescent city. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsdomelike12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnwilliamsbluetears1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SONNY FISHER: I'm Going (All The Way) / Hurting * PEACOCK, strong VG, 50.- Euro Great and hard to find 60's soul mover by Sonny Fisher, whose real name was Buford Fishback and who released a Northern Soul classic on Out-A-Site as Sonny Fishback. These wo sides where possibly reorded in New York and how they ended up on Don Robey's Peacock label in Houston/Texas is a mystery. Anyway, two great sides, one uptempo a one deep soul cut. The disc has mild surface marks and plays like a champ. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sonnyfisherimgoing.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sonnyfisherhurting.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RANDY TAYLOR: Soul Machine / Theatre Of Broken Hearts * UPTOWN, M-, 50.- Euro Two great Northern Soul sides produced by westcoast impressario Kim Fowley. Clean copy housed in it's original company sleeve. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/randytaylorsoulmachine.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/randytaylortheatreof.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OTTO DE ROJAS Y LOS ULTRAS 76: Al Ritmo Del Bump-Bump * RCA, made in Peru, VG+, 40.- Euro, on hold Funky latin soul bomp only released in Peru and a record, that crossed over to more adventurous Northern Soul venues. It has that certain "tighten up"-feel to it and borrows heavily from the immortal "soulful strut" by Young Holt Unlimited. Hard to find in decent nick as folks in Peru partied hard to most copies I found of this - no surprise, as the music on this invites you to go bonkers. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ottoderojaalritmo1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE HOUSTON: I Can't Go Wrong / That's How Much * CAPITOl, Made in France, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 40.- Euro Fantastic slice of funky R&B on a beautiful looking french artsleeve issue. Top side is an underrated 60's club soul banger, that sounds ace played out loud. Flip it over for a mighty fine deep soul ballad (the actual A-side of this record, but this record will most likely sell for the dance side) soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonicantgowrong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiehoustonthatshowmuch1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILTON MARLIN: I Won't Make You Cry No More * BRUBOON, M-, 35.- Euro, sold Mighty fine late 60's dancer with a crosover edge to it. Excllent soulful vocals backed up by a superb backing band. The label was operated by Jesse Boone and was located in Albany / Georgia. Great record in excellent condition, don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/miltonmarliniwontmakeyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GIN AND THE GENTS: Teenage National Anthem Boy And Girl / Dreams For Sale * MISS THING, M-, 35.- Euro Here is a weird, but great record by a group, that later morphed to the Versatile Gents, who had a great record on Linco and then changed their name again to the Vee Gees, best known for their magnificient "Talkin" on Jump Off records. The featured side is superb sweet soul, while the flipside offers a swinging dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandthegentsteenage.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ginandthegentsdreams.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx T.N.J.'s: Don't Forget About Me / Falling In Love * CHESS, VG, label tear on flipside, 35.- Euro Slightly wounded copy of this Philly 70's floater recorded at Sigma Sound. Two fine sides for you to consider... soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tnjsdontforgetabout1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tnjsfallinginlove1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HEAVEN AND EARTH: I Really Love You * WMOT, M-, 30.- Euro, sold Superb under the radar boogie moden soul dancer, taylormade for club DJs. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/heavenandireallylove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CIRCLE O'FIRE: Have It Your Way * STAX, promo, M-, 30.- Euro, sold One of the last records of the Stax catalogue, released after the company was sold to Fantasy records. What a mighty fine and underrated 70's dancer this is! Stax stalwart David Porter was on the knobs here and to these ears it sounds taylormade for todays modern rooms. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/circleofirehaveityour.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FATBACK BROTHER BILL CURTIS: Dance Girl * PERCEPTION, VG++, 30.- Euro, sold The founder and drummer of the Fatback Band on a solo trip backed up by his super tight band. A funky dancefloor destroyer from the top shelf housed in it's original birth sleeve. What's not to like? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billcurtisdancinggirl.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, mild storage warp, nap, M-, 30.- Euro, on hold Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusnumber.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELLOIT SMALL: Girls Are Made For Loving * NEW SOUND, VG+, warped plays through with no problems, 30.- Euro, on hold Half price on this rare local first release before Bang took over for national distribution. Record is mildly warped, but plays without extra tracking on both of my turntables. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/Elloitsmallgirlsaremade.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAY BARRETTO: Soul Drummers / Mercy, Mercy Baby * LONDON, Made in France, VG+ / VG+, 40.- Euro, on hold Two mindblowing big apple Latin Soul sides for the dancefloor. This is the french London issue with a sligtly weird picture sleeve. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raybarrettosoulldrum.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/raybarrettomercy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUGARPIE Di SANTO: Do The Whoopie / Get To Steppin' * BRUNSWICK, M-, drill hole in lbl, 30.- Euro, on hold Two rather uncommon Joe Simon penned sides by Sugapie Di Santo, a New York native, who started her career along with her childhood friend Etta James in L.A.. She recorded a string of remarkable records for Chess, Veltone and Music City among other labels. Top side of the record for sale is a nice dancefloor friendly funky soul dancer, flipside provides great midtempo soul. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sugarpiedothewhoopie.mp3 soundile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sugarpiegetsteppin1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FANTOMS: Take Me There / Who Cares * PWER FUNKTION, water damaged labels, VG++, 30.- Euro, sold Two hard hitting bayou funk sides from 1972. Unfortunately hurricane Kathrina did some major damage to the labels, but you don't play the labels, do you? soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fantomstakemethere.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/fantomswhocares.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BILLY JENKINS: Mr. Naylor * FLAMBO, M-, 30.- Euro, on hold A lengthy intro leads you stright to a nice soulful bayou funk track. Great record and pretty obscure too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/billyjenkinsmrnaylor.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BETTY TAYLOR: You're A Winer / I'm Going Home * NOLA, M-, waterdamaged labels, 30.- Euro, sold Obviously hurricane Kathrina left a mark on the labels of this excellent midsixties New Orleans double sider. Nola soul never sounded better, check the soundbytes! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettytayloryoureawin.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bettytaylorimgoinghome.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ARTIE CHRISTOPHER: My Baby's Crying / Don't Try It Again * 5-HIGH, VG++, 30.- Euro A fantastic deep soul record with an equally great uptempo cut on the flip. Let's hear what sir shambling has to say about this record: "Although he recorded a few 45s under the name “Artie Christopher” I’m 99% sure that this is really Johnny Christopher, the guitarist/songwriter who is best known in soul circles for his work with Chips Moman at his American Studio in Memphis. Christopher’s musical credits are both lengthy and impressive but I want to concentrate here on the soul side of his personality. His initial single under his nom-de-disque included the superb deep soul ballad "My Baby's Crying". This has all the ingredients that I love in this genre – some simple gospel chord changes, fine organ/piano accompaniment, a gently cooing chorus and some rich horns. On top of which “Artie” does a really bang-up job of expressing the emotional angst of his own lyric. Was this cut in Nashville? Or Atlanta – where Johnny came from? I don’t know. The flip – and both sides of the second Atlantic 45 were certainly cut at American." soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristophermybabyscry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristopherdonttry.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FLIRTATIONS: Nothing But A Hartache * DERAM, strong VG, 30.- Euro, sold Great playing copy of his classic 60's mover. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/flirtationsnothingbut.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE WINSTONS: Color Him Father / Amen, Brother * METROMEDIA, VG+, sticker on label, 25.- Euro, sold Two contrasting and great sides on this. A superb crossover dancer backed up by one of the most iconic funk tunes ever. The drum break on "Amen, Brother" was samped hundreds of times, but the whole song is absolutely mindblowing and sounds fantastic played out loud. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/winstonscolorhim1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/winstonsamenbrother1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE NOTATIONS: I Can't Stop / I'm Still Here * TWINIGHT, VG to VG+, 25.- Euro, sold Two excellet windy city sides back to back. The featured side provides a flawless group harmony dancer lurking heavy into cossover category. Flip it over for an excellent ballad, just right for today's en vogue sweet soul collectors scene. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/notationsicantstop1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/notationsimstillhere1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 25.- Euro Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaythe1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: All These Things / She's On My Mind * BELL, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Nola magic on both sides by the big guy Aaaron Neville, blessed with a voice beyond compare. No, this is not for the dancefloor or something to impress your friends with; it's just mindblowing good soulmusic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillealltheseth.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevilleshessonmymind.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIAMOND JOE: The ABC Song / Look Way Back * DEESU, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Excellent, hard hitting Nola funky soul produced by Allen Touissant and Marshall Sehorn. Diamond Joe recorded some fabulous 60's side for Sansu records and is surely one of the most underrated vocalists from the the Big Easy. I'm down to my last copy of this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeabcsong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeelookway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ZEKE STRONG: I Laugh And Talk But I Don't Play * MISS ADY, VG++, 25.- Euro Westcost funky soul by singer and saxophonist Zeke Strong, a major player on the L.A. scene in the 60's. Great record with a super loud and banging sound and just a hint away from being M-. The label design is super nice as well - I have a weak spot for artsy self drawn labels. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/zekestrongilaughandtalk.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx KO KO TAYLOR: Wang Dang Doodle * CHECKER, VG+, 25.- Euro Chicago R&B banger produced by veteran bluesman Willie Dixon. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/kokotaylorwangdang1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: There Goes The Lover * BRUNSWICK, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Extra clean copy of this 60's Chicago masterpiece produced to perfection by Carl Davis. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlertheregoes1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PHASE V: Woman Of The Street / There's Got To Be Me * DYNAMO, M-, 20.- Euro, sold Two great 70's soul sides produced by the almighty George Kerr. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/phasevwomanofthe.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/phasevtheresgotto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SISTER SLEDGE: Love Don't You Go Through No Changes On Me * ALANTIC, Mae in Germany, VG+/VG+, 20.- Euro Great looking german picture sleeve issue of this all time classic 70's dancer. Vinyl has light marks, but play flawless. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sistersledgelovedontyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AFRICAN PEOPLE: On The March / Movin' On * POLYDOR, made in Grmany, M- / Sleeve: VG+, 20.- Euro Two fine afro funk sides back to back on a colorful looking picture sleeve issue out of Krautland. I'm not an Afro-funk-fan in general, but these two sides sound pretty much like US recordings, although they are not. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/africanpeopleonthemarch.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/africanpeoplemoovinon.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLIGHT: Everybody Get Down / Let Me Get Next To You * MASTER-TRAK, M-, 20.- Euro New Orleans Boogie modern soul dancer with a more then decent mitdempo flip. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/flighteverybodygetdown.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/flightletmegetnext.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALVIN THOMAS: The Roach * GREAT SOUTHERN, M-, 20.- Euro, on hold Atmosperic Nola funk by flute and saxophone player Alvin Thomas, wo recorded two collectable records for the local Great Southern output. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/alvinthomastheroach.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRIEF ENCOUNTER: I'm So Satisfied / Don't Let Them Tell You * SEVENTY-SEVEN, M-, 20.- Euro, on hold Two fantastic 70's sides by a band completely unable to make a bad record. These two songs are 7" only and are not on their rare LP. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterimsosatis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/briefencounterdontletthem.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLOATERS AND SHU-GA: For Your Love * FEE, VG+, 20.- Euro A lengthy intro leads you straight into a mighty fine stepper. Totally underrated record out of Detroit and the label design alone is worth the buying price. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/floatersandforyour.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE DIAMOND: Nothing But A Playboy * LOLA, M-, 20.- Euro Hard hitting uptempo early 60's R&B soul dancer out of New Orleans, that sounds like a three figure record. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leediamondnothingbutaplay.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE COASTERS: Love Potion Number Nine * KING, VG+, 20.- Euro, sold Latin tingled 60's soul for the dancefloor. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/coasterslovepotion123.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE HAYWOOD: (Play Me) A Cornbread Song * KENT, promo, M-, 15.- Euro Uptempo funky soul banger from this prolific New Orleans singer. Clean promo copy, that looked unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joehaywoodcornbread.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: (I'm Just A) Fool For You It A Shame / Buddy Ain't It A Shame * CONSTELLATION, VG++, 15.- Euro, sold Two great Chicago 60's dance sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechjandlerfoolforyou.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlerbuddyaintit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE JAMES: Her Mama Won't Leave Us Alone / Sad Sad Feeling * STARTOWN, M-, 15.- Euro Funky soul bomb form Chattanooga / Tennessee backed up by great deep soul ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejameshermama.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejamessadsad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LOU JOHNSON: Always Something There To Remind Me / Magic Potion * BIG HILL, strong VG, 15.- Euro Two great Burt Bacharach/Hal David compositions on this nice playing disc. Lou Johnson definitely was the second best performer of Bacharach songs, closely after Dionne Warwick. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/loujohnsonalwayssomething.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/loujohnsonmagicpotion1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONI WASHINGTON: Breaking Lovers Hart * KON-TI, M-, 15.- Euro Local Nola first press before Atlantic took over for national distribution. Nice little girlie oddity, that made some waves down south in the summer of 1966, not the most soulful record in the world, but a nice slice of crescent city music history. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/toniwashingtonbreaking.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE MASQUERADERS: I Got It / Ain't Got To Love Nobody Else * BELL, M-, 15.- Euro One of the greatest soul groups of all time. The Masqueraders where unable to make a bad record, but never reached the status of the Temptations or The O'Jays although they definitely could compete with all of the super groups of the classic era. One side is a superb uptempo dancer and one side a great group ballad. Housed in it's original distribution sleeve and the vinyl is shiny and clean. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/masqueradersigotit1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/masqueradersiaintgot1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AARON NEVILLE: A Hard Nut To Crack * PARLO, VG++, 15.- Euro, on hold One of the most remarkable voices of soulmusics history is surely Aaron Neville's; the guy sings like an angel and he always had a picture of Nat King Cole in front of him while in the studio. Here he is with one of his few uptempo songs, that found it's way to the Northern Soul hall of fame. New Orleans at it's very best and cheap as chips too. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/aaronnevillehardnut.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx VIC CORNISH: Must Be Love * BONATEMP, VG++, 15.- Euro, on hold A record with that very specific New Orleans sound, in fact it couldn't be produced anywhere else - a blueprint record for the New Orlans R&B sound. Nola mastermind Wardel Quezergue was behind the decks on this crescent city indie production. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/viccornishmustbelove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ART NEVILLE: Lover Of Love * CINDERELLA, M-, 15.- Euro, on hold Super nice midtempo soul by New Orleans' golden voice "Art" Aaron Neville. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artnevilleloveroflove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEXTER WANSEL: New Beginning * PHILADEHIA INTERNATIONAL, promo, M-, 15.- Euro Simply wonderful jazzy stepper and this copy is as clean as it gets. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dexterwanselnewbegin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOT BUSH Tell Me That You Will * APA, M-, 12.- Euro Unplayed stock copy o this T.K. distributed Florida 70's soul gem. A stepper of the highest order and cheaper then all the stupid useless reissues flooding the market these days. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/hotbushrtellme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music" /what a name for a publishing company!), honestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: We Did It / Any Way The Wind Blows * HI, VG++ 12.- Euro Excellent 70's dancer by Syl Johnson, who made his way up south in the 70's to record under the aegis of Willie Mitchell and to spend the rest of his career in the shadow of the allmighty Al Green. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonwedidit1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonanyway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: Ode To Soul man / I'll Take Those Skinny Legs * TWINIGHT, M-, 10.- Euro Two action packed funky soul sides for you to consider. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonodetosoul1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsonilltakethose1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: Dresses Too Short * TWINIGHT, M-, 10.- Euro, sold Excellent funky soul by the great Syl Johnson. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsondresses.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SYL JOHNSON: Try Me / Come On Sock It To Me * TWILIGHT, strong VG, 10.- Euro Another cheap and cheerful Syl Johnson 45 with two great dance sides. Record loks like a clean VG+, but plays with some pops in parts. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsontrtyme.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/syljohnsoncomeon.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SAMMY BROWN: Got To Leave This Town * GRASSROOTS, M-, 10. Euro, sold Punchy funky crossover soul with great lyrics and a tight backing band. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sammybrowngottoleave.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LAVELL HARDY: Women Of The World / Don't Lose Your Groove * ROJAC, VG+, 10.- Euro Two raw funky soul sides on Jack Taylor's Rojac label. Taylor was a notorious gangster, who used his label to launder his dirty money. He wasn't able to play an insument or write a single note, but of course he credited himself as the songwriter on this record. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lavellhardywomanofthe.mp3 soundile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/lavellhardydontlose1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: Stoned To The Bone * POLYDOR, made in Germany, M- / M- condition, 10.- Euro Great looking german picture sleeve issue of one of J.B.'s funkiest sides. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrownstonedto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: The Payback * POLYDOR, made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleever: VG++, 10.- Euro Nice looking and great sounding german picture sleeve issue of this funk burner. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrownpayback.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAMES BROWN: Hey America / Hey America Instro * POLYDOR, made in Germany, VG+/ sleeve: VG, writings on sleeve, tape repaired spine, 10.- Euro Great funky edged Soul by the godfather. I actual prefer the instrumental side without the patriotic christmas lyrics. The vocal side has a small scratch on the first few bars, that causes mild clicks. Instro side is M- and plays flawless. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrownheyam.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jamesbrownheyaminstro.mp3
  14. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SISTERS LOVE: Give Me Your Love * TAMLA MOTOWN, Made in Netherlands, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG++, 175.- Euro, sold A dutch picture sleeve issue of this funky soul bomb, written by Curtis Mayfield and produced by Gloria Jones and Paul Riser. No salestalk needed, just click the soundbyte and get blown away! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sisterslovegivemeyour.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE NEW CLARENCE REID: Cadillac Annie / Tired Blood * DEEP CITY, VG++, 175.- Euro Great and very rare 60's Miami soul on the legendary Deep City outlet. This is the local first press from 1967 before Phil-L.A.-Of-Soul took over for national distribution. Great funky soul for the dancefloor backed up by a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/clarencereidcadillac.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/clarencereidtired.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHARLES FARREN: You've Changed My Whole Life Around * HAWK, VG++, 175.- Euro, sold Rare Chicago 60's soul mover in it's eyepopping ortiginal distribution sleeve. Nothing you see everyday and if you like underplayed records, here you go with a banging slice of windy-city niceness. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlesfarrenyouchanged.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE CHANDLERS: (Never Before) Your Love Keeps Me Drawing Closer / I Loved You, Girl * BLEU ROSE, VG+++, 125.- Euro, sold Superb groupsoul dancer from 1969, that's lurking into crossover category backed up by an equally good sweet flipside. Not an easy pull and an all the way quality double header. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chandlersyourlovekeeps.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chandlersilovedyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GWEN STEWART: I Thought It Over / You Took Me For A Fool * CALL ME, M-, 100.- Euro Two excellent L.A. 60's midtempo sides, that might also appeal to sweet soul collectors. Produced by westcoast impressario Arthur Wright and he created a soulful treat. Check the soundfiles! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gwenstewartithoughtit.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gwenstewartyoutookme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ROGER AND THE HUMAN BODY: Been This Way Before / Bearing Straight * TROUTMAN BROS., VG/VG+, 125.- Euro A record not to be taken lightly; the Troutman Brothers, Roger and Larry, in full swing. The featured side offers something completely unique to my ears. I would call this "Free Soul"; a freaky kind of ballad, thart meanders between the genres, but is still a facemelting slice of soulmusic. Flipside is a funky Modern Soul bomb and the record will probably sell for this side. Ohio funk and soul from the top shelf, a really tough pull and if the vocoder fueled funk from Zapp means something to you, here is where it all started. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rogerandthebeenthis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rogerandthebearing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEE CLARK: That's My Girl * CONSTELLATION, VG+ to VG++, 100.- Euro A Windy City Northern Soul Oldie in nice nick. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deeclarkthatsmy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BIG ELLA: It Takes A Lot Of Loving (To Satisfy Me) * LO LO, VG+, 80.- Euro, sold Powerhouse female funky soul dancer, that never fails to get the dancers up. A DJ-essential. Flipside has a few scuffs and grades VG, but you will never play this side anyway. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bigellawholelot.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLOYD BECK: I'm In Love / Time Bomb * TIMELESS, VG+, 80.- Euro 1982 Modern Soul midpacer, that's flying under the radar for way to long. Quality boogie flipside on top. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/floydbeckiminlove.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/floydbecktimebomb.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SOUL INVADERS INC.: So Good / Careless Loving * YORKTOWN, VG-, promo, 75.- Euro 1971 sweet soul obscurity out of New York City backed up by a psychedelic funk winner. Record plays with mild crackles, but cleans up nicely after a few rotations. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulinvadersincsogood.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulinvadersinccareless.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ROGER WADE: Little Girl / I Can Only Hurt You * HARMON, VG, mild ringwear, 60.- Euro A young Norman Whitfield wrote and produced this Detroit obscurity, before he became Motown's superstar producer. Two fine sides from the vaults of the Motorcity. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rogerwadelittlegirl.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/rogerwadeicanonlyhurt.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GRAND STRAND: Laredo * CREATIVE ARTS, M-, 60.- Euro Widely unknown funky Modern Soul, that sounds just to good to ignore. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/grandstrandlaredo.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, M-, slight dish warp nap, 75.- Euro Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILSON PICKETT: Let Me Be Your Boy * VERVE, VG+, drill hole in lbl, 75.- Euro Vinyl has a kind of spot on the vinyl, that does not affect the soundquality. Actually without this spot this copy would be in VG++ condition. The wicked Pickett right before he became one of soulmusic biggest stars with a pounding uptempo dancer. A record, that almost has a Ska-beat underneath and how nice does it look in it's original Verve distribution sleeve? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/wilsonletmebeyourboy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE TEE: Sweet Thing / Man That I Am * GATUR, VG++, H2O damaged labels, 60.- Euro, sold Awesome funky soul by New Orleans legend Willie Tee on his own Gatur label. This is the misspelled version, credited to "Willie Lee". Hurricane Kathrina did some damage to the labels, but the vinyl is shiny and clean. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteesweetthing.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteemanthatiam.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE TEEN TURBANS: We Need To Be Loved * LOMA; promo, VG++, 50.- Euro Great 60's Northern Soul on Warner Brothers Soul-subsidiary Loma records. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/teenturbansweneedtobe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY ASHLEY: I Can't Put You Down * DECCA, VG++, 40.- Euro A desert island disc for me and surely one of the most soulful performances ever put on wax. It's not a dancer, it's not deep soul, it's simply a generic Memphis soul 45 with immense intensity and a wonderful Willie Mitchell arrangement and Ann Peebles husband, Don Bryant, wrote this masterpiece. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyashleyicantput1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FOREVERS: What Goes Around (Comes Around) * WEIS, VG++, 40.- Euro Grubby, water damaged labels, but nice shiny vinyl on this floorshaking late 60's dancer with a banging Andre Williams production. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/foreverswhatgoes.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SMOKE: Oh Love * MO-SOUL, M-, "x" on lbl, 40.- Euro, sold Awesome 70's soul dancer produced by satin-soul-maestro Barry White. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/smokeohlove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FREDDIE SCOTT: (You) Got What I Need * SHOUT, strong VG, drill hole in lbl, 35.,- Euro, sold Slightly wounded, but great playing, copy of this essential slice of funky soul, that kicks of with a sample of Biz Markie's immortal "Just A Friend". Half price on this as it's just VG, but still more then good for DJing as the saying goes. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/freddiescottyougotwhat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEE DEE WARWICK: Do It With All Your Heart * BLUE ROCK, VG, 35.- Euro, drill hole in lbl Slightly wounded, but good playing copy of this superb 60's dancer by Dionne Warwick's younger sister Dee Dee. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deedeewarwickdoit1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Z.Z. HILL: Don't Make Promises (You Can't Keep) / Set Your Sights Higher * KENT, Promo, VG+, "x" on lbl flipside, 35.- Euro, sold Z. Z.'s best soul record by far; two magnificiants sides to chose from and the guy recorded a shit load of fine records between 1963 and 1995. "Don't make Promises" shares the same backintrack as Eddie Rey's "I've Got Something Of Value", but "Don't Make Promises" is way better and much cheaper too. This is the rarer promo, the vinyl has light marks and plays excellent. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/zzhilldontmakepromis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/zzhillsetyoursights.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNITED VOICE BLACK WHITE FAMILY: Make It Last * UNITED VOICE, M-, 30.- Euro Great early 70's gospel message song with a crossover feel to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/unitedvoicemakeit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ERROLL GAYE & THE IMAGINATIONS: Love And Affection / You Don't Want my Love * STEEL TOWN; M-, 30.- Euro One side soulful and uptempo, flip it over for a great sweet side. Excellent 1975 local Pittsburgh release, that can only go up in price. This is the last copy of the batch I once had. This copy comes with it's original jukebox stripe. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/errollgayelovveand.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/errollgayeyoudont.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ATG: Dancin' Lady * SANSU, mild storage warp, nap, M-, 30.- Euro, sold Excellent early 80's dancer from the vaults of New Orleans Sansu label soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/atgdancinlady1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNCLE REMUS: Number One * SANSU, M-, 30.- Euro, sold Nice New Orleans soulful funky boogie dancer in beautiful shape. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/uncleremusnumber.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ELDRIDGE HOLMES: Let's Go Steady * KANSU, M-, 30.- Euro Ask a soulfan for his favourite New Orleans artist and they will probabyl say Lee Dorsey, Willie Tee or Eddie Bo. My answer will be Eldridge Holmes, he is one of the greatest unsong heroes of the Big Easy with this record being no exception. "Let's Go Steady" is a perfect midtempo dancer, lurking into crossover territory and totally underplayed. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eldridgeholmesletsgo.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANDREW JEFFERIES: Not Like Just Any Girl / Slipped Into A Groove * QUEEN, M-, 30.- Euro Two mighty fine 70's soul sides back to back, co-produced by Chicago's Simtec Simmons. It's mastered by "Audio Labs", a company in Chicago, so this is most likely a windy city sound. Not widely known and nothing that you see everyday. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/andrewjeffereiesnotlike.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/andrewjefferieslippedinto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ERNIE SHELBY: Right Here Where You Left Me / Carry Me * POLYDOR, M-, wol, 40.- Euro Two great sides on this Polydor issue. The flipside "Right Here Where You Left Me" is my personal favouritre from the two, written by George Soule and Terry Woodford and recorded at Quinvy Studios in Sheffield Alabama. "Carry Me" is co-penned by Phillip Mitchell. I scanned the "Carry Me"-side as it has some significant writings on the label, the flipside label is clean. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernieshelbyrighthere1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernieshelbycarryme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ERNIE SHELBY: Punish Me / Bend Over Backwards * POLYDOR, M-, mild storage warp, 30.- Euro Polydor's A&R man for soulmusic definitely had good taste, some great records came out on this major label. Most of them didn't sell at all and are highly collectable these days. Especially the issues, that in many cases have the better track on it then the mono/stereo promos. Here we have an overlooked Muscle Shoals production co-written by Phillip Mitchell (flipside is co-written by George Soule, who also played drums on both sides) and produced by Clayton Ivey and Terry Woodford. Two stunning southern soul sides by a guy, who only released six 45s in his career soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernieshelbypunishme.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernieshelbybendover.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "LITTLE" JOHNNY BLAIR: Momma's Gone * HOUSE OF THE FOX, VG+, 30.- Euro Pounding slice of funky edged Northern Soul, action packed, super soulful and so much better than most of the big ticket items. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejohnnyblairmomma1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ARTIE CHRISTOPHER: My Baby's Crying / Don't Try It Again * 5-HIGH, VG++, 30.- Euro A fantastic deep soul record with an equally great uptempo cut on the flip. Let's hear what sir shambling has to say about this record: "Although he recorded a few 45s under the name “Artie Christopher” I’m 99% sure that this is really Johnny Christopher, the guitarist/songwriter who is best known in soul circles for his work with Chips Moman at his American Studio in Memphis. Christopher’s musical credits are both lengthy and impressive but I want to concentrate here on the soul side of his personality. His initial single under his nom-de-disque included the superb deep soul ballad "My Baby's Crying". This has all the ingredients that I love in this genre – some simple gospel chord changes, fine organ/piano accompaniment, a gently cooing chorus and some rich horns. On top of which “Artie” does a really bang-up job of expressing the emotional angst of his own lyric. Was this cut in Nashville? Or Atlanta – where Johnny came from? I don’t know. The flip – and both sides of the second Atlantic 45 were certainly cut at American." soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristophermybabyscry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristopherdonttry.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE APOSTLES: Six Pack * KAPP, VG+, 20.- Euro An action packed funk song about beer, well about 6 beers to be precise! Come on lads, what's not to like and doesn't it look great in it's original diistributionsleeve? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/apostlessixpack.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE APOSTLES: Six Pack * KAPP, VG+, 25.- Euro An action packed funk song about beer, well about 6 beers to be precise! Come on lads, what's not to like and doesn't it look great in it's original diistributionsleeve? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/apostlessixpack.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: (When You're Wrong) You Got To Pay The Price * LISTENING POST, M-, 25.- Euro Nice clean copy of this indemand New Orleans crossover dancer from 1973. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenspaythe1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PACE-SETTERS: Push On Jessie Jackson / Freedom And Justice * KENT, M-, 25.- Euro, on hold Funky edged soul with a message, that recently crossed over to more open minded Northern Soul dos. I actually prefer the inbstrumental B-side, but both sides are great and this copy is clean as a whistle. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesetterspushon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesettersfreedomand.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TYRONE ST. GERMAN: In A World So Cold / Don't Cop No Attitude * MORNING DOVE, M-, 25.- Euro, sold Two classy Oakland/California Modern Soul sides. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermaninaworld.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermandontcopno1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIAMOND JOE: The ABC Song / Look Way Back * DEESU, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Excellent, hard hitting Nola funky soul produced by Allen Touissant and Marshall Sehorn. Diamond Joe recorded some fabulous 60's side for Sansu records and is surely one of the most underrated vocalists from the the Big Easy. I'm down to my last copy of this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeabcsong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeelookway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE ARCHIE: I Am A Carpet / I Need You * DIAL, promo, VG++, 25.- Euro Little Archie, who's real name is Archie Himon, only recoded two 45s for Buddy Killen's Dial output and you urgently need both of them. Maximum Soul with a capital "S" here! The featured uptempo sides wakes up the dead and is a call to the dancefloor, flip it over for some really seriou deep soul business. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlearchieimacarpet.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlearchieineedyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RON KEITH AND LADYS: Can't Live Without You (Sticks And Stones) / Get It On * A&M, VG to VG-, 25.- Euro, on hold Slightly wounded copy of this awesome Modern Soul double header, priced accordingly. Good for DJing as the saying goes. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ronkeithcantlive.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ronkeithgetiton.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DELPHONICS: Don't Throw It All Away * ARISTA, M-, 25.- Euro The masters of the sophisticated sweet soul style go modern on this one off Arista release for Philadelphias finest vocal group. Excellent uptempo 70's dance soul and this copy is as clean as it gets. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/delphonicsidontcare.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CURTIS JOHNSON: Trying To Win You Over / Sho-Nuff The Real Thing * PELICAN promo, VG+, 20.- Euro Two great New Orleans soul sides from 1971. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/curtisjohnsontryingto.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/curtisjohnsonshonug.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE TEE: I Want Somebody (To Show Me The Way Back Home) * ATLANTIC, strong VG+, drill hole in lbl, 25.- Euro Never unerestimate a Willie Tee record, they are all great and this one didn't raise much attention when it was released after Willie scored a hit with "Walking Down A One Way Street", but it's simply an excellent Nola 60's mover. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/willieteeiwantsomebody.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE BO: You Are Going To Be Somebodys Fool Too * NOLA; M-, 25.- Euro, sold Edwin Bocage alias Eddie Bo, better know for his mindboggling funk sides from the 70's, with a superb 60's soul mover. Pure New Orleans class on extra clean wax. Don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddieboyouaregoingto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Z. Z. HILL: You Were Wrong / Tomble Weed * MH, VG to VG+, 25.- Euro Two great 60's dance sides back to back by the mighty Z.Z. Hill, whose recording career spans over three decades. Mild surface marks only, this copy plays like a champ. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/zzhillyouwerewrong12.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/zzhilltombleweed12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SUNNY HARRIS: Friendship Seven * CHEROKEE, wol, VG+, 25.- Euro sold Great jazzy R&B dancer out of Ohio. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/sunnyharrisfriendshipseven.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEON JACKSON: You Said You Love Me * ATLANTIC promo, M-, 20.- Euro Extra clean DJ-copy of this awesome slice of Detroit 60's soul. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/deonjacksonyousaid.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARIE KNIGHT: Cry Me A River * MUSICOR, M-, 20.- Euro, on hold My alltime favourite version of Seattle native Arthur Hamilton's composition. A soulful tour de force somewhere between deep soul and a beat ballad. Whatever you call it, it's definitely soulmusic with a capital "S". soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/marieknightcrymeariver1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHARLIE EARLAND'S ERECTOR'S SET: Yes - Suh' / Cherie Amour * ELDORADO, M-, 20.- Euro Two Hammond blasts from the past. "Yes - Suh" is a rough gritty dancer and the flipside is a jazzy take on the Stevie Wonder classic. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlieearlandyessuh.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlieearlandcherie.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHUCK JACKSON: Hand It Over * WAND, VG-, 20.- Euro, sold Slightly wounded, but fine playing copy of one of the most powerful performances of the 60's by the great Chuck Jackson, who recently passed away. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chuckjacksonhanditover.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRASS COSTRUCTION: Two Timin' Lady * DOCC, promo, VG to VG+, 20.- Euro, sold Great playing copy of this mighty fine hypnotic midtempo funk. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/brassconstructiontwotimin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FLOATERS AND SHU-GA: For Your Love * FEE, VG++, 15.- Euro, sold A lengthy intro leads you straight into a mighty fine stepper. Totally underrated record out of Detroit and the label design alone is worth the buzying price. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/floatersandshugaforyour.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BARNES: I'm A The Crossroads * RAINA, VG++, 15.- Euro Florida Disco Soul by the mighty Bobby Barnes, who laid down some incredible and highly collectable deep soul records during his career. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybarnesiamatthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE DYNAMIC 7: Squeeze Me * SOUND STAGE 7, M-, 15.- Euro Extra clean copy of this club friendly funky banger. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dynamic7squeeze.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE HAYWOOD: (Play Me) A Cornbread Song * KENT, promo, M-, 15.- Euro Uptempo funky soul banger from this prolific New Orleans singer. Clean promo copy, that looked unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joehaywoodcornbread.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JUNIOR WELLS: Up In Heah * BRIGHT STAR, wol, M-, 15.- Euro, sold Hard as nails windy city R&B winner for the dancefloor. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/juniorwellsupinheah.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: Nothing Can Stop Me * CONSTELLATION, VG+, 15.- Euro, sold Curtis Mayfield penned 60's dancer. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlernothing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ARTISTICS: Hope We Have / I'm Gonna Miss You * BRUNSWICK, VG+, wol, sticker on lbl, 15.- Euro, sold Two great 60's dance sides back to back. Slightly scuffy vinyl, but both sides play fine. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artisticshopwehave1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artisticsimgonnamiss1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EDDIE JAMES: Her Mama Won't Leave Us Alone / Sad Sad Feeling * STARTOWN, M-, 15.- Euro Funky soul bomb form Chattanooga / Tennessee backed up by great deep soul ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejameshermama.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/eddiejamessadsad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JONATHAN CARTWRIGHT: I'm Walking Behind You / So Tired Of Being Alone * VEEP promo, sticker on lbl, M-, 15.- Euro Two dead slow deep soul sides by a guy, who recorded only this one record here on Veep. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jonathancartwrightimwalking.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jonathancartwrightsotired.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEXTER WANSEL: New Beginning * PHILADEHIA INTERNATIONAL, promo, M-, 15.- Euro Simply wonderful jazzy stepper and this copy is as clean as it gets. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dexterwanselnewbegin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE DA-KARS: A Shot In The Dark * JOSIE, M-, label tear on flip, 15.- Euro Cool funky instrumental with sloppy drums, sharp horns and a slick Bert Keyes arrangement. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dakarsashotinthedark.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE MILTON: Grits Ain't Groceries * CHECKER, VG++, drill hole in lbl, 15.- Euro Uptempo blast from the past by the great Little Milton. A record of immense propertions and still cheap. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlemiltongritsaint.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DONNY GERARD: He's Always Somewhere Around * GREEDY, M-, 10.- Euro One of the very best things you can buy for next to nothing. A 70's dancer, that sounds like 3 figures, a label design by an unknown maestro and the song was published by "Joyfully Sad Music", hionestly, what more do you want? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/donnygerardhesalways1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INDEPENDENTS: I Love, Yes I Do * WAND, VG+, 10.- Euro, sold Uptempo early 70's dancer, that simply sounds great. A cheapo, but one that sounds like a million $$$ to my ears. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/independentsiloveyou1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE OTHER BOTHERS: Precious Memories * RENASSANCE "76", M-, 10.- Euro Charming Detroit 70's soul. The basic track is recorded in Mono and the synths and the vocals are in Stereo - a weird but wonderful recording technique. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/otherbrosprecious.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  15. To order: PM me . Records will be reserved on a strict first come, first served basis. No matter how big your order is, 8.- Euro flat unless you want registered postage! I recomend registration for all orders over 50.- Euro for additional cost of 3.- Euros. The list is not really sorted, so you find Funk, next to Northern and R&B next to Modern. Prices are in Euro!!! Grading: Goldmine grading system - M- / VG++/ VG+ / VG / VG- etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SIGNIFICANTS: I'm Loving To Hard / One Kindness Deserves Another * ALESVER'S, VG++, 500.- Euro, sold Sweet / Crossover Soul grail from the sunhine state and for sure a tough pull. Excellent group harmonies on two superb songs. If only the engineer wouldn't be half deaf and had better recording equipment, but all copies sound like they where recorded under a blanket and if you want this, you have to live with the fact, that this is the mother of what they call Lo-Fi-Soul. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/significnatsimlovingtoo.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/significantsonekindness.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SOULETTES: Find Somebody New * DUD SOUND, M-, 450.- Euro, sold Rare sweet Chicago soul on Oscar Coleman's Dud Sound output. Great group harmonies by the girls and so very hard to find, especially in such nice condition. Flip it over for a quirky dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulettesfindsomebody.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/soulettesitsalright.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SYMPHONICS: Black Gold * AMG, M-, 225.- Euro, sold Surely one of the rarest records on Cinci/Ohio's AMG (American Mutual Group) output, a label, that was connected to a studio and offered a package deal for recording and pressing a small amount of 45s - a so called pay-to-play-deal. Here we have a superb group soul dancer, that ticks all the boxes. Clean copy, that never ever needs an upgrade. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/symphonicsblackgold.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE NEW CLARENCE REID: Cadillac Annie / Tired Blood * DEEP CITY, VG++, 200.- Euro Great and very rare 60's Miami soul on the legendary Deep City outlet. This is the local first press from 1967 before Phil-L.A.-Of-Soul took over for national distribution. Great funky soul for the dancefloor backed up by a mighty fine ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/clarencereidcadillac.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/clarencereidtired.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHARLES FARREN: You've Changed My Whole Life Around * HAWK, VG++, 200.- Euro Rare Chicago 60's soul mover in it's eyepopping ortiginal distribution sleeve. Nothing you see everyday and if you like underplayed records, here you go with a banging slice of windy-city niceness. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlesfarrenyouchanged.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE CHANDLERS: (Never Before) Your Love Keeps Me Drawing Closer / I Loved You, Girl * BLEU ROSE, VG+++, 150.- Euro Superb groupsoul dancer from 1969, that's lurking into crossover category backed up by an equally good sweet flipside. Not an easy pull and an all the way quality double header. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chandlersyourlovekeeps.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chandlersilovedyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NA ALLEN: Thanks For Nothing * ATCO, VG, wol, 100.- Euro, On Hold Half price for a slightly wounded, but great playing copy of this super soulful 1970 release. Crossover soul never sounded better and a bad kiss of a record - something you need if your ex is someone, you don't like anymore. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/naallenthanksfornoth.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENERAL CROOK: (Turn On Your Love Light) For Soul Satisfaction * CAPITOL, M-, 100.- Euro, sold Super clean copy of this amazing late 60's dancer housed in it's original birth sleeve. What a great record! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/generalcrooookturnon.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRANKIE ALLEN: Some Time Alone * C.R.S., Promo, VG+, 100.- Euro Great and very rare Philly Sweet Soul. Vinyl has a non feelable surface mark, that keeps it form being mint. Playgrade is excellent, check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankieallentimealone.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BABY LEO & THE MISSISSIPPI UPSETTERS: Rich Man * NO LABEL, M-, 75.- Euro, sold Quirky southern funk with amessage on this hard to find private pressed 45. Shiny clean copy, don't sleep! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/babyleorichman.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GRAND STRAND: Laredo * CREATIVE ARTS, M-, 80.- Euro Widely unknown funky Modern Soul, that sounds just to good to ignore. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/grandstrandlaredo.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SWINGING ALLUSIONS: Farewell Darling / Prove It * BEE JAY, promo, M-, 75.- Euro, sold Two great lowrider sweet soul sides on this super clean promo copy. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/swingingallusionsfarewell.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/swingingallusionsproveit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILSON PICKETT: Let Me Be Your Boy * VERVE, VG+, drill hole in lbl, 75.- Euro Vinyl has a kind of spot on the vinyl, that does not affect the soundquality. Actually without this spot this copy would be in VG++ condition. The wicked Pickett right before he became one of soulmusic biggest stars with a pounding uptempo dancer. A record, that almost has a Ska-beat underneath and how nice does it look in it's original Verve distribution sleeve? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/wilsonletmebeyourboy.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MILL EVANS: When I'm Ready * TOU-SEA; promo, sticker on lbl, M-, 75.- Euro Mislabeled copy, that has a sticker with the correct title on it (see picture). Excellent Chicago soul, that ended up on Marshall Seahorn and AllenToussaint's label in New Orleans. How the hell did that happen? Anyway, great atmospheric 60's dance soul and a favourite of the Northern Soul crowd for good reason. Check the soundbyte for a blast from the past! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/millevanswhenimready.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE McDONALD: Gotta Get Home / Show Me * DEBBIE, M-, 75.- Euro Outstanding Modern Soul stepper from 1979. Top side is on the rare LP by Lee McDonald as well, but the 7" provides a different mix compared to the LP-take. Flip it over for a beautiful slow jam. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldgottagethome.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leemcdonaldshowme1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BROWN SUGAR: The Game Is Over / I'm Going Through Changes Now * CAPITOL, promo, M-, label damage, 65.- Euro, sold Philly 70's soul masterpiece arranged and produced by the great Vince Montana. Two fantastic sides, that stand the test of time. I personally prefer the flipside, but the featured side is the DJ choice for most jocks. Vinyl is extra clean M-, only the labels have some H20-damage. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/brownsugarthegame1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/brownsugarimgoing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE VARIATIONS Of LOVE: I'll Always Love You / Reach For The Truth * GOLD PLATE, VG++, 50.- Euro, on hold Excellent Big Apple sweet soul from 1975. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/variationsofloveillalaways.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/variationsofreachforthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DELL-VIKINGS: Finger Poppin' Woman * White label test press, strong VG+, 50.- Euro, sold Probably the rarest format for this excellent 70's dancer by veteran group the Dell-Vikings, who kicked off their career in 1955 and more then 20 years later they still harmonize like they where standing on street corner in Pittsburgh. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dellvikingsfingerpop.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ONYX: You Never Fail To Amaze Me * YEW, M-, 50.- Euro, sold Super clean copy of this amazing fingersnapping 1970's dancer. This is the same group, that recorded "Break It loose" on Nia records. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/onyxyouneverfailto1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JEAN WELLS: What Have I Got To Lose * CALLA, M-, 40.- Euro, sold Simply one of the finest soul records under gods sun! A beauty without any doubt. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jeanwellswhathave.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FREDDIE SCOTT: (You) Got What I Need * SHOUT, strong VG, drill hole in lbl, 40.,- Euro Slightly wounded, but great playing, copy of this essential slice of funky soul, that kicks of with a sample of Biz Markie's immortal "Just A Friend". Half price on this as it's just VG, but still more then good for DJing as the saying goes. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/freddiescottyougotwhat.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INTRIGUES: I'm Gonna Love You * YEW; promo, VG+, 40.- Euro, on hold Way rarer promo copy of this fabulous 60's soul dancer. Some tip-ex on label and slight surface rub marks on vinyl. Soundquality is excellent, check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/intriguesimgonnalove1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MARGIE EVANS: Waterfalls * BUDDAH, promo, M-, 40.- Euro, sold Mindblowing Mizell-Brothers-production with sultry vocals by Margie Evans. The genius of Larry Mizell is all over this record. If you only buy one record, let it be this one. My favourite record of the list and it's affordable too! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/margieevanswaterfalls.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx VANEESE & CAROLYN: Let Me In / I'm Losing You * POLYDOR, VG++, 40.- Euro, sold Rare issue copy of this mighty fine 70's soul two-sider. Top side is a nice funky dancer, while the flip goes for a soulful slower pace. Strange enough, most of the 70's Polydor Issue releases are rare, probably because they where destroyed to make room in their warehouses. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vaneeseletmein.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vaneeseimlosingyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE ORIGINAL BREED: The Prophet / I'm Somebody * KAROL, M-, 40.- Euro, sold Clean copy of this superb crossover soul winner with an ovverlooked social aware ballad flipside. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/originalbreedtheprophet.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/originalbreediamsomebody.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Z.Z. HILL: Don't Make Promises (You Can't Keep) / Set Your Sights Higher * KENT, Promo, VG+, "x" on lbl flipside, 35.- Euro Z. Z.'s best soul record by far; two magnificiants sides to chose from and the guy recorded a shit load of fine records between 1963 and 1995. "Don't make Promises" shares the same backintrack as Eddie Rey's "I've Got Something Of Value", but "Don't Make Promises" is way better and much cheaper too. This is the rarer promo, the vinyl has light marks and plays excellent. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/zzhilldontmakepromis.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/zzhillsetyoursights.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TONY OWENS: Woman, I Got To Leave You * SANSU, M-, 40.- Euro, sold Great New Orleans 70's dancer, way underarretd and something, that would sound great in every Modern room. I'm down to my last copy of this! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tonyowenswomanigotto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRANK EVERETT: Spellbound * BIG SMOKY, wol, VG++, 40.- Euro, sold 1977 St. Louis Modern Soul, that ticks all the boxes. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankeverettspellbound.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TRINA THOMAS: Should I Or Shouldn't I / Don't Take My Love * TRI-IT, M-, 35.- Euro, sold Rare and great Nashville soul 45 with one superb southern soul ballad backed up by a funky dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/trinathomasshouldi.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/trinathomasdonttake.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JEFF PERRY: Love Don't Come No Stronger (Your And Mine) * ARISTA, M-, 30.- Euro, on hold Extra clean copy of this alltime great 70's floorfiller. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jeffperrylovedont12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (JOE) BATAAN: Woman Don't Want To Love Me * EPIC, Promo, M-, 30.- Euro Great Latin tingled funky soul by the mighty Joe Bataan. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joebataanwomandont.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (JOE) BATAAN: The Bottle / When You're Down (The Funky Mambo) * EPIC, VG+, wol, 15.- Euro, sold Two great sides on this funky latin double header from the Salsoul vaults. Joe Bataan's take on the Gil Scott-Heron classic is nothing less then a DJ-essential, while the flipside is an overlooked midtempo beauty. You need the issue of this, as the promo copies are on styrene and only the issues are on proper DJ-friendly vinyl. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joebataanthebottle.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joebataanfunkymambo.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNITED VOICE BLACK WHITE FAMILY: Make It Last * UNITED VOICE, M-, 30.- Euro Great early 70's gospel message song with a crossover feel to it. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/unitedvoicemakeit.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANGELA DAVIS & REUBIN FISHER: Time Don't Wait On No One * FLAMING ARROW, M-, 30.- Euro, on hold To the best of my knowledge this record wasn't in the Flaming Arrow / Crow haul from a few years back and it's a great Detroit crossover mover and despite an obscure live LP from 1986 Angela Davis' duet partner Reuben Fisher is an unknown to the soul collecting world. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/angeladavistimedont.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ANDREW JEFFERIES: Not Like Just Any Girl / Slipped Into A Groove * QUEEN, M-, 30.- Euro Two mighty fine 70's soul sides back to back, co-produced by Chicago's Simtec Simmons. It's mastered by "Audio Labs", a company in Chicago, so this is most likely a windy city sound. Not widely known and nothing that you see everyday. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/andrewjeffereiesnotlike.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/andrewjefferieslippedinto.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ERNIE SHELBY: Right Here Where You Left Me / Carry Me * POLYDOR, M-, wol, 40.- Euro Two great sides on this Polydor issue. The flipside "Right Here Where You Left Me" is my personal favouritre from the two, written by George Soule and Terry Woodford and recorded at Quinvy Studios in Sheffield Alabama. "Carry Me" is co-penned by Phillip Mitchell. I scanned the "Carry Me"-side as it has some significant writings on the label, the flipside label is clean. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernieshelbyrighthere1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernieshelbycarryme.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ERNIE SHELBY: Punish Me / Bend Over Backwards * POLYDOR, M-, mild storage warp, 30.- Euro Polydor's A&R man for soulmusic definitely had good taste, some great records came out on this major label. Most of them didn't sell at all and are highly collectable these days. Especially the issues, that in many cases have the better track on it then the mono/stereo promos. Here we have an overlooked Muscle Shoals production co-written by Phillip Mitchell (flipside is co-written by George Soule, who also played drums on both sides) and produced by Clayton Ivey and Terry Woodford. Two stunning southern soul sides by a guy, who only released six 45s in his career soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernieshelbypunishme.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/ernieshelbybendover.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE VANGUARDS: Somebody Please / I Can't Use You Girl * WHIZ, VG to VG+, wol, 25.- Euro Affordable sweet soul goodie from this Indianapolis based band, who recorded a handful of highly collectable 45s for the Lamp label. Flip it over for a more then decent dancer. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vanguardssomebody1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/vanguardsicantuse.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "LITTLE" JOHNNY BLAIR: Momma's Gone * HOUSE OF THE FOX, VG+, 30.- Euro Pounding slice of funky edged Northern Soul, action packed, super soulful and so much better than most of the big ticket items. Check the soundbyte! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejohnnyblairmomma1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ARTIE CHRISTOPHER: My Baby's Crying / Don't Try It Again * 5-HIGH, VG++, 30.- Euro A fantastic deep soul record with an equally great uptempo cut on the flip. Let's hear what sir shambling has to say about this record: "Although he recorded a few 45s under the name “Artie Christopher” I’m 99% sure that this is really Johnny Christopher, the guitarist/songwriter who is best known in soul circles for his work with Chips Moman at his American Studio in Memphis. Christopher’s musical credits are both lengthy and impressive but I want to concentrate here on the soul side of his personality. His initial single under his nom-de-disque included the superb deep soul ballad "My Baby's Crying". This has all the ingredients that I love in this genre – some simple gospel chord changes, fine organ/piano accompaniment, a gently cooing chorus and some rich horns. On top of which “Artie” does a really bang-up job of expressing the emotional angst of his own lyric. Was this cut in Nashville? Or Atlanta – where Johnny came from? I don’t know. The flip – and both sides of the second Atlantic 45 were certainly cut at American." soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristophermybabyscry.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/artiechristopherdonttry.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE APOSTLES: Six Pack * KAPP, VG+, 25.- Euro An action packed funk song about beer, well about 6 beers to be precise! Come on lads, what's not to like and doesn't it look great in it's original diistributionsleeve? soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/apostlessixpack.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE FAME GANG: Spooky / Night Rumble Part II * ATLANTIC, strong VG, wol, 25.- Euro, on hold Two great atmospheric instrumentals played by the Muscle Shoals studio cats and produced to perfection by Rick Hall. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/famegangspooky.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/famegasngnightrumble.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE SIMON: I Got A Whole Lot Of Lovin' * SOUND STAGE 7, M-, 25.- Euro, sold Eyepopping unplayed copy of this excellent late 60's dancer housed in it's original distribution sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joesimonigotawhole1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PACE-SETTERS: Push On Jessie Jackson / Freedom And Justice * KENT, M-, 25.- Euro Funky edged soul with a message, that recently crossed over to more open minded Northern Soul dos. I actually prefer the inbstrumental B-side, but both sides are great and this copy is clean as a whistle. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesetterspushon.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/pacesettersfreedomand.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHARLES JOHNSON: Take The Time * RICHBURG, M-, 25.- Euro, on hold Still cheap gospel funk goodie in immaculate condition. I have no idea, if this is the same Charles Johnson as the "Never Had A Love So Good"-guy. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/charlesjohnsontakethe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx B.B. KING: Heart Beaker PHILIPS, Made in Germany, Vinyl: M- / Sleeve: VG+, 25.- Euro, sold Rare german picture sleeve issue of this uptempo R&B dancefoor destroyer. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bbkingheartbreaker1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TYRONE ST. GERMAN: In A World So Cold / Don't Cop No Attitude * MORNING DOVE, M-, 25.- Euro Two classy Oakland/California Modern Soul sides. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermaninaworld.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tyronestgermandontcopno1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIAMOND JOE: The ABC Song / Look Way Back * DEESU, promo, M-, 25.- Euro Excellent, hard hitting Nola funky soul produced by Allen Touissant and Marshall Sehorn. Diamond Joe recorded some fabulous 60's side for Sansu records and is surely one of the most underrated vocalists from the the Big Easy. I'm down to my last copy of this! soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeabcsong.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/diamondjoeelookway.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE ARCHIE: I Am A Carpet / I Need You * DIAL, promo, VG++, 25.- Euro, on hold Little Archie, who's real name is Archie Himon, only recoded two 45s for Buddy Killen's Dial output and you urgently need both of them. Maximum Soul with a capital "S" here! The featured uptempo sides wakes up the dead and is a call to the dancefloor, flip it over for some really seriou deep soul business. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlearchieimacarpet.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlearchieineedyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CORNELIUS BROTHERS & SISTER ROSE: Too Late To Turn Back Now * UNITED ARTISTS, very strong VG+, 20.- Euro, on hold 1972 midtempo magic and a legendary last hour spin by a family group from California. Beautiful record in it's original company sleeve. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/corneliustoolatetoturn.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GLORIA TAYLOR: Grounded * SILVER FOX, M-/VG++, drill hole in lbl, 20.- Euro, on hold Powerhouse female funky soul for the dancefloor. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/gloriataylorgrounded1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BRASS COSTRUCTION: Two Timin' Lady * DOCC, promo, VG to VG+, 20.- Euro Great playing copy of this mighty fine hypnotic midtempo funk. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/brassconstructiontwotimin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GEORGE PORTER'S JOYRIDE: Cissy Strut / Sneaky Freaky * DEESU, M-, minor label flaking on flip, minor storage warp, 20.- Euro Two excellent super tight New Orleans Funk sides, probably unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. George Porter was - of course - the bass player for the Meters. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportercisssy.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/georgeportersneaky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FRANKIE NEWSOM & THE SOUL INVADERS: My Lucky Day * SAGPORT, VG+, 20.- Euro The first release on Chicago's short lived Sagport output with a catchy feel-good-dancer. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/frankienewsomemylucky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE NATURAL FOUR: Why Should We Stop Now / You Did This For Me * ABC, promo, M-, 20.- Euro, on hold West coast groupsoul double header on a nice clean promo. A more than talented outfit, who first recorded for Boola Boola, then signed with ABC and ended up being under the aegis of Eddie Thomas and Curtis Mayfield and recorded for Curtom records in Chicago. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/naturalfourwhyshould.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/naturalfouryoudidthis.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx UNTOUCHABLE MACHINE SHOP: Machine Shop * WAVELENGTH, VG+, 20.- Euro, sold There are records, that leave a big question mark in my brain. What the f*ck is an "Untouchable Machine Shop"? And how does a name like this can get connected to an extraordinaire free funk track? Anyway, this is a fantastic funk record driven by an unstoppable wah-wah-guitar, heavy beats and raunchy basslines. Clean playing copy with barely noticable surface marks. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/untouchablemachmachine.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE LIVE EXPERIENCE: Disco Joint * E&B, VG++, wol, 20.- Euro, on hold Banging club funk tune, that got nothing to do with "disco" as the title might suggest. Underrated and underpriced in my book. File under DJ essentials! soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/liveexperiencedisco.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WILLIE WILLIAMS: It Gets In Your Feet (When You Hear The Beat) / Funky Chicken Along With * GAMMA, VG+, 20.- Euro Decently rare Windy City funk double sider form a guy, who recorded to collectable 45s for ABS in the 60's. This record here is from 1970 and if you like your records funky and raw, you know what to do. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williewilliamsitgetsin.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/williewilliamsfunky.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY BARNES: I'm A The Crossroads * RAINA, VG++, 20.- Euro Florida Disco Soul by the mighty Bobby Barnes, who laid down some incredible and highly collectable deep soul records during his career. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbybarnesiamatthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOE HAYWOOD: (Play Me) A Cornbread Song * KENT, promo, M-, 15.- Euro Uptempo funky soul banger from this prolific New Orleans singer. Clean promo copy, that looked unplayed before I lifted the soundfile. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/joehaywoodcornbread.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE CHANDLER: Nothing Can Stop Me * CONSTELLATION, VG+, 15.- Euro Curtis Mayfield penned 60's dancer. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genechandlernothing1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEE WILLIAMS & THE CYMBALS: Get It Together * BLACK CIRCLE, VG++, wol, 15.- Euro Midtempo groupsoul from the top shelf by Lee Williams, who recorded so many great sides for Carnival records out of New Jersey. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leewilliamsgetittogether12.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY WILLIAMS: Keep On Loving Me * SURE-SHOT, VG, 15.- Euro Great 60's Detroit soul by the "I Only Got Myelf To Blame"-guy. Written by Mack Rice, who was a member of the Falcons and wrote "Mustang Sally" for Wilson Pickett. This is great catchy dancer and a bit underrated in my humble opinion. Vinyl has mild surface marks and plays excellent. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbywilliamskeeponlov.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEXTER WANSEL: New Beginning * PHILADEHIA INTERNATIONAL, promo, M-, 15.- Euro Simply wonderful jazzy stepper and this copy is as clean as it gets. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dexterwanselnewbegin.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE DA-KARS: A Shot In The Dark * JOSIE, M-, label tear on flip, 15.- Euro Cool funky instrumental with sloppy drums, sharp horns and a slick Bert Keyes arrangement. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/dakarsashotinthedark.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JAY DEE BRYANT: Get It / You're Hurting Me * ENJOY, VG+, 15.- Euro James Brown styled funk backed up by a sinsiter deep soul ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jaydeebryantgetit1.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/jaydeebryantyourehurt.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GENE MIDDLETON & THE SOLE SURVIVORS: Stop - Where You Are * D and B, VG++, 15.- Euro Great slice of 60's Florida soul with a catchy beat and great vocals. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/genemiddletonstopwhere.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITTLE JERRY WILLIAMS: I'm The Lover Man / The Push, Push, Push * SOUTHERN SOUND, VG, 15.- Euro Early release by Jerry Williams, who later morphed into Swamp Dogg and recorded a bunch of great records and is still active today. Two fine 60's dance sides with "I'm The Lover Man" has this certain Northern Soul appeal. Some marks on vinyl, but both sides play well. Priced accordingly... soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejerryimthelover.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/littlejerrypush1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SPYDER TURNER: You're Good Enough For Me * MGM, VG++, 12.- Euro, sold Let's be honest, this is better then 95% of all big ticket Northern Soul records. Pounding Detroit 60's soul, that hides away as the flipside of Spyder Turner's only chart succes, a cover of Ben E. King's "Stand By Me". soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spyderturneryouregoodenough.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEROY HUTSON: Positive Forces / All Because Of You (Instrumental) * ACID JAZZ, M-, 12.- Euro, sold Two unreleased Leroiy Hutson side on this great Acid Jazz release from a few years back. "Positive Forces" is a longer version then the Curtom relase and "All Because Of You" is the instrumental take. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyhutsonpositivevibes.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/leroyhutsonallbecauseinstr.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx JOHN EDWARDS: Messing Up A Good Thing * AWARE, strong VG+, near VG++, 12.- Euro, on hold Atlanta Modern Soul from the top shelf. A stunning, super soulful midtempo gem and another proof, that quality soul 45s don't have top break the bank. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/johnedwardsmessingup1.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BOBBY RAYLOV: Mind On The Money * LOVINN, M-, mild label damage, 12.- Euro, on hold Big Apple 77 blue eyed dancer iin super nice condition. Bobby Raylove wrote this track together with "Laser Love" and "Kitty Wonderful" and even if the music is not to your liking, you need this record for these two names. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/bobbyraylovemindonthe.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE OTHER BOTHERS: Precious Memories * RENAISSANCE "76", M-, 10.- Euro Charming Detroit 70's soul. The basic track is recorded in Mono and the synths and the vocals are in Stereo - a weird but wonderful recording technique. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/otherbrosprecious.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PHILLIP MITCHELL: Turning Over The Ground / Ain't No Love In My Life * HI, promo, VG+/VG, 10.- Euro Top notch 70's southern soul by gentleman Phillip Mitchell, a guy responisble for so many great songs from the classic aera. Flipside plays with mild crackles, priced accordingly, check the soundfile before placing an order. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/phillipmitchellturningover.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/phillipmitchellaintnolove.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TAMIKO JONES: Ya Ya * A&M, promo, VG++, 10.- Euro Great funky cover of the Lee Dorsey classic. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/tamikojonesyaya.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PHILLY DEVOTIONS: Hurt So Bad * COLUMBIA; VG++, 10.- Euro Superb 70's dance cover of the Little Anthony classic. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/phillydevotionshurtsobaad.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE SPINNERS: I'll Be Around * ATLANTIC, strong VG+, 10.- Euro, sold Majestic Modern Soul masterpiece produced by Philly legend Thom Bell. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/spinnersillbearound.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CHOCOLATE MILK: Action Speaks Louder Than Words / Ain't Nothin' But A Thing * RCA, VG++, wol, 10.- Euro, on hold Great funky 70's Soul produced by New Orleans legends Allen Toussaint and Marshall Sehorn with a killer synth bassline. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chocolatemilkaction.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/chocolatemilkaintnothing.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE CRUISERS: Take A Chance / I Need You So * GAMBLE, M-, drill hole in lbl, 10.- Euro Excellent Philly groupsoul midpacer on top side backed up by a beautiful ballad. soundfile 1: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cruiserstakeachance.mp3 soundfile 2: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/cruisersineedyou.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BEE BEE BUTLER: Walking Slow * SMC, VG+, 10.- Euro, on hold Great deep soul ballad from somewhere down south. soundfile: https://hamburgcitysoul.com/upload/beebeebutlerwalking.mp3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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