Hi Barry, went to the kay gee bee until its closure when it was still in the room that was reopened as a snooker hall.
Yes I do live in sheffield and I am not sure if we have met ?.
Thanks for getting in touch Barry. So sorry to hear about your poor health, If you would like a night out at all at one of the soul nights let me know , the lads and myself would gladly pick you up and take you with us. Cheers Dave, KTF.
This topic may well be for the soulies of rotherham and sheffield .
soul suit's made by george on the outside market in rotherham. Does anyone remember him ? did you have any clothing made by him . He is still around in leeds making suit's . His saying was it will be ready next week lads.
Hi, can anyone remember the Kay gee Bee in Sheffield from the 70's .
the club that was down the drive under the old cinema.
I think it was last used as a snooker club.
I am trying to find out which soul singers sang live there.
Cheers Dave.
Hi, can anyone remember the Kay gee Bee in Sheffield from the 70's .
the club that was down the drive under the old cinema.
I think it was last used as a snooker club.
I am trying to find out which soul singers sang live there.
Cheers Dave.
I suppose if you took drugs you knew where to find them ? . If you did not take anything you never so them on sale or being used.
I was touring the country with a group of friends every weekend going to all nighters and all dayers without touching any drugs.