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Paddy Ferry

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Paddy Ferry last won the day on March 20 2015

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About Paddy Ferry

  • Birthday 16/06/1959

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  • Top Soul Sound
    Lillie Bryant, Meet Me Halfway.

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  • A brief intro...
    Old fart still at it.

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  1. Be very careful , I started last week and was absolutely knackered , tonight pulled a muscle in my thigh before we'd even started , [ yes I did warm up ] my problem is thinking I can do things that I thought I could do 30 odd years back.
  2. Robson, Venables and Southgate all had good squads and in 90, 96 and 2021 imo under the right management should have won also Southgate was in a great position to get to the final in Moscow 2018 , whatever his failings I've enjoyed the ride yes frustrating at times [ a lot of the time ] but far better than non qualification failing in the group stages and lowest of the low Iceland . Who's next , Howe, Potter or a foreign coach ?
  3. Any score predictions ? I usually have a couple of quid on televised games , this tournament though drawn a blank every time , so tonight I've gone for England to win in 90 minutes 3 - 2 odds 35/1 , I'm going on the basis that it will be the game of the tournament with attacking play , like I say I've been a mile off up til now .
  4. As nearly always with the Euro's an unfancied outsider does well , this year I think Austria could do well , tough group but a form team, also group E could throw a surprise other than Belgium , winners , Croatia/ Chech Rep . I've had a couple of quid on Scotland getting a draw, looking forward to it. Can't make my mind up on the top scorer but Lukaku was well clear in the qualifiers .
  5. If you look on General Sales a guy is selling decks amp and mixer for £300 . Dated March 11th.
  6. We are sold out, however I can add you to the list if there are any can't make it's , cheers.
  7. KIRTON LINDSEY TOWN HALL. SOUL & MOTOWN NIGHT. MARCH 30TH 7PM TIL MIDNIGHT . TRENTSIDE SOUL + GUEST DJ Pete Brocklesby , tickets now available £5 , pm me to reserve. SOLD OUT.
  8. Does anyone use this on their set up/ home use, and if so is it worth getting, tia.
  9. Please be early to get a seat.
  10. Fabulous concert , Saturday night listening to the wireless , well done to everyone that put this on , loved it.
  11. I think there's a whole lot of people thinking exactly the same.
  12. I saw a post saying it will be shown later in the year.
  13. Chris Cooper is our guest Dj for this bank holiday Sunday night.

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