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Everything posted by Maark

  1. That's it in a nutshell for me too Bearsy. I'm open minded enough to enjoy a Motown night one week and a rare soul night the next, as long as I have enough room to dance. Spotted this number plate the other day........
  2. Bet you wish you hadn't asked now!
  3. Cracking post Ian. I love informative threads like this.
  4. Nice one, cheers!
  5. Ain't love grand!
  6. I think there's a big difference between giving a reason and justifying. I for one have loved reading everyone else's comments and the feelgood factor generated by those comments have been a major contribution to the success of the appeal.
  7. You only have to read Johnny's posts to see what a decent fella he is. He gave me a lift to Lifeline a while back and wouldn't take any money for the lift so more than happy to donate now. Fab gesture Pete, well done.
  8. And that's 100% more soul than you'll hear on the 'music' show on the other side!
  9. I've done this drive but was distinctly underwhelmed. Thought the west coast of Britain would p*ss all over it.
  10. Ever tried dancing while you're asleep??
  11. Pyramid .......cos it makes me want to go sleep.
  12. I'm going tomorrow night for the first time. Should be interesting/different.
  13. I don't see 60/70's soul as being political in the slightest! One of the aspects I love about soul music is that there seems a tune (or 50) to sum up just about every human emotion and the artist's who produced the work were obviously in touch with their 'soul'. They say most artists produce their best work in times of crisis...... hardship makes you constantly evaluate your life and as you say ZA9, black Americans had it tough. And as the soul singers used the medium of music to express themselves so the (mainly) white working class kids of Britain were able to express themselves too, through the music, on the dance floor. There are some teens/ 20 somethings into soul but very few in comparison to those into rap.
  14. If I remember right, Trevor Nelson expressed 'concern' (my word not his) on going to a Soul do in Lancs based on his a) Southerness, b ) 60's Soul not quite being his bag and c) being a black face in an almost exclusively white clientele. I think he found the experience a positive one though. Have the programme on video somewhere. I did ask a black girl at a soul do why there wasn't more black people into soul and she said what has already been stated in this thread. Namely that black people were into reggae and the like.
  15. Maark

    soul at the four - backpool

    Fab flyer!
  16. And to continue being pedantic from four years ago, I still think people mean north of Watford and not north of the Watford GAP! If you look at a map, the most northerly part of the London metropolis is Watford. Beyond Watford is fields, cows, trees, tractors and scary non cockerneys who talk funny. If the most northerly point of the metropolis happened to be, say, Enfield, the expression would be 'North of Enfield', I believe. If the north as you and Simsy say, does begin north of the Watford GAP (that place in Northamptonshire) can someone please tell me why this point in particular and say not the Northamptonshire/Leicestershite border for instance. Sorry to be so picky! Lol
  17. This tune for me, Cry no more/COD's, especially cos it reminds me of my old dog being very pooorly last week. I thought his time was up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zbCfWDVPy8
  18. Boll*x......the dates clash with Cleethorpes............
  19. I agree with you Spirit, he is amazing but in parts looks like a cross between gymnastics and yogic flying!
  20. Patrice Rushen I've been looking for you (hav'nt you heard) according to someone on Youtube.. hang no, it's Kirk Franklin.....
  21. She is, she does loads of running & cycling etc. Actually, (and this will upset some people in the light of the pics of the ladies posted on here) I think Rose gets extra points for cool because she isn't dressed up in "northern soul clothes".
  22. Nice one, Cheers!

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