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Everything posted by Maark

  1. The factory shop has the occasional sale too. If you are after a new pair of shoes, take your missus with you to Desborough and drop her off at the lingerie factory, also in town. https://www.cheaney.co.uk/ https://www.eveden.com/
  2. and apparently, I don't look a day over 75!
  3. and it don't matter if you are 61 either.......
  4. Leroy is now in heaven. RIP Jimmy.
  5. Another Slade soul connection, Tasha Thomas sang backing vocals on the 1976 single 'Nobody's Fool'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rf7Ez_fWv5M&list=PLC2155CEF7BE0F016&feature=mh_lolz
  6. Tighten Vol 2 was played on a loop at our local fair in 1969. But I knew the all the tracks anyway cos I had a cool skinhead older sister.
  7. Divshare. Thanks for the link Haydn
  8. If Carlsberg did put downs.........
  9. That'll get the young blood in. PW, the Prince Philip of the soul scene.
  10. Dancing to The Metros last night has never felt so fullfilling.
  11. Donated and reposted the appeal on Facebook.
  12. Did my first trip to Amsterdam last year (tip, coincide your trip when the Dutch national team are playing for extra excitement) and have vowed to go back one day to do the soul night and your review has made me more determined not to leave it too long. Great write up, thanks Dave.
  13. Same here. My avatar almost spells out my name, plus 'Baby what has happened to our love/The Ringleaders on m-pac is one of my favourite tunes.
  14. In Northants, barge is pronounced baarge, grass, graass and Mark, Maark! I might change to Air Maark tho.
  15. Thanks for taking the time to write such a considered reply Lorraine. I'm an artist of the painting variety and I've asked myself the same question and came to a similar conclusion as yourself. But, there's still the future!
  16. Hiya Lorraine, If you could have had a crystal ball back in the 60's and were able to fortell the changes to come as highlighted above (and include the internet and the way we can communicate now) would your career have panned differently? Mark
  17. Hope you make a full and speedy recovery Keith.
  18. Bearsy, the one and only time I've had the pleasure of hearing you play I was on the on the floor most of the set. Mind you, I was dancing with me back to the wall which is just as well in hindsight!l!
  19. Well I danced to one of your records last night so I'm being good! Thanks for the reply Lorraine, and yes, being happy is all that matters!! And soul music and dancing makes me happy!
  20. Can I come out of my room 19 and 3/4 years early please Lorraine cos I want to ask you a question. You mentioned the surprise expressed in Detroit when Edwin Starr came to live in England. Tommy Hunt also live here. Is relocating to Britain something you have ever, or even now would ever consider, considering the love and esteem in which you are held over here?
  21. Now I've just let a bit of wee out!!
  22. That made me spit my tea out!!
  23. Isn't Lorraine in Eastern France, near Luxembourg?
  24. 'You only live twice' may not have made the James Bond film, but I'm pretty sure it made the opening credits to a Channel 4 documentary about the Cleethorpes weekender. Fab tune! A massive welcome Lorraine!
  25. Like everyone else I'm shocked to hear the sad news about Trev. My condolences to Mandy and family.

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