Regards to all. Name Terry from Cheltenham, now in Oxfordshire. Did usual gigs. Loved Hanley alldayers. Main gigs for me were Cats, Mecca, Va Va's, Torch and of course Wigan, although for me and from what I now understand from others I since met on my return to the scene ten years ago. A lot left the scene between 73 and 75. The latter being when I left. Usual thing. marrage, kids and a spell in the services (RAF).
Anyhoo. Used the coaches in 73, but before then it was the proverbial thumb was used for the many miles to gigs up north for us poor southerners.
Started for me when still at school. Funny thing is, learned only a couple of years ago, that while in third and forth years of senior school. Fridays and Mondays mates left me alone. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was fine. Because Friday on way up and Monday on way down...
However love the scene just as I did as a kid.
Sorry no claims to fame, just went to dance the nite away... At any gig...