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Everything posted by Dazz

  1. I've only got the H55596 one mate so I don't know about the other one but mine is Bellsound stamped seem to remember that the other one has another b'side 'Angel' or is that the 'really' rare one?
  2. The rarer one has H625 in the dead wax and has strings in the production, not so rare one has H55596 in the dead wax and no strings in the production Hope that helps
  3. Dazz


    Any help/leads on this would be most appreciated .... even prepared to pay for a good soundfile if anybody has one. Thanks for looking Ta
  4. Don't know if it's the suspense or the just not knowing that's driving me crazy
  5. Thanks Henning
  6. Can anybody give me an idea how much 'Can't get enough of you' on Kef would cost? Thanks for looking
  7. Sorted now Thanks to all
  8. Think Dave Rimmer used to play it
  9. James Bynum Time passes by Perhaps?
  10. Hello Anybody got one of these for sale please Thanks for looking
  11. It's the Stairways - Don't you care on Richie
  12. Ok here you go
  13. I'll see if I can put a scan up later
  14. What's it worth on the Hot Groove label then?
  15. McArthur on Brown Dog issue only please Thanks for looking
  16. Got one here pal https://www.soulbid.co.uk/cgi-bin/SBA.cgi?Singles&1440351327
  17. Hi Sean Got one here mate https://www.soulbid.co.uk/cgi-bin/SBA.cgi?Singles&1439549583 Also got a pressing if you'd like the cheaper option Cheers Dazz
  18. Pm'd you Ez
  19. Hi Anybody got a copy of Malcolm Dodds Laugh my heart on MGM Demo only please TIA
  20. Got one here mate, Finishing soon https://www.soulbid.co.uk/cgi-bin/SBA.cgi?Singles&1439240429
  21. Is the one on Gulfstream different to the Alwa version?
  22. That's an interesting piece of information Chris, I have had a long standing disagreement with one Mr Holyman about it, he always says that the issue is rarer, whilst I maintain that a proper demo is rarer. Looking at sales on eBay I have noted that I have seen 7 issues sold but only 3 demos. Perhaps a straw poll of members might reveal the true position. I've got a demo
  23. Last couple on eBay went for around the $2000 mark if that's any help?
  24. All these on Soulbid, plus lots more Rudy Love & CompanySuffering Wrath/Life ain't so bad CanyonMon Aug 10 2015 - 9:25 PM GMT0£200.00Herman GeorgeIt breaks me up inside/Billy (I love you) NimrodMon Aug 10 2015 - 8:13 PM GMT0£100.00Helene SmithYou got to do your share/Willing and able Deep CityMon Aug 10 2015 - 9:37 PM GMT0£100.00Annabelle FoxLonely girl/Humor me SatinMon Aug 10 2015 - 7:37 PM GMT0£80.00Barbara Jean EnglishIf it feels this good/House of strangers Royal FlushSun Aug 9 2015 - 3:20 PM GMT0£60.00
  25. Cool, I'll PM you

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