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Tina Florence Too much for me baby/Let bygones be bygones APT Demo £30.00 M-
Delacardos She's the one I love/Got no one Atlantic £20.00 VG+
Bettye Scott&Del-Vetts Good feeling/Down, down, down Teako £30.00 VG++
Odds & Ends Let me try/Foot track Today £30.00 VG++
True Movement Depression/What a lovely way to meet Mystic Insight £60.00 VG++
Guitar Red Share your love/Fantasy Mod-Art £30.00 VG++
Cosmo & Counts Soft and pretty/You gotta dance Sound Stage 7 £30.00 VG+
Charles Wright Keep saying (you don't love nobody)/Borrowed time Philips £20.00 VG++
Robert Taylor Time keeps ticking by/Hot lady Lu Tall £35.00 VG++
Joanie Sommers Never throw your dreams away/You've got possibilities Columbia £40.00 M-
Poets A sure thing/So young (and so innocent) Symbol £10.00 M-
Betty White Playboy/That's old fashioned Caravelle £50.00 VG++
J.T. Sears & Rowbux Breaking point/Walking on new grass Boone Demo £30.00 M-
George & Lee You were made for me/Nobody but you International £30.00 VG+
Ramsey Lewis Wade in the water/Ain't that peculiar Cadet £20.00 VG++
Sly Slick & Wicked Love gonna pack up (and walk out)/Confessing a feel Bad Boys £30.00 SOLD
Channels I've got my eyes on you/Anything you do Groove Demo £40.00 VG++
Georgia Prophets Don't you think its time/Nobody loves you like me Capricorn £40.00 VG+
Johnny Washington Oh girl/Everlasting love De-Lite Demo £30.00 VG+
Bobby Wilson Here is where the love is/Anything (that you want) Chain £15.00 VG++
Lillian Alexander Can you feel it/A dream without you Reynolds £40.00 SOLD
Mylestones Sexy lady/Love me girl Hawk Sound £25.00 VG++
King Richard I'm not ashamed/Didn't we fool them Apollo Demo £225.00 VG
Barbara Jean English If it feels this good/House of strangers Royal Flush £70.00 M-
Four Hollidays I'll walk right out the door/I can't wait Markie £30.00 VG+
Lewis Explosion Liquid fire/Start to feelin' good again Pleasure £40.00 VG++
Herman George It breaks me up inside/Billy (I love you) Nimrod £100.00 VG++
Marvin Jenkins I've got the blues/Pt2 Palomar £25.00 M-
Bobby Womack I don't know/Yes jesus loves me UA £20.00 M-
Artistics Get my hands on some lovin'/I'll leave it up to you Okeh purp Demo £30.00 VG+
Love Potion This love(that I'm giving you)/Mr farouk TCB £45.00 VG+
Billy McGregor We've been in love too long/I've got it Palos £35.00 VG-
B.J. Thomas I don't have a mind of my own/Bring back the time Pacemaker £20.00 M-
Valentinos I can understand it/Pt2 Clean £10.00 VG-
Ms. Tyree (Sugar) Jones If you feel it/Instrumental Big Mack £30.00 SOLD
Obrey Wilson A little bit of heartache/Don't jump to conclusions Epic Demo £35.00 VG++
Spectrums Our meeting place/When I think of you Mercury £40.00 VG+
Sound of Soul Hey girl I still love him/Love is such a funny thing Josie Demo £25.00 M-
Class-Set My style/Julie Mod Art £45.00 M-
Helene Smith You got to do your share/Willing and able Deep City £130.00 VG+
Masqueraders I ain't gonna stop/I'm just an average guy AGP £20.00 VG+