This is probably the hardest letter I've ever had to write. I have been a Rare Soul collector for 35 years and have amassed a massive amount of 45's estimated at around 10,000 pieces.
The collection includes approximately 250 from Manship's Rarest of the Rare, a majority of Kev's Top 500, a good proportion that are on Soulclub.Org plus a fair swathe of the Motown catalogue, not to mention one-offs and really rare pieces not found in the books, records are from the following genres Northern, Modern & R&B from the 60's & 70's.
If somebody wants to offer me a million dollars for the lot that would be good, however in reality I am looking to raise an amount of money and so I'm looking for serious offers for your major wants. Obviously with so many records it would be almost impossible to list them all here, that is why I am looking for your priced wants lists. As you would imagine I do have an idea of what they are worth so please don't offer a couple of quid for the Caressors or a fiver for Danny Monday, only serious offers will be considered or even replied to. Please no "have you got" or "what do you want for" questions. I don't think anybody can own them all so if you send me a wants list please include some alternatives. I am a collector so I usually only have 1 copy of any given record.
I will reply to all mails provided:
1) You have sent me a PRICED Wants list
2) I have the record you want
3) Your offer is good
4) I need to tell you about the condition etc
5) You have rare 45's to trade that I haven't owned yet
Please send emails to
First come first served but please give me time to answer.
Thank you for looking