Hello Bob
Thanks for your constructive criticism. I hear perfectly what you are saying but it really is a catch 22 situation at this stage , there needs to be both buyers and sellers for it to be a success. As you rightly say it is mainly just me selling records at the moment and I am therefore obviously a bit cautious however when there are a few more sellers and a few more buyers I will be happy to let market forces dictate the prices by starting them cheap with no reserve. I personally think time will be the decider, as Mark has already said even Ebay had to start somewhere, would you have put your best records on there on their first months of trading for a quid with no reserve .... I think not. Don't forget , hopefully there will be other sellers on Soulbid who are a lot braver and cheaper than me I kind of knew after the first Soulbid that I was always going to make more money actually selling my records than running an auction site.
I appreciate your input and I can only assure you from a personal level that I will be offering many records from known to unknown, rare to common and expensive to cheap, hopefully so will some other sellers as Soulbid gets established.
John S .... you're right mate, I really need to work harder to get more on.
Kind regards