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Everything posted by Dazz

  1. Hi Got a JJ Daniels HERE Not mint but all details and soundfile are there for your consideration. Cheers Dazz
  2. Red & Greys and Mickey Mouse Concerto - Recipe for disaster I'd say Pete
  3. It's 'Never in a million years' by the Honey Bee's on Garrison, Lee v. expensive
  4. What a great record Deserves a bump Good luck
  5. Sorry if I'm being a bit thick but when you say 'upside down' do you mean that when looking from the centre out the scratched in no 20075 would be easier to read from the outside looking in? When you say 'cheap' what price did you have in mind. I'd have thought £25 for an issue due to the uncertainty of it's authenticity perhaps £40 for a def original and a ton for a demo?
  6. Glad you didn't Jordi got one less than half that price 2 weeks later Still very cheap though at 200
  7. Small selection of Set Sale stuff All details and sound files available by clicking the artist link for a bigger list just click HERE Thanks for looking Dazz Tutti Hill He's a lover/When the going gets rough Arock £15.00 Dean & Jean Lovingly yours/Goddess of love Rust £20.00 Brook Benton Where does a man go to cry/The roach song RCA £25.00 Jesse Lopez Was it a dream/Don't make me a memory Bravo £20.00 Buckinghams Don't you care/Why don't you love me Columbia £15.00 Five Stairsteps Playgirl's love/World of fantasy Windy City £15.00 Charles Wright Keep saying (you don't love nobody)/Borrowed time Philips £20.00 Travis Wammack Scratchy/Fire fly ARA £10.00 Jackie Moore Both ends against the middle/Clean up your own yard Atlantic £10.00 Stylettes On fire/Packing up my memories Cameo £20.00 Billy Stewart Sitting in the park/Once again Chess £15.00 B.J. Thomas I don't have a mind of my own/Bring back the time Pacemaker £20.00 Dawn Baby I love you/Bring it on home Rust £20.00 Aaron Neville Why worry/Tell it like it is Parlo £10.00 Fuzz I'm so glad/Push and shove Calla £10.00 Fascinations I'm in love/I can't stay away from you Mayfield £20.00 Oscar Toney Jr Ain't that true love/For your precious love Bell £15.00 Barbara Lewis Think a little sugar/Hello stranger Atlantic £20.00 Fat Larry's Band Center city/Music maker WMOT £20.00 Brenda & Tabulations One girl too late/Magic of your love Epic £10.00 Bill Deal & Rhondells I've been hurt/I've got my needs Heritage £10.00 Deon Jackson Love makes the world go round/You said you loved me Carla £10.00
  8. Hi Richard Yes it has ... looky likey
  9. Hello Last one I saw sold for $170 then again saw one at $75 get no bids Hope this helps
  10. Great tune that Benji both sides, rare too Good investment at that price I'd say Dazz
  11. Damn there nowt getting past you eh! michael vocals good as well isn't it. Trust you are well mate
  12. Hello Can anybody identify this instrumental for me please Thanks https://www.soulbid.co.uk/dsound/inst.mp3
  13. Sounds very much like this top tune I've been listening to a lot at the moment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZos7Wgy0dM
  14. Good luck with your search mate, as a matter of interest has anybody ever seen a demo of this?
  15. Hi I've got record of one selling on eBay for $105 if that's any use
  16. Hi Got a pressing here if it's any good to you Cheers Dazz
  17. Thanks Binsy The soundfile has a snippet of both sides
  18. Amongst others 4 for sale here Click the Artist link for all details Thanks for looking Chevrons Love I love you Independence Demo M- £175 Freddie North The Hurt RIK Demo Vg+ £100 Brothers of Soul I'd be grateful Boo (red) Vg+ £100 Willie Johnson Between the lines Cat Ex £40
  19. Thanks for the replies on this guys. The problem was that when i originally registered on ebay, there was no ebay.co.uk and so I was only registered for ebay.com. It seems that they have designed their forms to automatically enter the address details, so in the location field it was automatically putting in my post code where a zip code was required hence posting would fail. Contacted ebay and had my details changed so it should work now. Thanks for your help. Dazz
  20. Perhaps I should elaborate slightly I'm trying to list some records on ebay,com I am in the UK. all goes well until I get to the location field, where although my postcode has been automatically entered, when trying to list the record an error is flagged on the location field telling me just to enter the numerical portion of my Zip code. Anybody had this problem? Is there a solution? Thanks Dazz
  21. Hello Can anybody tell me how to list on ebay.com specifically where a zip code is required putting in my post code doesn't seem to work. Thanks Dazz
  22. Hello Eddie Try this here
  23. Hey Thanks Benji Been trying to think what it was since the last Lifeline All-Nighter knew I'd got it as well
  24. Don't know whether or not I've dreamt it but is there a female vocal version of this ? perhaps with a different title Thanks
  25. There is also the 2 Mary Saxton issues on the Pace label Losing control and Do the jerk

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