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Everything posted by Dazz

  1. Sold one for £800 5 years ago
  2. It's King George & the Fabulous Souls - I need you on Audio Arts ... So rare nobodys got a picture of it probably
  3. Let me know you got it ok Dave Dazz
  4. What a tune that 'We've been in love....' on Palos is, b'side 'I've got it' ain't too bad either if you like the shouty R&B stuff Check also 'Thank your mother and your father / We can over come with love' on USA which ain't bad both sides
  5. What serious collector doesn't check them in their database to see if they haven't already got them?
  6. Pointless - A programe about sticking photo-copied labels (with sticky backed plastic) onto pressings/bootlegs to make them look like originals
  7. Future Sound 9527 seen it listed for £200
  8. Love those Cacti
  9. Thanks Calvin
  10. What did the Chevrons sell for?
  11. Hi Ady I've got a 1250 x1250 scan of Mary Saxton if you want think I could also do her other one on Pace too if required what format do you require jpg or bmp pm me your email address and I'll mail it too you Dazz
  12. They are mostly Garage records mate.
  13. Good tune that Rochelle Rabouin, same tune as Gorgeous George - Strange book but danced up a bit, b'side ok also
  14. Hi Nick Got one here Cheers Dazz
  15. Sorry to hear of your loss Pete by all accounts your brother was a top chap many condolences Dazz
  16. Always sounds to me like the music they used to use on that Superstars programme from the 70's, you know the one where Kevin Keegan fell off the bike.
  17. Georgettes is a lo-fi production, I've yet to hear one that doesn't sound poor.
  18. Hi Got an Ethics HERE probably not as clean as you are looking for but it's cheap
  19. 2 records same artists same label Caprells - Close your eyes on Bano Caprells - Hey girl (why'd you have to do it on Bano
  20. Sue Ann Jones - I'll give you my love on TCB
  21. Hi Dave Hope you don't mind me saying but I think you may have scuppered your want in the second line of your original post. I got one of these about 8 years ago and since then have not seen one on a British Dealers list and only seen 2 on eBay which went for $86 and $109 respectively. I think this is quite a rare piece so you may need to re-think how much you are prepared to pay. Good luck with your want though as it is a bangin' tune. Think I'll give it a spin at Walsall Wood tonight if you are in the vicinity.
  22. Not a big fan of that Catacombs style tambourine shaking that a lot of those records seem to have had. So I prefer this stripped down version Have a listen HERE
  23. There is a white demo of The Olympics as those titles but there is only an issue of the very very very rare mis-press with the alternative ( I would say better) mix of 'Same old thing' Didn't think that was the title for Mirwood 5520 or is that 5521? Happy New Year
  24. £20? no bids @ $40 or $80 on eBay
  25. t'other sides great too

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