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Everything posted by Chatty

  1. If new comers to the scene go straight to the oldies and stay there fair enough, but i'd like to think the more discerning will start to dig a little deeper. At the end of the day people like what they like, if we were all the same it would be a sad old world. Surely one of the beauty's of the scene is one mans newie is another mans oldy! Ps Is there any other scene were people are looked down upon and sneered at for what they like more than this one?
  2. Emptied the floor more than once when first getting spins at the Casino by all accounts.
  3. Once heard northern soul played ay Wigan Casino in 1976, but reading some of the posts on here you'd find it hard to believe sometimes!
  4. Forty quid secures you my Nolans album!
  5. Didn't he break the "biggest record of" them all?
  6. You could say that about any business opportunity since the beginning of time. There must have been quite a few Djs/promoters knocking around then, (obviously not as many as today ) but the fact remains he was the one that did. The world/telly's full of people/ex sportsmen/celebrities who had their day many moons ago and are still living off the back of it, you can hardly blame him for that?
  7. Love him or hate him he "discovered" there was a venue to fit the all nighter demand after the demise of the Torch and had the foresight and balls to give it a go. On this message board alone how many thousands of words have been written about said venue? Could there, would there have been anywhere bigger than the Casino if he hadn't bitten the bullet and give it a go?
  8. I find looking at their other sale's always gives you an idea of where they're coming from!
  9. Little Anthony and the Imperials signatures anyone? https://www.ebay.com/itm/LITTLE-ANTHONY-AND-THE-IMPERIALS-EPHEMERA-SIGNED-/370592277598?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item564905645e
  10. You could always do what one seller puts in his ad when he as a rare one. "Don't sleep"
  11. Hi Does anybody know whats happened to Anglo Americans online price guide? Tried it a few times recently and getting the old "404 File or directory not found" I know Tim Brown was rightly proud of it and used to advertise it as the only online rare soul price guide in the world.
  12. That feckin snake must be dead of old age by now, with or without it's comforter of silk, and it's honey and some milk!
  13. Not vinyl and not going to entice mad bids but due an honourable mention. Who's Kev? (Must be one of the bouncers) Can't be Roberts, by his own admission he didn't attend the first one! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NORTHERN-SOUL-PATCH-WIGAN-CASINO-RIGHT-ON-/321231042044
  14. Book price (for what it's worth) of that little lot comes in at £14900 .
  15. I asked him the same question last week (about the Detroit Soul) and got the same reply about him not being an authority on that particular record. Having now seen this post i have just messaged him back asking for him to state that he can't guarantee it's originality on his advert. (I won't hold my breath) In the meantime if enough people on here asks him a similar question maybe he can be shamed into being a bit more straight forward/ forthcoming with his adverts?
  16. Sandi Sheldon, starts at 100 miles an hour then just gets quicker.
  17. By now we all know where the definition of "Northern" came from, it was people looking back instead of listening to the modern of the day? So it's just a matter of degrees? The point made by the poster i quoted was about the turn over of records, and my point was it ain't/ can't /wont, happen in this day and age.
  18. You discover, break, play the records at the pace today and you've cracked it, That's exactly why it's a nostalgia scene!
  19. It was one fellows look back at a scene he hadn't inhabited for 30 odd years, it was always going to go back through the time warp, can't believe anybody expected anything different!
  20. A link here to more of the RS interview https://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/0/24164508
  21. It wouldn't have been the same without the clip of the lad at Wigan gurning and doing windmills before his backdrop, it really feels like i've come to know him over the years!
  22. Say what you like about the man (and plenty have) when it comes to self promotion PT Barnum would tip his hat. Guess what's number 1 (Bit of a twist in the tale actually)
  23. Your not kidding, someone sold one on here a couple of weeks ago on 77 for 8 quid!
  24. I remember Hovis was hanging about near the entrance talking to somebody whilst waiting to do his spot when someone came out and told him the fellow djing at the time had just gone into his record box and was now playing his copy of Kenny Gamble TJOY which was an exclusive at the time. If you thought Usain Bolt was quick off the mark you should have seen him shoot back in. .
  25. Tim Browns got the demo down at £500, and the issue at £1000.

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