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Posts posted by Chatty

  1. I have just bought a record from the US for just over a couple of hundred dollars on E Bay.

    The seller had the postage down for 11 dollars first class. He has just e mailed me asking am i ok with first class?

    So at what price should i be thinking of adding insurance to the record?.

  2. I left a copy of "Black Power" by James Coit down the grid outside Wigan....car park side in 1977 and cracked copies of The Steinways and Van Dykes in a motel in Binghamton NY in 1990.....maybe someone wants to go and find these?


    They filled the grid with concrete, tarmacked Station Road then built the Grand Arcade on top, barring a nuclear explosion James Coit will never be seen again! :D 




    Sorry but my reply  of, "but i'd like to think the more discerning will start to dig a little deeper". was aimed at the post;


    "new people on the scene have gone straight to the oldies scene....attracted there like a moth to a light then immediately disregarded anything else."



    I never said or implied  "there is" anything "wrong with the mainstream majority northern scene"? :)

  4. cant accept, the statement regarding the more discerning , which implies that the majority of people who are into northern soul are unthinking uneducated and ignorant because of their failure to take on what you think they should ,

    ask yourself why do the majority of people on our scene like classic oldies , is it because they only follow certain dj,s or attend certain venues , no its because after all these years its still great music and with all this experience they have chosen what they like and what they want to hear and are happy with it , why listen to second best ,and think that's what most new to the scene find ,

    as for your last statement your obviously not into the scooter scene lol .they make us look like wimps wrt arguments within their scene ,

    EH? I never said or implied that "the majority of people who are into northern soul are unthinking uneducated and ignorant because of their failure to take on what you think they should" 


    I was replying to the post that said :, "agreed,but new people on the scene have gone straight to the oldies scene....attracted there like a moth to a light then immediately disregarded anything else....all done without any baggage as well"


    Sorry you managed to get the wrong end of the stick! :lol:


    As for the scooter scene you may be right, I haven't cocked my leg over one since 1980. :yes:

    • Helpful 1

     agreed,but new people on the scene have gone straight to the oldies scene....attracted there like a moth to a light then immediately disregarded anything else....all done without any baggage as well

    If new comers to the scene go straight to the oldies and stay there fair enough, but i'd like to think the more discerning will start to dig a little deeper.

    At the end of the day people like what they like, if we were all the same it would be a sad old world.

    Surely one of the beauty's of the scene is one mans newie is another mans oldy!


    Ps Is there any other scene were people are looked down upon and sneered at for what they like more than this one? :lol:

    • Helpful 1
  6. Had this conversation a few times ,usually at all nighters.Take Lou Pride for instance."Im coming home etc"..a Northern Soul classic.

    But if newly discovered now ,would it be relegated to the "new funky shite" category ? Or be as readily accepted as it was back then.?

    Emptied the floor more than once when first getting spins at the Casino by all accounts. :ohmy:  

  7. Time and place were very important.

    If another popular all-night venue had opened just before The Casino, things could have been very different.

    Likewise, someone else could have spotted the opportunity.

    Russ was in the right place at the right time, he saw the opportunity and he went for it.



    You could say that about any business opportunity since the beginning of time.


    There must have been quite a few Djs/promoters knocking around then, (obviously not as many as today :yes:) but the fact remains he was the one that did.




    But what did he do after the end of 77? Seems he has been living off the heyday ever since.

    The world/telly's full of people/ex sportsmen/celebrities who had their day many moons ago and are still living off the back of it, you can hardly blame him for that?

    • Helpful 1
  8. Love him or hate him he "discovered" there was a venue to fit the all nighter demand after the demise of the Torch and had the foresight and balls to give it a go.

    On this message board alone how many thousands of words have been written about said venue?

    Could there, would there have been anywhere bigger than the Casino if he hadn't bitten the bullet and give it a go? :g:

    • Helpful 3
  9. Hi

    Does anybody know whats happened to Anglo Americans online price guide? Tried it a few times recently and getting the old "404 File or directory not found" I know Tim Brown was rightly proud of it and used to advertise it as the only online rare soul price guide in the world.

  10. Now at £62


    Well here's my 'acting the innocent' question, the reply and a response:




    Great tune - thanks for the soundclip. How would you describe this - original? 2nd issue? bootleg? As it had a decent start price I was hoping it might be an original.

    - Kev



    I am not an authority on this particular 45 I am afraid. I can say it came out of a collection not seen the light of day in over 35 years and one identical sold for $108.60 on Feb 15th according to an old listing.



    Hmmm, but you know it's a 'huge oldie' and you've been selling soul vinyl for 40yrs?  It's a bootleg so you must be hoping to have someone over by not alluding to that and by refusing to acknowledge it when questioned.

    - Kev






    I don't expect to see the question retained on his listing though. Then again, it's not a huge price so maybe the bidders know what it is and have more money than sense. Stranger things have happened.  For £60 profit I might try and locate my boot copy.


    :hatsoff2: - Kev

    I asked him the same question last week (about the Detroit Soul) and got the same reply about him not being an authority on that particular record.

    Having now seen this post i have just messaged him back asking for him to state that he can't guarantee it's originality on his advert. (I won't hold my breath)

    In the meantime if enough people on here asks him a similar question maybe he can be shamed into being a bit more straight forward/ forthcoming with his adverts? :g:

    • Helpful 1
  11. It's interesting that it's always refered to as 'The Nostalgia Scene', yet I don't ever remember people stood around the Casino in 40 year old clothes waiting for messers Winstanley and Searling to play the same 20 records every hour. Very often a track would go from unknown - to floorfiller - to pressing plant - to being dropped from the playlist, all in a few weeks...... shame they couldn't be a little more 'Nostalgic' for that side of the scene. :(

    You discover, break, play the records at the pace today and you've cracked it, That's  exactly why it's a nostalgia scene! :g:


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