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Posts posted by Chatty

  1. It would have to be Bluey, I was first introduced to him when I was but a callow youth at Wigan.

    He was very popular, well known to vast numbers on the scene at the time, was always warmly welcomed when he appeared, and would never let you down (not too early anyway) :lol: .

    Normally there most weeks at the allnighter, but on the occasions he wasn't it was never the same.

    Some weeks people would search frantically for him, whilst others said they had bumped into him or knew someone who had.

    Would you believe there where certain authorities who didn't want him around the place and would take measures to stop him attending or try to nab him when he did!

    Alas I have not met or looked for his acquaintance for many a long year. In fact  i don't if he is still around or has long since perished?.

    But I only have to think about, or bump into someone who knew him back in the day and it brings back memories of some of the best times of my life.

    Bluey take a bow son! :thumbup:   

  2. Word of warning Stu, if you used to be handy with the spins take it easy, two full revolutions after so long out and you'll need somebody on each arm guiding you back to your seat and then it will be the room spinning for the rest of the night not you! :D


    Have a great night.

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  3. My old mate from Rochdale Chris Shepperd has searlings copy from the casino, he paid under a ton for it..yes just recalled it as £60

    Recently heard Richard mention this whilst listening to one of his old tapes from when he was on (I think) Jazz FM.

  4. Pardon my ignorance in advance, but why does buying off Manship mean paying such a premium (is it solely due to the fact that it is off such an esteemed dealer)?

    In this day and age of the internet (and indeed Johns own publications on the matter) authenticity can't be a factor.

    And even on e bay surely no one would pay any kind of money for a record without there being a copper bottomed returns policy in place.

  5.  Am I living in a parallel universe here?

    I read threads all the time on here telling me the "scene " as never been better, more events than there as ever been ( point taken there will never been an event where people head to the same  venue in their hundreds/thousands  on a weekly basis ever again)

    And yet i am being told a track  as turned up that is an  "Awesome discovery", teased with a  40 second play, told we can tune into a radio show to listen to the full track, told if we attend certain weekenders we can can here it played out, then finally we will be able to buy it.(Not a bad sounding tune by the way)IMHO

    Hats off to everybody involved in the discovery, breaking, playing of the said track, but please don't anyone tell me the scene has never been better, when tunes  were turned over at a rate of knots we could only dream about today?


    I know this may upset people, but i am quite happy to post what i think, put on my tin hat and retreat 100 yards! 

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