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Everything posted by Chatty

  1. Hell fire, don't tell me Lee Marvin's has been bootlegged as well. Is there nothing sacred? I'll get "mi leather" coat.
  2. Tim Brown has this down as a £25 record on his price list database?
  3. Ha ha, and the best bit is they never went again after it turned crap but can still tell you how shite it was from then on!
  4. For me it's all about the memories......... visiting the Casino in Stoke, a trip to the Mecca on that rickety Pier, dancing to Love on a Mountain Top at Stafford. Once you lose them it's all over!
  5. Seem to remember Richard Domer started apologising in advance on his record lists for his off hand manner in case you caught him on a bad day?
  6. Correct, and there was a smaller room off Mr Ms with a small bar and dance floor called Gerrys Inn also named after the afore mentioned.
  7. Looks like a case of "not Wanting You"
  8. Intrigued by that statement, does anybody know a Russ record that was truely his?
  9. Someone could always put in a super mad bid in for it and have the seller wetting himself, then when it comes to paying just tell him to feck off, i know for a fact e bay do jack shit about non payers if they happen to generate even a moderate amount of money on their site!
  10. Especially a boot on ebay
  11. [url=https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.Xvalentines+breakaway&_nkw=valentines+breakaway&_sacat=0&_from=R40]
  12. Hi It's in the "book" at 150 stock copy, 200 demo, but you can get lucky, ( whoops I tried to do a link to popsike showing a demo going for $41 VG- in March)
  13. I thought long and hard before printing this but “publish and be damned”, here goes: Last week I had a record up for auction on ebay, the eventual winner didn’t end up paying so I informed e bay (as not to incur the sellers fee), No problem, shit happens,move on! So I decided to re-list the record as a buy it now so no one will end up bidding more than they should and end up having second thoughts, they can just sum up the price and buy it at leisure as it were, if they wish. Just after listing it I noticed a member on Soul Source (he looks to have made quite a few posts, and asked for quite a few wants) had it down as a want, so I pm’d him. I was actually at least the second one to contact him as someone had already posted a pm message to him. After giving him the details (demo) and condition and price he got back to me saying It’s only to play at charity events 3 or 4 times a year in which he receives no money for doing and he doesn’t have “much funds” and that he as already been offered a couple of stock copies but asking could I manourve on price? I got back to him with a 10% discount but received no answer. A day later he contacted me on e bay( I actually have another username so he wouldn’t have realised it was me) telling me the same tale and that he’d bid to a certain amount at the time of the first auction but missed out (I looked back at the bidding, he had indeed put a bid in, but for less than he told me he had) and offering to buy it at about 25% less than the buy it now price. I messaged him back telling him his charity work sounds very commendable and I salute him but this sounds like emotional blackmail, if it’s only to play at charity events 3 or 4 times a year there’s no real need to own a demo (unless it’s for his own satisfaction) and he would be better buying a stock copy (5 to 10 times easier to come across and obviously cheaper) and donate the difference to the charity ? Or better still grab a download and donate the lot to the charity? (I don’t know the music policy of the said event). He messaged me back listing all the good causes and the amount he had raised saying no offence, but plenty people where happy to sell him records on the cheap because he raises money for charity with them. Now am I missing the point here? Is he putting the onus on me to backhandedly make a donation to the charity? I know another soul site used to ask for people to donate unwanted records so they could auction them and give the proceeds to charity, great idea, no problems with that whatsoever. To me though this smacks of him building up his collection on the cheap on the back of his charity fundraising. (If he sells them on in future would it be for the price paid, or a tidy profit say?) I have in the past myself done charity bike rides and fun runs but I wouldn’t dream of asking for a discount on a bike or a pair of trainers if I was buying them on e bay because of that fact. The record in question is far from rare and the demo when up for sale struggles to reach three figures! Apologies in advance if I ‘ve got the wrong end of the stick on this one! PHEW!
  14. Bit of a wet dream isn't it. Would you rather win the lottery or drop on the same amount financially by finding a shed load of super desirables and having the pleasure of knocking them out one by one? (As if)
  15. Can understand your beef, he should either just put a reserve on them or start the bidding at the least he's willing to accept!
  16. I only became aware of this record fairly recently, and have obviously never heard it out, but i can understand why it became such a monster. To me in the same vein as a few of Searlings late Casino biggies, not the most soulful of records but one that hits the nerve!
  17. To be honest Simsy that's a picture of one i grabbed off the internet, but it did happen for the first time the other week and i'm still not sure if it's because the guy decided to send a 45 in an LP box . When i contacted him he said that's nothing to do with it, someone had told him always send them in an LP box then they don't "slip down the sides when being shipped". either way he guaranteed me a trip to the sorting office to pick it up!
  18. Apollas-Mr Creator-W/bros demo Ex+ £110 free p+p cheque/paypal as gift/cash. Thanks, Andy
  19. I claim first prize by nominating the shopping centre floor RW had the Casino anniversaries on a few years back!
  20. Nice one, forgot all about it, forgot i even knew it, just got it up on u tube and OMG, all came back to me. How good does it feel when that happens! ( Before you ask i have been living in a cave in Outer Mongolia for the last 30 years. even so i should get out more i know)
  21. As Richard Searling once said after playing Vickie Baines on Jazz FM back in the late 90s; "You just had to be there"!

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