The British Theatre review opens with...
Using a live band in a show about young people dancing to records may seem an odd change to make and perhaps one that could distort the play to fit the theatre's traditions, but it actually works well. Music is used in the scenes when the characters are dancing or listening to records and also as a link between scenes, and it is here that the band, on a platform above and behind the action, gives much more visual interest than just a recording. The seven-piece band is superb, fronted mostly by the deep, rich tones of ex-Flying Picket Paul Kissaun with Jackie Wilson hair, and later by the powerful soul voice of Shirley Darroch. The PA sound isn't as good as it should be, with an overall muddiness and lack of clarity to the overall sound quality and a balance that sometimes has the drums drowning out the lead vocals.
Also says the reworked script is not heavy on plot a light comedy that examines obsessions that can destroy relationships.
So in summary the play has an inferior script saved by the Average House Band