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Everything posted by jam66

  1. JJ Daniels-Mr Lonesome Barbara Mercer -Hey Fantastic Four-As Long As I Live The Fantastic Four on revisiting it just blows me away, when it trips off into the melody I'm gone.
  2. Library Congress Online has some things on the AFN, not too sure what's there. https://catalog.loc.gov/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&Search_Arg=american+forces+network&Search_Code=GKEY%5E*&CNT=100&hist=1&type=quick There's this on the main site. https://memory.loc.gov/ammem/awhhtml/awrs9/afrts.html This is the page for the above link and it has a few others. https://www.loc.gov/search/?q=american+forces+radio Finally this one from the Department Of Defence. Haven't followed the links but I should imagine these are as good a resource as any. https://www.defense.gov/specials/transform/afrtsarchivevid.html Edited to add the web page of AFN https://www.afneurope.net/ They have a facebook page as well, could be worth throwing a question/enquiry up on that. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150815147847602&set=a.10150640102027602.388036.74799177601&type=1
  3. Germany '74/5 time and Herford where I was posted was a rather small place so we used to wander over to Bielefeld on the odd occasion for a livlier bit of the nightlife. We're in this club with a reasonably well sized dancefloor and tables round the side on a raised area with a 3' or so iron railing round separating it from the dancefloor. I'd been drinking all day and was having the proverbial good time when I noticed it was a black DJ so the obvious link and I wondered if he had any soul I could appreciate so went up and had a ramble chat with him. Turns out he had the Major Lance Live At The Torch LP, so I gets him to put Investigate on and was up on the floor giving it big licks. All would have been well and good but the German punters all got round clapping away cheering and encouraging me so I starts to get all giddy and runs up to the seating area climbs on the railing to jump off to finish with a backdrop flourish. Sadly as soon as my head hit the ceiling fan (only revolving slowly luckily enough), I fell in a heap on the dancefloor. Luckily enough just as those nice MP's arrived with my taxi home, which by the way I don't remember much of.
  4. What I've ended up doing Harry is putting a request in to the US Library Of Congress. They reckon up to 5 days for a reply so we'll have to wait and see.
  5. A picture of where he used to live is all I've ever found. He turned to Islam and would not talk about his past and could be offensive about it apparently. From Soulful Detroit.
  6. It's years since I cleaned any records but was mates with someone who was real serious and had a brilliant collection. He thought that isopropyl 'burnt' the record especially styrene, yet some of the other posts claim not.
  7. My moment is on the younghearts and when singing along it's still "the strings..at Golden World" to me.
  8. Slightly tongue in cheek but the origins of how and what we view as pop could perhaps be traced back to Strauss and how his concerts were rammed with people frantic fighting get in as they couldn't hear him anywhere else lol, sound familiar? Ladies all light headed and fainting over the maestro. Lovely as I've no doubt you are Northern Jocks glad we left that bit behind.
  9. Got to agree with Mal C on the Tobi Bowe/Mamie Lee comparison, every element of Mamie's version simply outshines it.
  10. 'Condition Red' always grated on me.
  11. The comment about Va Va's being revived and Kegsy's mention of Hector brought back a memory of Xmas '73. Me and Hector went over there after a Friday all nighter at the Central (doesn't sound right even to me but it was the holidays), I was carrying about 200 blueys for him and as they were searching people going in I started flashing my new army id card as some proof of innocence. Absolutely of my box and paranoid as hell. Don't remember that much of the place as it was the only time I went but the perspex panels seem to ring a bell and I don't remember it being a particularly good night however as was stated Richard had moved on then and others claimed it went downhill after that.
  12. Thought I'd try Hugh Masekela on you, keep trying to compare but it's late and I'm getting a little fazed (like yer do).
  13. Enjoying the podcast interesting getting a Stateside perspective.
  14. What about Doris Troy 'Anything He Want's Me To Do'.......chugga chugga, sax break as well. Bet you can't listen to it now without thinking chugga chugga. What a tune still love it. Reckon you could present that to people!
  15. I post on one other forum and that's for politics. However it has a number of other forums and one of them is music. One of the posters put up a question about heartbreaking records and I couldn't resist putting up 'I'll Always Love You' Brenda Holloway, sends me somewhere else personally. However I brought it back to a more NS dance orientated heartbreaker with Eddie Whitehead 'Just Your Fool'. Both of which went down much better than I expected but it is overwhelmingly an American board. So the question is the most heartbreaking NS you can actually dance to. I put a rhetorical question to the original poster in my reply, I said 'I'm a 60's soul fan how much pain can you take'
  16. How come I remember it from '73 at the Central. Thought there were some real record collectors on here, nobody have any discs to verify
  17. You do realise you're all talking about me dontcha
  18. Looky Looky by the Ojay's I think is an absolute buzz. Like you say sometimes money's nowt t' do wi' it.
  19. Difficult isn't it. In a sense, I'm even doing to myself because it does in a sense reveal what we think of our music. So how do you explain yourself to someone. I noticed I kept refering to Ric-Tic cos that's what started me. However I have quoted others it's not yer favourite record it's how do you present yourself to other people. *Anecdote alert* Somebody's mother, a bloke I grew up with and was active on the scene, well she used to love Tobi Legend. I mean really love it and she'd have been not that much younger than us older ones now and she absolutly loved in then and after all if the corrupt media had of counted the record sales properly it would have hit the charts. Because they considered such a concentration of sales in the North amounted to payola they refused those sales figures in their 'chart' calculations. Which was almost penalising the records twice because bigotry or exclusion kept many, not all, of them out of the American charts of the day So the point of that is we don't consider what would feel fresh and alive to them. You would seem to have forgot. There's records I play still (personal disclosure! Oldies Freak!), and I can feel the floor remember the lighting remember how I felt. If we look at the public as pop based from my own personal memory hearing Sweet Darling by Jimmy Soul Clark could maybe do something for the poor lost souls, I feel I can present it to them because it would appeal to a pop sensibility, after all commercial success is what they sought as well, whilst being that tad stronger. Drenched in emotion and vunerable but strong. Brilliant back beat etc etc. Listening to it now Many tunes we listen to seem to be able to just stop before they drop into the dread canyon of over sentimentality. Suppose that's the emotional rollercoaster this stuff we listen to takes us on. Dancing along that edge. True love sugar free. Sure that's in a song So don't forget how my mate's mum loved Tobi Legend. Just to be kind you may start the test again. David's had a drink
  20. Re-issue, label looked a bit too tatty for my money. By the way cheers mate you earned me at least 1,000 brownie points.
  21. Not practised enough in embedding on the site yet. Thanks for the quick replies.
  22. Connaught Hotel Wolverhampton Northern Soul night 6/7/2007 Video Size: Comme
  23. Thanks for that, got a year of release Chalky. Also just off topic I was watching a tube video from Wolverhampton today and there was a DJ who got up to dance and he was called Chalky....................nah.....what could I be thinking.
  24. A friend in oz was looking for information on 'I Keep Forgetting' especially the year but all other informations would be most welcome. Thanking you in advance.
  25. Thank you so much for your reply Lorraine it will be saved to the hard drive lol. Not quite TMI just this side of proper decorum just like a true lady. My first true girlfriend and I wore the grooves out of Motown's Greatest Hits volume 3 awww first love and yes the Temp's were quite a favourite of ours as well as Marvin and Tammi. I suppose in retrospect all the Motown love songs. Especially and I suppose rather obviously looking at it now Marvellettes When Your Young And In Love. PS What Can I Do my personal favourite playing whilst I'm typing. Difficult to describe the feeling.

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