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Everything posted by jam66

  1. Cheers, knew I'd heard something along those lines another Chinese whisper perhaps as I had it in my mind that Barrett was who'd done it. Think I've added to the whisper by quoting it elsewhere. Oops!
  2. I If we're talking early influences on the American music scene as it pertains to our little corner would you have to go back to Money and Barrett Strong, especially considering his other contributions, very R&B but thats the overwhelming influence. Was going to suggest Smokey's GTOGG but on a double check it's '65 but still no doubt an influence, would also agree on ntr by Martha. Isn't the rumour that Barrett Strong dragged chains across the studio floor till his knuckles bled?
  3. I remember them playing 'March Of The Mods'. OV hopefully, did I dance along with the galloping line dance? Taking the 5th on that one.
  4. Not going to the Cats.
  5. Have a glance over some of my posts and I blunder about all over treading on toes and trying to teach my grandmas how to suck eggs, and I'm not so new On topic I'm another that would put Ambers Potion Of Love right up amongst them. In fact the whole record is just superb.
  6. I once tried to run a do where I hired CD decks to play unreleased tracks from discs alongside OVO. Failed miserably and bombed big time but this and other releases I feel vindicate the effort if not the execution. Got to agree with Jim Elliot 'Ease My Mind' brilliant track.
  7. This leans a bit close to the sweet side for me but not so much I can't listen.
  8. Well we know what Oscar Wilde would have made of it. The Cynic, "a man that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing" (Lady Windemere's Fan 1892).
  9. I find a lot of subtle 'roots' in '60's Soul music, just my imagination perhaps. A couple of things I've mentioned before is like the Dynatones Fyfe Piper which I gained a whole new perspective on after seeing a BBC programme that traced the Blues back to Africa and the importance of the pipe. I find a funeral lament in My Heart Cries For You and an actual African dance (rain or otherwise), in This Is My Rainy Day. The list is quite a long one of such things The thing that has had me intrigued for the last few years is the question of whether Americans of African descent will ever have any form of cultural Renaissance. I may be aggrandising the scene a little but it seems to me almost as if the UK, Europe and Japan in particular find themselves as guardians of this culture. Not only the roots element of it but the genius of x songwriter(s), y singer(s) z producers/arrangers. A level of sadly neglected brilliance there that was little matched elsewhere in skill and certainly not in sheer volume nor in erudition and inventiveness. I have actually seen comments from American music fans that they'd love a copy but they all seem to be held outside of the country. Are black Americans ever to gain such an interest in their American cultural roots again? If they do what will that do to the area of Soul collecting in general not just our corner of the market. The thing is people buy reproductions in any cultural area and are quite happy with their purchase, this lends a dynamic to the actual works of art, broadens the audience and appreciation as seems to be happening with the unissued becoming available and the long history of legal reissues in example. People may be paying silly money and it would seem to be those that perhaps weren't there or weren't particularly interested in the discs themselves just the sounds. however as a couple have mentioned in the thread it is giving them great pleasure in hunting down tunes they like and having a physical copy of such, perhaps as much pleasure as those owning the real thing do? Is it a con? A qualified I don't think so, are there cons within it? Definitely. If any one knows of an area of life without cons let me know and I'll pack. this bloke may serve to sort of prove a point. Han van Meegeren fooled leading experts with his forgeries, even sold some to the Nazi hierarchy lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_van_Meegeren
  10. Lovely atmospheric tune and the best version. just had a witter in another thread about Trade Martin needing a look at by some of the compilers of CD's the man did so much.
  11. What about Trade Martin, the man covered just about every base yet doesn't seem to get the praise he deserves in full even though he's well respected by the people on this forum et al. Checked Ace's sight and they've nothing. Well due a retrospective imo. He came to mind because I've just noticed he wrote 'take Me For a Little While' I know....I should take more notice and have realised that already but you know what us bumbling amateurs are like. Slinging it in this years Jukebox anyway.
  12. Crikey! Gobsmacked at that for some reason. One of those nevverrr moments, cheers Fred.
  13. Looked like a few were decorated with Purple Hearts for their part in the struggle too.
  14. Cheers all. Stalwarts of the soup in a basket circuit as opposed to the chittlin' one!
  15. Have you any sort of file for that Jim would love a listen.
  16. Round about '67 '68 as a 13/14 year old I started going 'down town', freezing cold cokes in the Continental coffee bar or Cont as it was referred to. The place for an aspiring young Mod. A memory that sticks out is the posters around for Gino Washington and his Ram Jam band but also for Root and Jenny Jackson. These memories had been pushed to the back of the mind till looking at John's list this morning. He has a B&S up and mentions Root and Jenny whom I had totally forgotten. A quick internet search turned up discographies but no information. Anyone enlighten me please.
  17. Time to talk serious singers.
  18. Just grabbed this, was new to me but I quite like some boogie woogie and love the mid '60's stuff that look back a little. My second such after the Moments Don't Take Your Love.
  19. Was there a later attempt to revive it Kegs? I remember going once, or did I catch it at the latter stages. Think I remember there weren't many there that night.
  20. The Hickory one is new to me. Nice. You're right about the Going Out Of My Head, gotta go some to murder that. As I was typing that last bit I found myself counting down 3...2.... till some crate digger on here finds one to shatter my illusions lol.
  21. One from waaay back. Funky/R&B enough for a spin today? Being on the dance floor mainly and having always been a part timer with the collecting I used to under rate the Jay Boy label for some inexplicable reason, too common then?? Another affordable good tune.
  22. Had to revive this thread as I've just come across this stonker, couldn't make it all the way through as I like the Chuck Jackson side.
  23. Very sought after the Kent Anniversary issue if you come across any on your travels. I was a dancefloor type so didn't have all that much to do with the collecting, so just dabbling in the cheapies like I am can still be daunting with label variations, boots etc. Hell it puzzles some of the more experienced chaps on here at times. Some of whom could well do remembering just how staggering it was to suddenly hit a wall of singles the likes of which you hadn't seen before, heard before or wanted really badly before. Just kidding chaps.
  24. Only legit issue as far as I'm aware is the Kent one which will set you back something North of a ton according to popsike, doesn't look like they come up that often. There's a Horace one I know nothing about which seems to go for about 20ish.

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