I find a lot of subtle 'roots' in '60's Soul music, just my imagination perhaps. A couple of things I've mentioned before is like the Dynatones Fyfe Piper which I gained a whole new perspective on after seeing a BBC programme that traced the Blues back to Africa and the importance of the pipe. I find a funeral lament in My Heart Cries For You and an actual African dance (rain or otherwise), in This Is My Rainy Day. The list is quite a long one of such things
The thing that has had me intrigued for the last few years is the question of whether Americans of African descent will ever have any form of cultural Renaissance. I may be aggrandising the scene a little but it seems to me almost as if the UK, Europe and Japan in particular find themselves as guardians of this culture. Not only the roots element of it but the genius of x songwriter(s), y singer(s) z producers/arrangers. A level of sadly neglected brilliance there that was little matched elsewhere in skill and certainly not in sheer volume nor in erudition and inventiveness. I have actually seen comments from American music fans that they'd love a copy but they all seem to be held outside of the country. Are black Americans ever to gain such an interest in their American cultural roots again? If they do what will that do to the area of Soul collecting in general not just our corner of the market.
The thing is people buy reproductions in any cultural area and are quite happy with their purchase, this lends a dynamic to the actual works of art, broadens the audience and appreciation as seems to be happening with the unissued becoming available and the long history of legal reissues in example. People may be paying silly money and it would seem to be those that perhaps weren't there or weren't particularly interested in the discs themselves just the sounds. however as a couple have mentioned in the thread it is giving them great pleasure in hunting down tunes they like and having a physical copy of such, perhaps as much pleasure as those owning the real thing do?
Is it a con? A qualified I don't think so, are there cons within it? Definitely. If any one knows of an area of life without cons let me know and I'll pack. this bloke may serve to sort of prove a point.
Han van Meegeren fooled leading experts with his forgeries, even sold some to the Nazi hierarchy lol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_van_Meegeren