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Everything posted by jam66

  1. Sorry Mr Roberts but one of the first compilation cd's I bought was the 'North of Watford' one you did and I thought it was awful.
  2. Hi Lorraine, welcome, welcome, welcome. Not much I can add to what has been said already, stirred the emotions just to read this thread. Must say however after reading through all the posts your intelligence and humour shines through so blown away twice, once by your music and second by your personality. You've covered most of the technical aspects of growing into a creative person but what did you do for fun. You know most of us started in this club based scene in our early to mid teens what was blowing you away at our age. What were you 'dancing the night away' to?
  3. I ain't really committed myself yet but what about Frankie Beverly and if I wanted to get really deep what about the Silhouettes, sureley that man has one of the best voices ever. Period.
  4. Sorry I ain't been back for a few days. Can't argue with 'My Little Girl' which seems to have blown up a few members skirts, mine too. Thought 'Real Hummdinger' might of had a mention. It's got all the smooth laid back sophistication with a driving beat that captivated us. Wonder if it would do the same to others. A woman I used to know, her mother used to absolutely love Tobi Legend that's when it was massive at Wigan meh what do we know. Must admit I expected more Ric Tic etc, 'To Win Your Heart' I thinkl I would present to someone because it is massive. The way the vocal plays accross such an instrumental blows my mind. No 'Queen of Fools' no Barbara Lynne?? No Archie Drell and that was a hit out of the nighters. What about the Poppies? Remember it's supposed to appeal to the general public! Can't fault any of the choices so far.
  5. Me too, Charades must have claims to be one of the best Northern records ever. However would the general public understand this. Charades maybe but the Van Dykes is a little more esoteric. Question was, what about the general public?
  6. Can't much complain about the answers so far. Think I'd love it if I heard those tunes.................oh wait, indeed I do. lol
  7. I was just listening to Carla Thomas, I'll Never Stop Loving You and I thought, well I could present that to anyone and say this is the music I like. We know we're a sub culture but is there any sounds you can think of whereby you can say to the general populous, this is the music I love and you could feel the general populous would at least get the gist of why we love Northern.
  8. Since we seem to have broadened the thread into surreal experiences I'll add this one 'cos Derek Pearson has a thread going about the Cat's Whiskers in Burnley and I'm many percentages sure this is where this happened. Trouble is no one has mentioned that there used to be some sort of transfer that happened at some point of the day. we went from the main room to another room except I never made it to the other room oh nooo. Or did they have nighters and that was when this happened. Tell you the truth I only went once whether dayer or all nighter. Anyway shite gear, can't remember what crap I had, not good that's for sure. So being a bit iffy with life in general and those around me. Wherever my psyche was at and whatever I'd had I got fascinated with the Disco mirror ball and got myself convinced that I'd been hypnotised. As the other room opened the rest of them from Bradford disappeared. Now as I had now convinced myself I was hypnotised my legs froze up. So eventually either somebody noticed my distress or I called the bouncers over and they helped me out of the chair. To be deposited on the streets of Burnley at yea round about midnight or too late for a bus home or couldn't have found the bus home if I wanted to. So was does a paranoid pill head presuming he's hypnotised do. You got it you head straight for Burnley's central police station to ask them if you can sit there for the night 'cos you've missed your bus home?? No one ever said Northern soulies were logical. All well and good. As you sit, or sat no doubt it's all changed now in the Burnley police station at the time opposite where I sat there was a glass window, the sort reinforced with wire. Anyway it's all going good paranoia under controll when there's quite an explosion of noise behind the scenes. In amongst that noise it sounds like a number of pill bottles being spilled. I'm sure they'd arrested some soulies for chemists that night and that put me on edge. However what seemed to make it more surreal was that behind that glass was a set of steps and I could hear people laughing at one stage including it seemed to me the lads draggedv in for chemists. Almost certain they'd brought the lads they'd captured to have a look at the cracked up divvy. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you. lol
  9. Speaking of prosthetics Mick Nicholson (many of you must know his brother George) from Bradford once told me he was was walking up one of the set of stairs to the balcony at Wigan and somebody had tucked their leg underneath them and put a big hairy prosthetic in it's place. Can't describe it the way he did but in Armley at the time it had us in stitches.
  10. There was a rumour going, late 70's I think it was that Fred Smith at Mirwood was really Barry White.
  11. Sure i saw gonna fix you good little anthony on a bright orange label soul sounds???? way back when!
  12. bok to bach, just ask me,i've got something good,i'm standing,you don't want me no more
  13. Why do people keep describing N/S as Motownesque when it's anything but that. The variation we sought out and found is quite often anything but that. By the way I love Motown but to list everything as some sub-genre I find quite insulting.
  14. somebody gifted me 2 boxes of country manor wine, that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it
  15. I do noot know where to begin, what do you mean to me Northern Soul. Oh fuck it i love you, and i wanted to say so much more!
  16. Steve Grimshaw and myself were down Bostocks one Saturday and I like to think that I pulled out Dottie Cambridge, anyway Steve took it down to the Torch that night and the rest as they say is history, loads of stuff from Bostocks. As a side note in the morning a couple of guys from Preston asked me what the sound was and I could not have told them my own name, good times!
  17. Myself, Mouse (from Bradford) and I think Kegsy might have been there too went to the first all-dayer at the Blackpool Mecca and that was way back. Total disaster by the way about half a dozen of us there!
  18. Anybody else remember seeing 'The Real Thing' at the Torch? Blocked off me head and a group from Liverpool with strobe lighting singing 'Plastic Man', which i think was the single they were promoting at the time. It's always stuck in my head as a rather surreal moment, the strobe lighting totally freaked me, gear was new to me then! Definitely the strobe lighting that did it for me, anybody else with those sorts of moments.
  19. Anybody else remember seeing 'The Real Thing' at the Torch? Blocked off me head and a group from Liverpool with strobe lighting singing 'Plastic Man', which i think was the single they were promoting at the time. It's always stuck in my head as a rather surreal moment, the strobe lighting totally freaked me, gear was new to me then! Definitely the strobe lighting that did it for me, anybody else with those sorts of moments.

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