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Everything posted by Cover-up

  1. Great article, always loved the Sandy Hollis 45!
  2. I know yesterday was meant to be the last posting day (although I think they sold out before then) - but the post is pretty backed up. I'm sure you'll have them before Christmas - can't even imagine Christmas day without Northern Soul Pop Trumps after a turkey dinner...
  3. All sold out now!
  4. Argh! It sold, as well. Just wait for the bootlegs...
  5. [SOLD OUT] Limited edition (1,000 packs and less than 200 still available) - the perfect floor-filling sticking-filler Christmas gift (£11.99) available exclusively from: https://trunkrecords.greedbag.com/buy/pop-trumps-northern-soul-edition/ 55 cards, featuring top rarities (many from Richard Searling's collection) and floor-packing oldies - hours of holiday fun!
  6. [EDIT - NOW SOLD OUT!] Who played Top Trumps when they were wee? Just released by Trunk Records, Northern Soul Pop Trumps... Can Al Wilson beat Frank Wilson? Can the Honey Bees beat The Dogs? What's better - Great Tunes or Gene Toones? Card categories are Year, Rarity, Mint Value, Influence, Investment Value & Northern Soul Factor. 55 cards, featuring images from Richard Searling's collection... with rarities battling it out with classic oldies - hours of fun for the whole family! Limited edition (1,000 packs and less than 200 still available) - the perfect floor-filling sticking-filler Christmas gift (£11.99) available exclusively from: https://trunkrecords.greedbag.com/buy/pop-trumps-northern-soul-edition/
  7. Without looking too closely, they all basically look like the same player with different branding. I wouldn't be playing any decent records on a Crossley type deck...
  8. Could imagine it getting played on Craig Charles Funk & Soul Show. Quite enjoyable, but definitely takes a dip when the male vocals come in.
  9. I always thought the fragility of acetates was hugely over-exaggerated - after four or five plays, some of the treble maybe dampens down, but looked after and played with decent carts they should last the same as a normal 45 if looked after. I'm sure Butch and Ady have had acetates they've played for years... -
  10. Doesn't look like a styrene press, looks like a vinyl copy.
  11. I don't think Sonet 45s came with a company sleeve in the UK, think they came in plain "wavy-top" white ones. The one you've posted is a Swedish sleeve - although it does look good with the UK single...
  12. To me the backing tracks sound the same, just mixed differently (there's no echo on the guitar stabs on Rita Wright) but the vocals sound identical - from 1:55 onwards to high note at 2:12 every inflection sounds identical - I can't hear how it could be two different vocalists singing the exact same phrasing...
  13. Am I losing it - to my ears the vocal takes are identical, the mix on the Rita Wright single is crisper with the vocals slightly clearer. But if you listen to specific parts of both songs, the vocal phrasing is exactly the same...
  14. I always wondered what the deal with Rita Wright on Jet was - some people have stated it's Syreeta, other people debate which is better between hers and Ester Byrde's, Rita Wright is a cover version etc. But listening to them back to back - they're EXACTLY the same vocal aren't they? The backing track is identical too, with just subtle differences in the mix. So, why was "Touch me Take Me" released on a major label three years later? Was the Ester Byrde track just dumped as a filler on the flip of Rita Wright? Are Rita Wright and Ester Byrde the same person? Am I the only person remotely interested that Esther Byrde sang backing vocals on Orange Juice's debut album? Ester Byrde "Touch Me Take Me" (Survival) 1975 Rita Wright "Touch Me Take Me" (Jet) 1978
  15. Is that a Jamaican copy?
  16. And it's sold!
  17. "Comments: Vg+ / Heat Damage"
  18. The seller gets charged commission and the buyer gets charged commission too. So, the auction house takes, for example, 20% from the buyer AND 20% from the seller making a 40% commission. Nice work if you can get it...
  19. Is it the same copy or has a second one turned up?
  20. Thanks for clearing that up Sebastian. It seemed a strange choice to bootleg those two, when there are other more collectable ones. I'm aware of one re-issue label which had pressed limited records, only to find extra copies of those records ending up in circulation via the pressing plant...
  21. Exactly. I find it very unlikely that two dealers would each sit on at least five copies of the 37th anniversary 45, and then decide to sell them for £25 (& £40) a pop three years later. Has Ady C seen this thread?
  22. A Japanese company called Jico has recently announced a replacement for the Shure WhiteLabel - you could previously get them from a (Dutch?) company called Tonar (they sounded pretty good, but mine seemed to deteriorate pretty quickly...). You need to order direct from Japan and you'll get hit with import tax. www.jico-stylus.com/product-category/shure/
  23. I was about to ask where? Then I checked ebay. Then I noticed that certain titles seem to crop up a LOT. This seller has sold FIVE mint copies of numbers 37 and 38. And has copies currently listed as Buy-It-Now. With blurry photos. Don't want to start a panic on a level with coronavirus but... don't tell me these 6Ts singles have been booted????? https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=susasnowde-5&hash=item3d9b4d0b80%3Ag%3AP2IAAOSwkARd4A7S&item=264598522752&LH_Complete=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR10.TRC0.A0.H0.X6Ts+kent.TRS0&_nkw=6Ts+kent&_sacat=0 Just looking at Sandra Richardson, currently four copies for sale Buy-It-Now and Sweep113 has FIVE listed - that's nine. Something dodgy going on if you ask me.
  24. Always loved this, great Ashford/Simpson song. Then I found out it was Faith Brown on vocals... and then decided I loved it even more... Was there ever a US group who recorded this? Wonder how it ended up being recorded in the UK...

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