My ears may be deceiving me, but I swear that the version of Ike Strong - Your Love Keeps me Dancing that Butch is playing is slightly different that the Marble 7inch.
It sounds almost identical, except the main break of "" (that is repeated in the breaks a few times during the song after "your love keeps me dancing") is, in the version he is playing, saying ""
While I would normally chalk this down to having one too many on the night, the TRUE IMAGE 12 inch version of the same record does have that same chorus of "" instead of the Ike Strong 7inch Marble one. The True Image 12 inch version is too dissimilar to the Ike Strong 7inch so it's definitely not what he is playing, but it almost sounds like a mix between the two (sounding more like the original Ike Strong, but with those lyrics from the True Image one).
You can hear what i'm talking about here:
Ike Strong - (from 0:55 in)
True Image - (from 1:10 in)
Anybody know what Butch's version is??