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Tim Richmond

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Everything posted by Tim Richmond

  1. Recently found the book in question in the loft (along with 'Making Tracks' - The History Of Atlantic Records by Charlie Gillett) Interesting to hear comments on Dave Godin's review, with the book fairly fresh in my mind. Yes, there is some very good detailed information in there, but in my opinion, there is a naivety when opinions are expressed, or when the authors move away from fact, to opinion. So, I can kinda see where Dave Godin was coming from. The book is worth checking out , but being 42 years old, it may be elusive to find. On a more positive note, the final chapter ' The Future' opens with- 'soul in the late seventies seems secure in the custody of outstanding artists like Millie Jackson, Laura Lee, and Bobby Womack ,not to mention the ever consistent Bill Withers and veteran Esther Phillips' Those were the days my friends..............
  2. Test match finished on Saturday, was looking forward to Sunday's play, so had some time to spin a few tunes. decided to give the Windy City a blast . Hi-Lites/I'm So Jealous Billy Butler/Gotta Get Away Artistics/Patty Cake Walter Jackson/My One Chance To Make It Impressions/I Loved And I Lost Jerry Butler/I've Been Trying Harold Burrage/Got To Find A Way Otis Leaville/Glad I Met You Johnny Sayles/Anything For You Marvin Smith/Love Ain't Nothing But Pain Vontastics/You Can Work It Out Impressions/You Ought To Be In Heaven Mamie Galore/I Got The Power Knight Brothers/Temptation 'Bout To Get Me Billy Stewart/Crazy 'Bout You Baby Greg Perry/Love Control June Conquest/What's This I See LeRoy Hutson/Love Oh Love Impressions/Love Me LeRoy Hutson/Ella Weez Marvin Smith/Who Will Do Your Running Now Walter Jackson/I Never Had It So Good For me, Chicago is THE city!!
  3. Getting a heads up on what tunes I can expect to hear is becoming more important to me when choosing venues. Helps to avoid the 'top 200' and nasty pop records like Benny Troy, Micky Moonshine, Kiki Dee etc. Look forward to more playlists being posted.. Tim.
  4. What a double header, good luck, managed to get the album from Soul Brother records before they sold out of the limited (750) re issue a couple of years ago.
  5. Great post, totally agree with your comments re 'Almighty Fire', another belter from that era - 'Sweet Passion' 1977, produced by Lamont Dozier, arrangements by HB Barnum and Mc Kinley Jackson. Seems like Atlantic were looking to 'refresh' Aretha's career by using different producers, I wonder if George Kerr was ever considered. May get a chance to ask him at Blackpool in June!! Tim
  6. Tim Richmond

    Save the Ritz

    Arrogant corporate bullies, I have e mailed my MP, also the MP for Brighouse craig.whittaker.mp@parliament.uk . May be an idea for SS members to contact their MP, copy in the chap from Brighouse. The more 'noise' the better, the 'man in the street' already has one big recent victory!!! Tim.
  7. Went to my first all nighter in summer 1972- Leeds Central, heard "Unsatisfied' for the first time, thought all my birthdays had comer at once the next week, spending my dinner money at Bostocks in Bradford market, I picked up a Big Top issue for 20 pence. Left in on my bedroom floor and my mother stood on it!! Tim.
  8. Yep, fine tune, probably LeRoy Hutson's finest hour in his short stay with The Impressions. Bearing in mind that LeRoy Hutson, and The Impressions are playing Blackpool next June, and, I Understand that Reggie Terrain has passed away, what;'s the chance of Mr Hutson rejoining Fred and Sam 'for one night only' ? Now that would be something. Tim.
  9. Just clearing up after a 45s session yesterday, a mixed bag, but all great sides. Goes to prove that records don't need to be expensive to be good!! Ray Charles/I Chose To Sing The Blues The Herbs/Put A Hurtin' On My Heart JJ Jackson/That Ain't Right Ruby Winters/Sweetheart Things Candy Staton/Too Hurt To Cry Lamp Sisters/A Woman With The Blues Intruders/All The Time OV Wright/Treasured memories Bette Williams/He Took My Hand Melvin Davis/I'm Worried Willie Hutch/Just Another Day Merry Clayton/Emotion Debbie Taylor/Never Gonna Let Him Know June Conquest/What's This I See Impressions/Love Me LeRoy Hutson/Love O Love Knight Brothers/Temptation 'Bout To Get Me Jo Ann Garrett/Just Say When Betty Lavette/Your Turn To Cry Jackie Wilson & Count Basie/Uptight
  10. Sunset at Headingley, ODI England v Pakistan on !st September. Very strange watching cricket in this light !!
  11. Al Green's superb autobiography, 'Take Me To The River' is well worth checking out,lots of great info re the build up to getting his first big break with "Back Up Train'. Some amazing stories, he was playing a roadhouse , surprise surprise, he didn't get paid! Neither did the support act/backing band, who just happened to be led by a chap called Willie Mitchell. Al was skint, so asked Willie for a lift to Memphis, they chatted in the car, and, as they say...the rest is history!! Tim.
  12. Bought 'Impressions Big 16 Vol 2' on Stateside when I was 15 years old, from a junk shop in Keighley. 40 odd years later, I was fortunate to get the cover autographed by Fred Cash and Sam Gooden when they played the Bridgewater Hall In Manchester - amazing! My top Impressions track - 'I Need You', unbelievable harmony and orchestration, The Gentle Genius and Johnny Pate at their very best. Tim.
  13. Agree, lots of quality 70s albums on ABC, I would add- Freda Payne- Pain & Pleasure, stunning Mc Kinley Mitchell production. Lenny Williams-Choosing You. Charles Mann- Say You Love Me Too. Tim.
  14. Sad news indeed, saw EWF at Bingley hall and NEC, mind blowing. Remember dancing to "Happy Feelin' and 'Sing A Song' at The Highland Room, what a loss, RIP Maurice. Gonna name my new motorhome 'Kalimba' in memory of the great man!! Tim.
  15. A few classics, not already mentioned- Irma Thomas - In Between Tears Doris Duke - A Legend In Her Own Time Sandra Phillips - Too Many people In One Bed Bette Williams - He Took My Hand Loleatta Holloway - Cry To Me Esther Phillips - Performance & Black Eyed Blues LeRoy Hutson - Hutson Lee Moses - Time And Place Curtis Mayfield - Give Get Take & Have Bobby Bland - The California Album Shirley Brown - Woman To Woman Peabo Bryson - Reaching For The Sky Aretha Franklin - Almighty Fire Linda Jones - Let It Be Me Merry Clayton - Emotion (1980, but who cares) Tim.
  16. I bought A4 copies of some great posters from the USA a while ago, including this one, Wally Cox, Terrible Tom, Eddie Foster, The Ballads, all NS heroes, great to know that although they were little known and never made the big time, they were touring and, maybe looking for the 'big break'. A very important piece of NS history, I wish it belonged to me!
  17. Two memories of VA VAs - hearing " I Just Can't Live My Life' for the first time, courtesy of Mr Searling, and getting into a massive brawl with the local idiots! Tim.
  18. I was fortunate to be at The Casino on 23 September 1973, some of the the 'biggies' I recall were, Landslide, Wait 'Till I Get To Know Ya, Momas's Gone, Ski-Ing In the Snow, You Just Don't Know, The Larue, I Got To Find Me Somebody, Thumb A Ride, Put Your Arms Around Me - Those were then days my friend(s)........!!
  19. I recall lots of these appearing in 'soul packs' from Contempo in the early 70s, I guess most were junked oh, how times (and tastes) have changed.
  20. Ozz played this on Fontana at The Wheel/Alter Ego on Sunday, I hadn't seen it on Fontana before, I member buying it on Harry J when I was a skinhead, many, many years ago! Tim.
  21. Ouch! Can't pick one. If I had to, the shortlist may look like this. Linda Jones. I'll Be Sweeter Tomorrow/That's When I'll Stop Loving You. Bobby Bland. Back In The Same Old Bag Again/I Ain't Myself Anymore. Impressions. You Ought To Be In Heaven/I Can't Stay Away from You. Jerry Butler. I've Been Trying/Giving Up On Love. Walter Jackson. My One Chance to Make It/Deep In The Heart Of Harlem. Walter Jackson. Not You/A Corner In The Sun. Debbie Taylor. I Don't Wanna Leave You/Just Don't Pay. And that's only the 'non dance floor' selection! Tim.
  22. Definitely a great idea, particularly as we won't have to suffer Mickey Moonshine, Paul Anka ,Timebox and all the terrible pop records that have no place on a 'soul' scene. Ftee.
  23. The line up will be Fred Cash & Sam Gooden, original members with Jerry Butler from 1959. Curtis's replacement is Reggie Torian who joined The Impressions in the LeRoy Hutson era. Got my tickets!!! Wow!!!

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