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Tim Richmond

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Tim Richmond last won the day on October 21 2016

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    Bingley, West Yorkshire
  • Top Soul Sound
    Working On Your Case-O'Jays

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  1. Stunning!!!! Every home should have one! Many thanks to the guys at Soul Direction for all the hard work that must be behind this fabulous collection. Been listening to great Soul music since 1971, the music just keeps on 'giving' when I hear things like this. Tim.
  2. And more......highly unlikely Sandi S 'signed' to Okeh, more likely the record was a Van Mc Coy 'project' licensed to Okeh to leverage their distribution. Okeh licensed lots of stuff from other 'Cities' the Larry Williams produced NS monsters cut in LA spring to mind.
  3. Poor article, no mention of Van Mc Coy, I understand he and M/S Spotswood were 'an item' ! Surely YGMMLY is one Van Mc Coy's greatest recordings? Also, 'Touch My Heart' on Okeh, now that would be an auction item!!
  4. Irma Thomas, 'In Between Tears', Loleatta Holloway 'Cry To Me' Doris Duke, 'A legend In Her Own Time' Esther Phillips, "From A Whisper To A Scream' Sandra Wright, 'Wounded Woman' and not forgetting the boys- Otis Redding, 'Otis Blue' The Esquires, 'Get Up & Get Away' Leroy Hutson, 'Hutson'
  5. Slightly off topic, Franny O'Brien, still around and promoting events true to the music of The Wheel era. Not aware he DJd at The Wheel, but he is a true original who has remained faithful to the music and fashion of that era.
  6. I read somewhere (can't recall exactly where) that Bob Babbit played bass on 'Please Operator', Paul Mc Cartney was in town and sat in on the session to observe the Detroit bass maestro!
  7. Wow! What a great read, I'm sure we all dream of a 'find' like this, great respect to the guys who accumulated this fabulous collection. Tim
  8. A big play for Levine at The Highland Room, can't really recall hearing it anywhere else, but my memory ain't what it used to be!
  9. Most of my top double headers have already been posted, but what about Linda Jones on Neptune, That's When I'll Stop Loving You/I'll Be Sweeter Tomorrow? Pure George Kerr magic, you can buy it for a tenner. Proper SOUL music!
  10. Stop Her On Sight No equal as far as I am concerned ! Tim
  11. My one and only visit to Va Va's, a rumble on the dance floor with local drunken idiots, after it calmed down, a bloke pulled a knife on me in the gents toilet,I don't recall us staying all night! Tim.
  12. There were T shirt sellers at Blackpool last weekend, saw some peeps wearing then on the Saturday night, obviously purchased the day before- oh dear! Tim
  13. First time I went it was Tony Jebb & Keith Minshull, blew me away, I had joined the 'big boys club'. ! Tim
  14. I think I recall visiting a club on Central drive in Blackpool, up two escalators if I remember correctly, two superb ground breaking chaps spinning tunes, puzzled that there is no mention of this venue, OK, it wasn't an all nighter, but as I seem too recall it was quite influential. Tim (in a cynical mood)
  15. Back to Lester Tipton. Stuart Cosgrove's excellent "Detroit 67, The Year That Changed Soul", has a chapter dedicated to the Detroit riots in July of that year. The legendary Fox Theatre was in full swing with a show headlined by Martha Reeves when the order to evacuate the theatre was given.Waiting to take stage (next?) was Lester Tipton, and JJ Barnes. In the dressing room, awaiting the call were The Parliaments, Deon Jackson & The Dramatics. What a show that could have been!

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