The Canadian Stock Copies are Indeed White & Black and even though they are Vinyl, both similar Layout as the West Coast U.S.A. Copies.
By that I mean the Title at the Top for a Cameo Release, and the Artist at the Bottom.
However there is an X at the end of the Number on the copies that I have seen.
Also Canada Reference at the bottom of the Label.
U.S.A. West Coast STYRENE
U.S.A. East Coast VINYL
For Parkway the same design as a West Coast DEMO.
U.S.A. West Coast STYRENE
This release also came out on Cameo. Notice the Label Credits.
Title at Top, Artist at bottom on the West Coast Styrene
U.S.A. West Coast STYRENE
Artist at Top, Title at bottom on the East Coast Vinyl.
U.S.A. East Coast VINYL