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Everything posted by 45cellar

  1. Here's a VOLT from Jamaica. Interesting that they used Red & White. JAMAICA :
  2. I believe that In General, less attention to the B Side allowed the creative amongst the team to release these gems without rules or pressure Vs chasing Chart Success at the time. The Dance Craze of the Moment on the "A Side" : Pressure from the Top etc The GEM from The Artist and all concerned on the "B Side" This process allowed us to see a different CHUBBY CHECKER for Instance A: Do The Freddy B: (At The) Discotheque
  3. Writers : John Madara - David White - Len Barry Arranged by : Jimmy Wisner Directed by : Madara - White Between them all, in my youth they captured my attention with records like this. Still a favourite today. It might be considered Pop, but the Ingredients of a Northern Record are there. 1965 and on TV
  4. >>> LEN BARRY <<<
  5. Sad News Indeed, R.I.P. Bob Babbitt.
  6. Dee Dee Sharp Discography (Soulful Kinda Music Link) >>> Dee Dee Sharp <<<
  7. Saw her at Sheffield Arena a few years ago. Went to see Four Tops & Temptations. Chris Clark did three songs Including Love's Gone Bad.
  8. Another Arctic To an Insrtrumental Backing Track ? Same As Rotations.
  9. >>> CHRIS CLARK <<<
  10. >>> DYNO-VOX / DYNOVOICE <<<
  11. [media=] More Infromation from
  12. THE TRENDS - CHECK MY TEARS [media=] Like the record as is, however, Reminds me of Ric-Tic and the Early Days. AL KENT, etc
  13. Searched for many years, Picking up a RED STOCK COPY of ANGEL BABY - GEORGE CARROW, with correct title.
  14. One of the worst I have received was a copy of "DO THE DISCOTHEQUE" - CHUBBY CHECKER - PARKWAY STYRENE MONARCH OK not going to break the bank if damaged, However. Arrived from the U.S.A., Record roling about loose in a 12" LP Sleeve. Wrapped, but how it arrived Safe & Sound I'll never know. Plus the Postman took the decision to knock rather than try to bend the Exteremely thin Packaging. All that way and could have tripped at the final hurdle.
  15. Not sure how many, but first Issues of "I CAN'T HELP MYSELF" were on AVCO EMBASSY later AVCO same release Number. I guess the first batch used old Label Blanks.

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