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Everything posted by 45cellar

  1. Extremely sad news. R.I.P. Marlene.
  2. Len Barry - Like A Baby too.
  3. Excellent read. So many memories. I too spent most of my wages at Groove City and then Soul Bowl. A friend had mentioned about Groove City during a conversation about current wants. l was hooked from the initial phone call and list. I have kept almost every list, mailer and purchase from that time. The lists boxed and in order. Only sold spare copies of records along the way. Sadly my friend is no longer with us but that friendship and conversation changed my direction as a collector for sourcing records. A few trips to Portland Street, Kings Lynn traveling through the night to get there by morning, but mainly mail order and the dialling frenzy already mentioned when the list arrived.
  4. Not sure on current value, I have it on Soultown.
  5. Sad news, R.I.P. Lesley.
  6. Only had the one chance of the Stock Copy and bought it. Bought the DEMO around the same time (Early 70s), have seen other DEMOs since.
  7. There's some information in >>> Refosoul <<< As mentioned on Refosoul, her vocal version was the "B Side" to the Instrumental "A Side" Sadly she wasn't credited first time around here in the UK, an omission that was put right years later when re-released. Your DEMO looks like a Styrene press. Monarch and "Bestway" pressed records in STYRENE, The Deadwax Matrix detail should tell which one. Here's a DEMO from a different pressing plant.
  8. I can only echo previous posts and I have always been a 45 collector if available on that format. I first bought this on the MFP LP as it was the only way as far as I knew at the time to obtain Baby Hit And Run. Not saying that it's impossible, but I find it amazing to discover that the 45 may have been on the shelves at the time.
  9. UK : I have the "DISCO DOUBLES" on Blue Vinyl somewhere too. There is also a black vinyl DEMO & Stock Copy for CBS 7463 with the new logo orange fading to yellow
  10. Many Thanks for sharing this Information, It has long been a mystery to collectors.
  11. Eventually found a Stock Copy a few months ago. Hence Update.
  12. Notice that on Atlantic it is the B Side. Atlantic 45-2273 (A-8476) Teasin' You Atlantic 45-2273 (A-8477) Walking Up A One Way Street Looking at the Matrix on the Nola label. I wonder if it was the A Side Nola N - 708 (174 - 1205) Walking Up A One Way Street Nola N - 708 (174 - 1206) Teasin' You I haven't a Nola copy to check deadwax unfortunately.
  13. Here's one of the ATCO Canada releases KAREN 1534X
  14. Well I for one was well Impressed, a brilliant way to see in the New Year. William Bell in 2014 / 2015, still performing records like Happy and Private Number. Records that have always been there in my collection Nice!. Still performing and still got it.
  15. It is a difficult one to price Jerry. Couldn't find it on You Tube but it is a Variation on Karate Boo-Ga-Loo Theme or rather The Pearl.
  16. I bought one £3 soul pack from Soul Bowl and this record was in there. I have only seen one other copy on ebay over the years and that's it. Sorry I can't help with price Pete, but obviously I consider this one to be incredibly rare.
  17. A different Stock Copy. Label Variation. Always been a favourite of mine and as Pete says can be found for a few dollars.
  18. Released twice, First as the B Side Second time as the A Side RE ISSUE : For 5590 by the GRT RECORD GROUP Quite difficult to find, not sure how many or which of the titles were released by GRT. Not seen a GRT 5574 for instance. I suspect that it is quite possible that the GRT Re-Issues are indeed rarer in any quantity than original copies. Either way Marlena Shaw's Let's Wade In The Water would be welcome in my collection on any officially released label. It's definitely worth picking up the Dutch release with a chance to obtain one of those wonderful Picture Covers. HOLLAND : I for one keep trying when funds allow. No luck so far . Always the same, Funds v's Opportunity v's size of current wants list. Oh for a lottery win. Seize the moment if you're lucky enough to find a copy and it is the the right time for you and your funds.. Popsike.com
  19. Here's an IMPACT release ZTSC-107621 STYRENE STYRENE STYRENE VINYL I wonder if this would suggest a VINYL White DEMO "ARP" may also exist.
  20. Extremely Sad R.I.P. Frances
  21. Very sad news, R.I.P. Jimmy Ruffin

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