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Everything posted by 45cellar

  1. These are my copies of "Girl Don't Make Me Wait"
  2. Me Neither, these 3 all West Coast Styrene, all have Harps Missing. Don't know if all (DO THE) DISCOTHEQUE are Styrene, I think I have seen a DEMO listed.
  3. Hi Dave I don't remember one,. Trouble is, sometimes certain records never cross your path, even when somebody else has seen loads. As far as I am aware it hasn't.
  4. Morning Bri Very nice on a Grey Stock Copy Mate, I can't remember seeing one. The Revilot DEMO's RV-201, RV-203 & RV-204 I bought around the same time from Soul Bowl. It would be fantastic to turn the clock back to the 70's. I was trying for the lot at the time, IMPOSSIBLE, but I tried.
  5. I think have the Pink Stock Copy as well, I will search it out and check. However, that Stamp looks OK to me. It would be difficult to copy that. Here is the Double A Sided White DEMO, Styrene & Matrix Scratched in. This was also from Soul Bowl and is Original.
  6. Certainly Should, here is a fantastic reference for Pressing Plant Details. "Bestway Products" >>> Anoraks Corner : Pressing Plant Details <<<
  7. I know what you mean about the Colour, here is the Same Record using my Old Scanner. Guessing that it is the scan settings?
  8. The next thing is that FIRST Stock Copies of this record are on a Grey Label. They are ALL on Styrene. The Fact that your copy is Styrene suggests to me that it is OK. This record has a 2nd Issue on a Pink Revilot Label and I have scanned my copy below. As you can see, One side has a STAMPED Matrix & the other has a Scratched Matrix. This record has Sold many copies over the years, and when it gets to the Re-Issue Stage things can change. If anyone was to go to the trouble of Counterfeiting, I would have thought that they would have gone for the DEMO or First Stock Copy and NOT the 2nd Issue.
  9. Hi Andy I am currently preparing some scans, I believe that this one is OK Will explain in a moment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First thing to say is that "Hit & Run" does have the Stamped ZTSC Matrix and is on Styrene. (As mentioned in another Post. >>> LINK <<<) & IT SHOULD HAVE, & Boots / Counterfeits are on Vinyl. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whereas the Revilot White DEMO here hasn't. It is Styrene & has a Scratched Matrix. I purchased them from Soul Bowl & They are Originals.
  10. Hi Gary I like both sides too, a nice cheap Double Sider, (Just Became a Treble Sider) I guess.
  11. Hi Dave Yes, I have played the "Sweet Way Of Living" more than the "Just To Satisfy My Baby" side. It was only by chance, through checking the Deadwax on a couple of copies that noticed the R-711-X & R-711-A. Curiosity took over and I played both, found the different mixes.
  12. Nice one Mate, That's brilliant, pleased for you. Just shows there are still bargains out there.
  13. Not sure on Current Prices. I only have the 3rd Edition Price guide and we're now up to 5th Edition. In the 3rd Edition £50 - Yellow Label £25 - Blue Label
  14. This one of yours from the other thread is OK "Bestway Products" >>> Anoraks Corner : Pressing Plant Details <<<
  15. The Brown / Red is the more recent BOOT The Blue Paper Label a Boot from quite a few years ago.
  16. Hi Steve Thanks for that Mate. I hadn't noticed the TIMING on "Sweet Way Of Living" Label compared to the actual time.
  17. Just playing this wonderful double sider, when I noticed there are two different mixes for this side. Deadwax Markings. R-711-X - Strings Foreground - PIANO ? R-711-A - Strings in the Background. (PIANO Foreground) Anyone ever noticed this before, I certainly haven't. Don't know if one is rarer than the other or Luck of the draw. I bought them from Soul Bowl in the 70's. The Labels are Identical, here are the two different Deadwax Markings above.
  18. Your copy looks OK Mate I have just posted the details of the BOOT in >>> The Sharp End Of Vinyl <<<
  19. I bought this one early 70's.
  20. This is the Vinyl BOOT / Counterfeit on BLUE PAPER __BOOT __BOOT Has a Very Narrow Deadwax on the "UNSATISFIED" side with 6514 Scratched in
  21. Here is a >>> Previous Thread from back in MARCH <<<
  22. There is another Big Top BOOT, Blue paper label, I'll dig it out and put the scan up.
  23. I must admit, this was rumoured years ago about Sue Records. I didn't realise that there were others though. Oh apart from Going To A Happening on Vocalion UK & Vault US I'm sure that I have read on here that Popcorn wasn't aware of these two releases.
  24. Yes, Looks OK to me. Others Featured in >>> The Sharp End Of Vinyl <<< Your copy just a different Pressing Plant printed label to disk. Many of the AMY Mala Bell were like this. Paper or Printed Label.
  25. There was a Stock Copy on >>> Manships Auction <<< a couple of years back, so that's there too.

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