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Everything posted by 45cellar

  1. >>> LINK <<< Sad News. R.I.P.
  2. I thought it was a Car Commercial, in the U.S.A. or was that the Vocal.
  3. Many Thanks, it's brilliant to compare, I will scan my flip sides later. Now we have the Internet we can see the designs & variations, sometimes in the past simply listed as DEMO or W/D.
  4. Selling a couple of spare copies >>> LINK <<<
  5. Absolutely Gobsmacked. I've never seen or heard of one before, Many Thanks for Posting.
  6. Did they produce both Single Sided & Double Sided for the same release number. I have a one Sided CHESS 1967 I had it a while before noticing the For Promotional Use Only Not For Sale D J Copies Hidden, almost like a Silver Watermark through the whole of the White Paper Label. I have checked my other CHESS White DEMO's and this is the only one with the Watermark. I have had a Look on Popsike.com Yet another Single Sided White DEMO CHESS 1976 with the Watermark (Albeit Upside Down) Popsike.com Chess 1976 (one-sided DJ copy), JOHNNY WILLIAMS, "My Baby's Good".
  7. Interesting Question. Surely More Than One Copy Would Have Been Originally Made In Error, But Kept From Sale (Quality Control) Seem To Remember Some Records Rescued From Various Disposal Methods In The 60's. Would Have Thought Quite Rare, However, Not Every Collector Would View This As Desirable, So Rarity May Not Increase Value, Possibly The Opposite. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Personally, I Am Intrigued By Pressing Plant Variations Like This One. I've Often Wondered How Much Freedom An Employee Would Have. Could It Be A One Off By Someone At The Plant, Swapping The Top Label Of A Batch For Instance.
  8. Hi Dave Considering the West Coast Monarch release for "Soul Sister, Brown Sugar" as well. Are we looking at Various Pressing Plants producing a copy of each release however successful, throughout the Labels Catalogue. So at least one other DEMO for this release, for Instance. ---------------------------------------------------------- The following Stax, ATLANTIC Distribution are from two different pressing plants. WENDY RENE - BAR-B-Q
  9. Seeing her at Sheffield Soon, can't wait.
  10. General Question Relating To The Style Of Atlantic DEMO's These have the same DEADWAX, UPPER CASE FONT However the bottom scan has a faint Matrix Stamp "Specialty Records Corp." Upper & Lower Case Font I am assuming that these were made around the same time. Anyone know if every release number was distributed from different pressing plants. Could it depend on DEMAND etc
  11. Ditto, I would love a Lottery Win & then better copy.
  12. Yes, I saw this yesterday. I suppose that the sound files & pictures are helpful to bidders, shouldn't be in any doubt as to condition. A Rare one, However .............. ? How much this copy goes for will be Interesting to see.
  13. Hi Mick I use a free program https://www.xnview.com/ Using proffesional mode has different scan options.
  14. Mitch Ryder
  15. Yes, I have kept most of my lists, going to have a look later. Plus, when I find the time, I have a suitcase full of Soul Bowl Mailers. As I keep my records in poly-lined cardboard sleeves I decided to keep the paper sleeves in the mailer normally with records bought in pencil written on each mailer. When the records arrived the Mailer stored Company Sleeves. Found this kept the sleeves in good order & now years later Invaluable for Info (Date Of Purchase) etc.
  16. Hi Jerry When I bought my copies, I too wasn't aware of a BOOT or RE-ISSUE, Considering the fact that both my copies were from Soul Bowl, I was astounded to find no Stamp. I can only think that "another run done at a smaller pressing plant" could be the answer, but nothing documented.
  17. Thanks Pete Almost certain now that my copies have Daisy Stamp missing, as I have checked both sides.
  18. Certainly is a Minefield, Definitely from different pressing plants, 3 mentioned Under Capitol Records >>> ANORAK'S CORNER <<< Incredible amount of Information on Pressing Plants. Guessing that my copy of UPTOWN 732 = Rainbo Record Press As it has "R-550" within the DEAD WAX Detail
  19. Here's one from PopSike.com That Triangle is Definitely a Capitol Press, Same as this Gloria Jones below.
  20. Hi John One on PopSike Mentions Daisy Stamp. PopSike.com This one mentions RE-ISSUE but doesn't give detail. PopSike.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, I can just about make out the Daisy Stamp on your Scan & the STAMPED 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Still can't find the Daisy Stamp on my copy.
  21. Hi John Thanks Again, I've Just been on >>> PopSike.com <<< All have "A Wright-Hanson Production".
  22. Hi Rod My Copy of "HEARTBEAT" has Shiny Label with STAMPED Matrix & Triangle
  23. Hi John Many Thanks for Info. My copy the second number doesn't appear to be stamped in any way as far as I can tell. Just scratched I or 1 Now that is something I definitely wasn't aware of, both my copies have "A Wright-Hanson Production" Both Sides.
  24. Don't think my copy is stamped, but I will check in daylight tomorrow. "45---67023 - F-1----1" Is the stamp this side of the Number

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