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Everything posted by 45cellar

  1. Motown certainly travelled the globe, Notice that they use the U.S.A. MOTOWN Logo. Not sure how many countries did, Holland springs to mind & possibly Brazil. Normally Tamla_Motown. PopSike.com
  2. Wasn't there a Criteria for a London Release relating to Top 100 in the States. Seem to remember that mentioned before on Soul Source. Where they were obliged to release, even if extremely small amount. Here's the U.K. Sue Release. PopSike.com
  3. Nice to compare these sleeves.
  4. Wow, They're Nice Benji. Many Thanks For Posting Them.
  5. I have two of those listed, I will try to find something out. I also have a Red DEMO, have seen a White DEMO of The Metros.
  6. Hello Brett Scans are always Welcome & can be posted at any time. Here on Soul Source or at Hitsville. Regarding the Hitsville Scans: They are kept in Numerical Order one Post at a time, purely to make them easier to find. Any scans posted at the end of the thread are moved to that label number, they are credited to the Provider of the Scan with full acknowledgement given so feel free to join in. If there is a Label that you wish to feature, let me know. This part of the forum at Soul Source could also feature a Label if prefered. Mike has already provided a feature to Upload scans to Gallery. >>> LINK <<< >>> LABELS <<< Here's one already started for UK Stuff. Gallery - Scans - Rare Uk Releases
  7. I tried my best to win it, but got outbid at the Last Minute Certainly never seen one before, Just goes to show though, who knows what may be out there. Hopefully, the M-G-M or RCA Variations, that you mention Harry.
  8. Here's an oddity that I managed to win on ebay this year, Possibly a test run at the printers when Logo Changed from one Design to another.
  9. Hi Harry Here's one from earlier this year. The Chalfontes - He Loves Me - Black Label. (I've used the Confessin' Side For Comparison To The One from ebay).
  10. Thanks Brett Definiteley Interesting to see record scans, We tried at Hitsville to cover a few of the Labels >>> LINK <<< Here's a Rare Brunswick Stock Copy, Yet I have seen at least 3 Different Label Variations. Three pictured below. Makes you wonder why it's so bloomin' hard to find. Once a record was recorded, it astounded me that certain aspects were left almost to chance, sometimes with with spelling mistakes or totally random split of credits over more than one line. A similar thread has been started, but regarding the "" and the lack of company advertising on such. Apart from MOTOWN related labels, a lot of the DETROIT Stuff came in just a plain White or brown Sleeve. Missed oppourtunity or what.
  11. Many Thanks Benji, It was only a cheap one, VG, but plays better than it looks.
  12. Many Thanks, I haven't Seen Either Of Them So Information Is Most Helpfull.
  13. This has just arrived from the States, described as European Press, It has 270 130 TF Same as the U.K. Guessing HOLLAND, Anyone know for certain.
  14. Hi Richard, Definitely white sleeves for Golden World & Ric-Tic then, many thanks for this.
  15. I'm guessing that originally, 100% of the "Topps card 45" records would have been in this sleeve. I haven't seen one other than a scan, are the sleeves Paper or Card. The Topps 45's are extremely rare, I realise that, However; Just wondering why the sleeves haven't survived in similar quantity.
  16. Hi Kev Such a stunningly beautiful sleeve that Dearborn Design is. Shame that the question didn't Identify a Company Sleeve or two for these other wonderful labels. As Dave Flynn mentions the "advertising possibilities" appear to have been overlooked at the time.
  17. Hi Carl Many Thanks for Information. As I said in an earlier post the Brown Sleeves look great, but if they were white originally then Information like this is Invaluable & helps a collector to display their collection in the correct sleeve if they so wish.
  18. Often wondered about this myself, do we have any Idea if we can narrow down to distributed in Brown Paper or White Originally. I have bought a couple of Ric-Tics (Unplayed & in a Brown Sleeve), However could be coincidence. Amazing that whilst in Motowns Shadow, these didn't have company sleeves in an attempt to capture attention. I find this Stuff Fascinating, but in 2009 can we be certain either way. Information Possibly lost through the years.
  19. If money was no object, this DEMO would be up there in my Top Ten Desirable Tamla_Motown Red & White DEMO's That would be the Personal Value to me & not a reflection on General Value of that Particular DEMO. "Helpless" Kim Weston would be another "must have" if I had the cash & as a result would Inflate the price. Not talking completing the 500's, Just the most desirable to me. i.e. in my Top Ten. I am guessing that many other want's will ALSO feature this DEMO, It's a stunner & not simply required in order to complete a run regardless of whether or not it's good. I too watched this all the way, Unfortunately I haven't that kind of money to spare.
  20. I'm not sure where he lives now but back then. >>> J.J. Jackson "But It's Alright" <<< ------- RECORDED IN ENGLAND Brilliant record, couldn't believe it when I found out.
  21. I'm not sure where he lives now but back then. >>> J.J. Jackson "But It's Alright" <<< ------- RECORDED IN ENGLAND Brilliant record, couldn't believe it when I found out.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZUp4pBZYhE
  23. Looks extremely Interesting, I work nights & I'm going to work shortly, I will have a closer look tomorrow.
  24. Looks extremely Interesting, I work nights & I'm going to work shortly, I will have a closer look tomorrow.

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