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Everything posted by Steveh73

  1. My first all-nighter was a solo trip to Yate Stars and Stripes in early 1982. Not having a car, I took the train from Chippenham to Bristol, the bus from Bristol to Yate, waited in a local pub till closing time aand then made my way to the nighter. To say I was staggered would be an understatement - I recall only knowing 3 tunes all night - Fontella Bass - Rescue Me, Ramsey Lewis - Wade In The Water and Marvin Gaye - I'll be Doggone but I was amazed at the the music, the dancing and the fact that people clapped at the DJs choice of record. I remember taking to someone and saying how much better this was than getting pissed in my local. Hitched a lift back to Bristol in the morning and got the train home. Yate closed shortly after that (I managed to get to a couple more). I came into the norrthern scene only really liking sixties sounds, Mowtown and the like and initially dismissing the modern sounds of the time (I'm sure I heard Gwen Macrae - Keep The Fire Burning played at Yate subsequently) as run of the mill, commercial trivia. That kind of attitude soon changed and I learnt to appreciate the modern side of the scene as much as, if not more, than the traditional sixties sounds. Which took me all the way into rare groove, jazz, hip-hop and house but thats another story at the other end of the eighties!!! Have a great weekend!!! Steve.
  2. Hi all, Nothing too rare but nice all the same - Jackson 5 - Sugar Daddy Gladys Kinght - End Of Our Road Supremes - Sunny Boy US preferred but not that concerned. PM if you can help (especially if you have all 3!). Many thanks Steve.
  3. Here you go - https://www.discogs.com/sell/list?release_id=319698&ev=rb
  4. I've got a spare 7 - PM me your address and I'll send it you gratis!!! Cheers Steve.
  5. Reissue 12 on here - excellent sound quality assured !! https://www.jazzmanrecords.co.uk/shop/asp/product12.asp?https://www.jazzmanrecords.co.uk/shop/asp/productnew12.asp?https://www.jazzmanrecords.co.uk/shop/asp/productnew12.asp?recorprod=1&product=319&cat=101&ph=&keywords=&recor=1&SearchFor=&PT_ID=1
  6. Indeed it is..............
  7. Hiall, I know - maybe not the best place to ask for a reggae 7 but I'm just hoping that someone might have a decent copy of this tucked away on their shelves....and that they might feel inclined to push it my way for cash...... Please PM me if you are that person!!!! Cheers and many thanks Steve.
  8. Hi all, I am putting a couple of items up for sale, both in immaculate condition, both issue copies, both with equally fine B Sides. OK, so these are - Garland Green - Don't Let Love Walk Out On Us b/w Ask Me For Wat You Want - RCA 7 - £75 MJ Wade - I'm Gonna Ball Baby b/w Young Girl - Helva 12 - £175 Please PM if interested. Paypal preferred. Many thanks for looking. Steve.
  9. A brilliant record indeed!!! A 12 inch pressing would really do this justice!!!!
  10. Great record - would love a 12!!!!
  11. Seen this recently for £100, £85, £65 and £10! Probably better known by collectors than a floor-packer and, I assume, UK-only. Again, a 45 that would sneak in unnoticed on eBay if it were put up for auction. A nice tune at that!!
  12. A surprisingly hard one to pick up but, having said that, got it for £8 on eBay late last year. A great 45 by the way........
  13. Got mine on e Bay a few months ago for £12, a result that pleasantly surprised me. So, £30-£50 on the lists, less if you're prepared to dig thaat little deeper!!!
  14. This site might give you a few leads - https://fleamarketfunk.com/ Spent some time looking for tunes in New York a few years ago - a fantastic experience. Mostly 12s and albums and just a great place to spend time (and money). I know its an obvious thing to say but don't just spend your time record-shopping in New York, there's so much else to see and do. Cheers Steve.
  15. The David Emmanuel generally goes for about £80 - mine has the full label design but I'm not sure whether thats rarer than the white label which is presumably a demo. 2 excellent 12s though Steve.
  16. Anyone like to sell me one......please!!!!!! PM if so!!! Cheers Steve.
  17. Would definitely recommend the album - every track a classic and equally split between ballads and dancers. For what its worth - a nice, clear pressing too!!!!! Buy it....you won't regret it Steve.
  18. Would definitely recommend the album - every track a classic and equally split between ballads and dancers. For what its worth - a nice, clear pressing too!!!!! Buy it....you won't regret it!!!!! Steve.
  19. A fantastic side, should be massive - manbe the fact that its 12 only puts people off!!!!! Wave iis also a nice instrumental.
  20. Hi all, I have the following 45s for sale - all in immaculate condition - Lou Ragland - Since You Said You'd Be Mine - WB US Demo S/B - £50 Invitations - They Say The Girls Crazy - Silver Blue US Issue - £25 Dee Dee Warwick - Funny How We Change Places - Private Stock US Issue - £25 Patti Hendrix - Men - 20th Century US Issue - £30 Paypal please - PM if you are interested. Many thanks Steve.
  21. Hi - Do you still have the Johnson Family 45? Many thanks Steve.
  22. Don't mean to be difficult but are you sure, John? I don't remember it being on the US issue when I was looking!! Many thanks
  23. Really like Ben Moore - I've Got a Winner In You - available, I think, only on Brazilian and UK album release. ...and here it is -
  24. Hi all, I have a superb copy of the above Rita Wright two-step classic for sale on Jet 45 - comes in a Jet sleeve and everything. £125 iplus postage - the ideal Christmas present for the vinyl junkie in your life. Many thanks for looking - pm if you are interested, Seasons greetings!!! Steve.

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