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Everything posted by Steveh73

  1. I'm surprised this is still debated - do people really still characterise any danceable soul from the seventies (particularly the late seventies) as disco? Added to which, 'modern' sounds have been spun since the 70s - isn't it time just to put this to bed, move on and accept that this kind of soul (disco or otherwise) has its place on a northern dancefloor?
  2. Just CD for that Deluxe album although her first album was also a vinyl release.
  3. Interesting thread - spent some time this afternoon playing some of those streetsoul 12s, all very enjoyable - Rick Clarke, Deluxe, Dazzle to name just a few!!
  4. Here you go - many copies here. Not sure if it came out on the hallowed seven inch format - https://www.discogs.com/Quantic-Featuring-Spanky-Wilson-Dont-Joke-With-A-Hungry-Man/release/384259
  5. I attended the Modern Soul Allniter at the 100 Club - it was March 1993. I remember enjoying myself and I don't recall attendance being that sparse. I also remember there being other events playing modern soul at that time. Could it be that I like modern soul and the original poster doesn't?!!
  6. Funkier tune from the In Crowd - Mango Walk
  7. Derrick Harriott - Bucket Full Of Tears
  8. Closer to home and a great effort from lovers rock songstress Jean Adebambo from 1981
  9. Sorry - gone a while ago!!
  10. https://www.ebay.com/itm/NORTHERN-MODERN-SOUL-SHIRELLES-RCA-74-0902-LETS-GIVE-EACH-OTHER-LOVE-DEEP-IN-TH/382462370248?hash=item590c88a1c8:g:AHoAAOSwACRaqVti Looks like a decent copy!!!
  11. They did a brilliant version of Brainstorm's Wake Up And Be Somebody - a real disco stormer!!
  12. This has been mentioned many times but this demonstrates that there are 2 northern scenes - one which has chosen to evolve and embrace new sounds and another which has chosen to stick with the tried and tested. One man's stale oldie is another man's classic memory jerker and one man's fresh, new discovery is another man's turgid obscurity!
  13. One on Discogs https://www.discogs.com/Marvin-Gaye-I-Wanna-Be-Where-You-Are-I-Wanna-be-Where-You-Are-After-The-Dance/release/11635372
  14. Plenty of seven inch copies here!! https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/2908969?ev=rb
  15. Really liked this since its release back in 1984!!
  16. Now that is a nice tune!!!
  17. A nice, imaginative selection of tunes - not an overplayed 'modern oldie' in sight!!!
  18. Nothing to do with today's oldies-driven northern scene maybe and all the better for it!!
  19. I see it listed on Discogs but no copies or record of any sales. As stated above, 2 superb sides and a nice 45 to have and to play!! https://www.discogs.com/Earth-Wind-Fire-Reasons-Happy-Feelin/release/2888185
  20. Not sure why it would have sounded retro in 1980 (the production being pretty typical for that time) but it sounds good to me and I like those syndrums.
  21. Good afternoon all! I have an immaculate 12 of Phil Flowers - Stay Awhile on Future 12 (company sleeve) for sale at £95 £85 plus post. Please PM me if you are interested and I prefer Paypal. Many thanks Steve.
  22. Great music - just can't imagine many of these finding favour on today's northern scene!!
  23. Great stuff - nice to think these were played and accepted as new releases!!
  24. A true soul legend and yet another sadly gone :-(

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