Having just been to the nighter at Skeg and counted no less than 16 doormen, who did nothing, apart from ensure that smokers stood behind a white line and sent rumors around the place that the venue would be shutting early, and then hearing about an incident at six hills concerning a bottle of water and doormen, got me thinking about why promoters put up with and pay through the nose for this not so pleasurable addition to their soul event. Apart from the odd one or two, your average monkey in a MA1 embroidered logo jacket have no concept about what a soul night is about and the fact that people are there primarily for the dancing and the music and not for kicking off, something if it has occurred, is sorted there and then by the attendees. I realize the stupidness of councils now and the laws in place when putting on gatherings if you want to hold your event in a desired place, but do these individuals have to hold so much power in saying what you can do or cant do, this in my opinion does nothing to add to the atmosphere, in fact it contributes to bad feelings as more often than not their charm and wit when welcoming people into a venue is indeed lacking, with so much emphasis being placed on confiscating Class A bottles of unopened water!!! Usually at the direction of the venue owner to increase bar sales.
I have heard promoters say'' if we want to put events on we have to have them by law'', OK, but surely if you pay for this service you must have a say in what is permitted and whats not and you must be informing them about what the nights are about! or are they as a service in control of what and who comes through the door??