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Everything posted by Sunnysoul

  1. Agree with all the people above, the Sandy Barber LP is DEFINITELY worth getting !!!
  2. The number of times people have posted this as a want and come up with a blank is amazing ? Can't recall it on any dealers list in recent years and never seen on ebay (or popsike) although someone on here I'm sure will tell me otherwise. Makes me think this is one VERY rare 45 ? Anyone got one for sale ?
  3. The number of times people have posted this as a want and come up with a blank is amazing ? Can't recall it on any dealers list in recent years and never seen on ebay (or popsike) although someone on here I'm sure will tell me otherwise. Makes me think this is one VERY rare 45 ? Anyone got one for sale ?
  4. Without any shadow of a doubt, one of the true giants of our music ! While no longer with us, we can still enjoy Willie's incredible talent through super clips like this ! Wicked intro also from Soul Train head honcho Don Cornelius ... Sunshine Lady is a fabulous dreamy mid-tempo effort from 1973, one that soul dj's could spin to good effect on the dancefloor. Plenty of great 70's Motown still to be "discovered" ! Check it out !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBHMqhABhEw
  5. "Everything You Always Wanted To Know" has stood the test of time best , IMHO ... great then, perfect for NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Had a few suggesting this clip should be bumped, it's a killer , so here goes !!!
  7. I'm trying my best to catch up to Pete Smith in my attempts to bring great soul visuals to my lovely fellow soul sourcers !!!
  8. Well , come on, you gotta have a larf ! Gotta be a candidate for one of the funniest soul clips of the year !!!
  9. Soul sister Marva Whitney with a fantastic cross over, beat ballad ... call it what you will .. it's the very essence of SOUL music !!! And in the grooviest setting imaginable ... on Hugh Hefner's legendary "Playboy After Dark" TV show from the late 60's. Play Marva's track straight after Almeta Lattimore's Memories !!!
  10. Thanks Paul , was going to take a punt on this one day, but , based on your good judgement I'll direct the funds elsewhere now! So it must be boogie collectors, or beat diggers, who pay big for this on ebay ?
  11. Yep , they made so many good records, the whole Gold Mind LP is class and includes their best known 45 , the brilliant "Cheaters Never Win" , then the "I Made A Mistake" 45 on the T Electric label which I believe was a modern soul floor filler for quite some time , and also the 45 on Ariola around 1975 was quality again. Anyone got a copy of the Ethics LP to sell me?
  12. Afraid I differ with Pete on this one, Stemmons Express do a good job for a white group , but the Precisions superior vocal qualities gives them the edge ... it's exactly the same backing track after all isn't it ?
  13. Can someone please post me some soundclips of this record ? And are these the same Tavasco as on the modern soul classic 45 Love Is Trying To Get A Hold ??? Thanks in advance
  14. Real nice clip of a very underrated soul group , I never thought I'd ever get to see any footage of them ... featuring - on the left - one time Temptation Ron Tyson ... who really deserves much greater recognition as one of the great song writers on the Philly soul scene in the 70's ... and not only that, he was, if my history is correct, originally a member, in the late 60's, of legendary soul group, the Ethics ...
  15. Just pulled out my copy of Adam Wade "That Old Devil Moon" on Warner Brothers and realised it has arranging credits to Bert DeCoteaux
  16. Any chance of a soundclip of the Frank Popp record ?
  17. Good work Jo, it IS Loleatta after all ! Cheers!
  18. Godz, I've long been into out of the ordinary soul vinyl thingy's ...... Have some very tasty and extremely rare and great looking Coca Cola sevens issued Down Under eg Supremes Shirelles Ray Charles Little Milton sevens etc ... some with real Northern appeal especially Little Milton's , he re-recorded the backing track to his We're Gonna Make It hit with him instead singing lyrics extolling the virtues of Coke: "Thing's Go Better With Coke ..." !!!! Thing is , the re-recorded backing is much more bouncy and up tempo than the original , so it's a Norther dancer's delight !!! Feel free to PM me if you're interested in more of this stuff , although I guess you want to buy, right ? (To be honest don't know if I want to sell...I may be interested in trading mebbee?) Cheers!
  19. Simon, that's interesting, I took it for granted that it was her, it LOOKS like her to me , albeit youthful, and of course I've seen plenty of her pics and clips in later life over the years. Now I might have to go back and research her various bios to confirm if she sang with the Caravans ... Still, great footage whatever the case, wonder if its on vinyl ?!!!
  20. There I was thinking that things have been a bit quiet with the rare and classic soul clips lately when I stumbled onto this ... An incredibly gritty and fantastic version of Wade In The Water from 1967 by gospel girls The Caravans featuring of all people an outrageously youthful Loleatta Holloway !!! Real soul power here folks !!! I can imagine this fitting in nicely between Sam Fletcher and Bud Harper !!! (NB Apologies to my beloved mods if I have posted the clip incorrectly ... have mercy please!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=em-ywtrY65k
  21. Ooh I like that ! If you have a spare I'll 'ave one !!!!!!!!!!!! Great record, her best dancer I reckon, even better than Spellbound !!!
  22. Sean, that's Apollas for the uninitiated, right ........
  23. Sorry Joan , meant to say that I've always played it off the LP which is considerably cheaper and easier to obtain than the 45 .... Cheers
  24. Yes, but it's always been easily available off the Esquires LP on Bunky !!!
  25. Marisa , let me tell you, as far as the the Northern scene goes , that "all singing all dancing macho blokiness having fun together" that characterises the scene has much more to do to with the very straight music hall sing along tradition in the United Kingdom or should even just be likened to just a group of blokes having a healthy pub singalong, rather than any "gay" thing ... "not that there's anything wrong with that", as Seinfeld would say ... Of course there's always been a gay element in the soul scene, as there always has been in any section or group of our society, but really at the end of the day it's always been a MINOR element . Had an interesting discussion recently with some people about the origins of the Disco scene in the US and the way that it's been documented in various music history books. The gay element in the Disco scene has always been strongly emphasised, with its origins often claimed to emanate from the bath house culture and loft parties in New York in the late 60s early 70s. But really, that gay-centric, New York-centric perspective of the origins of Disco, is not really accurate at all and has been unduly over-emphasised, if anything. The real driving and creative force behind the development of Disco in every aspect (ie music clothes culture clubs etc), was in fact black heterosexual teens . For evidence of that one only only needs to read the chapter on "Dances" in Robert Pruter's brilliant book "Chicago Soul". That and the emergence of the Soul Train program on US TV screens in 1971 proved to be crucial in the development of disco and dance music in the 70's. This slightly politically incorrect view may raise a whole new issue for debate here but your comments and posts are encouraged !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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