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Everything posted by Sunnysoul

  1. Ady & the guys at Kent put out a superb CD of Loadstone stuff some years back ... so I'm curious if Ady knew about the original master tapes coming up for sale on ebay recently ? https://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...A:IT&ih=005 This California Playboys LP is genuinely rare and keeps rocketing in demand ... and price ... some fabulous LP only tracks !!!
  2. Or maybe you had soul duo "Thomas & Taylor" on your mind !
  3. Yes, typically great late 60's Blue Note LP - just buy it!
  4. Ahem , Tony, no wonder you haven't heard from Tyrone, because it's Tyrone Thomas you should be after ! Good name for a soul man though ... Tyrone Taylor !!!
  5. Easily the rarest issue of Alexander Patton is its appearance on a 12" LP sampler (playing at 33rpm) Capitol issued to radio stations in the US in 1966, of which I am the proud owner No argument about legitimacy on these LP's ! They issued these various artists LP's periodically through the mid 60's. Soul tracks mixed with country pop and rock artists. Complete versions of the songs with no editing whatsoever and sound reproduction far better than even the original issue 45's !!! I have others with Bobby Paris "I Walked Away" , one with Patrice Holloway "Stolen Hours" , another with HB Barnum's "Heartbreaker" and one with the Checkmates "Kissin Her and Cryin for You" , and Frank Polk "Tryin To Keep Up With The Joneses" !!!!! Who'd have thought these tracks would appeared in 12" form at their time of issue in the 60's and a major label like Capitol did in fact try to break these tracks back then.
  6. Dare I say it, but I can't recall one single visual clip on Soul Source that has brought forth such a huge and positive emotional response from Soul Source members. A true testament to the man himself. Can someone kindly update us all on Sam's latest movements and is he likely to ever perform live again outside the US ?
  7. That's the LP, Tony, remains one of the greatest soul compilations ever !
  8. This has always been perceived as a northern soul record. If so, when, where and by whom was it first played? What (label) was the first issue of the record in the UK? It was also composed by Aussie pop legends George Young and Harry Vanda of the Easybeats. Does anyone know the background to the song? How did Vanda & Young end up composing a soul styled track for a UK singer in the early 70's?
  9. Tony, Trust the CD will include Brooks' epic "You Better Make Up Your Mind" , which I first heard off that legendary UK 6T's Stateside compilation LP of Amy Mala Maxx etc sides, the title of the LP eludes me just now and I am a bit lazy to dig it out at the moment ... I can't recall any late 60's / early 70's issues of Blues & Soul having any pieces on Brooks O'Dell though. I guess that you may have seen this web page https://www.songramp.com/homepage.php?userid=11240 in which you'll note that Tyrone Thomas (of the Whole Darn Family fame and the classic funk cut 7 Minutes of Funk as well as the guy who did the rare soul/ modern classic "You're Hardly Gone" on Polydor) - and who is still active on the performing scene today - had a direct connection with Brooks O'Dell back in the mid 60's as well as being connected with Swamp Dogg. Might be worth getting in touch with Tyrone Thomas then, his contact details are on that web page. Also you might find that Tyrone Thomas will give you "straighter answers" rather than the eccentric Swamp Dogg, judging from the interview done with Tyrone in the latest issue of the world's best rare funk/soul/beats magazine, Wax Poetics. Incidentally, if you read the info on Tyrone Thomas on the abovementioned web page, you will note that Tyrone Thomas also apparently was in the band backing legendary soul group Smoke who did that fantastic 70's rare soul LP on J Bridge !!!! Hope that helps Tony ! (By the way I preferred your previous avatar but we won't go into that again ... in any event your present avatar may be considered by the politically correct as possibly misogynistic or exploitative of women ... what a world we live in .... )
  10. Following on from the Christmas Day Sam Dees video clip ... How great it is to see the Dells still living it large, just last week ... same classic line up, Marvin Junior (apparently in good health, and just as well that his microphone volume is down low because as you all know he can shatter windows with that voice!) A Dells World Tour in 2008 would be a marvellous gift to Soul fans, wouldn't it ? https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=exvqScn-kRA
  11. Well said Baz, that's as how it should be, as usual , we Aussies are at the forefront of most things ! (See ya soon mate ! OO soul)
  12. Prefer mint copy unplayed . Let's say $800 US.
  13. Was there an original 60's UK issue or was its only UK appearance on the silver London label issued in the early 70's as a result of popularity on the northern scene ?
  14. Warren, If you are patient and avoid buying from the UK (except from absolutely reputable gentlemen like John Manship or Pete Smith), you'll likely get one at your price. Not only that but chances are it will be described and graded correctly according to the US Goldmine system (NO "ex" grades at all & NO "++" grades !) , not the UK Record Collector system. Also unlikely to have cue burn or done the rounds of the northern circuit. Happy hunting.
  15. No no my friend, you are mistaken, even with the same musicians, Sharon Jones is a real deal soul artiste, Amy Winehouse is not !
  16. Thanks Tone, you saved me some extra work on the keys ! As I said before, what Amy does is really nice, I genuinely like her music, the only thing is, it's just not soul music ! Amy is no more "soul" than Paul Weller or Paul Young or Jo Boxers or the Untouchables ! In other words, Amy is pop music pure and simple, nothing more, nothing less. But Sharon Jones is soul, not necessarily because of the colour of her skin, but because Sharon has "paid her dues" , she has actually lived soul music and soul culture !!! I'm afraid what people really need to realise is that Soul Music - for all intents and purposes - is now a defunct music form. As a living, breathing music form - it is dead. In the same way that Blues and Jazz as living musical forms died too. Soul Music has in fact effectively been dead since the mid 80's. Of course, it didn't suddenly die on one particular day but it was brought about due to a combination of social, cultural, economic and musical (industry) factors in the US over a period of years leading into the 80's. If you want to read about the demise of Soul Music, I recommend that you all read US music journo Nelson George's excellent book entitled "The Death of Rhythm and Blues". He actually wrote that book back in the 80's and, for example, lamented the fact that multinationals like CBS were failing to appreciate their own hit making artists like Johnny Taylor and Tyrone Davis and going for the easy dollar. The book details all the factors that led to the death of Soul Music and Soul Culture. Of course Soul Music is not completely dead however, the Soul Music torch has been carried on to a diminishing degree in small pockets of the US since the 80's by elder statesmen such as Bobby Womack and the late Johnny Taylor as well as the kind of artists that Sean Hampsey referred to in his earlier post, and also artists of the genre that we all used to refer to as "Real Soul" or "Indie Soul" artists through the 80's & 90's. But Amy Winehouse ? Or tracks like "Tribute To Betty" ? Or what people constantly have constantly referred to for 20 years as "soulful house" ??? Please !!! Just because a black girl wails over a dirge like 120 bpm computerised beat without chord changes does not make it soul ... or even soulful ! As I say , I am not in any way dismissing Amy Winehouse or house music as good music, they are worthwhile ... just don't confuse them with Soul Music ! When people ask what is Soul Music, I usually recommend that they read Barney Hoskin's excellent book "Say It One More Time For The Broken Hearted". Barney perfectly encapsulates the various factors that led to the genesis of Soul Music. What is really sad though is when people bandy the word "soul" about for every two bit pop artist as if the word "soul" is some worn out football to be kicked against the wall a million times. Or when people use the old stereotypical references - as Tony referred to above - like, is it about being "black or white" or, is soul just a "feeling" .... Soul Music is in fact actually all about specific time, people and places. It is about Motown and Memphis and Chicago and Philly ... it is about the Masqueraders and the Precisions and Bill Brandon and Betty Harris .. it is about Jerry Ragavoy and Van McCoy and Allen Toussaint and Gamble and Huff ... it is about James Jamerson and Bobby Eli and James Gadson ... and Hitsville and Fame and Muscle Shoals. And it is everything else and in between everything that we here on Soul Source for the most part enthusiastically rave about as if it was a life long love affair.
  17. Well done Sean for bringing some sanity to the discussion. I really like what Amy Winehouse does, but what people need to realise is that it's not soul music. She is a very good commercial pop artiste in the same fashion as Kylie Minogue or Madonna. But to mention her in the same breath as Etta James As Sean says, there are others artists who are the real deal who deserve far more attention on these pages ! You want real Soul music? Check out that Sam Dees clip on the other thread !
  18. Does anyone know whether Sam performs live in the States these days ?
  19. For God's sake, someone get Sam out to tour and perform live !!!!!!
  20. Probably because the population of Australia in the 60's was less than 10 million , that is, less than half what it is now, the music scene was absolutely tiny compared to even the small European countries like Holland and Belgium and the pressing runs of records were so small as to be almost negligible , all the evidence points to a couple of hundred at most (if that) of items like the Sapphires "Gonna Be A Big Thing " on Ampar or the Metros "Since I Found My Baby" on RCA or Patrick Bradley on Ampar or the Jackie Day EP on W & G. The Gloria Scott 45 on Casablanca remains ridiculously tough, and then you have perhaps the biggest prize of all , Billy Wood's "Let Me Make You Happy" on Aussie A & M ....
  21. Thanks Paul, like fellow "Aussie" Pete Fowler in Perth (WA, not Scotland !), we here in god's home at the other end of the world (Sydney) really feel for you all in the UK as we are enjoying our Soul X Mas with outdoor BBQ's, ice cold lager, and 30 degree celsius (80+ centigrade) heat on Bondi Beach and the whole Sam Dees catalogue on the I-Pod !
  22. Yeah, Pete, Aussie London 45 has that coupling. And Doris Willingham is indeed utterly brilliant and a bargain , Doris Duke of course !

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