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Everything posted by Sunnysoul

  1. The Australian release on Scepter is by far the rarest format.
  2. There's that Exciters "Tell Him" Scopitone film with Brenda in a red dress and the group are poncing about in a zoo or park or something like that but of course Brenda is black. If it's one of those early white girls you're referring to then you're talking '63 to '65. Would it have been a Where The Action Is TV show type clip where they filmed outside at unusual locations? Thing is ... Action , Shindig and the early teen music TV shows were almost all in black and white. Maybe the clip you're thinking of is taken from one of those beach movies which were produced in colour , especially if you're thinking it was Annette F ?
  3. Sunnysoul


    I second that emotion
  4. "sounkful" Marc is this a new Germ-English word ?
  5. Sad indeed. We have to respect Mae's decision for disposing of Earl's things but one wonders if there had been an acetate or tapes of his apparently unreleased LP.
  6. Probably all the usual reasons Roburt. As you know , companies like ABC, and Motown to name another obvious one, had release schedules planned well in advance but often never stuck to those plans in terms of release dates or even releasing the records at all . Other considerations like releasing product earlier or later than planned if the artist, for example, was touring the country in order to gain maximum exposure for the record etc etc. Interesting you specifically mention the Blue Notes though. In their case, the big split around that time (1976) between Harold Melvin and Teddy Pendergrass and then the Blue Notes themselves splintering into two groups (ABC & Glades) with all the possible legal ramifications may well have had something to do with the release timing of their first ABC LP.
  7. Come on boys & girls, Janice "Goody Two Shoes" 7" on Fantasy 770 ( issue ), should be plenty of these in your boxes !!! What if I were to offer you 50 quid for one, eh ?
  8. Simon - sent you a couple of PMs
  9. Sorry the title header is incorrect. The proper release number is 770 , not 771. Anyone fix me up with this cheapie please? Thanks.
  10. Night Owl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eroHb8D1CgY
  11. Really ? Maybe for the same old 5 or 6 LPs (Hesitations Metros Tempests etc ) that always get mentioned on here. The reality is in fact quite the opposite . Could name you hundreds of LPs from the 6Ts / 7Ts / 8Ts that always go well into 4 figures and are going upwards with time , not down. Thing is, LPs have appeal not only to rare soul collectors but also funk collectors. Moses Dillard & the Tex Town Display, Brief Encounter, Rhythm Machine , Mighty Ryeders , Freddie Terrell .... on and on and on ....
  12. Fes By Festival , you mean the Australian label. I'm afraid no Australian 45 release on Festival for "Big Surprise". But there was an Australian Festival 45 release for True True True/Uh Uh What Did I Do. Very rare indeed !!!
  13. Anyone have one for sale please? Please PM your set price. Prefer not to be asked to "make an offer". Cheers !
  14. Thanks Dave - the P Vine LP cover ... is it the same as the first US LP ?
  15. Bob - a little off your topic but I was wondering if you knew whether there was a second Ponderosa Twins LP ? None of the discographies mention it, nor is it even referred to anywhere on the web as far as I can see and I've been searching high and low for many years. Thing is, I could have sworn that I saw one on ebay a long time ago and I don't think it was my mind playing tricks. Also I don't think there has been any unique Japanese issued LP of their material other than a straight reissue of their first LP.
  16. Best barbecued and washed down with a nice red ...
  17. Think we often overlook the fact that to be a "big star" in the music industry, it often takes a lot more than just having a great voice. Forget who it was now but I remember reading an interview years ago with a well known female Detroit soul personality (could have been Bettye Lavette ?) and she was asked why J J Barnes, with his fabulous voice, was never as big as Marvin Gaye and she said "the cold, hard, facts were that J J simply never had the looks or moved like Marvin, end of story ".
  18. Have the LP but would like the seven please ! Just curious - is there a UK released seven of this?
  19. I love it too but time to re-discover and play some other brilliant Curtis dancers. By rights this 7" on Curtom from '76 should also be a monster:

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